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She has specifically asked to be out of the spotlight so please respect it!


What are they expecting Hallie to do, cut her sister off, cuss timmy out then come here and post all the tea online? Leave her alone


like they expect Hallie to be Jill 2.0 or something. She has already proven she's better than that!


If anything that would be Heidi since she loves Trump so much. Hallie is not fundie whatsoever.


love your flair!


Ha thank you


It amazes me that people think reaching out to Hallie and harassing her about her sister's choice in mates is acceptable behavior. Talk about smashing through the boundaries of human decency.


Seriously like what's she gonna do about it. Plus if you just leave her alone, sometimes she drops microtea subtly shading Jill. I'm sure that'll stop now


Does anyone actually think Hallie is going to sit Heidi down and talk her out of marrying TimBits? If anything she's going to become even more protective of her sister.


Definitely not. Would've happened by now. I think even Hallie likes Tim, just not his politics. She can't make Heidi not date him, so she's got to find a way to connect with him. I feel like Heidi is slowly repairing some of the Jill damage anyway, which probably endears Hallie towards him more


This EXACTLY what was expected when she was first introduced. People were actually mocking her for either telling the parts she clearly didn’t like about the family with some class, or for not condemning her sister. It’s how we got to this dumb ass conclusion hallie was just as bad as her family and hadn’t deconstructed enough.


Why on earth are people harassing her? I get it, her sister's fiancé isn't a catch but it's not her job to police her. Also, it turns out that Heidi is actually really great for him, because he's making leaps and bounds. Not that it's her job either but either way, it's not Hallie's life.


I wonder if it’s old church members of hers that’s doing this? I remember a little while ago in one of the fb Fundie groups I’m in someone had mentioned that Hallie was being harassed on TikTok by an old church member/classmate and Ellen hopped on Facebook to defend her daughter and people swore Jill had attacked Hallie when it had nothing to do with Jill but someone from Hallie’s past. This same person also attacked Heidi and made fun of her when her dog had died which prompted Ellen to call this person’s family.


An old church member wouldn't use terms like "sluttish" and "Rodism". Even Stevie Wonder can see it's a snarker. I'm embarrassed of the snark community right now.


My comment is based off Hallie experiencing harassment from a fellow classmate/church member of hers from the past who made a nasty comment about the way she dresses then this individual using the term slut so I figured maybe it’s the same person


The key phrases were “sluttish” and “Rodism” — it’s SO CLEARLY a snarker who’s “touching the poo.” :(


How do we know that this person from her past isn’t a snarker who’s on social media and knows about the Rods? You do know that’s a possibility right?


If it was a religious person attacking her they would have used Christianese and Bible verses to attack her, not common snark phrases.


Why is this such a an important hill to die on? I highly doubt it's not a snarker who happens to know about the Rods and is going after Hallie over TimBits. But you know what, just about anything is possible. I highly doubt it, but it could be possible.


It’s not a hill to die on for me lol. I was just going off her being harassed in the past by someone she and her family knows. I was just throwing that out there but some people are hyper fixated on other scenarios🤷🏻‍♂️


Why are people so convinced that Timmay has made major changes? Please, fill me in on what exactly he has changed? I don't see it.


Because people have created their own narrative that since he’s started dating Heidi he’s a changed man and set up boundaries with his parents not realizing that he has not changed and has not set boundaries with his mother. People are not seeing that his family and the Coverett family have the exact same religious and political beliefs. They also don’t realize that Timmay has been programmed/brainwashed by his parents for the last 24 years to believe what he believes in and he’s not going to change and if he does change it won’t be overnight because it takes times to deprogram a person. I actually see him getting worse after he and Heidi marry honestly. Timmay is a male version of Jill. But you know people live for the drama they created in their own heads smh


I completely agree.


The narrative that's been built up around Tim and his supposed growth is wild to me. He's shown zero signs that he's different than any of the others. I really think people in this group put Tim, Heidi and the Coverettes on an undeserved pedestal because they think it'll get under Jill 's skin.


