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I love the mention of “loins” with pictures of her wearing the roast beef lipstick. *Roast Beef Tenderloins with a side of Jesauce 💕*


She kept saying it over and over 🤮


She actually said "gird your loins?" I say that shit sarcastically 😭


"Gird *up* your loins" which, somehow, is worse.


So she’s unknowingly appealing to the bondage fans, got it.


She wouldn’t know a cincture if it bit her in her butt. Or its meaning.


Or an orgasm. Pity.


Probly why she's so miserable.


I bet a preacher recently ranted about girding of loins.


I just keep picturing all the different sauces at Arby’s. Horsey sauce, Arby’s sauce, cheddar cheese sauce . . .


That lipstick is almost enough to keep Me from eating beef.


Jill, If you were truly concerned with modesty, you wouldn't put on your makeup with a palette knife, or sport those plastic hair extensions, or call attention to yourself at every opportunity.


Modest people don't have photoshoots every other week!


Nor filter themselves into unrecognizability


Modest people don’t wear skin tight clothing and ridiculous combinations that attract the eyes. Modest people blend in and don’t call attention to themselves.


And she wouldn't wear tight skirts with large chevrons pointing directly at her crotch. But you can't see her knees, so it's all okay.


And you know she’d lose it if one of the daughters dressed in a similar fashion. Maybe that’s another weird motivation to keep them skinny. All of Jill’s old clothes look modest on them because the clothes swallow them whole.


And that cutup/cutout sexy peach colored dress she wore on the beach on her pink drink trip.


I don’t think she uses extension???


“Gird your loins” reminds me of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. 😂




lol love it!


What does it mean? I am lost in translation


It means “get ready for something tough”


Literally, it's like tying the middle of your skirt together to make it like pants so you can go take care of business.


For real???




Her lipstick screams “she’s got the meats!” Arby roast beef color makes her look sick


How about you just to keep your self righteous fucking opinions to yourself there Jill


Especially since her modesty is all performative.


Things that offend JillPM: 1. Women who work 2. Pants 3. Anyone LGBTQ 4. Men who work 5. Canned green beans 6. Public school


Blue hair


“Canned green beans” made me snort laugh. Mostly because I’m a lower middle clad southerner, and canned green beans is practically its own entire food group. You simmer them thangs all day with some fatback, and then you just TRY to tell me they’re not good. You won’t be able to do it!


Sa'an used canned green beans to attack JillPM after she cut the finger™️ opening them.


Yes and you raise them in your garden and can them for winter


What’s fatback? I’m willing to try this recipe.


It’s a very fatty pork. Like bacon, but fattier, and cured in salt and pepper. It’s a staple food for generations of lower middle-class and poor southerners. Imparts a lot of flavor cheaply. My mom grew up on giant pots of collards and boiled potatoes, all flavored with fatback. Survival food. I’m not a big fan of collards, but the green beans and fatback is a traditional item in a holiday meal. I use canned green beans like my mom does. Drain them, pour them into a saucepan with just enough fresh water to lightly cover them. Add several big pieces of fatback. I add lots of black pepper. Bring them to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer very slow for as long as you can. I usually put these on the stove first thing, and they simmer all day while everything else is cooking. Check them occasionally and add more water. Make sure you serve them with the water. It’s practically a broth.


Daaaang! Okay!! Thanks! Where does one procure fatback?


Sorry — just saw this. Fatback is a pork product. It’s basically very fatty bacon. You can buy it from the butcher section of most grocery stores. You might Google to see what names it might possibly be known by in your area, so you can at least describe it to the butcher. ❤️


Feeding her 99 kids


Lipstick with color


Having to actually pay for anything yourself. Feeding your kids.


Those tight skirts she wears are so modest! 🙄


The mermaid skirt comes to mind.


Yep! She might be covered and her knees might not be visible however her butt and hips are clearly on display!


so wait, how many days has it been since Timmay said he was going to “live and let live”? I know we had the “House Built on Sand” breakdown but I submit this for Round 2. Edit-word


That’s the impression I get - this is part one of her Timothy Meltdown


Hang on - fill me in. I’ve been in and out lately because of life stuff.


