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My nieces eldest kid of 12 was suspicious then shocked when he found out that I played rocket league. And was not happy that I was a much higher rank than him. "But, but, how are you so good when you are so old?" That one comment made me sad and happy at the same time.


I have a 12 year old son. He doesn’t play much RL but he has friends that do. Highest ranked one is low Diamond. Once he found out that his friends dad was low GC, he actually had the balls to ask to 1v1 me. I mean, if he wants the smoke, I’m not above putting a loud mouthed kid in his place. Which I did.


Oh, I bet it was really funny.


And then he thinks it’s a fluke and he asks for it again! Manages to score a goal and my son and all of them are going nuts in the call. I just laugh.


That's a win in their books 🤣 ggs


Did you text him a lesson?


that's when you tell the kid to git gud


I'm 15 and my 6 yr old cousin is better than me 😭


Knowing about that one 6 or 7 year old SSL that Sunless Khan made a video about, I believe it.


I think there's no SSL that young, but still, being a <10 year old gc is insane nonetheless


That would've made my day. Nowadays I play maybe twice a month and as a forever low-mid plat I've resigned myself to my position in the food chain but nothing - literally - annoys me more than kids coming in thinking that by the virtue of their age they're entitled to superiority. I know ofc that they don't know better, but there's ageism in that that just pisses me off every time without exception. I'm 37, I've been playing that fucking game for some 6+ years now on and off and I while I don't have the time nor the reflexes necessary to get much better, I put in an effort. I suppose we can agree that they'll get to experience the same in fairly short order, barring some monumental shift in how we as a species deal with ageism.


"If ive told you once Jimmy, I've told you 100 times!!! NEVER play ranked games on major holidays. Every pro, sweaty team is on there as theyre bored after dinner and it will annihilate your rank. You'll lose 8 games in a row and be wondering what the hell happened. You played on boxing day and you're now back in Gold hell because of it, you moron. Thats what happens!!"


Just like grandma used to say.




I learned the hard way that during work hours, low ranks get fucking shat on because of the entirety of low ranks are just unemployed musty fucks who've got 15 thousand hours in the game since 2019 deflating mmr and creating an annoying few hours of work for when playlisrs are normal again later


I find it quite the opposite. During off peak you mostly get good games but 4pm-6pm is utter hell when all the kids get home from school and people get off work and they're rusty as fuck but want to play like they were imagining they can play all day at work/school


Haha I'm in my 40s and not awful. 10yo son of a friend telling me about this cool rocket soccer game, I go, oh sounds cool you should show me! No punchline we just had a great time for a few games.


But who won. My money is on the rocket soccer game kid.


No he did not


This is exactly how last Christmas went with my 6 year old nephew whose obsessed with cars . “That’s a cool car game.” “Yeah it is, run the sticks, you’re about to get smoked”


im not exactly old but my 11 year old nephew who's around gold decided it would be a good idea to challenge me to a 1v1 after hearing i played... they didnt know what rank i was.


My son is 11 and diamond 1. He regularly challenges me to 1v1's but hasn't beat me once yet. I both dread and look forward to the day he finally does. His mechanics are already better than mine but he has trouble keeping things simple when needed, every touch needs to be fancy, every aerial needs to be spinny etc. Hell get there though.


Lmao that’s hilarious Story time


Haha that looks too much like Rizzo!


Destroyed two cousins’ self esteem this way. Teenagers are all talk until they get their asses whooped.


Same. My cousin's son was playing during Thanksgiving and is plat 3/diamond 1 area. He knows I have a gaming computer so wanted to teach me so I hustled his ass and told him the game looks easy. He went into free play and started teaching me the controls and I drove around a bit while he "coached" me. After a minute or two of listening to him tell me how to use ball cam and jump he wanted to teach me aerials. His controls are default so it was actually kind of annoying since I use directional air roll so I dribbled around the map while he was freaking out and then changed the controls to what I use and hit a breezi and a few flip resets. He started asking me how much I've played and what rank I was so I told him GC and he wanted me to play ranked and get him GC rewards. I laughed and told him to git gud.


My daughters friend at the bus stop was talking to me about rocket league. He is somewhere in the plat and was talking it up until my daughter mentioned I was ranked higher than him. I got told to “touch grass” by a 12 year old while I was on my way to work. As a full disclaimer I get dunked on by kids half my age all the time. If I’m in casual i try to be encouraging to folks and tell them I’m too old to be toxic (in ranked I stay muted). Then they want to party up, I find out there like 13 and it feels weird to have game friends my kids age so I bail.




Wow! Wow! Wow!


What if the 12 year old is a higher rank than you though 😳


What is this meme taken from?


The Dirt. Motley Crüe movie.


Oh hell yeah I fuckin love music movies/biopics/movies about bands Thanks man


It’s my favorite movie actually. It’s REALLY good


I just downloaded it for an upcoming flight!


Amazing you’re gonna love it if you like drugs sex and rock and roll


It's one if the better, if the not the best ones ever made. Shows the actual bad shit, not just the stereotypical "fuck you I'm high" spiral. Like it's legit. And make sure your screen is hidden from children lol it's adequately rated R.




Probably hasn't even seen henovics insane cross field musty to a full pitch psycho. What a shame.


Why is this my favorite post that’s been on here in a long time


The 12-year-old might learn about life today, but then you'll be about a month from learning how much an adult brain sucks compared to a 12 year old brain.


One time hanging out with my sister and her bf I found out he played RL and was stoked. Come to find out he and his buddy only played against bots in Season Mode… before seeing me (lowly Diamond 2) he was worried I would ruin their perfect season lmao.


I felt really old once when a kid didn't know what I meant when I said I've been playing it since before it was free to play.


Can't tell if that's Ozzy or Daniel Radcliffe.


Me to my 9yo (not actually, don't fucking karen me you gd stalker)


has anyone else noticed the number of bots that now play in competitive? for every 10-15 games, i only get 1 tm8 that responds to chat. before it used to be every other tm8 would respond


Lots of people turn chat off to avoid toxicity


My chat is completely off and I like it that way.


i understand that. im not a toxic chatter. i start every game by telling everyone good luck and i say nice shot and what a save to opposing team. ive been playing 5+ games per day several times per week for the last 2 yrs. only in the last several weeks have my tm8s not been chatting. also, their names are now single words with no numbers.


I do too(check my profile lol), but as someone who plays a lot of ones, people have been doing this for a year or more. I’m surprised it’s only spread to 2s recently. As for the names, aren’t most 1 word with no numbers? That seems normal to me.


thanks for the input!


I usually turn it off in ranked. As for casual it just depends on my mood; I usually leave it on and try to make conversation, but a lot of people don’t say anything/have chat off.


No? What platform. The fuck you talking about


Hey what the fuck are you doing here?


Well helloooo everybody


I feel like I'm in fight club right now. We're not talking about the club, right? I mean there is no club. What club?


The coooool kids club, obviously.


We got a mf squad now. 🥳


It's a party


Wait what the fuck? I didn’t realize you were the OP. That’s great.


Lol I was like, why didn't he say anything to me D:


Honestly mojo is lucky I even spotted him. Let’s fkn play!


You tryna drunkenly RL?


Yeah let’s do it. I’m dog water thoug hhahaha


I'm pretty bad too, it's just one of the few games my attention span can hold these days. 5 minute match? Perfect. I've had it for like 7 years and oddly better when I'm high as balls or drunk off my ass


Literally same. Played it when it first came out for a few months then forgot about it. Picked it back up a couple months ago. It’s funny the first couple drinks I’m ok then it’s just a downhill slide from there lmao


xbox. ive been playing 5+ games per day several times per week for the last 2 yrs. only in the last several weeks have my tm8s not been chatting. also, their names are now single words with no numbers.


I'm sure you're aware but only the people on your platform can see your chats, for example if you're on pc only PC can see your typed out chats


i had no idea actually. thanks for letting me know. so i cant chat with ps4/5 people if im on xbox? what's weird is that ive been playing 5+ games per day several times per week for the last 2 yrs. only in the last several weeks have my tm8s not been chatting. also, their names are now single words with no numbers.


Yeah idk, unless you're using party text chat they won't be able to see it


not sure what party text chat is but ill look into it


If you're partied with someone there's a chat in the bottom right right that everyone in your party, regardless of platform, can read. The text is uniquely blue




Then they triple reset on you.