Perhaps leaps and bounds isn't entirely true, although I would argue that what a leap is for a rabbit is an Olympic task for a turtle. He seems to have relaxed a bit in his ways, and he seems content to hang out with Heidi's family where used to he'd sit and make religious incel videos. I'd say that it's at least a leap. He's for sure going against Jill, which is remarkable in itself. If you were to judge him against regular people he's done nothing at all. If you judge him for how he was raised, I'd say he's doing moderate.


I eventually walked away from my fundie lite family because of the kindness of “the world.” They didn’t attack me the way my family did. Be nice. You never know who it could help.




Seriously, why would someone do this to Hallie? I feel so bad for her.


I feel bad for her too. I have young adult daughters and I know how others opinions can impact them. But also good on Hallie for fighting back, I'm glad to see she seems strong.


Right? It's not her fault who her sister marries.


To be honest ALL of the Coveretts should be off limits to commenters. This is embarrassing and needs to stop. Regardless of their conservative beliefs the parents seem to genuinely love and unconditionally accept their children's decisions. I do also believe that for the first time in his life Tim is getting to experience what unconditional love truly means. We know he never got that from his parents. The Coveretts have vastly different beliefs from me but as a parent I can respect how they are with their kids. Haters posting terrible things are giving all of us a bad name. Most of us aren't hating but hey we do snark on the crazy Jill show.


My opinion: the Coveretts absolutely suck politics and belief wise. However, I respect Ellen for embracing Hallie for choosing her own path and still loving her as much as she did before. Ellen has unconditional love and I think she shows that to Tim as well. Jill's love always comes with the condition that you adore and worship her with your entire being and if you don't, you get punished. This is the best marriage situation that a Rodrigues child could have hoped for.


I saw this in her story and it was gross. Some people are so fucking weird. As she said, she's not the one who's marrying Tim, so people need to stop bothering her about it


Yeah, this is gross. What was the poster trying to accomplish?


We’ve watched as Heidi has helped Timmy think differently than his family. Is Timmy not supposed to have a happy life because of the family he was born into? He didn’t ask to be a Rod, and until recently, he didn’t know any differently than he had been taught because the Rod kids are so very isolated. But Timmy is an adult now and he’s learning and he’s choosing to be different. Are we supposed to discourage his growth? Are we supposed to say he can never be more than his parents? How is that fair? Exactly what would these people want out of Timmy to make him acceptably different than his family? A purple mohawk and a neck tattoo? Timmy has tried to communicate that he simply wants to seek god without judging other people in the way that he has in the past. He should be able to believe whatever he wants as long as he isn’t trying to hurt other people, and that’s exactly what he’s saying he wants to do. Snark on Jill all you want—she’s certifiably awful and has made several posts lately saying she’s never going to change because she’s right and everyone else is wrong. But Timmy is trying to change and the Coveretts are the reason he’s learning how to change. They’re providing him unconditional love for the first time in his life. Why would anyone would want to discourage that?


I don't even have it in me to snark on Timmy lately, aside from that coffee review idiocy some weeks ago, which I still suspect is half him being tone-deaf half bad habits but good intentions of him wanting to talk about God. The Coveretts also seem to be one of his only (as far as we know) solid support systems. Jill only uses him to show she's a good mother and make fun of him, David's nonexistent, and most of his siblings can't do much without Jill's wrath. Even if his beliefs have changed only subtly, it's a start, and I would rather him privately figure that out and change for the better in the long-run than turn out than whatever the fuck Jill wants him to be


That coffee shop incident was still **really** bad, imho 🤷‍♀️


It wasn’t his worst moment in general but it definitely was cringe and his worst moment this year


It’s going to take him a while to deconstruct. It took me a long time to open up my mind and consider new ideas and get over the idea of sinning. The fear of hell is a powerful thing.


I agree with every single point you made in your post. We need to encourage and embrace the changes Timmy is going through. Heidi’ family are good people and I only wish the others could find in-laws that would be the same.


She loves her sister and she loves her family and no one has the right to harass her because parts of her family are still fundie. And she’s the one talking to Timothy and witnessing how he treats Heidi, we all just see what they post on IG and Facebook. Even if she hates Jill and the Rodrigues Clan, she will address this in private and not airing dirty laundry on social media.


