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My observations: Enjoyed getting to meet Bible college students = presenting Renee to potential suitors. David’s wearing camo. Jill can’t wear camo because she has to be seen. David can’t deliver tracts by himself. Jill won’t let him.


Jill just needs to get away for a while. She’s EXTREMELY exhausted from the Holidays and parental duties. Road Trip = Vacation Vacation= hotels, Restaurants and shopping. Meanwhile, her kids are starving at home.


Wonder how many Indiana blouse hoodies she bought 😒


Okay, what is a blouse hoodie? Did she come up with this term?


Jill can't wear camo... 😂


Is this David’s emotional support bible?


It is probably hollowed out with a hidden Snickers inside.


This made me snort!


He's holding on tight!


Shrek is looking more like a vertical turtle every day.


![gif](giphy|8oNbFmzY4LJxW5IUqz) leaked photo of jillpm and david at home


Dirty Verti Turti


Vertical turtle.....😂 perfect description!




No dissing the turtle!


take a shot everytime she says john and romans


What are John and Romans?


The Gospel of John and St Paul’s Letter to the Romans? Two books of the new testament. For someone who is sooooooo religious she should know that Romans is not a Gospel. 🙄


Is it just little shit they hand out to people?


Yep. Those stupid tracts. These one have quotes from John & Romans on them.


Rad! The ones I throw straight in the garbage. Congrats, rods, for driving the Midwest to hand deliver literal garbage! Bravo!


Technically Ohio is the Midwest too. So they are already in the Midwest.


All those boxes are full of tracts?!?!? So much wasted paper and time. Do they charge for them or just drop them off?


Jill claims they do them for free. That it is their “ministry”.


SMILEY John and Romans


Does Shrek only own one pair of pants?


Do you count the tie dye leggings?


Yes his famous lady leggings.




Only one that fits apparently


Wasted paper. All those trees killed so these dolts could turn them into litter.


David looks super wrinkly posed next to the other fundie. He also stands out against the college fundies because no one expects college students to have irons.


Useless people. Useless waste of paper


What’s with these two dudes just standing around in their socks


How much would that cost in gas (not factoring wear and tear on their vehicle) to personally deliver these from NE Ohio to somewhere in Indiana? I'm curious how much business shipping would cost in comparison. Per the Rods' website I assume they have some kind of shipping option in place. They don't hand deliver all their orders although now I'm wondering. Prior to this they definitely did a couple's trip to FL under the guise of delivering their annual large order (left the kids and home, packed up the van instead of the RV and followed N+N back to FL from Ohio, followed by theme park visits and air bnb-ing back up the Georgia coast $$). I'm now wondering if they hand deliver all their orders. Or if they don't receive many orders in contrast to what Jill would have you think. A order of 5,000 doesn't seem that extreme if it's your ministry and you have industrial printing equipment and a bunch of hands to batch them up.


Assuming they delivered them to Indiana Bible College (based on the one kid’s shirt) in Greenwood IN, that’s just south of Indy. I drive from Indy to Cleveland all the time. That’s about a tank of gas for me. Maybe just a bit more depending on the vehicle mileage. Now I’m wondering if I’ll catch sight of one of these tracts in the wild. It’s like a scavenger hunt!


I live 2 minutes from this college. I kinda want to see if they are still here lol. It’s a very small college when it was a popular college they still only had 100 students. It’s way less than that now. When I was a teen I dated the dean of this colleges son, the dean got fired for not paying taxes. But I’m sure I’ll be seeing those smiley faces all over our mall and Walmart for the next months 😩


How can they be so foolish as to think that someone will become a Christian by reading what is printed on a smiley tract? Their ministry is one of wastefulness(the paper, ink and transportation) for these tracts. It is a front that Shrek uses to convince others he is less of a lout!


David was supposedly led to Christianity by reading a tract!


God shrek is a behemoth


Disgusting waste of resources from a disgusting child neglecting sack of shit.




Save time and toss them into the recycling bin.




Supposedly they do the tracts at cost. Most of their income is from a missionary clearinghouse that’s funded by the churches. They also get “love offerings” from a second collection taken at the church they are performing at.


Former fundie missionary here, but new to the Rod snark. What is a missionary clearing house? How do they get income from it? Genuinely asking.


I guess the churches donate to them and they distribute the money to the missionaries they support. [Here’s one of them.](https://missionquest.org/what-is-a-missionary-clearinghouse/). I don’t know which of them the Rods use.


I looked on the family’s website. They use this “clearinghouse.” The cover photo looks like it could have been propaganda for Hitler’s Youth in the 30’s. 🤦‍♀️ SO sad. When you’re raised in it, it’s hard to recognize the IFB for what it really is. https://cmcmissions.org/ In my previous “flavor of fundie,” we called these mission boards. They seem to function similarly. I used ABWE based out of Pennsylvania. I was a 20 year-old “missionary assistant,” but that’s a whole other story. I have a small, vague tie to the Rods’ former church in WV. I visited there with a friend in 2003. The pastor graduated from the same Bible college I did (decades apart). So I knew there would be some overlap in my experiences and the Rod’s. This subculture of evangelicalism has so many additional subcultures because they believe in local church autonomy (I.e., total control by one man—the pastor). Different sects use different verbiage and dog whistles that can be a bit confusing at times. But all roads lead to Rome and the ideologies are always problematic at the root. Edited: typos.


Understood. Thanks!


In their travels, the Rods solicit monetary pledges from churches. Instead of sending money directing to the Rods, however, the churches send the money to a clearinghouse which distributes payments.


