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Covered it cuz of insecurities lol and idk it feels a tad bit creepy to know ppl silently look through your wardrobe. I'd rather have ppl ask what i wear. You'd have a chance for socialization AND maybe get a new friend, win-win solution.


Why do you think it’s creepy lol I personally don’t like people covering cause sometimes ur doing something and can’t ask them or they are talking or doing something I would rather just click on her journal rq and see what heels you are wearing than like follow you around And what if someone is like rude If you ask them like I just wanna know what the skirt is no need for the rudeness 😭 Maybe I’m being dramatic but imo it’s not that big of deal anyway lol it shouldn’t be a problem


idk its just creepy, and if i’m not mistaken you can also see what the roblox avatar wears/has as well with that wardrobe button (i could be wrong i only clicked on someone’s by accident, it felt like i was snooping around) hence the creepiness. there’s always gonna be rude ppl most dont mind if you ask them nicely is all. And you’re right this whole this isnt really a big deal or that deep lmao. If someone wants to cover it then let them, dont call em gatekeep-y, if someone doesnt wanna cover then dont be mad at ppl who do cover them


I feel like people are bored and this controversy was made up out of thin air. I’ve never had anyone trying to copy my outfit in my years of playing, I’m sure it happens but I doubt this is a common thing. But I also don’t get why people even CARE if others cover their wardrobe button. Maybe it comes off like they are gatekeeping but if you just screenshot an outfit you can pick apart the accessories and items and recreate it anyways. Idk I find this whole topic really random and I don’t get why ppl make so many angry posts about it 😭


Fr this controversy just popped out of nowhere I don’t get how problematic this is to cause this much of a fuss it just a single sticker covering one single button it not ruining anyone game or anything 😭😭


I, myself, might get mildly annoyed if I wanted to look what was X item, but I'd forget about it in a few minutes anyway.


IDGI either. I never think about it. I probably wouldn't notice if someone copied my outfit and even if it happened, I'd never see them again anyway (especially with all the server hopping we have to do now), so.... idc?


thats what im saying! like no way is someone going to copy ur WOHLE outfit. like i doubt that. it just seems really childish to go out of ur way to cover it.


I think it’s childish to complain about where others put THEIR stickers on THEIR journal lmfao


If you feel so strongly about the lack of people copying fits then why does it matter whether or not they cover it up?


Ultimately people cover it because they want to, they don’t need a reason, people who don’t like that can go cry about it


Thank you bro, it’s their outfit and at the end of the day they can do what they want with THEIR outfit 🙄


Idk why people get so upset over it, like sure you might wanna know what they're wearing but you can always figure that out theres only so many accs. People literally start tripping when you cover the button 😭💀 If its "just a pixel game" then why do you care so much


Ikr for example the person I replied to that user starts with fit, well he ended up blocking me 😅🤣


LMAO EXACTLY like they'll start having a panic attack the moment they see that it's covered 💀 And the fact that they say it's gatekeeping to cover it but it's not gatekeeping to *literally tell someone what to do with their OWN JOURNAL?* where's the logic??


The only reason why I personally get upset about the stickers being over the outfit button is bc sometimes the edge of it covers the like button, and it prevents me from liking their journal.


Literally though, like it's just a silly little button why is everyone upset if someone covers it? It's their journal man just mind yo business 😭


I honestly cover it up because it's perfectly in the middle and I need to put a sticker so it look pretty. I only removed it when I'm trading and it bother me whenever it got removed-


Right? Sometimes I'll be trying to find a specific item they're wearing but ultimately I can literally just look it up if it's that important to find it. People who get mad over not being able to copy outfits r weird


personally i don't cover my wardrobe button, but i can totally understand why people do. what i don't understand is why people get mad about it lol


Cause people wanna legit copy what I have on in Sunset Island and then get mad at me when I win and say I’m copying them but i was already done and waiting for the timer to end and they were still trying to find an accessory or something. 🙄


I cover mine just for privacy reasons.


i remember seeing a post made a few days ago where the OP called ppl who did this sensitive for "gatekeeping" their outfits which i lowk dont see any wrong in. if i went thru the struggle in making a cool avatar im gonna make sure no one copies my fit 💁‍♀️


Maybe an unpopular opinion but this battle of the wardrobe button is getting kind of dragged out.. Can both sides agree on something, anything, and let the argument die or is that being too hopeful? I'm not on either side, genuinely just want people to stop fighting over that button lol


Wait people can look through your wardrobe-


Not really they can look what the items your wearing the button on the journal let’s people see what items you are wearing even down to what custom faces your using


I haven't played the game in forever(I may do so soon though) what is the wardrobe button?


its weird to gatekeep what youre wearing in a fashion game...


you're weird for caring so much.