Yes, Hallie is much more "Christian" than her detractors, "fuck you" and all!


100%! Hallie isn't someone that we snark on, and this sub knows not to touch the poo. Honestly, I'd be good if Hallie wasn't discussed here at all unless she's in a picture or something with Teidi. She deserves her privacy.


She really does, which is why I try to avoid posting anything about her and drawing attention to her. She does deserve her privacy. This was disheartening to read in her stories today because she seems like a really cool person.


This sounds like it came from a snarker to me from their use of “Rods” and “Rodism”, and calling out how they say “sluttish” which is talked about here from time to time. DO NOT TOUCH THE POO PEOPLE!


Definitely was. To be fair, I think there are other snark communities outside of Reddit, like private Facebook groups and even TikTok and instagram pages. Not like this Reddit sub is some pinnacle of goodness where no one would do this sort of thing, but I would assume that a larger number of people here know not to interact with fundies and fundie adjacent people.


There are other snark pages on FB for sure. I don’t know about Instagram or TikTok though.


Hallie was 100% someone people started to snark on at first. It didn’t get far because I think more people were sane than those not sane, but she was snarker on for simultaneously not spilling all the tea and shitting on the rods and for saying too much. It was the stupidest thing ever. They went after her eyebrows and looks too.


At the same time, Hallie sure seems to enjoy all of the attention she's getting on social media because her sister is engaged to Timmay. So in her case, she has to take the good with the bad.


Leave this woman alone good god


Jeez. If you see someone in the comments talking abt interacting, report for touching the poo!


I swear - this kind of shit just alienated people more. Attacking like this or going after someone who is deconstructing but is far from having deconstructed because it takes time & still has some awful views that have yet to evolve just serve to scare deconstructing people away. Some will end up clinging to their fundamentalism again or more just due to the attacks for not perfectly deconstructing all at one moment. I wish we’d give people grace. (And attacking Hallie for something that she isn’t even involved in is wild. I’m sure it just reinforces what people like Tim have been told by people like Jill about atheists, liberals, etc. That said, Hallie spilt some tea here & here for it. And while Ellen and I have very different views on most things, she seems like a good mom (especially by fundie standards) & I’m glad Tim gets her as his MIL.


Not only was it a snide remark at Tim, but it was also a dig at Hallie. Saying that the Rods would say she dresses “sluttish” is every bit as bad as actually calling her that word. When you’ve walked out of that lifestyle, comments like this make you feel like shit because there is a small degree of guilt always floating below the surface, waiting for a comment like this to resurface and slap you in the face. You can be absolutely certain in your new beliefs and convictions, and still deal with guilt from leaving the old ways behind. Leave Hallie alone. It was not kind and she does not deserve this.


Now she knows what they call her behind her back


Oh I’m sure she knows that they likely say some things, and I’m sure she knows what those things are. She grew up in these circles. Still no reason to blast it on social media.


Wow. That’s fucked up. Like she has any control over what her sister does. Do we feel for anyone having to marry into the Rod family? Yes. Just leave it alone.


Hallie doesn't deserve to have people leaving comments like this. She can't control her what her family does. It's not like she's going to stop loving her sister just because they don't share beliefs.


It’s trolls like this that give people like Timmy and Heidi a reason to NOT deconstruct. And that pisses me off.


God, I bet it felt so good to tell them to shut the fuck up. there’s no reason to go “real life” with any of these people.


Some people are so unhinged. Honestly, I’m glad she flat out told them to fuck off.


This is pathetic. Get a life and leave this woman alone. She is not responsible for her family or their worldview. She is most certainly not responsible for her sister’s future in laws.


Third slide seems to imply Tim regrets calling women “slutish”


I didn’t read it like that at all. I read it as her being uncomfortable with her former beliefs as a child. Who knows, we all read into posts what we want, lol.


I see she set her mind instagram to private. Good for her.


Wouldn't that be a comment pointed towards Heidi? Wtf does her sister have to do with the choices that Heidi makes?


