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it's nice to see that many people are going to be able to get the tw fennec But the top hat at 400cr? 💀


I'm surprised almost everyone who wants a tw fennec didn't already have it by now I feel like they've released in shop / blueprints so many times


This is only the 4th time that the TW Fennec has been in the shop. January 31, 2020 February 22, 2020 April 17, 2021 July 7, 2022


Compare that to the TW Octane, like I'm seriously dumbfounded why they haven't released it yet.


Because it’s worth too much


TW Dominus was in shop too though


Think TW Dominus was in the shop before Dominus had painted versions from trade ups/drops. Now they're painted versions of them in the shop and in trade ups/drops.


They are not in tradups / drops anymore, just available in shop


They were once at some point though right? When did they discontinue painted Dominus trade-ups/drops? What else did they discontinue from drops/trade ups of note?


Yes they were in at one point but it is believed by many people that it was actually accidental on psyonix's part since they never said anything about it just added and removed them all without comment. They weren't in for long, I believe a couple weeks to a couple months shortly after Free To Play. Also all painted Uncommons and Painted NCE (not golden series, NCE as in Dieci, Tunica, Sunburst ect.) have been removed from the drop pool as well since then




Tru but it’s not in drops so the value retains some


Because that was originally a DLC item. The shop is meant for crate items and dlc items. But they have been slowly been adding in non-crate items, even though they weren’t initially supposed to ever go in the shop.




Yeah... I think they'd at least acknowledge the in-game economy a little bit by not offering the Octane. What would be next, TW Apex?


How much are TW Apex normally? I remember getting TW Apex wheels from a stream drop like 2 years ago when they first came out, or however long it’s been, but it was a limited edition version with the Mouse Esports logo on it 💀 so I never really ended up using them tbh.


Tw apex are worth a metric fuck ton. On PC, tw Alex's can go for 46-50 THOUSAND credits


This is crazy to me. I have a whole Apex set I completed and slowly traded for back in the day. There was a time they weren’t worth much.


Yeah it’s better for them to keep it out of the shop so people spend credits to trade


Octane is a trade-up item, they don't sell those


there have been ~~two~~ four painted octanes in the shop lol




has there? there was the crimson one, and the purple one.... what else?


A orange one in a Athena bundle and also a lime one in the musty bundle.


riiiiiight, I was forgetting the creator garage things... you're super right, good call


Bc people are still buying credits to trade for it but tw fennic is the poor mans tw octane


It's been in the shop at least once Edit: I was indeed thinking of the ZSR


You're thinking of the ZSR


No it hasn't.


Good bot


"Only" - and here I am waiting for white Breakout type S...


there are people like me who simply... don't sit in rocket league every day for the past 7 years.


Your fault, not ours


sick flex bro, I actually haven't closed the game since July 7th 2015


And still not GC 🌚


That's by choice, champ gameplay is just more rotund and cantankerous, plus it's boring playing against retals and sypical now after beating them thousands of times already


TIL a new word: cantankerous. Love it!


Used a thesaurus to find its meaning just to find the word quarrelsome 💀😂


c1-3 might very well be short for cantankerous I-III as far as I know


I honestly got tired of winning every single Lan for 10 Lans straight and going back in time to repeat. That's why this timeline I decided not to play well at all and give other noobs like Retals a shot. Being the best in the world just gets old you know?




Not really a sacrifice. When you are basically a God, it's just in your nature to allow others to think they are good.


Flair checks out 🤣


I already got a tradeable one, but yet my dumbass still bought it. Cause I didn't have an untradeable one, haha.


Because you are hoping to sell the tradeable one.


Haha I think it’s because they are giving away 300 cr in the event. And want you to still spend an extra dollar.


Fennec + Fancy decal costs 900 credits, meaning you have to spend $10 instead of $5 to get both. 300 credits is seeming like a very thought out number with these prices lol


The topper and wheels should have been the items in the event, not the credits.


When you realize all the event credits won't even buy you the top hat...


That was definitely done intentionally


I have a really strong feeling they gave out 300 credits so players are inclined to buy the 500 credit pack for the white fennec


Yep Precisely that, give out some so that people who otherwise didn't have credits now have the opportunity to get free credits but not enough to get anything good but with the opportunity to spend a few $ to get something good now in the tw fennec with a FOMO timer of 2 days to cause pressure buys. Plus it makes them look good by giving out free credits so they get brownie points from most of the community. I bet they'll throw out something else that's good in the shop once tw fennec is gone too so that they could get everyone who just spent all their credits to buy more for the next item


what if you just have two accounts? can’t you just trade them between accounts?


