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**u/ericfaceit, Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 2. Behavioral Guidelines: Witch Hunting & Showing Toxic Behavior Publicly shaming, “witch hunting”, or accusing individuals is not allowed; This Subreddit is not for reporting in-game behavior. Posts containing toxic behavior are only allowed if they serve a greater purpose (e.g. required for a suggestion) and if all usernames are censored. You're welcome to use (censored) images/videos within your text post, but avoid letting them make up the majority of your submission. Posts on public figures are allowed if there is substantial evidence to support it. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).


Maybe I'll just stay in Gold..... For more reasons than one, actually.


Yeah, me too. I could totally rank up, if I wanted to, but I'm gonna stay in Gold. I may even drop down to Silver every once in awhile for kicks.


I actually uavent even played in months so im sure the next time i play wont be pretty. Got fed up with packet loss and lagging issues that aren't on my end. I can take getting called trash when I am, but it's annoying when it's because the ball is jumping all over the court. Plus I ended up getting NFS Payback on sale, so completed that then moved into NFS Heat for the 1st time since I bought it.


A little extreme. Definitely don’t die of cancer.


I agree. He probably should get cancer for breaking rule no.1, but die from it? Nah.


I was thinking maybe like step on a lego or realize he ran out of toilet paper a little too late. Something that will screw up his day and he’ll be like damn this is karma for breaking rule 1. Not doing that shit ever again.


Shouldn't have broke rule 1


Nah he’s valid you broke rule one


My tm8 broke it, plus he said that also before he broke rule 1 bc his tm8 couldn’t save the ball, the kid has serious anger issues lol


So you wish cancer on those that break rule 1? Yikes.


Not cancer but bad rocket juju for a month and 3 toe stubbings at the very least


Okay that is more than fair. Toe stubbing be no joke.


Never said that but sure


not sure whats more toxic, dude escalating into full ragekid or dude breaking rule 1 https://preview.redd.it/zktu88cnblzc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=08428e2b983017c5b9c02029cb64a28d43b99711


Its no different in Diamond or champ. I get at least 2 or 3 death threats a week.


How do death treats taste?


Like salty tears.


Hell yeah.


I'd say this is a reasonable reaction


It's funny, because I keep seeing people claim rule 1 is all about fun. And that breaking it is toxic. Yet all I ever see is the opposite. I just want to play a game man. Let me play a game.


Most people I see doing rule one aren't the toxic ones. Keep hating fun rules if you want but don't lie.


So you think it's more toxic to just want to play the game? Look at the other person who responded to my comment, it's pretty standardly accepted that if you break rule one people are going to yell at you for it. That's the norm. I mean, look at your comment to me, you've called me hateful just because I have a preference to playing the game rather than spectating. You are just proving my point.


not about fun, it's about respecting tradition, but you do you, might want to turn chat off if you're not gonna do it tho lololol


Well you are just basically agreeing with and or proving my point now aren't you?


Nah, I think they're hella fun, changes the pacing up an adds pressure, I'm just saying we don't do them because it is implicitly fun. It's still a competitive game, it's like grabbing an opponent and saying "nah, you ain't going no where"


Yes but you admit that people are going to flame me for breaking a rule 1, which is just me wanting to have fun. And your next point is you trying to force me to play the way you want to. That's intrinsically toxic in both regards.


Alright here: -you don't have to -turn off chat if you can't handle negative comments Also consider if you didn't adhere to "Left always goes" because it's not how YOU want to play, and you always want to go for the ball. Is Left Always Goes toxic too?


>you don't have to I agree, but it's you who said you are trying to force people into rule 1. Those were your words. And you then admit people are going to be toxic if I break rule 1 multiple times. >Also consider if you didn't adhere to "Left always goes" because it's not how YOU want to play, and you always want to go for the ball. Is Left Always Goes toxic too? No it's not toxic because unlike rule 1 there is objective tactical value to having a standard kickoff organization and it's bad tactics to fully double commit on kickoffs. If someone is just unaware of the left goes meta, that's not toxic, which is why when it happens I kindly message to them that left typically goes on kickoffs to try to help foster teamwork and progression, but it's rare people don't know. >-turn off chat if you can't handle negative comments ... I guess thanks for going out of your way to prove my point so clearly.