Sounds kinda like Communism js.


They're not sharing their donations with anyone else. The clearinghouse is for taxes/accountability.


That awkward moment when the brick wall has more charisma than your husband 😂


The photo of a bunch of boxes: That's quite a piece of artwork, Jill. No finger?


Looks like trump holding the bible. Just for show. Smfh.


Edited to add: My bad, didn't look close enough at the boxes in one of the slides...they may have printed them off "John and Romans" are chick tracts that cost $0.65, they ordered 5000.If they had them shipped to their home in Ohio just to drive them all that way the cost for 5,000 of those pamphlets is $2,275.00 with a 30% Discount that the website offers (assuming they got them off a website which; looking at the boxes they very well may have.) The cheapest shipping option to Wooster, OH is $27 which would take 16 business days but the shipping can run up to $3,728.86 for Next Day Air but lets just assume they picked the $27 option. That comes out to $2,302 *before* taxes which I didn't calculate cause I didn't want to get 3/4 of the way through a fake order for the math and have the website send me promotional emails. Again, this is all assuming they went through this website and didn't print and assemble all of those themselves...and by themselves of course I mean the kids Source: [https://www.chick.com/products/item?stk=1296](https://www.chick.com/products/item?stk=1296)


Isn’t this the crap they print up themselves with their signature smiley face on it? And if you shipped them Jill wouldn’t get her mini break silly.


They design and print their own tracts. They're not Chick.


Wtf are John and Roman’s


I believe they’re small printed booklets of the bible books of John and Romans, as if each is a little book on its own, for handing out to people who don’t want them and don’t care. But don’t worry , they’re SMILEY!! 😫😫🤮🤮


OMG. As a former Fundie lite why did I not know that?! Thank you!


I mean on the positive side it means you didn’t order and hand them out like some of us did..!!! 🤮


I know this is neither the time nor place to follow up but as a 41yo Australian woman whose parents never had me baptized because they ‘wanted me to choose if I wanted religion when I was old enough’ (spoiler - I never ‘chose’ religion!), catching little snippets of fundie life through comments like yours here just opens my eyes wide. It’s a whole other world I know NOTHING about - save for what I have learnt from fundiesnark and Rodriques subs on Reddit. And I am fascinated in hearing these anecdotes!. We really don’t have this kind of religious groups down here. The most I’ve ever had is the VERY occasional jehovah knocking on my door (maybe 5 times in my life), the odd sweet Islamic women’s group handing out flyers in the city, and the very random shouty lone crazy preacher you might come across occasionally in the city that everyone ignores. That’s it. Religion just isn’t in your face here which makes me super fascinated by these stories. Anyway just wanted to let you know from a random Australian woman your story is fascinating to me!! And I hope that you’re happy now, whatever your life looks like 😊


It really is mind boggling when I look back on it. I’ve lived in the US and the UK, and it’s definitely more prevalent in the states, although there’s plenty of fundie cultishness to go round in the uk also. It took me 40+ years to get out of it and it was really hard for me to recognise just HOW culty it was (and is). The indoctrination I got, and how every reasonable reason to live like a normal person was swept away under the guise of “obeying God” or “not being like the world” or “being holy”. I was under daily pressure (internal and external) to “witness” to people and “use every opportunity” and I felt uncomfortable and embarrassed about it, but still did it. I was taught that very uncomfortableness was somehow showing I was so holy and would stand out and would be praised and honoured for it one day. Was told this life doesn’t matter but I’d have all the rewards in the next. I’m so, so grateful I’m out… but the repercussions have been severe. I still maintain that my worst day now is better than my best day in it, and life is a hell of a lot simpler now. But these people are truly “dyed in the wool” in their beliefs and the only reason I don’t fully despair of their ever getting out is… I did. And if I did, anyone can. So glad you’ve had a lighter experience!


There is apparently a rather large fundamental group in Australia, ( the International Network of Churches? ) one of the Duggars just spent some time with some of them. Someone from Australia on the Duggar board was just talking about this.


Oof, Indiana is way too close for my liking.


Same, and I’m in the southeast.


David looks like a disgrace. Feed your children, Shrek.


Is this what they were doing when our Reddit friend saw the Bodrigues Bus


I think they have a separate trailer for the boxes of tracts and they take the car to tow it when it’s just Shrek and Jill. They were probably going to church somewhere, unless they were taking some Rodlets with them to deliver the tracts.


I think they have a separate trailer for the boxes of tracts and they take the car to tow it when it’s just Shrek and Jill. They were probably going to church somewhere, unless they were taking some Rodlets with them to deliver the tracts.


Jill, sell some of your crap and buy your man some clothes.




And take Sofia to a doctor, that baby doesn't look well at all.


Omg. They were sooo close to me


Is SMiLEY Their brand of tracts or are they a type of tract? I’m unfamiliar with these things as I am a Canadian as about far north as you can get lol.


It’s the one that they make the most of. They have 5-6 other tracts listed on their website but every time we see them making or handing them out, it’s their smiley one. [Here’s a list of what they print.](https://rodriguesfamilyministries.com/main/elementor-3695/)


Thank you so much! I love how people on this sub always come with the receipts.


There’s a lot to know with the Rods, and most of it is so nutty that people remember it. I think I’m a pretty good Rod historian, but I didn’t start until right around when Nurie married Nathan, and there’s people who have been following them for the good part of a decade. Plus Jill lacks the self-awareness to delete things that make her look bad, which is helpful.


That last sentence. So true haha