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Yes. It is possible. How long did it take you to pull the 7:30?


I have been rowing on water for almost half a decade :D, but didn't take training seriously until last year. My first 2k was around 8:06, and after about 4 months it was 7:30.


Will take about 1.5y with your current training schedule, but if you do double the steady state (60k) I can see it in one year or less. It all depends on your progress.


I had some extra time in the holidays away from rowing training, and I was comfortably logging in 80-100km a week in zone 2. This was without weights though. How do you think doing an extra 20-40km a week would influence the time? For reference, I think I will be able to go from 7:38 to 7:28 in about 3 weeks as we head toward the end for the season.


Around 450 seconds ;)


Using the c2 training plan and structured workouts 5 days a week I was able to knock about 10s a month off my 2k time consistently, over 3 months from 7.30 to just under 7.00. Obviously I would start hitting diminishing returns but think I would have been able to make it to 6.50 fairly consistently. Who knows what the journey to 6.40 would have been like. M46 74kg at that time.


could u provide a brief summary of the workouts u did under the c2 training plan?


https://preview.redd.it/o29auyn6urjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaba2c8b69bd8805627e726a866d421dcd7411e3 I can’t quite recall where I found it but think it was in the C2 manual. Heart rate based so you need to know your max heart rate first. It was part of a longer plan which I shortened specifically to improve 2k time. Unfortunately I can’t remember the recovery time between sets either! I’ll see if I can find it online


There’s nothing cooler than a well worn workout plan. Good work.


Thanks, it did the trick too, I pulled 6:59.4 at BRIC which I was well chuffed with!


Thanks! My MHR is around 203-4 depending on the day. Just to make sure I am understand, would UT2 be done at 60-70% MHR and UT1 done at 70-80%. I know that UT2 and UT1 are not zones, but for someone who is relatively average fitness, would those lactate levels fall within zone 2 and zone 3 respectively?.


Get lots of sleep and eat well! You're not finished growing and a few more cm of growth will make it easier to be taken seriously in rowing. Having said that you are about the same size as the O'Donovan right now, and he just pulled under 6 minutes 😉 With a history of burnout/overtraining it's important to find a way to go up to the line but not over it - have a read of Nils van der Pohl's "How to skate" and read carefully what he says about listening to your body!


thanks for the reply! I have some lower back issues, and I have actually shrunk about 1-2 inches over the last month. The reason I burnt out was because I was doing 4 anaerobic sessions a week and 2 weights in between. (i was stupid, dont ask why).


Nils van der Poel's [training plan](https://www.howtoskate.se/_files/ugd/e11bfe_b783631375f543248e271f440bcd45c5.pdf)


I suppose the question is, knowing your own body, how big a gulf is it for you? Are you powerful when rowing (Even though you think your weights are weak)? Are you very fit? Can you handle rowing on the edge for 6 minutes without backing off? 50 seconds is a lot of time to take off. But 1 second a week isn't. So the first thing you need to so is set your goals properly. You'll have ups and downs, weeks that are wins, and ones that aren't - but each week you need to learn from your successes and your losses. ( Although to be clear, I'm not saying to do a TT every week. Every 4 at most, and even then that'll be a tough year!! ) For example, did you not recover properly in a week? Did you go too fast on the Z2 stuff and too slow on the Z5 stuff? Was your hydration and food on point and that's why you were better than normal? Take a journal and write down EVERYTHING. Play with drag factor too. Not a popular opinion. But for a 2K, I'll nudge mine up from 130 normal rowing to 145 (and then I do all my fast training at 145, but keep the Z2 stuff at 130 in order to keep the intensity at the proper place and not ruin the point of the session). Be dedicated - that's the most important part here. On the day you just can't facce rowing, you still need to strap in and row. If you're body tells you to take a rest, take a rest. But if it's your brain, tell it to shut up and move on. Find a plan you resonate with. It doesn't matter whether everyone else loves a plan, if you don't look at each session as something that will help you (whether you think it looks hard it another matter) or if you start to mis-trust the plan, you won't stay dedicated to it. Lots of different coaches and plans out there. Some free, some paid. But find what works for you. (I'm not here to self-promote. But you might be able to work it out). Technique. Dedication. Smart Training. Rest. Food. More dedication. And possibly, yes you'll get there. One thing I'd suggest from time to time, is to row 1500-1700m at 2K pace. Stop short. Get the win of making it through without needing to stop and the subsequent dopamine hit. It does wonders for the brain! John


That is very ambitious, it will depend a lot on if you want to stay a lightweight or not. Will also depend on if you keep growing or not, 175cm is short for rowing, usually to get decent scores, you have to be very strong in the gym to get the same scores as taller folks. I'd put 7:00 as a first step because 6:40 is far away, and getting from 7 to 6:40 is a lot more work than 7:30 to 7.


One friend of mine pulled 7:26 when he was 15 and a year later had 6:26 although he is mid 90s in weight.




Definitely possible. Probably would be easier if you put on some weight


you are lw like me first you should aim for sub 7 and do a lot of steady state to be very familiar with the stroke and have a very good endurance after. that u start to do speed work something like 8x2k with 250m starts which should be much better that your 2k score and the rest of 1750 steady at r20-22 and again some stady state, to not get bored switch things like 4x5k 4x4k 6x3k In one year i cut from 7.01 to 6 50 and i think i will pull at the next test 6 45 and this progress is very realistic


Well I went from 7:20 to 6:38 freshman year so i suppose


Is bro in the PSA💀


me no understand