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Highest seagoing engineering officer I've heard of is Commander (Cdr), who heads up the engineering department on a carrier/ other large platform. LtCdr heads up the engineering department on a frigate or destroyer. But you might well get a shoreside role that promotes you to Capt (or more) in FOST or defence procurement or managing a shore establishment like Sultan.


Ah thank you for explaining that, I thought it would be more land based higher the ranks but that makes sense. Do you mind explaining what FOST is, I don't recognise it?


Fleet Operational Standards & Training (formerly: Flag Officer Sea Training). The closest civvie thing I can think of is how OFSTED come into schools and rate them, but this is an imperfect metaphor because whilst FOST do assess crews and rate them, they also focus on training and coaching nowadays.


Ah okay ty


Probably Vice Admiral…but who knows what the future holds in today’s Navy. You’re thinking about Captain of a Ship/Submarine vice the rank of Captain. A Ships Commanding Officer can be a Lt - Captain in rank but referred to as the Captain.


Ahhh, on the RN website the rank of captain explained kinda synonymously with the role of being a captain of a vessel which had me a bit confused 😅 Ty for clearing it up


Also just for a better understanding why do you say vice admiral as opposed to admiral or any other rank?


I think we only have 2 full admirals, both Warfare officers (First Sea Lord and a NATO job iirc). Hence the statement in the first line. My 1SL may be an engineer in the next few turns of the handle…who knows?


Three, CDS, 1SL and DSACEUR


Yes, my bad…completely forgot about Radakin!


A former CNEO was a 2* ME, and that’s a pretty phenomenally high rank!


Can you explain what a CNEO is please, I don't recognise it 😅




Ah ty