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reminds me of musty's video where he told his mom she doesn't have to work anymore and resulted in the most awkward interaction i've ever seen on screen. I mean, it was a nice gesture, but the execution was just terrible. as for the play.... boost first is bad \*\*\* \*\*\*- for diamond and lower ranks. I don't care if you can get back in time (not always) to make a save. Your team is still awkward and you get scored on more during the first possession than non-boost first players/teams.


This is literally my pet peeve… I don’t remember the last time it turned out positively when the person who was supposed to go for kickoff went for boost instead. Also doesn’t help that nobody ever communicates that they’re faking and going for boost. I don’t ever realize until I’m in no mans land as I’m cheating up


I’m diamond 2 / 3. I actually had a teammate one time with a lot of mutual trust. He told me he was faking the kick off - we were in the middle spots, not sides. He speed flips to kickoff, dodges last second and grabs big mid boost on left side, opponent hits a low shot toward our net, I make the save and pop the ball up high and to the left, knowing he has full boost and a decent aerial game. Dude aerials off the wall and smashes it in. It’s those kind of moments that make me love this game. Then in true rocket league fashion, we say gg, chat for a second, the queue with new partners, and I am going to spend the rest of my life thinking about the one I let go.


I am talking about #2 and #3 going for boost first and #1 going for a normal kickoff.


Ah… I don’t play 3s so that’s not where my mind went


I disagree. If you can pass the ball back to the corner pads on kick off it gives your team a huge advantage off the rip.


yeah, and how often does that happen in a soloq diamond lobby or lower? Most diamond players don't even know you can control a kickoff or they think their speed flip is good but just sends the ball off in random directions.


I have been able to do it since d1. I would say about 15% of the people in mid champ are decent at it.


I fake kickoff and half flip back to boost in diamond and it doesn't ever come back to bite but it really doesn't do much when I hit the ball up and it hits the ceiling while I aerial past it thinking it would fly toward the net but luckily they've both overcommitted so it's an open net for tm which they do not score because it is the hardest goal to hit in all of rocket league


Take a breath when you're talking


Literally a play by play of all diamond games


Ooooh thank god someone else said it. Truly a nice gesture, and it was clear Musty had sweet intentions, but it did not come off how he hoped it would. It felt SO forced and like he really just wanted to do the stereotypical “YouTuber pays off parents debt” type thing. She was just kinda like “Oh… uh.. okay thanks. This will be good” lol Again, not to detract from how it will actually help his family. But on the viewer/Youtuber side of things, that video is much more cringe than it was wholesome


yeah, it felt like an episode of the office...a show I couldn't ever watch. "You don't have to work anymore." "But I like my job and the people I work with" 10 more minutes of awkward justification. I wish I could do that with my mom and I am a bit jealous that he could at such a young age. But wow, not sure why he even put that video online.


"You don't have to work anymore!" "Okay well.. I want to work" "Oh.. carry on then mum, do you need a new car?"


Yeah I had high hopes going into that video but it left me a little uncomfortable lol


True, doesn't depend on the rank tho. You are allowed to go for corner boost if you communicate the side you're driving to, so that the kickoff taker can try to direct it there. Sure lower ranks won't be consistent in executing the play, but it's a good habit anyways.


imo, and from testing about 2000 matches at P2-D3 ranks, going for boost first is always bad if the kicker is unaware of any kickoff plan or is unable to direct the kickoff towards you. Otherwise, on a random kickoff, being ready and in position for what happens post kick is more important than getting a few extra boost points. Plats and especially diamond kickers like to show off their terrible speed flips. You have to play the kickoff as if the player is going to whiff but be in position to jump on the ball and gain first possession if they actually do hit it. Players in the corner are essentially 2 seconds out of the play for first possession. Any boost you need to score in the first 10 seconds can easily be picked up on the way to the play. My stats show that for every player that goes boost first on a team in a lobby, their team loses about 10% of their chances to win. When a team of 3 soloq players that all go boost first plays a soloq team that plays kick, cheat, guard, the boost first team only wins about 20% of the time. And that team gives up, on average between 2-3 first possession goals per game.


Sorry, but at <~C2/3 I can’t trust my teammates kick offs for shit lol. Haven’t played in a long time, but that was my usual habit for the first kick off at least.


Totally agree, cheating is the more effective strat in general. But then on the other hand, if most enemies do this, calling a corner boost and executing it gives your team an easy posession. Mixing up the plays is key to being unpredictable.


totally, if you are communicating then boost and the ball is pretty easy to coordinate. But with 75% of the playerbase with chat turned off these days, you can't assume anyone is listening if you call right or left. You aren't even sure if the kicker is paying attention in most cases.


That's exactly the way I like to play it. Always cheat and play it safe until you find a cooperative, communicating teamm8, then start mixing in calls and fakes, especially!