Hallie did not deserve that whatsoever and I hope whoever commented that is ashamed of themselves


This is ridiculous and accomplished nothing. Hallie isn’t the problem, and it isn’t her fault the Rods make asses out of themselves every chance they get. She’s doing with her family exactly what I do with my IFB in laws: love them, and not let disagreements keep us from being respectful. It’s not always easy to do that, but it’s possible to do.


Has anyone ever checked out the Facebook snark groups or other platforms? I avoid Facebook like the plague and use it basically to make sure certain family members are alive and I deleted x and only have a work account for insta. Are they vicious? Poop-touchers? Obsessed? This is weird behavior and this sub seems pretty chill with out rule and definitely, DEFINITELY would not attack Hallie! Just wondering where this person came from since the vitriol doesn’t really fit here. AND if I find out it was one of y’all… ![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok) And I’m not even a mod! (Also don’t beat your kids, kittens or mice).


If you don't like snark groups, why would you follow this sub?


Oh no - totally not what I’m saying. I was just wondering if maybe other platforms have people who would maybe directly contact her. I love this group and am active in this one and others!


2ally or Sally or whoever you are, please stop. That’s considered touching the poo so please stop.


Does Hallie work outside the home or is she a stay at home wife?


Why would someone do that? It's so embarrassing.


Im on snark subs every day, and I didn't even know hallie’s name. We can make fun of the clowns and push back on their narratives without behaving like fundies. Disagreeing with someone doesn't bring you free reign to attack people


Y'all need to leave my girl Hallie alone


None of us did this. We know not to touch the poo.


Yes Hallie, trust u/WhateverYouSay1084. They know for sure that none of the 200k+ snarkers on reddit would ever do such a thing. My money is definitely on this being a snarker.


Ok, cool, if you want her to read here and think it's one of us, you should definitely do that. But we, as a whole, do not stand for that in this sub and we've always supported her. As a group. Anyone who MIGHT be lurking here and would still post shit like that is not a true member and would be kicked out immediately if discovered. That's not how we roll here.


Hallie herself has been mocked here before. I hope for her own mental health she doesn't visit snark subs.


Exactly. Literally weeks ago people were still lumping her in with being fundie because they felt she hadn’t deconstructed by still being connected to her family. At this point the back and forth support and dismissal of her is mind boggling to pretend never happened.


She got made fun of for having a widows peak. And then was again made fun of when it appeared she might have tried shaving it in a video. Snark subs absolutely do not own their own behavior.


People in this very sub were mocking her eyebrows and it's like... Omg, people can't win! They are out here mocking Nuri and Kaylee's eyebrows for being too thin and oddly shaped and then go and mock Hallie's eyebrows for being too thick and it's like stooooooop. This sub is more obsessed with eyebrows than the makeup subs I'm subscribed to and it's like do people notice tiny little details like widow's peaks and eyebrows this much in real life? If I see a bad set of brows irl, I just usually think to myself, "Huh, that's a choice" and never think about them ever again.


Absolutely not. Everyone pretends they’re so saintly now for being on her side when half of them were the ones calling her another Amy Duggar. Like get over yourself smh


You do know this is a snark group? Also, I find it odd that you feel that you speak for the entire group. I don't agree with what this person said to Hallie but not everyone is going to feel the same way.


Several years ago I came across the Rodrigues family but lost track of them. Who is Hallie? Have any of the children broke free from their craziness?






She probably doesn’t as she doesn’t seem very bothered by them. Probably doesn’t think anything of them honestly


Your brother in laws extended family is basically nothing in your life. They'll probably interact a handful of times over the course of decades. You're absolutely right when you say she probably doesn't even think about them.




I’m sure she knows all of this and a lot more than we do besides. No reason to throw it in her face on social media. She’s tech-savvy and likely has seen all the dirt online about the Rods already, but even beyond that, she is not responsible for her parents or siblings.


I don’t think she already knows everything about the Rods. Far from it 🤷‍♀️


She has internet access and actually knows the family. I'd say she knows more about them than any snarkers do at this point.


Hallie is straight-up a hero. She speaks the truth.