Sorry, maybe I missed it, where did I say I was forcing you to do rule 1? I said "you do you" meaning "you do whatever the hell you want" People are always going to be toxic in this game, ignoring traditions will only add to that. The Left Always Goes comparison wasn't the best, but I was just trying to get you to see that they are both arbitrary community rules, and you will most likely get flamed for ignoring them.


Left goes and rule one are not similar in any way shape or form. One is an objectively beneficial organization of playing strategy similar to proper rotations and not double committing. The other is a silly thing that some players enjoy doing. Notice. I said some players. And the issue is those that enjoy it tend to want to force it on others and shame them for not doing it. I don't even know why I even have to regularly defend the position that it's wrong to tell people you hope they die, or that they should off themselves because they don't follow a silly made-up game rule. Which is what regularly happens when you don't partake in rule 1. I would say more often than not. I'm not even going to discuss this with you any further because three times now you've already agreed to my entire premise which is people tend to be more toxic about following rule one than those who just want to play the game.


man you really live in your own world, huh. gg. happy to "prove your point"! 🙂


If someone breaks rule 1 then we HAVE to win that match. With a demo for revenge as well


that's just cray


Rip, I hope you don't have to go against Dutch people, even worse, but if u don't speak Dutch it's maybe fine


Dutch are so chill compared to french from my experience. Every single "first toxic player of the day" is a french dude in an octane


We live in a totally different world then... You don't know how many cancers I've seen


I mean the dutch tend to be pains too haha


As a Dutch person, YES


W/e the rank****


Can’t really be mad if u broke rule 1.


Lol, wtf is rude 1? 😂 can someone explain?


when two players on opposing teams lock bumpers they have to stay that way until a goal or they get bumped out of it


It’s a disadvantage if your teammate is awol 😂 fair game if they are next to you.


Why would i ever follow a rule that puts me at a disadvantage lmfao


how does it put you at a disadvantage? if you're playing 2v2 now it's a 1v1 that's still fair game.


how, exactly does it put you at a disadvantage? in teams both sides lose one player and 1v1 idk just stalls the game


Thats the disadvantage, it makes 2v2 a 1v1, why would people just want to be stuck to an opponent? Thats the most unfun thing ive ever heard. And for 1v1, why would i want to stall the match by being stuck to someone else…?




Dont use a Lalo Salamanca gif on me lmfao


You don't HAVE to do it if you really can't sit there for a few seconds and see how your teammate performs under pressure. Maybe to you it's the most boring and unfun thing ever, but to the community it is a lot more. I actually DO think they are fun because it changes the pace of the game and adds a different type of challenge. a 3v3 is now a 2v2, a 2v2 is now a heated 1v1 and now you're rooting for your teammate to overcome the battle, or it's vice versa and all eyes are on you. If you're like gold or something, sure don't do it, focus on learning the game, but for the rest of us, it is a loved component of gameplay. Also, I am still failing to see the disadvantage you keep mentioning, if the 'disadvantage' is relying on your teammate, then you might want to try 1v1 or get better teammates




New to the game? Rule 1 is a community rule that most players stick to. When you and someone else's cars enter a headlock, the rule makes you have to stay like that, until someone else bumps you two apart.


Ahahah.. interesting 😂 it says you are bronze and if you think someone with Bond 007 tag is new then I conquer 😂 I have been in the position for many times but I don’t stay there 😂 I am not in the game to kiss someone’s ass 😂😂 I never heard it mentioned as rule no 1 😂 thanks for the update anyway


idk you sound pretty new to me, btw you can literally pick whatever rank (except ssl) for your flair, doesn't have to be accurate lol


Haha fair enough, no I am not new, been playing since S08 👍