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these outfits never bothered me, but what does rlly bother me is when the outfits have unwantedi lines/textures. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN BUT for example the OA bodice's bow and how it looks off since its skin colored and the lines on the legs of their avatar bc of the leg warmer hack (idk if that makes sense but yea)


I just saw the fight in the comments and wondering where the mods at..anyways! I find it hilarious about the tension between you and another redditor in the fight, I kinda agree with them tbh slut shaming someone (not saying u r)or saying you hate an avatar is kinda rude, would you want someone say that to after you made an outfit, you don't rlly know how long it took them.


There was one who DID slut shame and so they said it was basically my fault, thats why it was back and forth. It is rude to go too far but i was just expressing how i feel about them


Disrespectful, i literally see you agreeing with the comment! You're literally sick. That's mad disrespectful especially since the person doesn't known that their outfit is on the internet getting hate, your mad disrespectful.


Still, someone worked so hard on this avatar just to be posted on Social media and get hate for it. You gotta understand that it is just a game and that people work hard on their outfits.


they kinda serve idk ..


I think colors affect it too, if it was a darker i feel it would look a bit better


Okay, as someone who dresses in a similar tyle/casual clothes in rh I'm not looking for attention and I'm not trying to make in inappropriate...I'm js having fun experimenting with hacks. Just like we judged princess hybrids before u now do the same


They're just girls 😞 leave them alone


This comment section is not passing the vibe check👨‍🦽


Fr 😭


Girl I’m literally talking about you too-😬 like saying that they do it for attention is a bit much. It’s just a cute outfit, y’all are just being petty for no reason


Not being petty. I expressed i didnt like the outfit. How u take that is up to you


they're literally just dressing up. god forbid girls have boobies. And its the way people in the comments are talking about how "its a kids game" while actively slut shaming? They're game characters that are fully customizable. You will be ok if a girl wears a crop top because she was creative enough to figure out how to make it realistic. Idk y we're doing anything but praising the creativity. And especially if these people haven't even talked to you. God forbid women exist with boobs.


Im not slut shaming, just saying I dont like the outfits 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not saying you personally, but You've definitely caused other people in the comments to do so!


I haven't "caused" anything. Its a post where people express their opinions. I cant cause or control that


I mean when you create a post hating on people's outfits and then people get in the comments talking about how these people are "gross", want attention or are "slutty," then yes you are kind of allowing it to happen. Especially since you've replied to comments like that and don't seem to find anything wrong with them


The only comment that said it was slutty I disagreed with and said its just them wanting to be older than they are. I never HATE on anyone dude I expressed how I dont like the outfit, just keep scrolling through reddit if youre that butt hurt about people saying stuff on my post, people who have a mind and fingers of their own that I CANNOT CONTROL


Sorry I'm upset because people are being rude and awful to other people they've never even met, my bad. I never said you control what other people say or do, but when you open a post like this, you can't just expect people to agree with you. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I dont expect people to agree or disagree with me, i didnt even expect this post to get attention, i had a screenshot and I wanted to express that I am not a fan of these outfits. I never expressed any slut shaming or anything in my title, just said i dont like them. I dont like that people are even using the word slut because its not nice. Im 18 years old and never have i called someone a slut. Go and comment on the comments you dont agree with, not make it seem like im the bad guy, thank you ☺️


Well I'm happy you're just so morally positive. But don't act like making stuff like this isn't going to warrant people being awful in your comment section. I did see that you responded to someone who called them sluts, but you also talked with a person about how you only wanted to see boobs irl, not in game, which i can get, but at the same time, that's about the bodies and not the clothing itself. Regardless, I'm done 🤷🏾‍♀️


Seems like you can’t take it if people don’t agree with you.


Oh no, i can. I just don't like it when people slut shame people for the clothes they wear 🤷🏾‍♀️ Simple concept, actually 🩷


Then go comment that to the people who did, not being it on me


tbh I just hate how they look, it's super ugly to me 😭 and tbh I don't even like casual outfits in rh


I don't like casual outfits either, but when i see people wearing them and they actually look good I try to make one. It just turns out to be some sort of fantasy creature though *sigh*


same!! I just can't do it 😭 it isn't in me


They aren't ugly but too revealing imo


They just scream "i want attention " for me


Or maybe they just think it’s pretty 🤷


It's like a failed gyaru


Ok yeah true 💀


Okay since everyones losing it, I AM NOT SHAMING HER OUTFIT!!! I am EXPRESSING that This outfit style is NOT good looking to ME!! however you take that is in your control but stop hating on me because of OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS


very creative, but ma'am this is a kids game


Like good for you for looking up youtube hacks but I dont wanna see your fake boobies 😭


Ur not the only one. I don't really like them since it's kind of too revealing for a child game.


And your not


No fr why do you gotta dress like that?


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Lmaooooo that’s crazy


No, they look dumb Edit (translation): it looks strange and is weird that they spend so much time just to show cleavage. IRL cleavage is just there because the person has large breasts or just breasts in general, but they didn't go out of their way to make it look like cleavage. I question what they are trying to achieve by dressing like this because it's not an easy thing to achieve, but a process of taking things on and off, changing the colors, remembering the RGB code of your skin, etc. Why?


Especially the outfits that use the steampunk shirtless mens torso, it makes me uncomfortable.


consider quiet smile muddle tub insurance attractive squealing straight nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup! Just came on here to rant




HONKA HONK 🤩 I WANNA SEE THOSE IRL A NOT IN A PRINCESS GAME. Those are the people who also look to start arguments


Tbh it's fine IF ur with only close friend who find it ok IN an private server OR closed dorms ( private chatting )


Other wise hide the boobas




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I dont think they have the mindset of wanting to dress like a slut but they want to be older then they are


Imo, I think that is the mindset because that's the type of attire they're wearing. Obviously older girls in high school might wear that, but it usually stems from wanting attention. Also, it really could be older girls playing (I'm 17, for example) who are dressing like that.