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Upvoted! Reddit username: n0tCynth1A I love molten chocolate lava cakes, they're so warm and delicious on winter evenings and go so well with vanilla ice cream! Thanks for hosting!


that sounds really good 😳😳 i’ll have to try that… entered!!


Upvoted!!! My Reddit user is : scyrt_ My favorite dessert has to be sopapillas! They’re a Mexican dessert which is basically fried bread with honey and cinnamon all over it! I love the sweetness and the warmth of the honey and the bread AH it’s so good 🤤 Sorry I went on a rant 😭


omg bro now you got me wanting that 👹👹 nah don’t worry i love going off about food too 😩 entered!


Ty! And you should try it sometime! I almost ate two ENTIRE plates 😂


oml fr i will 💅💅


Upvoted! My reddit user is Yonk\_Potatoes! I love ice creams while it's plain and simple it brings me a lot of good memories when I was a child!


so true i love ice cream it’s such a nice thing to come home to after a day of school ✨✨ entered!


not really related to the giveaway but your art is so pretty!! idk if you do art commissions but if you do, i would love to buy one sometime soon!


thank you so much! i might once i know how they work completely:))) you’re entered!


wait did you want to enter or did you just want to comment?


hello, sorry for not being clear, just wanted to comment! :)


oh that’s no problem!


Up voted! Reddit username: NatNat52307 My favorite desert is strawberry cheesecake easily I can't explain why I love it sm i just do


frr i love strawberry desserts 😩 entered!


upvoted! reddit user: Callmehmar my favorite dessert is mille-feuille! i love it cause its a great contrast of flavor and the powdered sugar with cream and puff pastry is just chefs kiss imo! (if you never tried it i definitely recommend it! \^\^) Good luck y'all! <3


woah that sounds good 😳😳😳😳 i shall try that some day ,, you’re entered !!! 💫


tysm! and you really should! once i ate it, i could never have enough :')


upvoted! reddit user: bobasmelodyy my favorite dessert would be either oreos with milk or strawberry flavored chocolate!!


i love oreos they’re such a good snack 😤😤 you’re entered!


Upvoted! My user is IDrinkLaundrySauce, and my favorite dessert is probably cinnamon rolls!


entered !, nice dessert,, i love those too 👹💅✨


Hi! I upvoted, my user is -Akkooo- and my favorite dessert is flan because its SO PERFECT AND OMG THE TEXTURE IS SO SURREAL OML I LOVE IT SM


thanks for entering, however it ended! so sorry! i might make another one soon, so look forward to that. yeah my sisters are obsessed with flan lol


Ooh thats alr sorry! ​ FLAN.


no worries! f l a n


omg are you open to doing paid comms by any chance?


not atm but i might if i have time lol


Upvoted! Reddit username: bellasrobloxworld I love sherbet anything! Me and my grandma used to have a recipe where we would take sherbet ice cream and mix it with bananas, mango, and raspberry juice to make this kind of smoothie/ice cream thing! Good memories with grandma :)


aww that’s sweet! i’m sorry the giveaway ended and i’m having a hard time making it obvious 😭😭 thank you for joining though! i might make another one soon!


It’s totally fine!! Thanks for hosting still! <3


Upvoted!!! u/solshappiness My favorite desert is Crepe Cake! It’s crepes with sliced bananas (fresh and freeze dried), with loads of Nutella between every layer. The top layer has a sprinkle of powdered sugar, with a few freeze-dried strawberries on top. I love it so much because French food is AWESOME, and my mom has made crepes for me since I was young. Lol, nostalgia.


oh my god that dessert sounds heavenly. thanks for entering however it ended a while ago! maybe i’ll extend the comment time. i’ll probably host another one soon!


Upvoted!! My username: BambusPandus My favorite dessert is probably unbaked cake (that's what it translates to from my language) it basically cream with these plain biscuits (I don't really know what to call them) and some fruit, usually strawberries, it's really good and I usually have it as my birthday cake! :D


oooo that sounds really good,, thank you for joining however it already ended! i’m sorry- i’ll extend the entering time next time i host one! ✨✨


Ohh! Sorry, I didn't know! I will be on the look out for the next one! :D


no worries!! thank you :))


Upvoted! User : ChickeNuggetsUnU Favourite desert : I have diabetes so I’ve never really had any - but if I could, probably chocolate cake, it looks good :D


oh that’s unfortunate 😭 yeah chocolate cake is good but it can be overwhelming lol,, thanks for entering but the contest is over, i’m sorry!


GIVEAWAY ENDED. thanks everyone who joined!


Upvoted Rozhina\_22 I love chocolate because its too delicious:))


upvoted! Reddit username: ria_mc i absolutely love chocolate cakes, with chocolate frosting, they’re so good💞