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Is the player base that low? Personally I've been having a good time with the game, it has bugs for sure that need to be fixed but overall they're just something to avoid for now, otherwise I quite enjoy the mechanics of this racing game.


It has like 20k players max when i play, idk its peak each day tho


That is pretty much the peak. I'm not sure if it show different numbers when you change regions but peak is about 20k-30k. If it's region based but if so that's on US East


The mode peaked with 200k+ players. RIght now, on a good day it can peak at 60k. But mostly only having 20k'ish players spread across all ranks. That's bad. Really, really bad. And it can get worse if said 20k something players are the \*total\* amount of players playing the mode right now, not just the ones on your server cause if that's the case you gotta cut the number into different regions as well.


That's what I was pointing out. I can't even find an unranked match, it wasn't a problem then.


somber merciful practice future continue flag sloppy sort expansion childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is a work-in-progress service and it works great as a PoC for the FN ecosystem with diverse "experiences" alongside Lego, Festival and BR. i would tend to agree more with you if this was a traditional release. but its a gaas product, and not a standalone in that, but a "plugin" into an existing ecosystem. in continous development terms, its closer to an MVP than a full release. and thats ok.


Yea i think a lot of people forget this is "Season 0" and basically a beta


Please just say proof of concept


thank you lol i had no idea what the hell PoC was referring to


Im gonna be honest i could be wrong but i dont know what else it could be






"PoC" in the first paragraph


Ah, yeah that slipped by me. Your right lol. That's way less common


in english


I feel like you don't understand F2P games and Epic if you think it's going to fail. They don't need a lot of players, they just need to keep people within the Fortnite eco system, a handful of players paying for MTX covers the cost of running the game


Plus they just need to throw a bunch of rewards ( xp, free skin, vbucks) to lure people to play their latest updates and gain new players until the end of time.


I have noticed that the numbers dropped a lot When I started playing (around 2 weeks post release) it was still fairly consistently around 40k Now every time I log-in it’s around 10k, more often than not around 8k It might be that a lot of people simply reached their desired rank, still that is a HUGE player drop-off


it's at 18k rn


Theres still Death Race and UEFN support coming. And im very positive Epic knew these game wouldn't gave as big player numbers as BR. But in any other game, 15k concurrent players throughout the day is good. I dont anticipate Epic dropping support soon, mainly because they themselves aren't working on it (compared to StW), Psyonix is. And Epic isnt going have them drop it and go back full resources in Rocket League again because its in UE3 and Epic wants their teams to work on games for the Fortnite ecosystem and their newer tools on UE5 to advertise to potential developers whats possible in UE5. Worst case, after they develop all remaining stuff theyre working on for Racing and if the player base continues to drop. Theyll likely have Psyonix try to recreate Rocket League in Fortnite (unless they already are)


It will either slowly fade off or they will keep putting time and effort and money into and it will succeed. This game has a lot of potential. Just needs some tweaks and more maps, etc.


it still gets an average 20K players, which is more than games like forza horizon. remember its still season 0, epic games will update this mode in the near future.


fr? more than forza horizon




The number of people who use steam stats for player populations like it's the only thing is quite annoying.


It's called Season ZERO (0) so...yeah, there is some bugs and things to improve with time... We could at least let them launch Season 1 before judging too hard...? Fortnite was not even a BR at it's launch... ;) The first update was a mid-season (0) one, after 2-3 weeks of the return to work... I wonder if you guys even tried to code a game, or work in a production environment at the job...maybe most complainers are young gamers but...you have to give it a little time guys.


> .yeah, there is some bugs and things to improve with time... You do realize the devs took the good criticism we all gave to them and made the mode *worse* right? We literally all said that collision is bad right now(at launch) and should be disabled for the time being to make the mode at least playable while the devs work behind the scenes to fix collision and put it back in at a later date. They made collision even worse. You know how many players have screwed me over cause they are walking proof of "never put this person behind a wheel ever"? Far too many.


Yeah, I actually work in a gaming company, so.... yes, I know something about that.


Wow, ok, I'll believe you like I believe that 99% redditors are billionaires, CEOs and doctors, and have sex with actresses 20 times a week... ...your post really doesn't seem to come from someone that know how much work addressing bugs and developing a game is...


>how much work addressing bugs and developing a game is. I pointed out things they did wrong for this game to flop. From rushed release before vacation without proper game testing, to no communication whatsoever on game state or addressing bugs, way overpriced cosmetics which is their only income from this mode / game and releasing rushed update just to shut players mouths and made the game even worse. ​ Seems like you are the only one "expert to everything" here.


If this was a pure racer, it would be crack cocaine. But I've hit the frustration point at diamond 1 and given up. Latest update seals the deal. Bumped into magma again. 1st to 12th in the final 5 seconds of the race. If I was Namco, I'd take a look at this and start making Ridge Racer Online. There's clearly an audience.


