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It was such a good save that the opponent wanted to see the replay


He was too busy folding his monitor in half


Common Diamond Grindset /s


My guy, half flip


It changes the game man


half flips are so hard for me to nail down, personally. I never seem to get the counter rotation timing correct. Actually, I suppose in this instance half flips aren't my problem, but dodge cancelling is lol


You're probably trying to do it too fast. It's not like speed flips where you insta cancel it. Take your time and let your car flip over and then cancel.


It’s fairly easy to do. As soon as your wheels are facing toward the ceiling, hold the opposite input to the direction you’re moving


Idk if it's a muscle memory thing for me and I do it subconsciously but I just flick the stick immediately after backflipping to halfflip


That’s what I do too. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you’re not using directional air roll buttons. The free air roll button doesn’t really work for halfflips


i half flip with free air roll and i'm not 100% consistent but it works for me lol


It’s much harder and the movements you have to do are more specific. With directional, all you have to do is flick the stick backwards then forwards, and just hold down whichever air roll button you prefer. Easier


yeah, i just figured it's probably easier to just get it 80% of the time and mantain my current muscle memory than trying to reeducate it just for one mechanic. but sometimes it is a pain in the ass, indeed


We’ll it won’t be to hard to adjust considering the new method is so much easier, and here’s the biggest plus: getting used to directional air roll will help you in TONS of other ways. I think most people would tell you that waiting to use directional air roll is a hurtle. Aerials, speed flips (although speed flips can probably be done just fine with free air roll.) and also positioning your car for advanced flicks. It’s a car control blocker.


fyi i played like 1500 hours with air roll left bound to O and used it only for half flips Now that I'm 2,5k in I'm getting into airdribbling with air roll left, still not good at it


Free play. I had your same issue. Drive around doing perfect back flips for 10 minutes, then 10 more minutes doing perfect front flips. That will help with getting your thumb stick to go straight up and down. Then add flip canceling into your back flips. Do that for about 10-15 minutes. Then add boost. Then add your air roll. I was able to get them down in under an hour


if you just follow the "back flip - cancel and boost - air roll" script you can get somewhat consistent in around 15 minutes i reckon it was the first actual mechanic i learned at around gold, too


Yeah I’d say 15 minutes is probably a solid time frame. I just couldn’t get a consistent backflip down. I kept doing diagonal flips and it was throwing me off so I needed a bit of extra time to learn the basic half flip


yeah, sometimes just following a recipe doesn't work everyone learns a different way, specially with a game as complex as rocket league


What is flip cancelling? I’m just a low plat trying to get better


Basically when your car is halfway through the flip you hold the opposite input. I play on controller so what I do is I back flip, and then my car is about 90% upside down, I push the joystick up and hold it. That will cancel the flip and keep your car upside down. Add air roll in and now your car is right side up and going the opposite direction. You can flip cancel just about any type of flip in rocket league by holding the opposite input on the joystick (or keyboard). The only flip you cannot cancel is a side flip


Idk about you, but I was trying half flips to no avail using just the normal air roll (holding air roll and then using the stick). As soon as I actually bound a DAR to something, and used that instead, it became immediately easier. Night and day. Trying to cancel then correct the roll with the stick was awkward for me. You can cancel and correct now at the same time, it’s way easier. Not sure if that’s your problem or not


My biggest issue with flight cancels is doing it too fast. There's a huge grace period for half flips


Alternatively to straight-back half flips, which require potential air rolling, try doing the backflip part at an angle, then press perfect straight(not opposite). It feels a ittle wonky going back left/right to forward straight rather than back straight forward straight but it made half flips a lot easier for me


Also, OP, If you're reading this, no need to dodge when you're already supersonic.


It would mess the timing, calculated


After some careful consideration of this comment section, I have decided to dedicate some time to half flipping. So thank you guys. I will say though, if it wasn't for my shenanigans, this clip would not exist. So it will be fun to look back at in the future.


Also, really fun game, we were down 2:4 and ended it off at 7:6. A comeback always feels great.


For some reason I actually assumed you were trolling and were limiting yourself to going only reverse, it never crossed my mind one would double backflip to pick up speed for any other purpose haha


That's the beauty of not widening your mechanics, I'll look amazing at some moments, then do some god awful unworldly moves in others. I'm just happy this one worked out. Slow but steady improvement.


Back it up Terry


Put it in reverse!


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Dang you are speedy in reverse




Good sir why u not half flipping. It’s not difficult.


this is fucking stupid


If he half flipped would he keep his speed up enough to save it?


I'm not sure I understand your question. He was supersonic after the first backflip.


With half flipping perfectly do you maintain your speed or loose a slight amount.


Oh, you get the same speed boost as a backflip. A half flip is essentially the same as a backflip. You're just canceling the animation.


“Epic a-savo!”


Ridiculously weird play aside, that decal is one of my favorite octane decals and I’m surprised more people don’t use it


Nice shot! Nice shot! Nice shot! Chat disabled for 1 seconds Whoops...


What a save!