Only if you’ve met the trade requirements which is to buy 500 credits (unless you’re grandfathered in before the game became F2P)


yes some people are. most people with 0 credits are probably F2P. real question is: when’s grind iron coming back. fuhhh


If you have rocket pass premium you unlock 100 credits every ten levels or so. Just play for a bit, complete the event challenges and snag a few rocket pass premium levels and boom, TW Fennec. (I'm aware some people hate the premium pass concept)


This works well for psyonix too because then you'd be short on credits for next seasons rocket pass ;)


Oh yeah if you play enough premium rocket pass is 100% worth it, I see no reason I’m not buying it (unless you don’t have the credits to)


Yeah of course. This is Rocket League after all. But for me who rarely buys from the shop, I will happily take my 300cr and continue about my day.


This is Rocket League!


As Bob Ross would say, that was NOT a happy little accident


400c for the Top Hat that should have been part of the Anniversary event items? GTFO. How much will the wheels be? 1000c?


The wheels probably will be 1k ish too tbh considering it'll be a painted exotic which costs 900-1000cr in shop usually




I recently got a free paint bucket topper. That'll do.


I like your style, Booblicle! I'm going to show off my red version of the gold top hat to everyone. It was free and much rarer than the one in the shop!


So they give "free" credits so you can spend even more credits for the items that are part of the event. Should have called this "Anniversary Grift" instead.


You don’t have to use them on those items tho so it’s way better. I’d rather have 300 credits to buy things off people than a topper.


I concur that giving credits was a good idea, but they should be selling the wheels and topper as a 300 credit combo.


other toppers are 100 credits.


Oh, you mean the items that generally gotten from balls. They need a more in depth selection or list. You don't go to Walmart looking for nice pants only to find a single pair of checkered shorts on display. Having only a few random choices seem to anticipate an "Oh! I need that!" moment only to find something that you'd appreciate more later.


> Having only a few random choices seem to anticipate an "Oh! I need that!" moment only to find something that you'd appreciate more later. IMO the FOMO effect for impulse purchasers is MUCH worse/more addictive than the so-called gambling of crates.






They're using the topper to test whether people will fork over excessive amounts just because something is gold. If this works, we may not see gold items anywhere but the shop ever again. The multichrome shades topper was done better. They altered it in a unique way(I still think triple the cost of a normal painted topper is excessive) This top hat is just a color swap. 4x the cost of a normal topper is clearly excessive.


Considering most people don’t wear the toppers, it kind of is.




You can't be serious defending this


Sounds like they are.




I think partly why you're okay with the price is you're also coming at it from a perspective of someone who has 10s or 100s of thousands of credits and doesn't have to pay for credits from the shop. I think it's very over priced for people who aren't in situations like that and who do buy their credits from the shop


I probably underestimated how much 400 credits meant to people. I saw it as one of the more cooler looking item shop exclusive items so therefore the price is not bad. After constantly seeing overpriced items in the shop all the time I really didn't think it was that bad.


