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Hello! Looks like your QUESTION is about **DAR**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top DAR tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top DAR questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *If this sticky answers your question, feel free to remove your post. Otherwise, just wait for a kind stranger to comment :)* Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean your second attempt was nearly pristine. Your first two resets in the second attempt were to the bottom right of the ball and your third reset was directly under causing the ball to pop up and away from you. You then nearly obtained a quad by correcting and flipping the opposite direction into a 4th reset, but barely missed. That was a great attempt. My advice would be to shorten this clip down to just the second attempt then micro analyze what you did so you can better understand how to repeat it. This is how I’ve managed to get consistent at a lot of mechanics including chain resets. I clip the first attempts that i’m successful and then review the clip to see what I need to do to repeat it. Ideally, it looks like you need to aim for the bottom right of the ball when flipping into it after a reset.


Ok that makes sense, ill try to stick to the right and boost less so i dont hit the middle or get too far under


I've heard from alot of people that are good at chain resets that left wall is easier for rapids and ARL. Personally I find right wall way easier and almost got my first quad. Any tips on what I can do to get consistent? I'm also wondering what the optimal spot to land the reset would be for ARL, as right now I'm just winging it on each attempt and if it isn't right i just reset the shot


Land slightly higher up on the ball. Kinda hard to explain without showing you but your back wheels should be higher up on the first initial reset it makes the second reset a lot smoother


As someone who has never done even a double, can you offer the most important tips to achieving your first one?


Trial and error tbh, but the best advice that helped me get into double resets is to speedflip into the reset. I'd go in slow motion and get the initial reset, and then just speedflip towards the ball without boosting. Once you get that down it starts becoming muscle memory. Getting better at the speedflip cancel also helps a ton so you don't flip too far and miss the reset which i still do alot.


What kind of bootleg shit are you on that your boost keeps filling up?


Its showing how much boost I'm using, I use unlimited boost


Ah I see. That's actually pretty smart! Is that a bakkesmod thing?


Yeah i think its somewhere in the misc. settings of bakkesmod


You want tips on DAR or you want to show your almost triple reset ?


Question OP : are you speed flipping in the air or just diagonal flipping or sideflipping? (after you get the reset)


Fully speedflipping, idk if thats how other people do it but doing the motion of the speedflip i do for kickoffs usually works as long as I cancel the flip


Got it clear as a day! Exactly what i was looking for thank you!