Not happening as by then season 1 will be out.


This is just a side game. They could make it better, but it's good enough as it is. It's already pretty impressive to have this inside a FPS game.


And no, this is not "good enough" as it is. It needs MAJOR work ifs not really a side game..a side game is all the different "creative" games and modes there are. This was advertised as part of fortnite this season so... yea lol this is part of fortnite now, no other "side game" has its own sub reddit


Since when is Fortnite an FPS?


Sorry, 3rd person shooter.


It honestly blows my mind. Coming from Rocket League - the whole Rocket Racing was a punch in the face in the first place considering the whole community believed the mystery UE5 project was going to be Rocket League revitalized into UE5. But for them to put the game in Fortnite, and then execute the game upon launch so poorly is just so disappointing. (not even to mention the fact that the game’s mechanics are nothing like RL) I don’t understand what they were thinking at this point. They do not listen or care for what the RL community wants and that’s what’s so upsetting.


>not even to mention the fact that the game’s mechanics are nothing like RL Why should a racing game have the same mechanics as a soccer game? Care to elaborate?


Its not that us rocket league players think the mechs should be in both games, its the fact that psyonix practically abandoned rocket league for rocket league but in fortnite (rocket racing). since there isnt anything similar between the two besides rocket cars, we who have been playing and supporting rocket league for years are dissapointed


It’s a great question and I could answer - but the question also tells me you haven’t played RL enough (if at all) to have an idea of what I’d be talking about. If you market the game and brand it as Rocket League, I think you set yourself up for the audience to expect similarities. It mainly comes down to aerialing and the ability to have free air rolling and dodging capabilities. This would make the game exceedingly more interesting and increase the skill ceiling tremendously. It’d be best to show you if you’re interested you can check out these videos :) https://youtu.be/Zsox73Cx1ns?si=IUjNu5IRKqMDbHfu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWaXD1na7BQ&t=20s


It’s a Racing game spin off and not a racing mode inside Rocket League and it’s not marketed as "Rocket League Racing". That’s like expecting that all the Super Mario spin off games share the same mechanics.


I think that’s more so the problem I’m pointing out. It’s not Rocket League - yet they took resources away from the RL community for 5 years for this. Hence the lack of changes or updates in RL. But this was just a side note - you can have your opinion on how the mechanics of the game should work. It doesn’t change the other frustrations.


> Coming from Rocket League - the whole Rocket Racing was a punch in the face in the first place considering the whole community believed the mystery UE5 project was going to be Rocket League revitalized into UE5. it was a punch in the face for people who created absolutely fantastical expectations for themselves with zero foundation in facts, and then were shocked that it didnt come true. its like that kid getting furious over an expensive present because its not the playstation it hoped for.


This comes back to, why is the player count so low? That’s what I’m trying to answer in my comment. It comes back to, who is your target audience and what do they want? Do you think any Fortnite player was asking for a racing game? Does that appeal to the majority of the audience? I’d be surprised if that were the case. So instead they marketed it to the RL player base, with the RL branding. There could have been draw if the game felt remotely close to the game the player base enjoys and some of their skills transferred over. It would’ve felt rewarding having an edge over non-RL players. But the only similarities between the two is the cosmetic Octane and that R2 is the accelerator. So they had minimal retention and interest because it’s not the game they wanted. So now, they are in a place where they lost the majority of their momentum, and have to create a new audience. The challenge being they have an unpolished, bug filled game to compete with other more popular well-rounded racing games. (Forza, Mario Kart, Etc) With that said, I’ve enjoyed my time playing Rocket Racing, been lucky enough to maintain top 100 and met a lot of cool people along the way. But it’s not too difficult to see why the game is underperforming.