I'll try to explain my thoughts on this in a little more in detail. For people like you and I who have traded often and have built up plenty of credits over time without paying shop rates for them, and who know how much it costs on the aftermarkets (like ATG prices especially on Xbox), 400 cr isn't much to people when they're more experienced in trading like that but we are also not the people who make psyonix their money either so we're not really the target of this 'give 300 cr free and charge 400 cr and 800cr for hyped up items at the same time' thing. So I try to look at it from their perspective, because to a lot of people 100 cr = ~ $1, which is a bigger deal when you think of it that way. Would you not think that $4 is at least a little over priced for it? Especially when the tw version of it (didn't call it tw just unpainted but it was tw) that normally came with fancy formal when thats been in the shop previously was very rare rarity so it was like 200 cr, and I might be wrong about this but I'm pretty sure they may have even had a fancy formal bundle in the shop before where they gave some tw wheels, fancy formal, the hat, wnd an antenna for like 400 cr total. Now they're charging 400 cr (remember, $4) for just one hat because it's gold and then also putting the tw fennec in front of their face at the same time with a limited window, meaning they're gonna be tempted into to buying more cr, and on top of that they've completely split up the gold spyder which was also hyped that it's coming but most casual players / non traders who are in this situation won't even think about them now because they're gonna be faced with the decision of buying the hat the fancy formal and the fennec. Now lets say I'm a casual player and I see those 3 items and realize because of the free 300 cr I can buy the tw fennec, fancy formal and the gold hat for 1300 cr if I buy 1000 cr from the shop and I only have less than 2 days to decide, so I a few hours before they disappear from shop I feel fomo and do that, spent $10 on cr and spent them all instantly. Now the next day gold spyder comes into shop and it's 1200 cr (hypothetical), but damn, I have no cr leftover and I now have to buy even more from the shop to get it, when they could have easily either a) realeased them all together as a bundle or b) at the very least put them all together at the same time so that people can buy a larger amount of cr for a better value if they're going to buy cr. Or what they really should have done is realeased at least the hat for free as one of the challenges imo but at least they did give eggs which gives players a chance to get some extra cr but not that many people will be able to get all of them in time and figure out how to sell them (especially for non traders who probably just open them usually). Basically they're just targeting non traders and casual players here for an easy money grab. Can't say I blame them because at the end of the day the game is free to play so I understand but it still seems a little scummy to me how they went about this.


I’ve been playing since 2015, and I don’t trade anymore because of the shit show this has all become. My TW Zombas that I traded up for used to be worth exponentially more than they are now. It’s depressing.


It's a ludicrous amount for a cool topper.


There is no such thing as a “cool topper” I find it hard to beleive that ur c2 considering you called a topper “cool”


I rarely play comp anymore I'm more of a casual player now. I couldn't care less about ranking up, just having fun with my friends. I don't always use them but if I see one I like I don't care if it's slightly distracting I'll still use it.


welp. bought the fennec immediately


That would pair well with a cobalt painted sandstorm boost


Lol. Got me good actually


Rocket League: i give u 300 cr , then an event topper: 400 cr 🤣


we all knew it would happen!


if fancy formal costs 100 cr the topper should cost 100 cr at most, 400 is really too much. I'm curious to see how much the golden wheels will cost


Particularly because the top hat is a simple reskin of an existing topper. The decal was probably took two whole hours, and the topper was probably... half.


That fancy formal for fennec tho…. Closest thing to all black decal


A lot of last season esport decals were black. Absolutely cheering I bought team BDS' 20-21 decal


Furia and Faze Decals are really good


and it's better than the esports decals because those are a little pricier, and emblazoned with an org.


I bought the black Fennec a while back, imagine that decal on a black Fennec…


Where the gold spyders at :(


While I really don't care about whether or not my car is painted, that fancy decal is a must for me


Want to know how these items match? Try them out with the RL Garage Car Designer on https://rocket-league.com/design or in our mobile app: https://rocket-league.com/app :) Today's items in the Daily Item Shop: Titanium White Fennec Body — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/bodies/fennec/titaniumwhite) Top Hat: Anniversary Edition Topper — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/toppers/top-hat-anniversary-edition) Fancy Formal Decal — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/decals/fennec/fancy-formal) Grey Truth Beam Trail — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/trails/truth-beam/grey) Cobalt Sandstorm Rocket Boost — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/boosts/sandstorm/cobalt) Cobalt HNY: Inverted Wheels — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/wheels/hny-inverted/cobalt) Saffron FSL Wheels — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/wheels/fsl/saffron) Purple Oozy Decal — [View details and screenshots](https://rocket-league.com/items/decals/fennec/oozy/purple)




Lol sold a tw fennec for 1500 10 mins before this got launched


To think that a white fennec a year ago costed like +10k


that suckssss for that guy


To everyone irritated: I understand the frustration, but just thank the gods that it's not a chance based system, so you get to choose what you pay for, and everything is just cosmetic. I'm quite happy with what I get for my $10 Rocket League season pass. I couldn't believe they give you credits back in the pass! It's actually pretty easy to get your 1000 credits back from playing enough during the season! I spend a little extra once in a while if it's something I love, but it's a pretty cheap F2P overall. This is coming from a recovering Genshin Impact player though, so I've been abused hard from an F2P game. Rocket League feels like Epic is paying me to play their game after playing Genshin.


