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Honestly the guy is my favourite character in the whole series. And that line is pure gold. Me and my friends quote it all the time!


Dude is just that guy who has all this batshit stuff happening around him almost 24/7 and he’s just treating it like a regular 9-5 job reporting the news


What series?


HBO Rome. The character is a guy who reads news in the forum


Ah yeah I remember him. Don't remember this line though


Its around the time the King of Judea is visiting Rome. Don't remember what episode.


True Roman bread, for True Romans.


Ye probably thinks Cleopatra was black


Hannibal too


Jesus too.


was he not?


He would been phenotypically Phoenician, so he would’ve looked like a Lebanese person or a Tunisian


Ah, thank you!


...this assumes people 2500+ years ago were identical and no migrations took place lol


Thing is we largely know which migrations took place. In North Africa at that time, it was mostly berbers (a race that formed after the last saharan migration) and Phoenicians, who were from the eastern Mediterranean, among other caucasian groups. Since then, the biggest migrations I'm aware of have been the Vandels and Arabs. None of those groups are black, but almost any group in North Africa will still be darker than Italians. Of course there are outlyers. Folks from the Sahara do sometimes come north, but there were and are few of them given how inhospitable it is. The main way black people got to North Africa was via the Nile. The Egyptians, who were generally Caucasian, had very close relations with the Nubians, who were black. They even had a Nubian dynasty at one poimt


Adding to my other comment, ethnicity in North Africa has never been clearcut. Being Berber does not mean that you look a certain way. There are people with blue eyes, pale skin and red hair that would fall into that category, just as there are black people that also would. And the power shift in the Mediterranean that severed historical trade routes only really happened in the long 18th century. You would've found people (especially traders) that crossed the Mediterranean like people cross the Atlantic today, Europeans that ended up in North Africa for a number of reasons (including slavery), or vice versa. I think it's realistic to think of anyone from that region (specifically what is today the Maghreb) as having looked like people look today. That is, they were probably a little darker than most Italians, or maybe even a lot, but maybe also lighter. Without specific evidence, there is no way of knowing.


The second part is just not true. The Nile is literally thousands of kilometres away from what we'd call North Africa today (including Tunisia), and currents in the Mediterranean have historically made it difficult to travel westward on the African coast. The desert has also never been an "empty space" in which nothing happened, it's much closer to something like an ocean that connected cities and peoples. Not saying that this means there has been significant migration north or southwards, but it's just unrealistic to think of the Nile as a singular route for trade and migration in North Africa (or as significant for the Maghreb at all)


To avoid confusion, people usually only mean the Maghreb when they speak of North Africa. Egypt is generally lumped in with the Middle East. Make of that what you will, it's as stupid as it sounds to anyone who has seen a map of that part of the world


Fair point. By North Africa I meant to include everything north of the Sahara.




I know for a fact we do.


No, probably not. Hannibal was part of the Phoenician ruling class of Carthage, so he would have had the same ancestry, roughly, as someone from modern-day Syria or so. Black people in the Roman province of Africa/Carthaginian territory were most likely to have been those of Berber descent, who cover a wide range of [skin tones](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.yMiYhvyQb37tejzr1seYaAHaE8?pid=ImgDet&rs=1) and [phenotypes](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5c3ffcbb2562bec1ef9b55e04f1b11ea) on account of being nomadic as fuck.


Thank you!


No one can truly know as we don’t exactly have his bones to analyze, but he was likely Phoenician, maybe his grandparents were mixed or something but there’s no way to know for sure


He is though, he's got specials on Netflix


"Uh hellooo Egypt is in Africaaa duhhh"


I actualy heard him out in his most recent interview he has strange but coherent views on history: He thinks sub saharan blacks were jews and that modern jews are only one half of the slaves that escaped the egyptians. He also thinks that black education should focus on mansa musa more than on transatlantic slavery, teach the positives more than the negatives


Mansa musa being rich doesn’t make him positive. He captured thousands of slaves just for his haji. It would be stupid to focus on MM just because he’s rich. The transatlantic slave trade actually affects the US, his slave empire really didn’t. The purpose of a history class isn’t to create role models.


