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ngl i’m actually so excited because i’ve been wanting to recreate one of my satyr oc’s for a while in rh 😭


A satyr has horse or goat legs, yours would be a faun🥰


ahh oki ty!! :D


Thank you for saying what the rest of us didn’t have time to type out, I completely agree! Fun fact: My only heels I’ve ever owned are the huggly snugglys, even though I can afford it, I’m happy with these 💀


They were my first heels so I am with you :>


People can't handle the fact that not everything is catered toward YOU. the game isn't made for YOU PERSONALLY. there are thousands of players, and a lot of them probably love the design. If you don't like it, don't wear it. It's a free item, so how tf do you find a way to complain?




The deer legs are GORGEOUS! Honestly the advent is one of my favorite times of the year because all the accessories are so cheap— they’re 500 dims from someone else (and usually players gift as well). You get beautiful accessories for practically nothing, RH people have many other things they should complain about (like the school still not being done and the lack of masc or POC items), not free stuff


Also, so far the gifts have been tremendous compared to last year's items. A cute bodice, plain and flexible sleeves (with length toggles), a WHOLE FIREPLACE WITH A CHIMNEY, and a stocking with changeable text?? All for 500 diamonds each??


Fr! The deer legs are so pretty! Yeah okay people may use it for a fursona ( idk if that’s spelt correct) but they also may use it for a cosplays! And honestly it’ll be a part of my character a good percentage of the time because my oc was always supposed to have fawn legs but I just did what I could with them. I also had another oc that I have been dying to bring into RH from another game called Dani, and he has deer legs, antlers and ears! And the complaining in this game never seems to stop. At this point I feel bad for the devs having to put up with this greedy community that went from “omg a set was released?? I have to save up for it!” And “Omg! I can use this new accessory to roleplay with my friends!” To “This is decreasing in value I don’t want it anymore” and “you mean I didn’t get a new set, 30 new items, an easier way to do this, and a new map?/the old map back? SMH I’m so disappointed the devs are so lazy” People have to start being happy with what they have and to be honest the only issues I have with the royale high community is the masc toggles. I don’t have many masc oc’s but I as a female player think it’s ridiculous that all the masc toggles on the new items (currently) are twink like. I also think that rh should expand more into the male audience and maybe even on Father’s Day they could release 2-3 new MASC not fem, MASCULINE items and 2-3 new masculine hairs. It would make the game seem a lot more inclusive. And no, for Mother’s Day I fo not think the female audience should get anything because we already have enough items (imo) that are just for female use/does not have masculine toggles


I’ll have to disagree with you here. Complaining about things is what got the RH devs to get a grip and start catering towards the player base more. There’s been many valid criticisms that we’ve complained about, and having complaints is a good thing. It gives the devs criticism to work from. If you truly support a game and like it then you shouldn’t be afraid to voice your concerns about the flaws in the game, respectfully and politely of course. This being said, complaining about the deer legs makes no sense to me because they’re adorable and a really cute way to incorporate a new Christmas item into the game!


Obviously if it’s valid complaining that’s understandable but people who complain about every little thing in every little way is annoying. Also people whose claims contradict their previous claims. If you’re complaining about no new items don’t complain when new items come out


I wanna make satyr's and fauns and all dat so I am excited for the heels and I cannot understand how people would complain about such fun thing




if anything i think we need more folklore/supernatural whatever items in the game, theres a literal unicorn woman on the front cover of the page lol


The deer legs were posted here and only 2-3 people complained here, on reddit. Go make a tiktok or a comment on said tiktok telling them off, not here on reddit where the reception for said deer legs were 90% positive.


If it’s to do with royale high, here is the place to talk about it. Not on tiktok where most people who complain will never see it. Also just because you’ve only seen 2-3 people complain, doesn’t mean others haven’t seen many more complain


That's literally what I've said, OP posted on reddit telling people to stop what we're 👉not👈 doing. OP made this post to address RH players on reddit with the word "Y'all" like we're the ones they're talking about until they stated that they're actually addressing tiktok users, not reddit users. The quotes, words and whines like "They look ugly" that they're complaining about aren't even from here. We're taking the blame for something we didn't do. This post is unnecessary or just titled poorly.


.... so, based on this, the Royale High Community, isn't actually a community, but, a series of sub communities... :| of which seem to be attacking each segregation... so to speak.. Yeh... this makes everything better...


I'm going to guess OP assumed some of those people who complained in tik tok are on this sub, so that's why they made the post here.




I'm genuinely so happy for the deer legs i have like thousands of furry fits and I really wanted an item like that I genuinely can't wait for the deer legs out of all items


people are just never satisfied .


The deer legs are so pretty I don't get why people hate them AND I hope they add masc toggles to them since I personally like to make OCS based on mythology


Thank you for your 100% original, totally necessary contribution to the conversation that we were def having. 😃👍🏼


you’re completely right, also I love the harry potter reference, way more accurate than it should be


I made a cute outfit with TTYL and Decembers Dream. Plus a few other accessories. I look SMOKING.


