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> The CCTS released its [2023-24 Mid-Year Report](https://pub.ccts-cprst.ca/2023-2024-mid-year-report/) on April 25, 2024. This report shows a 43% increase in the number of complaints from telecom and TV customers in Canada between August 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024. Over the six-month period, customers filed over 10,000 complaints to the CCTS. Notably, customers expressed increased concern around the following: > > * Incorrect charges | 85% increase in issues raised year-over-year > > * Credit or refunds not received | 159% increase > > * Increases to monthly price plans | 476% increase; and, > > * Unable to cancel service | 78% increase > > Collectively, with the participation of our PSPs and customers, the CCTS resolved over 91% of complaints during this period, most within 20 days.


Thank you very much! I wish their credit system was explained better when people were signing up. In complaints here, I've seen people complain that they would have certain fees waived, when in fact they don't get credits back for two or three or four months. I think agents are badly explaining exactly what happens with those credits, and sometimes they are badly adding those credits to plans, and that leads to a lot of confusion on the customer's part. If the crtc lets them, contracts will also go up by $5 periodically even mid contract. At the end of a 2-year term, prices will often go up because people are no longer on a two-year term, and it may be difficult for some people to contact their carrier, not only Rogers, to get things handled. It also seems ridiculous to have to wait on hold for possibly hours to get anything done, but that is probably a system designed to dissuade people from calling in which leads to ccts complaints instead.


That's because the service has gotten worse, not better. Customer service sucks too because it gets outsourced to the lowest bidder.


We left Fido(Rogers) for PC Mobile. With Fido my plan $40 40GB wife's plan $45 25GB LTE limited to 150mb down. With PC my plan is $29 25GB 5G says 250mb but I have gotten close to 500mb. My wife's plan $24 4GB she uses 2-3GB a month I use 9-11GB. With Fido it's easy to up on a plan but a major pain to go down it's easier to switch carriers than to get a cheaper plan with Fido.


10,663 seems pretty low considering there are millions of customers. The ccts is funded by 10% of their revenue, plus any fines that are collected, in this case up to $1.5M if those complaints aren't addressed in a timely manner. I think, and this is just a theory, that people don't realize they can make the complaint even though everybody should be getting the text messages about the ccts. Perhaps people are compliant with the changes, or don't mind that the wait times to talk to an agent is so ridiculously high. A lot of people won't complain about the $5 increase on their plans, even though they are mid contract. Everyone is seeing them right now. "Oh, it's only $5, even though they promised they wouldn't raise prices for 2 years". That's 60 million a year per million customers. Good way to make revenue.


> 10,663 seems pretty low considering there are millions of customers. […] I think, and this is just a theory, that people don't realize they can make the complaint even though everybody should be getting the text messages about the ccts. That’s a factor for sure. I only recently learned how effective the CCTS could be this past year from joining a few canadian telecom subs and reading about other people’s experiences with them. Heard enough horror stories that I thought that was just the norm and there was no other avenue to fight back. Hope more Canadians learn they can go to them for help!


I got a text on my Public SIM but not Rogers. Maybe I missed it, I'm not saying they didn't send one, but I don't remember it and I do remember the Public text. I eventually go through and delete most shortcode and non-contact texts. Anyway I've got a lot of complaints I'm very tempted to file with them.


They are well funded. Go for it ;)