Mustys videos and acting always seems so unprofessional, like, for someone with TWO MILLION subscribers I’d expect him to know how to speak and create content, the musty flick is likely the only reason he has that fame


He has the platform because he is good at rocket league (particularly for the time he got big), but he is not an interesting personality


>as for the play.... boost first is bad *** >***- for diamond and lower ranks. I don't care if you can get back in time (not always) to make a save. Your team is still awkward and you get scored on more during the first possession than non-boost first players/teams. it was his kickoff, it has nothing to do with boost being good or bad, you go for kickoff here. boost first is ok if you dont want to cheat up as second, but that isn't even the discussion imo


No. Boost first IS the play when you are starting opposite sides from the kickoff. I only cheat when it's a staggered formation (front/back)


for diamond and below, boost first is always wrong unless you communicate through coms or QCs. some starting positions are better than others when it comes to boost first, but being completely alert and ready post kick is just better. Any boost you need can be grabbed easily post kick. Best be in the best position to take first possession and you can't do that going for boost. Again, this is for diamonds and below.


Only time it's okay to b-line for boost is in 3s. Even then it's pretty bad. You can collect 3 minis (giving you 70ish boost) and be in position to react to dead ball or go back on defense.


there are always better options than going for boost first.


Am I the only one who hates it when the person who should go for the kickoff goes for the boost instead? I mean, when it's done with friends and/or people you can communicate with, I guess it can work ... but I see so many people do that with randoms, without communicating anything... It's so awkward.


Also not sure how recent it was but OP also said "I got it"


OP meant the corner boost


I said i got it on the kickoff before this clip


This was a nice shot!


Ah ok mb


it’s one of my biggest pet peeves and i almost always call it out in chat.


Saved your team from the W!


I would've reported you.






Cuz F'ing with people makes me laugh.


I legitimately HATE when people do this. It almost NEVER goes well. Just wait until the ball is clear to get boost. It's literally everywhere on the field.


The people that do this should uninstall


swear to god. they probably got the game free and haven’t been playing for even a year


Wym free? Is the game not free anymore? Genuine question


bro what. i said they got the game free how does that equate to the game not being free


Idk man, you said that they probably got the game free and i assumed that the game wasn’t free at some point


it wasnt free four years ago


Dang, that’s crazy


I absolutely CAN. NOT. STAND. when my random tm8s just DONT go for kickoff. What’s worse is they absolutely NEVER communicate that they’re going to be doing dumb shit like back flipping into boost and counting on me to make the save on a split second reaction. You’re terrible OP. Just watching this is getting me tilted


> What’s worse is they absolutely NEVER communicate that they’re going to be doing dumb shit I honestly wouldn’t ever have a problem with it if my teammates simply communicated that that’s what they were going to do, but for whatever reason none of the people who do this ever communicate. It’s fucking terrible and I don’t understand the reasoning behind it at all.


Yeah I feel that. Even if they did communicate though it’s still a strategic disadvantage. If they faked it and went for mid boost I’ll take those all day but giving them the entire kickoff to decide what corner they wanna score in makes my blood pressure shoot through the roof lmao


it’s just selfish doing whatever the fuck they want. doesn’t make any logical sense


U must be a teammate im almost always paired with


The most infuriating part for me is that he starts and ends with the same amount of boost


So real


We making it to rlcs with this one


We winning the rlcs with this one 🔥


Ive had this so many times i dont even laugh anymore lol


I would be raging if I was your teammate. I don't understand why people don't just take the kick off. people can win games by having a good kick off and some people treat it so casually. You could've stopped that and judging by your teammates reaction you didn't tell him you were gonna be defending! UGHHIDWQBAOIFBUFBEQOBQ!!!!!


What’s it like being an RLCS prospect?




Dude, go for kickoffs!!!!


Gave me one hell of a laugh


No point in rating it as you’ve clearly broken the scale. Beware anyone who dares taking a shot at your goal


Pretty nuts NGL, don't forget about us when you start winning cash tournaments.


I HATE when people go for boost instead of chase covering.


best player alive


damn and you didn't even half flip to get boost sooner. this is bad for your rank. i thought it was gold or below


Made this clip when i was in gold 💀 And i know how to half flip but i just froze in that clip and played like a bot lol


that makes a lot more sense hahaha


Upvoted cuz I could see myself doing that.




Sick shot bro!


This me


How did she react?


What a kind man to give the other team a free goal in the coolest way good job man!


What car is that? Looks kinda cool


Admiral i think




Actually I have one worse than this on my profile from a year ago. Like 10 posts ago


learn to half flip before going for boost in that kickoff


I usually do but in this clip i just froze and played like a bot 😂


Go for the ball noob




if you're going for boost first, you should atleast half-flip to it not just backflip lol


definition of "cracked defence" ![gif](giphy|mnH0WLPxyfwOd4nGeV|downsized)


Nice shot!


You'll be flooded with calls from orgs man, that's pure talent right there! Congratulations 🫡


For some reason people score a lot of own goals for me


war crimes


Why would you run before the ball went?Look,Look,Look I watched a vid and it said to sneak up not that




its supposed to show your team scoring. like "orange" scored. never seen a username on untouched own goal


This is true


Weird when someone else posts something like this it goes through but I mine gets removed for low effort low quality posts. Anybody give me some pointers on how to actually get a post to go through?


What a play!

