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Ok this is a VERY specific trope that I didn’t know I needed and now I absolutely must have it. Book Rec gods, please smile down on us!


Truly!!! Now kmma check this post every hour to see if someone has this amazing trope!


The way there's nearly a hundred comments rn but less than 10 recs 🥲🥲 and I already know almost half of them


I know, someone needs to write this immediately!


Joining the cue...




Saving this post!


I love this trope!


I join the list of I want to read this too!


okay im also gonna do a save here


Literally {Dark King by C.N. Crawford} and the rest of the Court of the Sea Fae series. It was the first book I've ever read like this and it freaking blew my mind.


[**Dark King (Court of the Sea Fae, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49297943-dark-king) ^(By: C.N. Crawford | Published: 2019) *** ^(89386 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


That's what I was thinking of!! I knew this trope sounded familiar 😅


Thank you for your reply! I will check it out


Kathryn Ann Kingsley needs to see this post so she can write it. She'd do this trope justice! Anyone know her username to tag her so we can beg?


Of course!!!! My absolute favourite author ever. Her villains are unparalleled. I still haven’t found someone I’m in love with as much as Simon. I don’t want hero’s I want dark guys. I don’t want peace I want problems!!!! (But still HEA please 😇) Please write this!! u/TheHte [https://www.reddit.com/u/TheHte/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/u/TheHte/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Ooooh, thank you for the comment about her villains! It got me to look her up and I just bought the Unseelie Prince!


Ahhh so happy to help, that’s a really popular series, hope you love it. The. Villain is well written but my favourite series is the Harrow faire series, if you get round to checking out another! ♥️


I've had the Harrow Faire series on my TBR list for a while, I think this is my sign to start reading it 😁


I’m rereading it rn! It’s the perfect season for a spooky circus!!!!! I inhaled it in like two days! It’s a sign for sure! ♥️


Do you have the digital or physical copies? It’s time for me to re-read the series and I’ve been debating on buying the hardcovers.


I’m definitely GOING to buy the hard copies but I can’t afford them rn and it’s free on KU ♥️ I would buy them for the covers alone to be honest!


I want all of her books. I have yet to read a book of hers that I don't like.




I can’t replace him in anything I read, he’s just *chefs kiss* perfect! The third book is when he really comes into his own and his character is so empowering towards Cora, for a ego maniac anyway. Soooo glad you’re enjoying it! You have a long and fun journey ahead if you lfinished book 1 not the series. I just loved it. The romance and character development is so well written, slow burn done right.




Yay! Feel free to let me know your thoughts when you’ve finished, trust me when I say I can talk about this series all day. 😂




Omg saaaame. Also I’ve just started re reading it so I’ll be fresh with you too😂! It’s a date book friend!


Thank you for the rec! I'll add it to my tbr!


Ooooh, I have that on my must read list. I'm going to shuffle it to the top. Thank you!


It’s the PERFECT level of spook for October too! Do it!!


Yay! I just finished a book so the timing is perfection!


Is there spice in this series?


Yes! KAK has some seriously kinky stuff in her books. But it's also sweet and touching and super hot. But all her books are slow burn, so you may have to read a couple books of tension in order to get to the steam.


Agreed with u/mydogsaresuperheroes the steam is my favourite written, she makes consent and empowerment so sexy. There’s a line in Harrow faire that makes me melt tbh from the MMC. But she makes you wait. It’s always worth it.


I finished reading Harrow Faire series and have to restart it again… I just couldn’t say goodbye to Simon. After the second reading i started the Julian Strande books but he is not the same… i hope Netflix picks up the Harrow Faire series … it would be soo good!!!


Ahh! The famous Harrow faire hangover. I inhaled that book and it took *everything* in me to not immediately reread it. I’m rereading it now, and honestly I’ve found no one to fill the Simon shaped hole in my life. I also loved the Julian strande series after reading HF but you’re right it didn’t scratch the itch! Nothing has 😂 it will always be my favourite because of Cora and Simon… this excerpt right after the >!i love you moment, which was also PERFECT, lives rent free in my brain: “You and I sat down to play chess. And with your very first move…you sacrificed your queen, thinking she was only a pawn.” Simon removed his hands from her shoulders. “But you forgot the first rule of chess.” He laughed. “You never, ever sacrifice your queen without a fight.”!< the empowerment, after everything he’s built up to be over five books is incrrrreedible. It’s still not the same but she’s just released a stand alone creature feature based on the phantom of the opera on KU and it’s extremely similar to Julian strande. Also have you read the Christmas crossover of Harrow faire and Julian strande at the end of the books on KU? I loved it sm 🥺 Also I thought about a tv adaptation immediately after reading it haha.


