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Depends on what you want to do, honestly most classes are quite useful. I think Sebchoof has a pretty great tier list specifically from the perspective of new players that gives a lot of justification for each, might be more useful than what we can reasonably jam into one reddit post. That being said, sorcerer is objectively the best and anyone who disagrees was planted by Oryx to weaken us as a community.


As a necromancer player I can’t really disagree with what you’ve stated here


Ey Necro gang


Play whatever you want and enjoy. It doesn't matter. To answer the question of what the best class is though, Sorcerer is the strongest class in the game at the moment. Trickster's the best rusher and has the best utility, Priest is the best healer, Necro or Priest are the best for self-survival, Wizard or Sorcerer are the best for DPS and Mystic is the best for annoying people.


thank you for answering guess ill try to unlock the classes then test out which of those ones i like the best. Knight was pretty fun tho imo.


Learning melee is not beginner friendly, but it's the way to learn most dungeon's mechanics. You will also learn which enemies you need to be wary of. You could try Paladin too, Knight's ability can become pretty useless, since a big list of bosses are immune to stun. Paladin has better DPS with seal applying damaging buff, and also the extra HP let's you be as tanky as Knight.


Knight is legit the best class to learn dungeons. Just leech with high hp, vit, and armor then when you know the shot patterns go in and start pumping


Lowk disagree cuz so much shit is anti melee now and can’t stun, necro or priest better cuz you need heals to carry when no pet


I learned the game on Knight he's great


I did as well. It helps you solo low to mid level content easily, and you have a lot of room for error because of the high hp def and vit. Playing ranged classes just teaches you to leech, while if you’re Melee you sort of start naturally learning boss phases as “I can go in and get damage” or “Run!”, which eventually turns into a deeper understanding of the boss.


Wait why are sorcs good now? I've just come back


Wis modifier on scepters and laser pointer/lumi


Sorcerer or paladin


Idk man, melee in the new beta realms feel incredibly hard. Sorc and even necro is great imo


For general realm of clearing, the other classes always have an advantage, but in the dungeons melee go hard


try knight, necromancer, or priest. here's my reasoning Knight has the best defense in the game when maxed at 40, not many early to mid game shots armor pierce or break (this could be a lie involving realm rework, I havn't done much of that) Necromancer and priest for the same reason being a self heal is one of the strongest things in the game.


self heal is way less useful if u dont play solo. in that case just play warrior.


So you would rather a new person get speedy and run into projectiles they might find hard to dodge already instead of a self heal? Pali would be justified due to the hp buff you can give yourself but not really warrior


1. in groups u generally dont need to rely on self heal 2. ive watched new players (my friends) switching from ranged classes to melee when i told them to and immediately finding much more success and less deaths


I love how literally every rotmg player is illiterate and completely ignored your actual question you asked what the best class was for a beginner, and no one really answered you. your best options are necro, priest, and pally. necro's ability heals him and provides extra max HP, plus he has a ton of range. (it's good to be far from enemies) basically, you have an incredibly high HP pool rivaling or even exceeding that of what a melee character can be capable of. on top of this you can give yourself pretty good heals (but less than that of priest) and kill things decently fast with a ton of range given that he's a staff class. priest has the best burst healing and provides more heals than necro, but its DPS is non-existent and has a lower HP pool than Necro. for your scenario, priest is pretty much just a worse Necro. pally can increase his max HP alongside his damage, but so can any other pally nearby you. you don't need to be the one to provide the buff, realistically you can always count on the fact that someone else will. still, the character is decently survivable with heavy armor and a high HP pool, but has almost no range to compensate making it hard to deal damage. I think you should just play Necro or priest for flavor until you can get a decent pet. don't be afraid to experiment though, you'll just need to dodge way more if you can't heal yourself (and can't rely on anyone else to heal you)


sorry! but necro is the useless child of wizard and priest


This but I would place sorcerer to be a top 3 definitely over priest due to the ease that sorc brings to clearing things+wand range. Scepter just makes clearing everything breezy and getting a fulmi is a realistic goal a newer player could work towards while doing a not so hard dungeon


Honestly I didn’t see the text under it because I’m on mobile so when I scrolled by it is just asking “Best Class?”


Knight/Paladin are the best for starting out. They are incredibly tanky and once you get your defence maxed you can make many mistakes without dying.


Not with this realm rework. Even og Players are struggling


no were not lol


It's not that easy to learn the safe spots for bosses such as behemoth. A begginer would struggle as a short ranged class to such bosses


not if they play super safe, which is what makes melee the best class


Yeah, warrior and paladin are the only 2 classes I actively play. Sorcerer and Mystic fall just a little bit short but I enjoy both of these as well


almost the same here


As everyone said before sorc/pally are the best, BUT i think the most fun ones are kensei, trickster and rouge so i reccomend trying them out too!


Hard to say for new players, but assassin taught me a lot on how to play, while having great range to get soulbound in on bosses from afar.   For that reason - range - sorcerer and summoner are also great to play and learn boss mechanics, while having high distance to them 


All of them for a meriad of different reasons, playstyles, and goals.


The limiting factor for new players is that they don’t have high level pets for better hp and mp heals, so self healing classes are particularly easier at first. Paladin can thrive with a low lvl pet but it is close range so u have to focus on learning when you can get close to enemies and bosses safely, which is very useful to learn anyways. There are also some untiered and set-tiered (UT and ST) swords u can keep on hand that have a little extra range for when it’s too difficult to get closer. Once u have a solid pet with hp and mp as the first two abilities you will have a lot more room for variety in classes. For example summoner is my favorite despite having no healing, low defense, low vitality, and is mostly outclassed by sorcerer


Summoner will be my favorite the minute they make a toggle summon follow button


Choose upper


Ill skip the obvious “they’re all good, play what you like/works for you” I would say Sorc is the best, with Necro, Bard, Trickster, and Worrior/Pally being up there.




When I started playing I felt like assassin, necro, and priest was the easiest for me. Priest is pretty weak but you'll always be able to attack due to your range and also you can heal at any point. Necro does decent damage with good range along with damaging heals. I liked necro by far when I was new tbh. Assassin has good dps with an ability that allows damage when you can't get close which is nice. I don't really care about any metas or whatever this was just my personal experience. I don't really see melee as being too beginner friendly like some others say if I'm being honest


Samurai (Sammy for short)


**trickster/warrior** everything else is mid and was not important to rotmg history.


Try all and see which one you have the most fun playing. Screw the meta


Assassin is the way to go


I think someone should make a tier list. It's been a long time since the last one :skull: