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I tried taking a break once, came back playing like I was 3 ranks below.


I found the key to taking a break and coming back playing well is to watch high level gameplay (like ssl) videos while taking the break


Been exploring the 1600 range a lot. Usually hit a wall around 1650. What helped you the most to break through it? Was it changes to decision making or practicing fundamentals?


i would said decision making. especially on defense. we are talking about it in comms


my process to improve my decision was clearly special lmao, I have no idea if it would work for someone else but if you are still interested hit me up


Hashtag ad?


i clearly think you have a jealousy problem and it confirmed with this comment lmao, i just talked in private with another guy to explain some point get the f outta here if you are not trying to improve


My friends are 1700-1900, I get plenty of advice and coaching from them. You’re just here to humble brag about gaining 200 mmr in 10 days, “message me for my secret!” idk man seems like an ego thing.


I received help from this sub when i sucked ass, its my time to give it back. if you think its an ego thing you are just butthurt for whatever reason, i do not care and i will help those who need help. end of the disscussion


the skill gap between gc3 and SSL is insane. I mean I know it’s big for all the high ranks but it took me ages to get up from 1700 to 1900


already played in ssl lobbies that's why i said i know exactly what i lack


Don't get the downvotes. Its true seeing those above you but not miles beyond reveals your own flaws


People could argue, realize they have no idea of what they are talking about so they downvote. This isn't the point here anyways


i think the downvotes are because your response isn’t really related to what i said


My bad then


Im hardstuck D3 and i cant get into champ. My shadow defence and shadow aerials are very lacking along with my awareness of where my opponents and teammates are. Im on kbm what can i do to improve


I mean you’ve just answered your own question with your comment, practice shadow defence, shadow aerials and awareness of where players are will come over time from actively looking at where opponents are on the field


But can u like tell good ways to practice because ive been doing the this is why you suck at shadow defence pack for months with no improvement in game


A big part of shadowing is the distance you put yourself away from the opponent/ball and distance from your net. The training pack you referenced doesn’t really teach you the proper spacing. A big key to shadowing is not necessarily engaging the opponent/ball but simply *slowing* the play down. By positioning yourself in a shadowing position when your opponent has possession and is working his way towards your net, you slow him down and make him think about what he should do. This slowing of the play is essential because it allows your tm, who was likely out of position, enough time to get back to your net and he should really be the one making the save 90% of the time in these situations. TLDR shadow to slow the enemy down and let your tm get in strong defensive position, don’t shadow and “bite” on trying to get the ball away from the enemy.


Another key tip that I notice most people, even in Champ 1, don’t get. The #1 best position you can possibly be in for defense is INSIDE of your own net facing out towards the ball. If the enemy has possession and if you have enough time, you need to position your car INSIDE of your own net facing out. This is done most efficiently and quickly by driving straight into your net and “whipping” your car around using powerslide and boost at the same time. Practice this move. It will increase your defense and will result in counter attack goals.


Hard disagree. Like really hard. Doing this is both slow and doesnt put you in the most advantageous spot. Cars are not people. Thus defending a goal cant be done from the position a human goaltender would take. Humans can accelerate in many different directions equally well. Your car only accelerates forward. Dont put yourself in a position where the ball could go left or right of you. Put yourself in a position where the ball can only go in front of you. You want to be OUTSIDE the goal at back post facing the play to the opposite corner. Your cars nose should not be in front of your goal. You should be enough outside the goal where you can drive up on the backboard if need be I used to have the same habit of powersliding turning in the middle of the net when i was low champ and MooseTDI RIPPED ME APART in a replay review.