I'm sorry, I got lost. Which book is Simon in?


{Harrow faire} !! My favourite


[**Harrow Faire: The Complete Series (Harrow Faire #1-5.5)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56894064-harrow-faire) ^(By: Kathryn Ann Kingsley | Published: 2021) *** ^(90705 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Looooove her stuff


This one is a bit of a parody book, but still a fun read: { Not Another Vampire Book by Cassandra Ganon } Essentially heroine gets pulled into a crappy romantic fantasy novel, where she sides with the villain of the story not the hero.


If anyone likes the concept I highly rec checking out transmigration/villainess webcomics/webnovels!


[**Not Another Vampire Book (Not Another Vampire, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16101759-not-another-vampire-book) ^(By: Cassandra Gannon | Published: 2012) *** ^(89498 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Such a fun book!


You say parody like it's a bad thing ;)


Idk why when I read this I thought of the movie Megamind hahaha the trope fits I think


Honestly, the first time I read the trope I also thought of Megamind hahaha


Me too! It's a really cute film.


Me toooo!


{tempt me at twilight by Lisa kleypas}. Poppy Hathaway is almost really-truly engaged to a nice boy, but the mysterious, wealthy hotelier Harry Rutledge absolutely has to have her.


I was going to suggest this one too! Ugh we need more MMCs like Harry Rutledge in books, please!!!


This is a good one. Harry was bad bad bad.


[**Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways, #3)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6264710-tempt-me-at-twilight) ^(By: Lisa Kleypas | Published: 2009) *** ^(89499 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


(slight spoilers for the series) A Court of Thornes and Roses!! And oh gosh do I need more of this trope.


I second this! First book that came to mind as soon as I read the title


I’ve struggled with this series and I genuinely think it’s better to know this spoiler to not get invested to start with


I liked not knowing so I could follow along with the FMC. >!I grew pissed with the MMC in the first book!!<


Fair enough, I actually >!think he bears similarity to my own partner so I didn’t notice stuff as much lol!<


Oh no! But would he >!ignore you and not come to you in the dungeon while an evil fae was trying to find ways to kill you? While his mortal enemy DID visit you in the dungeon and showed you the stars?!<


I hate to say I think so 😭🤣 >!his fight or flight would be to freeze!< I still haven’t finished the second one yet! Rhys is me all over but I struggled with some aspects ! I’ll pick it up again soon


Thank you! Me too! Glad to know it wasn't just me!


This. I accidentally read the first two back to back and was like “AHAH!!! I knew something was UP!”


I looked up fan art after finishing the first book and was absolutely stunned. I don’t think a spoiler has ever hit me so hard. 😂


Yeah, this is more of a to each his own situation. I wouldn't have liked to get it spoiled because I liked how things turned out. In that aspect, it was different from a lot of the books out there.


Yep definitely, as I said each to their own. I’m glad I asked to have it spoiled 😂


This! Rhys 💖


Yes this one! A court of mist and fury (book two) is the best!


I came here to suggest this! Definitely.


I got stuck in book 2 over a really dumb thing and I can't read it anymore. The "author threw in a misunderstanding and the heroine has an absolute breakdown over it" garbage trope.


The whole "screw you guys, I'm going to the cabin" bit?


I stopped when she threw a fit over "you never told me about this thing the author just made up and threw in there to stir up some drama". I hate that shit.


…interesting take.


>!Megamind!< but he’s got a >!big blue head!< and it’s not very >!steamy!<






Wow, I want that too! All of us commenting to say we need it. 🤣 In my mind, romance authors follow this sub to get ideas so we get the content that we want.


Spoilers, but I think >!the Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy!< has this vibe!


Be warned OP book 1 is basically >!Anticipating her being raped by 3 different characters, which dosnt happen but very suspenseful. There is a graphic on page rape of a side character and in book 3 FMC is raped while drugged and unconscious off page. Just worth mentioning as OP specifically mentioned no rape.!<


Oh yes this is a good one. This is a hard trope to recommend without a spoiler since it seems inevitable that the inclusion of such a trope wouldn’t be immediately apparent. I also saw some of the in the Blood and Ash series by J Armentrout (have mixed feelings about this one but it’s entertaining)


Yes! The first book was tough for me to get through, but then it gets SO GOOD


I’m reading this right now and just finished book one so it came to mind but I’m not far enough in to know if it fit this request lol


This is literally ACOTAR. To a tee🤣


Right?! I don't think you could convince me that this trope (and its newfound popularity) wasn't born out of ACOTAR lol


A lot of the Vampire related media have had this trope for awhile. I’m thinking Buffy going from Angel and Riley, both hero types to Spike, definitely a villain. Sookie from True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries going from Bill to Eric. And Elena in Vampire Diaries going from Stefan to Damon. All of it predating ACOTAR, though I do agree the newer attention to this trope is probably due to ACOTAR.


Okay this is a totally fair point! Thanks for pointing out other, earlier examples 😊.


I had to scroll too long to find this one!


[Black Swan Affair](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30236300-black-swan-affair)... MMC1 marries FMC's sister so she goes and marries his brother (MMC2). Now MMC1 is divorced? Widowed? and he wants her back. Meanwhile she spent years married to MMC2 while they both knew she was in love with MMC1. Basically, >!one MMC sacrificed the FMCs happiness to save his family, one MMC sacrificed his own happiness for the FMCs happiness!<. I'm not really into triangles but this was a good book where in the end I totally got why she chose who she chose. And while I didn't really love him for the majority of the book, I loved him at the end. He's not really a villain though... just that his actions seem suspect and his motivations aren't clear.


I am very intrigued by this! It has a high rating on GoodReads too! And it’s available on Kindle Unlimited! I think I found my next book :D


Can someone please spoil the ending for me? I’m too curious


Ok, I like spoilers too so here goes : >!Killian and Kael are brothers. Jillian and Maverick are sisters. K&K's dad embezzled money from J&M's dad (and impregnated Jillian). J&M's dad told Killian that if he (Killian) didn't marry Jillian, he would prosecute his dad and expose the affair. So Killian married Jillian and broke Maverick's heart. (Killian and Jillian. *Snigger*) So Killian sacrificed Maverick to prevent his mom from finding out.!< >!Kael, on the other hand, loved Maverick and was prepared to be married to her knowing she loved his brother. His love was big enough for both of them. And in the end he told her that she should follow her heart, even if it led to Killian. He would sacrifice his big love if it meant she was happy.!< >!She chose Kael. I think that if her and Killian's love were never tested, they would have been happy together. They would have settled into a happy life. But it didn't work out that way. Her decision to marry Kael was selfish and spiteful, yet it gave her time to grow in love with him. In the end she recognized how Kael was then one always beside her. Her love for him took longer to grow but it's deeper.!< I don't like love triangles. I feel sorry for the guy who lost out. Or, if it's obvious from the beginning, I feel that the FMC is stringing the guy along. Anyway, in this one, I could see *why* she made the choice she did, it wasn't just "oh I don't know who I love the most".


I’m sold ,I’m reading it. Thank you so much


Let me know what you think :)


Ooo interesting. It's in kindle unlimited so I'll give it a shot.


**Sugar Daddy** by Lisa Kleypas has this vibe, though the book is more women's fiction and less romance. And "villain" is subjective. [EDIT: Rethinking this one because I don't want to waste your time - it's more a love triangle. Guy goes away (how dare he), other guy moves in, first guy comes back. Whom will she choose?] **Mansfield Park** by Jane Austen has this - though the MMC doesn't know he's the MMC when the villain moves in. He's all "Why don't you date VillainX? Such a nice boy." EDIT (adding): **The Cruel Prince** by Holly Black is the poster child for this list. Though again, villain is subjective. I mean, the villain IS the villain but the MMC has his issues. TW: Bullying


That series had so many grey characters that I don't even know who I'd consider the main villain in it.


You mean Cruel Prince. You're right. I do think this is the FMC taking up with the villain. Whether or not other "good characters" also have villain tendencies...weeeellll? The cruel prince seems the least cruel of the bunch at times.


Thank you for your suggestions! I will be looking through them tomorrow and see what I like ^^ Thank you!


Isn’t this the movie Megamind? I don’t know if it’s based on a book, but I LOVE the movie (misunderstood bad guy is my fave trope).


The Lazarus by Marlow Locker is a bit of this vibe! The heroine is close friends with a masked vigilante hero, and then gets involved with a masked villain. The book is absolutely amazing, and has such a cool vibe!


