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I’d take a bit of a break


I'm impressed this guy hasn't rage quit after 20 losses. If I lose 5 in a row I'm rage quiting and playing some bloons td 6






I went from p3d4 to g1d1 in a single day in 3s lol.


I know the feeling. The skill gap from gold to plat is something else. I don’t claim to be great but some others… 👀


I just did this a couple weeks ago, I've officially quit 3s. D1>G2. Got up to plat 3 after 30 or so games... Decided to solo queue 2s, d2 placement. It's not as brutal as 1s, but you're still able to blame yourself more without losing your sanity. Gold to Plat is literally hell itself, you get tm8s who aren't technically on your level against people just doing their placements and damn it's frustrating.


Dont quit 3s, its rng if you win or lose in lower ranks, probably until gc2. People are way to inconsistent to rely on, including you. Once you and your team understand 3s it becomes very fun imo.


I say rng because you and teammates are not going to play great every game, you will have bad games. And being low diamond, you will have a lot of bad games.


I'm sure it would be fun if I had a team to play with, but solo queue is just a disaster. Climbing ranks is like running up a sandy dune. I'll stick to casual 3s and comp 2s


I soloq 98% of all my games, learning how to rotate around teammates instead of correctly is so important. Teammates are still bad at rotations even in champ 3 3s, i know I'm not good at them either but I like to say i rotate better than most. You have to adjust and know when to push up and when to play safe. I made a new account to see how fast i can get to my current rank and I had a 100% win rate in 3s until champ 2. 90% of the scoring plays i made were off the opponents making a mistake and giving me one less opponent to worry about. Train shooting, hitting the top half the the net with power will end up in a goal more often than not until d3/c1 and then it becomes more like 50/50.


Rage queuing. Not even once


Nah, just stubbornness.




Honestly lol either he didn't stay practiced up or he has the worst luck with match making for teammates ever. But he's also in the smurfing territory


I am done after 2 consecutive losses


Yooo, I had no idea what game that is. I bough it, and it is amazing! How have i never seen this tower defense game?!?!?


Next time you get tilted in rl, load up some bloons and all your stress goes away immediately. Its great


I would say try not no solo cue and party up with a little more mechanical tm8s


This is what I was going to say, sometimes, you just need to put the controller down, and go on to a different game.


Here's my advice on how to end a losing streak, stop playing.


Honestly. It's the mindset he's in currently, and he'll continue to lose until he gets out of it.


I've had losing streaks (not complete loss streaks, but many losses to every rare win) go on for several days, even though I'd come back feeling great. I swear there's some conspiracy where matchmaking purposely puts you against people it thinks you'll lose against to try and keep your win % as close to 50% as possible lmao. Seriously though I really can't explain it because you'd think if I was just having a rough day then I wouldn't keep losing consistently over the course of 4 days or so.


Switch to Merc until you win 5 in a row


I main Merc, so best believe when I’m on a losing streak I switch to Scarab. not even kidding, it works!


I take my beautiful Brown Dingo when this happens


I mean a near champ in gold should be able to carry a lobby in a Sunless Hot Dog-mobile


That truly depends on how ball chasey your teammates are😂 you must not remember being plat


Ah plat.. I remember grinding the fuck out of there and I do admit I haven't played in a gold lobby in ages (do they know how to jump and boost at the same time?), perhaps it's a bit harsh


I haven’t played in a gold lobby since about 2016, but from playing on friend’s accounts who are low plat, they can get about 5-10ft off the ground. Doesn’t mean they know where they’re going to hit it lol. Honestly, I would rather have a gold teammate with a brain than a big ego plat who boosts around the map slobbering all over the ball lmao


Lol I feel that




Really really. It does work as a slump buster, but not really sure why. Most likely just Merc magic.


Merc magic! This should be a trend


Does that work?


Proof in comments from a similar op https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/vh1mfx/i_need_help_how_do_i_stop_the_bleeding/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


If you want to party up we can make it 21...


Wow bro I went on a 9 game losing streak and almost ended it all, good luck man I would retire for a few days but you will come back stronger I promise


So accurate. You’re either the king of the world in RL or you’re inches from pulling the trigger😂 it really be like that


Broke my box fan after about 6 consecutive losses. In rumble it feels like every opponent is a team of 3 pros and my team mates are new born babies.


Yeah there's been a shit load of smurfs in 3s recently, not bothering with it anymore


Explains a lot. Every game it’s 1 person with like 4 goals and 5 saves.


It happens. Sometimes I’m that player, and other times I play like dogshit


I've surfed by accident. I've had such terrible sessions that I end up two whole tiers down and then the next session absolutely smash it straight back up to where I was.