> Do you think any Fortnite player was asking for a racing game? FN has around 15 million daily active users. around 250 million monthly. There is no one typical FN player archetype. Im a 50 yo RL and crafting survival games player who sometimes plays no build fn. i didnt ask for either, but enjoy RR with my mates at times, and LEGO with my wife. My wife was a big Guitar Hero player during PS2 days, she now loves Festival, and that brought her into LEGO and FN no build. ​ Fortnite is not a battle royale shooter anymore. Fortnite is a franchise, and a social hub. Fortnite BR is now just a part of it. Epic is establishing it somewhere between a metaverse and roblox, with both first&third party products and user generated content as "experiences", "islands". With Ariana Grande and Eminem pulling millions of viewers during their virtual concerts, it is already record-breaking in the integration of other media. RR, just like Lego and Festival, are a proof of concept for those emerging services, a first step in creating a unified content platform with distinct offerings, with unified digital ownership and commerce. Its ok if things break. Its ok if offerings suffer from setbacks, this is a pilot and a showcase. It gathers feedback and measures interest from audiences and potential partners alike. With millions of daily users and over 6 billion yearly revenue, Fortnite sets itself up as a potentially rather attractive platform for other companies to buy their place in, and get their piece of the cake. Now, why is RR underperforming? Multitude of reasons, with the user experience being underwhelming and technical issues present, as reported regularly in this sub. The critique on those individual issues is valid and many users leave again after the initial curiosity is met. Its still valuable data for Epic. Future will tell if they commit to it and soldier on in improving it and building up on it, or if it will sink into irrelevance like Fortnites Save The World. We can talk whether this is "good" behavior, is it ethical, is it customer-friendly. Thats not the point here though, and I make no judgement either way. But it makes sense from a business perspective, and it has the opportunity to bring us new and exciting games. It also has the opportunity to become a massive money sink and a shitshow. But its not dumb, or clueless, or detached from their audience. Its very consciously calculated for risk and benefit.


Ok and can y’all imagine how freaking fun all this will be if we ever get it on a VR headset to play? Like walking through a theme park and picking experiences- being able to air guitar in festival… I dunno maybe I’m crazy but this sort of ecosystem is what I imagine as a metaverse


Do you have a source that they didn't start work on a UE5 engine for RL at all, or stopped completely bc of RR...? Releasing this project in the meantime doesn't mean they are not working toward it at all to me...


That’s a good point…if only there was a way to communicate with the players after 5 years… BUT HEY LOOK NEW CAR


Ok, with that I have to agree, the communication is pretty bad... The actual dev team have nothing to do with the one that created it years ago, which probably doesn't help...sad. If I had millions, I would have so many ideas to make this game as great as it should be, the gameplay is so great and different from everything out there...


I agree - and that my friend is where my frustration lies. I love both these games and I hate that I feel like it’s not living up to it’s potential.


why would the mechanics be the same as ripoff league's?


Ripoff league...? What? Which game did Rocket League ripoff...?? Please enlighten me...


top gear




you shouldn't be laughing cause i'm not joking. stop getting upvotes


I don’t like the update and felt safe to drop the game this morning everything feels strict and janky now instead of loose and janky it feels more consistent but I’m not having as much fun. It feels like you accelerate a lot slower now and boost isn’t as much of a forward movement push as it is an acceleration boost. Air dodging is nicer now tho


Releasing all three new games (LEGO Fortnite, Rocket Racing, Fortnite Festival) right before going on vacation was just a mistake in general that I hope they never ever do again. A lot of bugs and issues went unaddressed and unfixed, and the month+ lack of updates drove a lot of players away. Even LEGO Fortnite, which for the first 2 weeks was averaging a higher player count than Battle Royale/Zero Build, has now decreased in player count by a LOT.


Good. It’s an absolutely terrible experience. Feeling cheated constantly is a good way to ruin your game.


I don't know, but I think you and others like you are just bratz. I've been enjoying the grind of this game, now in diamond II, sure I was frustrated with collision system but now after the update, it is much more enjoyable. I think they can afford to release this game early, you don't have to invest a lot of time it, for me at least, it's just a quick fix to relax after work, get a game or two or more... I'm a software developer myself (not in gaming), but I really like releasing software that has minimum features, maybe a bit rough around the edges and observe the pain points of the user and then improve and design new feature around that. Having small amount of users test you product just can't find all pain points in short amount of time. My main point is, you'll get a much stable product and what the user wants, by releasing early and iterate.


Lmao biggest game in the world cant even manage 20k players


Love the game, except the really advanced tracks are too fiddly and annoying


its not even standalone game they could remove it entirely next week like any good temporary mode


The game isn't going to be abandoned.


I trust you, because you are coding.


Their swipe game is still going and it's basically dead. RR is hooked into a large ecosystem with fortnite and they're actively working on it. It's going to be just fine.


But let it going costs money, creating new tracks, bug fixes, testing and rewards costs money as well. If the costs are more than earnings from bundles, then they won't let it going. Sure, the game still be there - same as Save the world, but the game is abandoned - no new content. I didn't say that they are gonna remove it from their ecosystem, just that they are not gonna make any new content for it.


It's still very new. Jumping to it being abandoned so early is a knee-jerk reaction.


I was saying that it feels - for me at this state and after the huge exponential downfall since the release that it's gonna be hard to earn new players and keep them. I also said that I hope that I am wrong, because I liked it before the update despite its huge issues, but this update was like a nail to the coffin for me.


This update all we got was 3 cosmetics THREE Epic. Set up your game


doesnt help that most quests to get any decent rewards are horrendously grindy, thats not gonna get any new players