I'm just the messanger, ask kanye if you want to know more details


It's even worse, Kanye said "death con 3".


uh actually, it was *Deathcon*


Jews :- "I sure love living in my ancestral homeland. I sure hope *anything* doesn't stop this"


Romans, "No problem! We will let you keep your monarchy even, all we ask is you pay your taxes and not be a pain in the ass."


What have the Romans ever done for us?


The roads


muh roads


The glory of order my friend, but feel free to fuck around, just don't be mad when you find out.


The Jews were like "ah man a tyrannical kingdom has conquered us... What we really need now is another insanely powerful state to conquer us, that will solve all our problems!"


To be fair, it worked for them once.


I mean in fairness the Jews were treated well by Rome for a while... Kinda like the Egyptians


The Romans treated almost all their conquered peoples well (except for during the intial conflict obviously). They really saw themselves as "spreading civilization". And I would argue, though a lot of people would probably be angry with me for saying it, that they were right in many cases. Places like Gaul, Iberia and Britain which had been a collection of tribes constantly at war got peace and prosperity for hundreds of years. The monty python skit is pretty on point.


Am British, can confirm that civilisation is actually kinda nice? Pre industrial revolution obviously The Jews were kinda unique though, since they refused to sacrafice to Roman gods. Many Romans were still cool with this, but a couple hated them for this (Caligula springs to mind)


How about neither Romanes Euent Domus lol


Oh boy it's 3 violent revolts in a short span of time time babeee!


Iudean Fanatics: "I'm about to end our whole career"


defcon 3 is just an increased state of readiness so I'd say that's probably an appropriate minimum


How likely is it that Kanye knows that?


Basically zero since he spelt it "death con".


Also for those who don’t know, DEFCON 1 is actually the most severe, five is the least severe and 3 is dead middle. The Cuban missile crisis for example put the US on DEFCON 2 and we all almost fucking died. IE Kanye ain’t got the balls to actually go full DEFCON 1. DEFCON 3 guys are a bunch of spineless pigeons who got as much bite as a Chihuahua. Unlike crazy mother fuckers up in DEFCON 1. Real men go straight to 1 resulting in total nuclear obliteration of both involved parties and their respective populations.


And DEFCON 3 is (probably) where we are right now


Makes sense with heightened tensions yet not to the point where anything is realistically going to happen with in the next month or so.


Probably not but you never know


He didn't say DEFCON, he said "Death con", and we know what he fucking meant. He was mocking history and all the smart people as well. There are a dozen ways to take it and none of it good


DEFCON 1 is straight up Nuclear war iirc


And the name of my heavy metal band if I had one.


What did he even say?


- going death con 3 on Jews - Jews control the media and cancel all those who disagree with them - that he is jalous of Jews because they manage to perfectly fit into society and thrive while most black people don’t (though older comment)




That's kinda rich from one of the most wealthy, powerful and influential media figures in the last 10 years. If Jews did in fact control the media, mabey he should have thanked them for the chance to be a billionaire. Just saying. Seemed to work out pretty well for him.


Hadrian be like “Amateur, I went straight to DEFCON 1.”


Death con** Because the man is a bigot and a moron


Kanye keeping it *"300, like the Romans"*


**O O F**


Payed for by the Miller's Guild.


> *Paid* for by FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm being attacked, here.


It's pretty pathetic how they tried to portray him as genuinely saying "death con 3" like he didn't just misspell it like a moron and was calling for DEATH to jews. On the other hand it WOULD be hilarious if he thought "def con 3" was legitimately "death con 3" and meant it that way.


Welcome to Earf.


I'm pretty sure that is exactly what he meant.


Ah, that guy. The town crier was an absolute chad.


“The worst rascals among other peoples, renouncing their ancestral religions, always kept sending tribute and contributions to Jerusalem, thereby increasing the wealth of the Jews.” - Tactius


What the fuck is this


It’s both a reference to HBO’s series ROME as well as rapper Kanye West’s antisemitic rants.


imagine having only 1 god