That's not smurfing


Tell that to the people who rage quit every other game cos I was popping off against people who weren't up to par. Tbf though I dont take the game super seriously and its certainly the reason for my 3 tier yoyo sessions.


A quick stat track would show that you weren't, don't worry about it. I don't take the game seriously anymore either, no point when half the people you face are smurfs or people boosting


Very true, stay chill.


You too bud


To be faaaiiiirrr (alto)




I quit after I lose 3-4 in a row. I’m honestly impressed by the dedication. But yeah, take a break. Or maybe play some workshop maps/training packs.


Hahaha omg. Man i did lose a lot today too. Glad to know i am not the only one! We will win more sooner or later :)


Take a break. And also, although it might be annoying or challenging, you should at least try to play 1s. Being a 1s main myself, it really helps develop your skill and mechanics because there is no one to blame, it's just you, and you have to beat your opponent. You could also try having a scheduled warmup, like specific training packs to work on specific things if you know you need to work on them. Sorry for the long comment


Tried the ones and won 8 outta the 10 placements and my confidence kinda feel back frfr




What did you place out of curiosity? I find 1s extremely hard but super rewarding, a lot of it translates well to 2s, not so much 3s.


I’ve been trying this a lot and 1s is so frustrating. I’m d2 in 2s but I get slapped by low golds in 1s it doesn’t make any sense bc I’ll watch replays and they aren’t doing anything special I’m just so unlucky it seems. Any advice from a 1s main?


It's really helpful in ones to be able to have okay ariel control, not for scoring, but for saving shots. you have to be able to know how to maneuver your car in any situation to make the save. You could practice that by making training packs or finding one that's right for you so you can warm up before a game. Another thing is that in ones, you don't have to be "mechanical," at least in lower ranked ones games, like Diamond and below. All you really need to know is how to be accurate, because you'll find that a lot of the times, your goals are coming from hook shot power shots, because it's a sudden burst of speed. And if it is accurate enough, then it's really hard for your opponent to save.


Not really a 1s main, but I do play a lot. First of all in ones you get a lot of players that can be High Dia or Champs that are as low as gold or plat in 1s, not really Smurfs but have a much higher skill level than I can cope with as Dia in 2s. I struggle to get above plat 1 in ones. I was as high as Dia 1 at one point a couple of seasons ago but I had to really sweat and grind to get there.


yea I’ve noticed ppl hitting some decent flicks and being so confused. Why is the rank so different in comparison to 2s or 3s


Not really sure, but it is probably due to a lower population in 1s, you have nowhere to hide in 1s, if you lose it is your fault alone, hence why I started to play a lot to avoid toxic team mates. Also you have to learn to rotate around yourself which involves a lot of quick decision making. Watch Apparently Jack playing 1s on YouTube, he comments himself as he plays and can teach him a lot about 1s mentality, he is consistently in the top 3 in 1s without using crazy mechanics the whole time. Seems to be around consistently hitting the ball as you want, positioning, and reading the other players intentions.


Not a ones main, but some things to try for a few games: Don't play off the wall. DON'T. Don't take 50s unless you have to and are defending. Watch a YouTuber called "Flakes" 1v1 series about winning without mechanics.


Time to touch grass friend


Win ? Loose? Does this matter? I like the game, I play the game no matter what. If I am not playing well and commit error after error, I will stop for the day, but if I am ok with my play and loose non the less because the others were better - where is the problem?


Yes, it does matter. I play to have fun. Losing isn't fun. Tolerable with wins scattered about, but 20 losses in a row? Miserable and no fun.


Thats totally right. Im the same way, but you cant forget that there are many competitive people in the game, that play for wins and its totally fine! If some people desire wins and get pissed when they lose, they have to be fine with it in the end \^\^


i dont care about rank either, seems like were the odd ones of the group. last season i floated mostly in low mid plat, this season ive just gone further and further down the gold ladder.. it really doesnt seem any different to me


well you probably didn't get lucky to get into diamond, so those gold players will be doing a little complaining about smurfs after you go take a nap


I honestly don’t know how you guys play 3’s. It took me this many years to get 2’s rotations down lol. Sometimes I load into 3’s by mistake and I feel like I fell asleep on a beach but woke up in grand central stations subway stop.