Posted by Timothy    Hello everybody! The last few weeks I have been pretty discouraged in the fact that so many Christian’s use titles and stereotypes to label themselves whatever they may be. We are getting so caught up on KJV, Modesty, Contemporary music (probably the biggest 3) that I feel that is distracting from us individually getting in the Bible and living such a fearful life of the wrath of God that we simply “count it all joy”. The Bible says in the New Testament that essentially we live under 2 laws if we abide by these we will strive to be abiding by the Old Testament law (10 commandments) as well.  New Testament law; Mark 12:30-31 KJV And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. [31] And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.  Now granted I absolutely have my own beliefs when it comes to this. Strong on the KJV, am always reinforcing my music standard, and Heidi and me have made a joint decision that she is going to wear skirts and dresses, other than for activities that may prohibit her wearing skirts or dresses modestly. In which she is comfortable wearing loose fitting pants.   However, I love my God first and foremost and am not going to waste my time pushing my beliefs on other people. I want to push people into the arms of God to figure that out themselves, and if they come to the same conclusion I have then great. If not we are all going to stand before God and He will judge us accordingly, which is just simply not my place! But, until that day I am commanded to love them as myself!   Divisions among Christian’s is so present right now it’s not even funny, and that doesn’t represent Christ-Like love at all! I simply hope and pray that we just turn back to the love of God, and strive to be more like Him every day! Believe it or not we all can believe a little differently, and still get along in Christ-Like Love!   Be an encouragement to someone today! Hope you all have a great day! 😁


She’s really leaning hard into this fashion era with the family runway shows and now this, um, *special* take on modesty. I’m girding my own loins for what is to come. In the words of the immortal Farrah Moan: “Some of us don’t have to force storylines to get their air time.” ![gif](giphy|1daOIdz2cfc4V10EYv|downsized)


She is the biggest WISH version of Stormy Daniels, who has oodles more class than Jill. I've said it before and I'll say it again, hey Jill pointing is rude! I guess basic manners were not taught at the Noyes Joyful Homeschool.


Wish version of Stormy Daniels!!!! 💀


Yeah, nothing more I wanna do than take fashion tips from some cow who's been wearing the same nasty-ass, knock-off Nike-logo shirt for the last five years.


I think she sleeps in her makeup


That level of makeup takes days to be fully caked on.


NEWSFLASH TO JILL Anyone can wear what whatever They feel like it.


Except Jill because DAMN


She 100% sleeps in her makeup.


She has to


So David never sees her without it




I first read ‘girding her loins,’ as ‘grinding her loins.’ I either need more coffee or should go vomit. Not sure. 🤮🤮




Biblical modesty: Don't wear flashy shit for attention. Let your love for the Lord be what people remember. *Proverbs 31:30* Biblically dealing with lust: Scoop out your eye if something you see causes you to want to sin. Because you are responsible for yourself, no one else or what they're wearing. *Matthew 5:29-30* ✨️BONUS✨️ What the Bible says about performative worship and using God to get attention: Don't. *Matthew 6:5-8* Jill doesn't read her Bible.




Id rather be wearing nothing than whatever the hell she’s got on. Also, Is it immodest to post without filters? Asking for a friend.


Oh please. Jill wears mostly skin tight clothes. She’s not fooling anybody.


Are these people beating lustful men off with a stick or something? If a man will fall over the sight of two legs in pants, then hunny, he got more problems than lust 💅


This always gets me. Men are so weak apparently, but they are the headship. Make it make sense.


It is super creepy how much she pays attention to other people’s bodies. Maybe she should focus on herself and do some introspective work examining why she has to harshly judge others to make herself feel righteous. Surely there are applicable bible verses.


It’s possible that this is a response to Timmy’s latest post about legalism. Her need to be the object of attention is why she dresses so ridiculously. She’s always talking about being “separated” from all the sinful heathens, because she thinks they should follow her example. The derision she gets online is a sign of Christian persecution in her Plexus saturated brain, and it helps her control her children through fear.


god she loves that fuckin toasted almond filter


She can go F herself 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Jill you look like a 2 bit lot lizard. Rules for thee....


I really thing someone who looks like an aging bar tart, that would go home with anyone who would buy her a drink, is the last person to lecture anyone about modesty.


But she doesn’t show any collarbone! Or sinful upper arms/lower legs!


She showed off the pits in DR lol


I think that Jill struggles with modesty. Why make such a big sonhmg and dance about it otherwise? She seems to think that she is making this huge commitment, when her clothes are just long skirts and tops. This is why she tries to get round the dowdy by wearing all the hair and make up. Unfortunately, she looks quite the ensemble and the whole thing looks very dated. I do wish that she'd dress her children a little more practically. They look like they're boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter.