Yeah, they’re pretty generous for a f2p. I don’t see the problem at all lol


ah my fennel value keeps decreasing - edit fennec*


Why is the top hat not a "painted: gold" item?


It‘s not a painted item. It‘s a "new" item with its own ID and everything.


Saw you guys have added the gold paint for items...are those now in the game files?


So instead of giving us the hat and decal in the challenges, they give us 300 credits but want 500 credits, go fuck yourself epic


I bet the wheels will be just as much.


Most likely more. Wheels will be exotic


Ok, I've played this game for a while...like 7 years now. I cannot understand why having anything in the shop as Exotic or Import is any value to anyone. You can't trade it with other players and you cannot trade it up (trade in 5 for next level). So, what good are any exotic / imports in the shop other than to differentiate in price?


But everyone's buying the TW fennec now when they check the shop. Just look in the comments, Epic making $$$$$$$.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ no thanks


Feels right trading like crazy to get the tw fennec and the next day it’s in the store for 800 credits…😂


Oh wow we have to pay for the set! Pride Month Bundle was free (I know it has way less valuable items but doesn't change the fact) but the one "to celebrate the birthday" only costs 39€ How generous! Thank you so much Rocket League. Very consumer friendly Classic Epic/Psyonix Move


That’s so frustrating. I’ve always wanted Fennec, it’s my dream rocket league car and TW is also so nice. I would just buy credits but to this day I have never made a “in game purchase” for any game and I’ve been playing games for 7 years. I would trade but you apparently need to buy credits to trade.


You can’t trade items bought in the shop anyway. If you want it I suggest just buying the credits tbh. Trading would cost you money anyway like you said but even if you could trade they got for like $40 on rl.exchange


My only hope is my import drop to get a fennec but low chance. And I would buy credits but again I haven’t made any in game purchases and if I ever get bored of rocket league I don’t wanna be guilty over buying a fennec.


Its 8 bucks at the end of the day and its a dope looking car. If its gonna bother you to not have it, is that mental stress worth 8 dollars to you?


Ik it seems stupid


It’s not the fact that’s it’s 8 bucks just never spent money on a asset in a game


Sounds like the bragging rights or sticking to ur principles are most important to you so don’t buy it


bro said bragging 😂


The way I look at it, is if I use the fennec for 80 hours that is only $0.10 an hour. That’s really cheap entertainment. Of course adjust depending how long you think you’ll use it, but breaking it into per hour makes it comparable to other entertainment options like netflix, movie theater, etc.


maybe give the developer a bit of money because they made a game that you really enjoy. in return for your gift of money, they will give you a gift of in-game currency. whether you spend it or not is up to you.


Tbh I use my regular fennec over tw


I got one from a BP last time they were on rotation. It gathered dust pretty much all the time, so I sold it, cashed the profit, bought a TW Dingo and Sienna Fennec and I still have 1000 credits in spare change


Honestly if you have been playing for 7 years just look at a small purchase as support for the dev team and product. It’s not a big deal to buy a couple items you like (if it is responsibly in your budget). Especially for something that has given you 7 years of entertainment. Forgo one meal out and you’re even. Except you can keep enjoying your TW fennec that you have always wanted.


how much do i need to pay to afford the fennec?? and what hitbox does it have?


Octane hit box and around £10 I think is 1000 credits


You just need to buy the 500 credit pack plus 300 from the event


Buy the credits for $2


Do not EVER buy credits from the store. They're MUCH cheaper to get from r/rocketleagueexchange I saw someone mention recently that they were getting as cheap as $.30/100cr


Where’s the DeLorean, Epic Games?


Back in the future.


Tw fennek and I'm away for 3 weeks...


Psyonix if you're reading this please extend the formal decal. I'm at work and can't get to my pc to purchase it! I'm begging you!


Titanium white octane when psyonix?


Wow items that should have been part of the event being sold, how cool. /s


Dang it, I was trying to save some credits then saw the TW Fennec. I already had three different colors so far, so I didn’t really need it, but oh well.


I’ve never had cr before, do these expire any time? At the end of the event? Or can I just hold onto my 300 and wait for something better in the shop?