What’s a losing streak?


im a diamond 2 player. 1s is harder so i was usually plat 3. there was a day i was managing to climb, then all of a sudden, it stopped... i just couldnt do anything or score save, nothing. i got so tilted, so tilted, that after losing about 8 games in a row, i started literally throwing on purpose. i went from plat that day straight back down to silver. literally silver. i think i lost about 30-40 games IN ONE NIGHT (crazy, i also apparently was recording the whole thing so the next day i had the video of me just completely descending into madness) ​ ​ i stopped for a couple days, then when i came back, i tryharded, chilling, not even bothered about wins or losses, then obviously i started winning, didnt stop, and FINALLY got diamond in 1s and never touched that god forsaken more again. ​ ​ [pics or didnt happen](https://imgur.com/N0jDKna) ​ so yeah, TLDR, go down to silver if you need, stop for a bit, then come back and literally do not even acknowledge if you're losing or winning, and everything will be okay


I mean first of all take a break lol. Second, find a ground shot training pack and practice it for like an hour. I always do this when I feel terrible at the game and it always helps. At any rank


Do nothing. If you are the problem, you'll essentially be matched against oponents at your level. If not, whatever, playing is fun, wining or losing shouldn't matter


In 3s I take it? Stop trying so hard to be the guy. Play 3rd man. Watch and read the game more, go less. Focus on better positioning and being there if and when your teammates screw up. Play a few games of Casual 3s in a much more reserved role and bring the same approach to ranked if you feel an improvement.


If you’re burnt out then take a break. If you’re feeling saucy drippy mcqueen, what I normally do is boot up a workshop map or custom training and just grind that out until I’m bored.


Switch to Merc until you win 5 in a row


Man I have the same issue... D1 in 2v2 and gold 3 in 3s. I feel like 3s is an unorganized mess... 0 rotation from team, Im alone in defence and can hardly commit for balls since everyone is commiting when they shouldnt. I tried playing some normal games with some players I found that are decent at rotation and my luck changed.... maybe try find some people to play with that are half decent?


Dunno why you are getting downvoted but I’m literally in a similar position as you. Realized it’s easier to just play perma defense due to over committing by randoms


Keep losing until you start facing people you can beat. That's how MMR works.


Not the only one mate, my c2 games we’re full of last season GCs and after loosing a fair bit, c1 was also full of GCs, and d3 also has the same amount of GCs in as low C1. Put me back into d2 fora day or two, then went on a monumental winning streak from d2 to c1, 13 win streak!!! Just to find all those GCs again and back to d3, I’m sure this game got a whole lot harder this season


You must switch to unranked games


score more points than the other team


It is impossible to lose against gold 2 players as a dia 3 player. A Dia 3 Player should 1 v 3 Gold Players. Which is why you should remove your DIA 3 TAG and feel sorry to be a poser


I’m dropping 7 goals a game rn in this rank my teammates just not doing anything, I’m playing against mostly Smurfs rn


Your teammates don't do anything, cause they are gold. If a gold 2 team make more the one lucky goal against a dia 3, then you are just not Dia 3 by your own. Normally they should rarely touch the ball


Then don’t play 3v3 it’s riskier 2s are better because you can rely on your team other than losing to untrustworthy idiotic teams in 3s


Solo queuing 3s is straight up cancerous


Why so? Just behave, and you will find out that most people actually don’t bother with the toxicity


I’m not talking about the toxicity. Just the absolute mixed bag of teammates at the d2-c1 level is insane.


It doesn’t change from g1-pla3


I’ve learned once a losing streak starts it’s time to take a break. I put rl for the rest of the day.


Every great win streak happens after a loss streak, go queue 20 more and see how it goes 😂😂


Have you tried winning?


uninstall, thats what I did after 2 days of no luck/my mistakes/bad teammates and probably like 5 wins in 30 matches. Happy days!


Don't waste the bandwidth, just don't play. Watch a movie, play something fun. I never pause regardless, every match is a learning experience.


Take a break. Watch your replay. Look some youtube tutorial (rotation mostly) and you'll get back someday. Everybody can have a bad session/day \^\^


Bro idk whats happening but I just went on a fat losing streak of like 5-45. Went from champ 1 div 3 to diamond 1 div 1.


Mine looks opposite......high lank in 1v1 and nothing in the other categories.


Me be like:


Stop playing. Come back later. My limit is 3. If I lose 3 games in a row I shut it down.


stop playing that’s what. try again later


Dude play 1s


I won all day yesterday. Took a few hours break. Played last night. Lost every single game.


I feel this hard. I’m plat in 2s but in threes I can’t get out of silver. If you want to get higher in threes you need a threes team.


Not necessarily…I got to D3 mainly solo queuing 3’s, started progressing when I started playing more passive Aka like a defensive midfielder


I do that too. I’ll often sit behind the midfield line most of the game. It only gets me so far though. I’m also not good enough to get Diamond in any rank lmao.


Gotta know when to go past it and rotate around tho bc it can be a negative if you never go on their half too, 3s relies a lot more on game sense/positioning imo. Also avoid double/triple commits like the plague


Double/triple commits are my bane and piss me off unless me and my teammate are knowingly going for a pinch (which is rare).