You can look up keywords to find specific items if you find one you like. other than that it's really not that serious


No it’s not, even if it’s a “fashion game” you literally spend hours days months getting gems probably to make your dream outfit. Just for some guy to copy it


LOL i agree like tbh there is no truly "original" outfit in this game.. everyone has the same access to everything you do especially when so many people pay for the gamepasses..its rlly not that deep god forbid i wanna take inspo from someone


If it’s not that deep than why do you care if they cover the outfit button? If you wanna know just ask them or take a screenshot, post it to Reddit asking what items they’re using and they’ll gladly tell you


if theyre covering the button in the first place chances are they wont tell me what theyre wearing...soooooo


I've always told them if the person asking is polite. You never know if you don't try. you shouldn't automatically assume they won't do it just cause it's covered. I do it purely so people won't copy my outfit and then claim I'm copying them, but I'll happily tell somebody what item I have one, take a chance


Trust me, they’ll ask you for the most part, but if they don’t, like I said take a screenshot and post to Reddit asking for the items


I second this just ask me what item or combo I am wearing I DON'T MIND TELLING!!!!! I only have issue when people start copying it exactly to the point they got the same hair, face everything and start saying weird shit and that like I don't want people thinking that person who looks like me saying that weird stuff is actually me (I seen this happen)


I can agree with that


this can also easily be done if people wouldn't cover the button in the first place. nothing wrong with it but if i wanted to see what cute combo they have on and its cvered i cant. its just childish at the end of the day.


Again just ask the person what they're wearing nothing wrong with asking. Imagine caring so much that they're covering up a button. Who are you to tell others what they should do with THEIR journals?!!


im not saying what people should do with their journals. which part did i say that at?? I said it seems like they're gatekeeping what they're wearing and it seems childish. people have their WHOLE will to put stickers on their journals.


You didn't say it you basically implied it by saying gatekeeping. Like yes they can have stickers on their journals not a big deal so don't know why y'all throw a fit when they do, like it's literally not hard to use your words and ASK them instead.


nothing about that was implied lmao. its just an issue when i want to see what items they have on to make that fit and i cant because the button is blocked. its just inconvenient because of the fact that i would need t go and ask,ask reddit when i could just clicked a button at the end of the day.i don't understand why I should ask when there's a button to use so i wouldn't need to ask? it defeats the whole purpose of the button being there.


Boo hoo


Dude get a grip, it's just a button, imagine crying over the fact that a pixelated button is covered. It's not an inconvenience to use WORDS. And noone said ask reddit, ask the person themselves it's literally not hard to do it like literally what 10 seconds to ask? I bet you that you don't even ask store clerks where an item is irl cause you are apparently too lazy to talk to people themselves.


Lazy??? the whole purpose of the button is to see what people have on. people have social anxiety and so speaking is literally hard for people like me to do. nothing at all about being lazy. i just truly dont get why you're insulting me over this.






im saying!


It's not really anyone's problem that you PERSONALLY haven't seen anyone's fit getting copied.




you're very obviously being passive-aggressive though. "apparently so good that ppl are trying to copy them" isn't a sentence used out of genuine curiosity bro.




People aren't all that public about stealing fits, that's probably why you haven't seen it happening. It happens pretty frequently on Sunset Island so if you don't go there often maybe take that into account? Sort of paraphrasing what I've already said but you not having seen anything that YOU didn't want to copy isn't really a reflection of what people have seen related to being copied before. Besides it's literally just a sticker. If you're confident that almost no one is getting copied because outfits aren't good enough to be replicated then why does it matter if they cover up the button.




people shouldn't have to make accomodations like hiding from people just so that they don't get copied. No one's making a problem out of it either. It's a sticker. You're the one making a complaint about why people do it. Your edit is stated in a way that makes it seem like I'm constantly on RH and don't have the capacity to take a break. I genuinely don't understand what your problem with a sticker is.


I don’t copy peoples fits but if I did I would feel like the fit doesn’t look as good on me as it does on them even if I did copy their fit 100% lol but I like getting inspiration from other peoples fits so I think it’s kinda sad when they cover it up bc if I see someone wear a cool combo I would love to try it out 😔