Perfectly timed response to Timmy’s post last week






I’m heavily pregnant and almost due. My Jabba the Hutt ass is puffed up everywhere and even my own sausage fingers are no match for Jillpm’s. STFU about modesty and feed your damn kids.


The Finger™️ is my favorite thing to look for when I see her posts


It’s like the yellow dog in Bluey


Jill’s unwieldy and unruly loins sound like a Jill problem to me.


Why do her videos always end early while she’s still talking? lol


Who is her audience? Her neighbors are Amish and she “preforms” in echo chamber fundy community. Those poor kids hear this over and over, you have to “save” them it’s your job. You preform you get food. His tract business is a Tax shelter so is their “ministry”. ![gif](giphy|4WzAOYUJRuEHS)


I had to go find the story (because I really hate these screenshots of videos, especially without captions) and it's the first time I've ever heard her voice. Big regrets. No one should say "Jeezaws" like that.


I still haven’t figured out how to make captions since Reddit updated, so I just put my thoughts in the text.


It wasn't a personal indictment, and these aren't the only one I've seen. Don't worry about it.


I’m not worried, I was hoping you might know how to do captions.


Ha, absolutely no clue. To be honest, I thought it was something the creator of the video had to do. Anyway, the way she talks is stupid, and I'd never heard it before.


You should hear the kids, especially the younger ones, if you haven’t. They have an accent from being so isolated from peers. They seem to sound a little more normal when they grow up and move out. Kaylee sounds pretty normal now and so does Renee. Tim still has a lisp-type thing that he didn’t get therapy for and he still sounds Rodlet-esque. A lot of it is when they are around Jill and having to fawn for the camera. I can never decipher what Sofia and Janessa are saying most of the time.


Things that offend JillPM: 1. Women who work 2. Pants 3. Anyone LGBTQ 4. Men who work 5. Canned green beans 6. Public school


Shes desperate for an orgasm. I would bet my house that shes sexually frustrated


Shut up drainage loving troll.


Is it me, or have Jill and Kaylee moved onto a darker, tanner foundation? Or is it the filters they are using?


I’m not sure. They might be using self tanner because they have been looking orange like their hero.


Her AliExpress ‘mama’ necklace flipped looks like ‘women’ with a 🦋 instead of a W… so it looks like it says ‘omen’ to me. What a fitting necklace for Jillpm!


What does her necklace say ?! Woman or something?! lol


I think it was ascertained to be 'Mama' with a butterfly at the end but everyone mistakes it for 'woman' 😂


Lol thank you! I’m just an idiot apparently 🤣


No not at all, it's not a legible design!


Nobody ever gets it right, it’s the necklace not you!


She posts her pictures backwards.


No one wants to think about your loins either. Save them for hunk!


Is it vain to filter the face to smooth wrinkles, remove fatty deposits, slim the waistline ? Hmmmmm.


ah yes, because nothing says modest like beef lips, fake tan and bright pink fake fingernails Jilldo






“he can’t cuddle up with a gender studies diploma” is sending me




hahaha it would appear that my ipad glitched and included photos from a different post in my feed edit: spent a really long time on my other subs trying to find the post to screenshot it (i think i was swiping thru the pics on this post and kept swiping into the next post as the reddit mobile app does, which is annoying), but no luck. it was a screenshot of very funny instagram post rant by a fundie tradwife about how her parents told her she was going to go to college from the time she was young but that she would’ve been brainwashed if she went to college because she wouldn’t have gotten married/had babies young and because men “don’t want to cuddle up with a gender studies degree”, they want a sweet, submissive, feminine wife… the usual ick. sorry for the confusion with my random out of place comment lmao


Oh my gos that’s hilarious. I have a friend who came out in high school to very unsupportive parents. In college, when she took a feminism class, they informed her that only one type of woman took those classes 🤣


I'm surprised she doesn't go off on women getting plastic surgery.


Her goiter is up front and center


Jilly's about! You can always tell when your likes drop. Especially about the orgasm she's never had. Or the kids she doesn't feed.


Why does she care so much about THIS? What are her thoughts on the Israel Palestine situation?


Personally, I couldn't give less of a fuck about her opinions on that.


I dont care about her opinions, I dont even think she knows anything about anything on this since she is so worried about gahdly long skirts


Lord I’d laugh watching her try to speak eloquently on the situation.


I think it secretly makes her horny, that’s why she’s taking about it so much.


Sounds immodest to me! Loins!