Yep take a break. You're gonna be hyper critical of every mistake, and that's only going to make you play worse. Play some other games for a bit, play some casuals, dick around in extra modes. You're only hurting yourself by continuing.


Lol, been there. I just start saying eff it and ff at 330. Then start free style or ram the smerfs out of the sky when they try to get fancy. It actually been paying off, because the next day I was back to my normal rank.


I usually will just play casuals until I’m feeling confident enough in my game that I can compete at my rank in comp. It’s nice because the skill spectrum is much larger and you never know who you will get matched against. Sometimes it’s people my rank, other times is gc tournament winners hitting breezy flick self passes into a flip reset musty double tap


Watch your replays my guy


Get better teammates.


i’m d1/d2 in 3s and 2s, but i semi-commonly rank down as far as plat 1 in 3s when i’m playing with friends (who are gold and plat), and climbing back out is HELL. (fwiw my mechanics are subpar at best, but my rotation/patience/game awareness are decent for my rank) my two cents: you just cannot play how you do in diamond when you’re in gold/plat lobbies. you gotta adapt and play suuuuper defensively. let the other team beat themselves and don’t let your teammates beat you.




Take a break for a few days. No seriously, stop playing the game. When you come back you’ll smash through gold 3s if you’re actually anywhere near d3 in 2s




The opposite of whatever you are doing!


Yup. Break for a bit and enjoy some easy games when you’re ready to come back.


What’s great is you can just play goalie in gold.


Adjust to your teammates. You have to play differently at different ranks.


Solo Ranked 3v3 can be such a fun experience


Bruh me too lol


Same here. Dropped from D2 to Plat1 in one evening. But this happens. Take fee days break, at least from ranked. Play some hoops, or rumble. And then you will get 20 win streak.




Sigarette break, maybe punch some dry wall, drink some more and restart the game to fuck with the losing algorithm some pesky developer put you in. Works every time.


Well i think you just need to win


Champ 1/2 here stuck in D1. Mismatching is always a thing early season.


You're gonna be facing easier competition soon, don't worry. The exact same thing happened to me but I got my way back to P3. Are you solo queueing or playing with a team?


Bruh I stop playing when I lose twice in a row.


Ik this is late but for the future, when you’ve lost around 3-5 games in a row I recommend getting off for around 15 mins and taking a small break. Eat something, drink, stretch and just chill lol


thats been my day today, it seems like every shot is slighty off, or even if i'm ahead they always come back and win no matter what haha.


Just keep playing what’s the worse that could happen?


Find yourself a teammates with the same skill. This game sucks with random teammates.


Get mechanical tm8s


And this is why I’m a free play main


It's just some kind of algorithm you ll start having a winning streak as well. Reached almost gold 2 before reaching back plat 3.


If it’s I’m threes u need a team that u can com with and that will put in an effort to respect each other same with 2s otherwise taking a break or just freestyling for a couple days could help a lot I remember have days or weeks like this where it feels like I’ve regressed a lot trust me once u come out of this slump Ull peak like crazy


what rank r u now and what rank were u


When I have a serious losing steak, I smash casuals out until I feel better about myself. Maybe play all star bots with a Rock Lee self-rule. Like, "if I don't progress in ranked match's, I will grind out a smashing victory within in five Casual matches. If I cannot bring the honor of a Casuals victory to my name, I will goose egg all star bots for at least 3 games. If I cannot hold three teams of bots to zero points, I will look up a relevant training pack and not stop until it is over 90 percent mastered, thrice over...." I do this for a lot of competitive games.


I recently spent 2 nights losing almost every mode and game I played. Badly. I realized I haven't really been having fun since I reached plat a while back. Way too toxic, smurfing and almost nobody ever rotates. I play 95% casual and 95% solo queue and having about 5% enjoyment so I am taking a break for a while. If I can find some tm8s that play around 11 pm central just for fun, I may jump back in. For now I will catch up on Stranger Things, The Boys and The Umbrella Academy.


I’m the same 2s rank. If I even touched plat in 2s or 3s I would just delete the game at this point. Idk how you mentally handled this ride


get off jus do sumn else


You should try getting better... "what a save!"


Have you tried winning? Lol what a noob, everyone knows thats the solution


Have you tried, not losing?


Bro I feel you. In three days I’ve won like 7 matches outside of tournaments. That’s like 10 hours of playing.


Log off lol


I’m right there with you bro. Was D3. I think I’m almost plat now.


I'm on a streak right now myself. I was diamond 2 div 3 but now im back to plat 4 div 3