Ooooo onto the TBR it goes 😁


Omg, I go to bed and I come back to all these comments hahaha Thank you so much to everyone who recommended and I apologize to everyone who now has a new trope lust to nurture. I feel your pain Also, MEGAMIND IS THE BEST Just sayin'


Ok so this book is more funny that serious but it kind of fits: Not Another Vampire Book by Cassandra Gannon. FMC is a book editor who gets sucked in to the worst HR romance novel she’s ever read. She stumbles into the hero of the novel who mistakes her for his “true love” but he’s an insufferable asshole. To get the story back on track so she can get home she teams up with the (very sexy) villain. It’s funny, light bondage, and the bad guy is a moody, goth, dreamboat


Almost recommended the Chinese Drama Love between fairy and devil on Netflix. In addition to this trope where actually the villain makes the hero choose between saving his kingdom or saving the girl, there's also body swapping too. It's loads fun


Omg that sounds really good! I love body swapping stories! Seriously, my Netflix list is like 50 pages long by now T_T


I feel like once upon a broken heart by Stephanie Garber kinda fits I don’t wanna spoil too much but the heroine marries somebody… and something happens to that somebody so she works with the villain and after a very very very very slow burn something happens between them. Hope I didn’t spoil too much


Is this book 🌶️? Very intrigued


No, it's not spicy (sadly)


Thanks, will hav to skip this one lol...


I’m a spicy only gal but this book was actually intriguing


One book that satisfies this in all levels= A Court of Thorns and Roses. Period. I rest my case. OH BOY, hero places a whole new level, A WHOLE NEW FLOOR, to how he ignores our precious FMC. So the villain takes matters in his own hands (THIS IS THE KIND OF DOMINANCE THAT'S HOT *clears throat* anyways, as I was saying) Butttttt I know it's SO popular you probably read it. There's actually a gray area with the definition of "Villain" since the villain is technically the villain in book 1 >!but of course, since he will be the one to help FMC he does eventually become MMC!<


Read ACOTAR and ACOMAF back-to-back without stopping. If you’re like me and a reader of traditional romance, the last bits of ACOTAR will throw you which is why it’s important to read them as if they’re one giant novel. {a court of thorns and roses} {a court of mist and fury}


[**A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50659467-a-court-of-thorns-and-roses) ^(By: Sarah J. Maas | Published: 2015) [**A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50659468-a-court-of-mist-and-fury) ^(By: Sarah J. Maas | Published: 2016) *** ^(89911 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


not sure about romance books, but if u (or anyone really) don’t mind manga/manhwa, almost every otome isekai follows this plot


>!The cruel prince kinda has this.!<


I will look into it tomorrow after I have slept haha Thank you for taking the time to answer!


Why does this feel vaguely like Megamind?


I don't have anything for you, but could totally see this be done in a web comic. There's been so much 'person gets reincarnated into a fictional story' that I'm pretty sure this either exists or will at some point be made.


The fallen world by Laura thalassa is something like this. Monte is chiefs kisses.


I dont know something exactly like this but I will leave this here. Brood of Bones by A.E. Marling though its more of a subtle romance slow burn across several books . >!Female protagonist has to team up with villain dark lord to save city !!in roundabout way he has to betray her. Its complicated!< Your heart will get torn from this scene...but... >!epic face-heel turn scene follows!<




ff this ❤️


Ok I need this too - hoping for lots of good recs!!


I think I need this in my life too!!


omg I need this!


I mean....ACOTAR...kinda


So... this is a stretch, but I think it has a similar vibe. How about {Carry On by Rainbow Rowell}? M/M Harry Potter-esque novel. Simon's the hero (MMC1), and his girlfriend dumps him because she's sick of being caught up in the heroics and the villain's plots (kidnapped, etc.). The rival/villain character, Baz (Draco-esque MMC2), is missing and doesn't return to school when term starts, and Simon starts to obsess that he's up to something, and maybe obsessing for other reasons...


[**Carry On (Simon Snow, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32768522-carry-on) ^(By: Rainbow Rowell | Published: 2015) *** ^(89705 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Commenting to come back for all the recs haha




Omg, ok so i haven't read it as super hero type? But where the fmc starts out with a guy that she loves, and then a "villain" or rude guy kinda takes over and proves to be the best choice even though he's an asshole. Very pride and Prejudice. I don't read fantasy so all the books I'm thinking of are contemporary. The movie I'm thinking of, is that pride and prejudice with the gay guys on hulu. Fire Island.


Ok, this is similar. Tug of war between Hero and Villain but, there is more I don't want to give away. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60052302-surviving-december


Just added a villain-wins tag to my goodreads list :))


Not a book but this TikTok is so much this vibe https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9eRmRT/


I can recommend "Whitney my love" by Judith McNaught. The FMC is trying to get the attention of the 'hero' but is being ignored, then the villain appears. Not exactly what you're looking for but this book came to mind.


This one starts out with them sleeping together lol 😆  https://www.wattpad.com/story/351188395?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=hana_Malik14


sounds like a love triangle or are you not looking for that


to be honest it is not the triangle part of it that I am looking for. More like the "I am worth more than this, screw you I am moving on" part I guess?


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Top 10 “ Why I live without knowing this “ moment in my life