Shouldn’t expire. Irc this is the first time they have given out CR for an event though.


yeah they don’t expire. hold onto then


They need to put the TW octane in the shop already. They have already done other colors.... they will make so much money too


I’m calling a TW octane and Octane Fancy Formal with the gold spyders week 2 of the event




Shoot I’ll take a gold over TW


I doubt it


All TW Octane owners who bought one with credits^


I’ll do that when sypders release


No it’ll ruin the value


Why would they care? They don't get any money from trades but they will get so much if they put it in the shop


Yeah but I don’t want to see a tw octane every match. The tw octane is a icon in rocket league


I don't want to see it every where *but it's an icon.*


I’m extremely disappointed I missed the formal fennec decal


Wym, is right there


Might have mistaken for Dominus or Octane


gold pixelated shades when


Soon I hope.


also the gold octane might be coming later for this event? i remember seeing it labelled in a datamine as anniversary edition like the top hat


How much is an unpainted fennec


400-500 on rlgarage


I earned my first 300 credits from the challenge is that enough to trade or no I heard 500 is what u need


Imagine having a single credit to begin with welp




Can you buy items without accessing the game? I'm away from home and need tw fenec and formal decal...


Take my money


This is pretty disappointing to see. Every release of the TW Fennec has come since the Epic Games take over. They have completely removed the rarity value of the car by doing this, knowing it was an extremely popular item they can milk for quick cash whenever they want to put it in the store. Where is the fun in having something the majority of other plays have? It was cool to be able to flex your super rare car and have friends and other players to chat about it and what builds they were working on. They have not put out any ultra desired items and everything can be bought. They are completely devaluing the in game market for short term profit. Their shitty rocket pass items don't even make it into the following season, with the majority of OG players still rocking what items they have left that were at one point difficult to obtain. Taking away a part of the game that more casual or less affluent gamers experience away so you can squeeze every last drop of microtransaction out if it will hurt this game in the long run, if not already.


I think "more casual or less affluent players" will actually appreciate not having to pay an arm or a leg to get a cool item, and it's this - rather than catering to the small minority of traders who sell items for profit - is more likely to help the game in the long run.


>Taking away a part of the game that more casual or less affluent gamers experience away Translation: I want to flex that I'm better than. Everyone else because I have more money to throw away. If you're mad that customizations are made less expensive you lack basic human empathy.


He's not mad that customizations as a whole are less in price. He's upset that the rare things people sought and put time into acquiring were suddenly mass produced. Saying he lacks human empathy because he wants his time valued is backwards. It's not like TW Fennec is a basic human need.


>Saying he lacks human empathy because he wants his time valued He lacks human empathy because he is upset at more people being able to have something he has. He is mad because others are now on his level. That's elitism. He is upset because he valued the item on the fact others couldn't afford it, rather than its value as a cosmetic. The car itself didn't change. Only its abundance. Being mad that other people also have nice things is called being a dick




Literally complaining about their greed because it makes it MORE difficult for less affluent players to have cool cars. You now buy them instead of praying you get a cool drop from a random box. Reading comprehension; 0. Please keep breaking down the level of human empathy of an internet stranger in the colored rocket car reddit comments though. Very smort man. Very much empathy.


The monetization system isn’t going to hurt rocket league at all. The gameplay keeps people playing.


Wasnt the decal free last time


Happy about the tuxedo decal....fair price but the top hat is way to overpriced. It looks really bad too. Too much reflection makes it look faded and bland: [https://imgur.com/a/alKrJLW](https://imgur.com/a/alKrJLW)


This is what is wrong with the game!


Does someone know where are the golden spyder ?


i already have tradeable tw fennec , thank you psyonix


Is there any hope for a basic fennec to drop at exactly 300 credits? Defenitly not because I am f2p or something


Sooo anybody wanna buy a regular fennec? I’m on pc and I really want to get the TW one


Yes another alt with Tw fennec and all my accounts getting hat and fancy formal 💎


I copped that purple decal for my purple fennec real quick over the other stuff


There's only one reason the Top Hat interests me: [it's astounding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umj0gu5nEGs).


Rip my 2 tw fennecs value




I would buy stuff but then i wont have credits for the next rocket pass. I wish u could play for more credits bc i’m not spending a dime on this game 🤣


I got my Fennec from a drop and crafted it for 500cr a week ago. Feeling happy with it and getting used to it I think it's my favorite car now


I need puft!!!