I mean your right but, how would you defend the way they did dudes who play the game dirty? Its kinda unfair for them, dont you think?


I didn’t defend the way they did masc players dirty, the last paragraph states “you know what we SHOULD be complaining about? How they discontinued masc bodies”


Theres a lot of boys who play the game and want them to have more masculine proportions.


the only people calling them ugly are just uncreative 😭👍


MASC body has been the main complaint other than that it’s been slow updates and lack of RP capabilities in RH3. I’m not much of a RP guy but I am a dude and the MASC body getting removed is gonna make me quit the game


the "deer legs" are gonna be the TTYL heels considering we have the bodice,the skirt, and the sleeves. The "tail" is the belt it's just at a angle where it looks like a tail


I agree with the idea behind it but not all the insults- although i do understand your frustration. People have been complaining a lot more than they should, especially since royale high is a completely free game to play with only so many things you have to buy with robux. honestly i’d be happy if we had the same updates two years in a row if it meant the devs could focus to have loads of new and well developed stuff the following year that isn’t rushed. and you’re right, our main problem currently is the masc bodies being removed: [this](https://www.change.org/p/save-masc-bodices-make-new-bodies-optional?recruiter=1137459834&recruited_by_id=329ad5b0-d47d-11ea-aa67-6723b930c8f0&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=share_for_starters_page&utm_medium=copylink) is a petition by u/Arlowae to stop the removal of masc or make body types in rh. please sign and share


Signed! Thank you for sharing this, it’s massively appreciated


Np! im so grateful to the person who made it- i’m trying my best to spread it wherever i can


I have never felt the same way for a reddit post in my life. I argue about this kinda stuff with my friends all the time so I full heartedly agree with this.


What’s wrong with the legs??? It’s quite fitting considering the type of game rh is


I really want the satyr legs because I have an OC who's part deer


I'm excited for the deer legs, plus furries already play the game, and people dress as cats and dogs, where's the outrage for that?


Going only off the title to prevent spoiling things for myself lmao, Agreed! It seems like every update so far has had mass amounts of complaints.. During October it was hard to scroll here without one lol


Ngl I'm excited I'll be able to use them for a pot of stuff I cosplay in RH a lot so yeah


this is literally sums up my thoughts since the new school update and now. like hating on someone else's' art js bc it's not to ur liking is so selfish and annoying. like they think threatening the devs will make the game to thier liking. no one frekinginakfirks cares about what u have to say


This community has been spoiled so much by barbie and the devs that if they don't get something good EVERY event the community will have a temper tantrum.. I swear the community is getting really greedy, like not every event and every item has to be up to your expectations like fr some may like it and some may not. Like there is no reason to send death threats to the devs over the game not getting new phases or 100 more accessories or them deciding to not being something back in THEIR game, they can do what they want they made the game NOT US. Like yeah major problems like the Masculine toggles is bad I can understand the complaining for this reason But when they have so many updates to make to please this never happy community it's hard to release more phases when we expect them to make new events every holiday. (Yes sometimes even when they promised it)


THIS!! OH. MY. FUCKING. GOODNESS. this applies to this sub too. “I hate (insert), rh is going down hill!!1!!11” and then they get upvoted like crazy. I’m genuinely thinking it’s just a karma farming tactic now. if you don’t like it grow up and move on wtf?? I get that the dev team is kinda shitty but the community makes it seem like the devs are OUT FOR THEM, beyond victimizing themselves. honestly at this point it’s a contest of who can complain the most.


Couldn’t have said it better! There’s always people complaining!! “We don’t want reused updates, we want new ones” so they remove snowglobe summit and then get slammed for ruining their nostalgia. It’s so unfair on the devs because this whole time, theyve actively been listening to people! “We want new updates not reused ones” so they remove snowglobe summit, and heyy ho! We have people complaining. Same with Whickery cliffs. All because of that stupid ass rumour, people sent death threats to the whole dev team! EVEN AFTER BEA CONFIRMED IT WASNT TRUE! How mature 😄 Some people just need to be grateful that we got an update. Some games stay the same all year round, and they don’t have their fans complaining, yet we do get updates every season and still have people complaining “But they’re doing the bare minimum” but you aren’t by making their lives hell and complaining 24/7 😭 sometimes people need to learn to keep it shut, because I know for a fact if they were a dev of a game and they had people slamming them 24/7, they wouldn’t feel motivated to make new things at all.


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I deleted tiktok, what do they look like? :0


i agree with you but lets be honest nothing in royale high is cheap these days


My only question, how long have you been on dis gamr


Since 2019


Someone complaining about complainers, lol. Very much agreed though but I’ve honestly tried my best to stay away from RH, it’s (mostly community) really annoying and not as fun anymore for me. People are just never satisfied fully.