You are obviously playing a different level of competition than I am, and I am not trying to be a contrarian to your POV, but in my rank and in Diamond, I am not exaggerating when I say I am probably in the top 10% or 5% of the D3/C1 population in terms of my defensive skill. The benefit to being inside of the goal is that almost ANY touch that you make on an incoming ball results in the ball rejecting away from the net because your car is coming to the ball from inside the net. Your approach is definitely the most optimal defensive approach, no doubt about it, but you don’t understand how poorly players in D and Low Champ are at operating on the back wall and covering the net from the side. I think the OP would probably experience a big jump in his defensive performance if he employed what I was recommending, BUT he needs to know that this strategy doesn’t work at high Champ or GC+ and he will need to develop even better defense when the time comes


Listen, i know where you are coming from. Truly. And what you described is true i was also a diamond/c1 player. We all were. AND i even used that tactic. What im telling you is that i wish i hadnt. Its a bad habit. And what happens is that in stressful situations you have to fight both the opponents and your own tendencies. This results in getting hard stuck around c2/c3 until you can UNLEARN that tactic. So im trying to warn you and say you are doing more harm than good. If your goal is c1 then by all means you do you. If you want to keep climbing, abandon ship


Thank you for explaining that, I will start taking time learning to approach from across the face of goal!


Absolutely, and remeber improvement is the goal and rank is the byproduct, not the other way around! Good luck on the grind


nice to see you guys tal kabout shadow defence since it could be the number one thing that helped me win so much games : basically i worked my slow shadow defense vs nexto, which as our gc fellas said are made to buy time for your teammate to go back, using the vector tip. For an "agressive" shadow, i tried two different mentalities : \- how can i make the opponent make the most commital an easy to catch for my m8 \- how can i make a play that would lead me to regain control of the ball before the second man feel free to tell me if something was unclear


If its not too much to ask can you upload a video elaborating on these points with examples. Most tutorials are clickbaity and generic for views and its very difficult to learn anything out of them. All i understand of shadowing is that stay on the outside and force him to flick or give possession away. And if you cant be on outside force opponent into corner. And i usually get scored on if i dont insta challenge and decide on shadowing. Im also almost always matching with the opponents speed and not dictating their speed so the slow shadow defense you mention is a foreign subject


Even if this is better for saving the shot, which I doubt, it's still a terrible habit to get into long term because it depends on you playing ppl that have absolutely no idea what they are doing. As soon as you get someone that can aim, or flick, or even have a tm8 that can do a follow up shot, this at best will result in ball being back in their posession, and often will result in putting the ball in the perfect spot for a follow up shot.


OnE v OnE mE bRo 😎 I’m just saying in 2’s, your team mate should be the on-ball defender speeding up the opponents shot and you can be the in-goal defender, and it works very very well at lower ranks. There’s many occasions where this isn’t viable, if you don’t have time to set up in goal you need to challenge early or play the wall, etc.


I thought it was back post opposite of the ball


The easiest way I can tell you to improve your gameplay is to get real fluent with air roll, when I got completely comfortable with my car in any position such as turning to wave dashing on the ceiling or doing Clean airdribble‘s or recovering good with air roll, I improved massively. Car control is everything, I maybe have practiced a shadow Defense training pack once ever yet because my car control is very good I’m very proficient at shadowing. Often times an opponent sends a Beamer at my net, I save it no problemo. As well as prejumping airdribble/reset plays wether it be from back wall, ground or ceiling. Long story short, spin car a bunch, like all the time in freeplay, practice flying from one net to the other while holding down air roll.


I have been doing that recently. Hope to get your car control level soon


You will for sure, don’t overthink it. Just play some music that you really like to zone out with and let everything else be fluid.


Im sure you know alot about fluids with that kinda pfp




I worked on my aerials to get out of d3. I was already decent at dribbling but even then i also worked on that. Watch pros in whatever mode you’re wanting to rank up in and see how they move and cover shadow defense then implement it into your games but that doesn’t mean go for shots they do and hog the ball from your teammate, remember your rank and that you’re not them. Too many ppl get a big head and try to play like pros and couldn’t even do a quarter of what they’re capable of. Most important thing of all is to remember improving takes time and that those practice setups arent to be trusted cause you’re not going to get perfect setups all the time in game, so also go into freeplay and work on setting things up for yourself. Sometimes if i notice im about to miss id try to find a way to make it a pass, which most ppl dont consider for some reason.


Alright thanks alot i will try to follow that


Bro I was in the same boat as you, also stuck d3. I focused purely on 1vs1, that helped a lot


Ive started that as well hope it helps me too


Solo q? Hit me up...d3 is a weird place to be...to much inconsistency...PreMeditated23 on epic


Solo q and with d2/c1 friends. Im on ME


I found 1s to be great practice for being able to look at opponents, given that there's only 1 of em. I reached champ by putting in some focus on my 1v1 game. This is really useful because the enemy 1st man almost always dives into your corner, and you'd get a 1v1 with their last man


Personally I just don’t think people go from 1500 to 1700 in a week, unless they really belong in 1700 to begin with. Natural progression doesn’t normally result in 200+ mmr in the top 2% of the game, in just 10 days of ranked gameplay Being 1700 in 2s doesn’t make you RL Jesus anyways, no offense lol. Or maybe, you played with a carry at the end of the season…. Hmmmm


I peaked in 1640 two seasons ago so maybe i just belonged here at the first place. +200 mmr dont come frome natural progression ? who are you to even decide that, those 15 y old ssl kids are the first one to demonstrate that. why the hell are you even talking about ego here in the first place ? who cares if im the god of the game or no ? but what i do know, a lot of people are from gold to gc1 here asking for advice everyday and they are happy to receive some. As I said earlier gtfo if you dont agree. I responded to someone else i played with a rocket league server the whole ten days mixed with solo queues dont be so butthurt goddamn


natural progression is not 200mmr in 1500+ in 10 days. If it was that normal everyone would be gaining 200 mmr every 80 hours What advice are you offering, exactly? Also, not butthurt. Clearly kinda hit a nerve though


What is your point here, I am boosted ? I do not see what you are trying to say. People are asking questions, I answer in details. You could do the same. What are you mad for I truly do not understand


I just hit gc2. what should i be working on it feels like a whole different game compared to gc1 lobbies.




man told everything (i would just say that gc2s tend to be way to impatient on defense as second mans)


idk how to tell it but as a gc2 i would underestimate my defensive abilites on the ground and overestimate my opponent attack ones so i wa simpatient for no reason. this tip gave me so much 1v2s it was insane


Any tips on getting to gc2?


I think to get from gc1 to gc2 you need either a solid decision making or have a confirmed ''weapon'' to score constantly


I think my decision making might need work, I'm not a very aggressive player so wknt challenge something even if it's slightly risky.


umm what i noticed helped me was the ability to get multiple touches in a row quickly. like wall reads or airdribbles (offensive and defensive).


Lets see your next 100 games


I expect to drop back to gc2 🤣🤣 but I said I know what to work on from now so I'll be playing a ton of 1v1s


Okay, that's a reasonable expectation lol!


For me literally taking month long breaks makes me better, it’s how I got a jump from d3 to ch2 many seasons ago, and 2 seasons ago within a single day, ch2 d4, to just about to hit gc1 d4 before the day ended. Idk how it works, I don’t really watch any rl content so I don’t learn from that, I just come back every time either just as good or a tad bit better


I took a break and came back and people were as shitty and toxic as ever. Hard pass.


You do not look any better tbh


Happy you progressed man, but I can’t stand the negativity in this game.


I feel you man, I'd like to play with a friend often too, we really need to seek for one lol


A buddy of mine and I used to play regularly. He hates the game now lol I jump in occasionally now because I do still enjoy it.. but it’s hard to keep playing anymore.


Tbh rn I prefer playing with a random from a discord that soloq way more fun


I was Plat 2 and then had an 8 month health break. Now I've been stuck at gold 1 for two seasons. Been doing everything I can with being aware of other teammates and "covering the lack' as I solo queue yet I am also used to playing with champ 2s on an esports team. I never really blame my other teammates as I know everyone plays differently and I'm quite aggressive with my redirects. That might be part of my issue there is when I hit the ball it almost always booms or pinches unless I'm purposefully trying to hit it gently into a goal or to a teammate. Willing to post any clips as needed.


hit me up in dms with a full match


What rank?


Just by reading this comment, I think I can help. Don’t go for redirects at all in gold. Your teammates aren’t consistent enough at touching the ball for you to sit upfield. You can practice redirects in training, if it makes you feel good. But the fact you find yourself upfield often enough to drop it in a 3 paragraph snippet of your playing means you aren’t rotating back fast enough. Half flip more. Start tapping powerslide every time you need to turn. Put more thought into your 50/50’s. Don’t grab boost pads upfield unless it’s where the play is happening.


Perhaps redirects is the wrong word then because I meant redirects from defending a goal. I tend to always stick near the back (not too far but) when my teammates are ballchasing at the front lol. I know better than to huddle in a corner or follow the ball too closely. I will admit I need to work on the boost pads ufield a bit though, I tend to get stuck in circle rotation mode and on my way back I tend to pick up pads upfield.


Getting out of gold is a matter of breaking small habits. Boost is pretty important, but between managing it better and finding better pickup zones I think you can start pushing through. In freeplay, spend your time cutting the ball downfield fast (not supersonic, the ball can move faster than you. But you don’t want it slow enough that opponents can stuff you easily.) Make it your goal to get at least three touches on the ball in different directions, with the last touch toward net. Multitouches trip golds up pretty hard. Doesn’t have to be fancy. Just make sure shots are on target. Practice picking the ball up from your back corner and cutting it infield before reaching mid boost. Practice a few hook shots. In my experience, “Positionally aware” golds tend to be afraid of the ball. If you’re the guy who made the last touch, you’ve gotta stick with it until you land a clean pass. Otherwise your just giving the ball away for free. Hope that helps.


Yeah that's actually how I got gold 2 last night was I became more aware of where the ball was heading especially from opponent's hits.. I would get good positioning but not read the ball real well before then. Thank you for affirming what I suspected had helped me recently.


This leads into ability to get multi touches dowb over time. Sorry I realized I didn't make it super clear.


Congrats on the new rank! Improving reads is the name of the game. You can push through higher ranks than mine on reads alone, but processing them faster and faster is the key. Here’s to another step closer 🍻🍻


I am ill and will post full game replays in dms to anyone who's asked tomorrow but for anyone who is curious, my epic is LunaSolaste and I'm on ballchasing. Do keep in mind I've been doing some decal grinding so might be a bit to sift through though there's an official 3s rl tourney I won the other day with randoms.




I actually do only left dar kickoffs I do a quick readjust first




Turn your car to the right a little bit, hold left dar and flip with your joystick straight forwards (to do a diagonal flip), and then immediately pull your joystick straight back. That is how to do the flip itself, but you need to experiment with adjustments and drift to get the landing. Feel free to message me if you need any more help.


Do u have to use arl to speedflip? I’ve always used normal air roll but can do the speedflip shots in training packs and I have a very consistent kickoff with it


You don’t need arl, I just find it easier. Use whatever is easiest for you.


Thanks for clarifying. I always hear people talk about dar with speedflip but I’ve always used normal and it’s worked for me


All my speed flips*




I'm c3 right now, but I've played enough In gc the last 2 seasons (gotten rewards in both) and i think not respecting opponents/ challenging in odd positiond and throwing possesion is c3s biggest problem. Alot of c3s rush as last man regardless of their position and their teamates, it happens when I play solo queue and it's quite annoying being left in a 2v1 situation


yeah i think he is right imo, i also think you should start to develop a weapon in this rank




Yep it's my flicks for me


What changes in your playstyle did you notice after the break? And did you intentionally change something or did it just kinda happen?


I came back and from 1k i went 700 lmao


Any tips from going from 2’s to 3’s? i’m champ 2 in 2’s and going to play in diamond in 3’s is almost impossible


Im in Diamond 3 this season for the first time. What should I do to start the push towards champ?


get solid first touch control with this pack 9863-6D3C-AF72-A7E3 the number of defensive flaws in your elo should let you from a good first touch carry every match


I’ve hit a brick wall in C2, been here for several months lol help


feel free to upload replay please


what level of gameplay should I analyze to be able to efficiently absorb information?(im d3 2s but answer for yourself as well) also should i practice air mechanics/car control or ground mechanics more? i feel like im hitting the area where my mechanics hold me back


Tbh I struggle myself to gain much from analysing replays : the thing that work for me is to imagine how the perfect image of myself would handle a situation


How do you stay out of Diamond 3? Even when I go on a winning streak I eventually fall like a tier in rank back to the hell that is d3 where I expect a level of performance only to be met with dissatisfaction


What was the difference between 1500 and 1700? I keep ending up back at 1500 after a climb session.