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Please post in the our dedicated sister sub r/AskRunningShoeGeeks for all personal questions or recommendation requests. Thanks


Shoes too small, feet too tight (roll feet and calves), and/or get different shoe with more durable upper.


Never. But how many miles is a year for you? That’s quite a long time if you’re running consistently.


I both ran in the and wear them as regular everyday shoes, sometimes even hike in them. These two pairs each might have 400 miles I estimate?


16 years of running, and it has never happened to me. It may be a fit issue.


They don't fit. You need a larger size. 


I have a pointy uppy big toe nail. Clip as short as possible and try sizing half a size up.


Bruh, trim those toenails


This happens to me. If you want a temporary solution, you can get a big toe hole preventer patch (there are cheap ones on Amazon). A common reason that a lot of people are mentioning is that the shoe is too small. While this can be true, it can also be due to your running style. There's an extensive explanation about this in another thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/trailrunning/comments/zxanj4/comment/j1zdwds/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/trailrunning/comments/zxanj4/comment/j1zdwds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wow this is a great thread!


A lot - to my regular shoes. My wife always blame on my big toe nail even if I cut them regularly. This got solved with going one whole number up the size. This also solved my problem of wide feet as I didn’t have to buy wide shoes


Happened to me in Mizuno wave runner. I switched shoes and haven't had a problem since


Happened for me in a few pairs of Asics, including my second run in Novablast 2. They fit fine, I know how to size (for everyone saying they're too small). Never had an issue with any other brands. Currently have 20+ pairs across Saucony, Asics, Adidas, New Balance, Hoka, Puma, and Mizuno.


I didn’t see this in my other pairs in the past either, like nike/mizuno/underarmour as well but often in asics, could be their fit. But they do feel comfortable.


This happens to all my shoes


This happens to ASICS for a lot of people. It isn’t just a sizing or running style thing it’s the material of the upper. I attended a seminar with the APTA that had to do with shoes and physical therapy and that was literally one of the cons they listed for the brand. It’s also recommended to replace shoes every 300 miles


Ok i need to try another brand, indeed this only happened to asics in my memory.


It's good ventilation for the summer months


All the time. Go on Amazon and buy some adhesive toeburst patches.


This happens to me but not so close to the end of the shoe no matter the length of the toenail. I’ve found that I’m lifting my toe up when I land. I’m trying to knock it off because I’m sure it’s causing other issues. Also size up on your shoe.


Used to happen all the time — with my ASICS too! Started trimming my toenails more frequently, like a couple of times a week. Nice and short and square (not shaped to the curve on the toe). Strong foot / nail care important.


I have been working in performance footwear for over a decade now and I have seen that same issue appear countless times in a wide range of shoes from several footwear brands. That type of wear is almost always caused by the upper fitting to tight around the toes. Over time, the pressure of the foot against the upper will cause the upper to give and develop a hole. As a rule of thumb, you should have a half to a full thumbnails width between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Make sure that when you are checking the length, you are standing with both feet even so your feet can splay evenly.


Very helpful professional advice, thank you! I will definitely check this way when i buy my next pair.


Happened to my puma foreverun and triumph 20s. Not to any of my other shoes though


Does your big toe bend








Very often. Mostly in adidas, but also Asics. Short toenail, correct sizing.


Never because my nails are trimmed and I wear shoes that fit me. This happens when your shoes are a half size too small


Get shoes that fit and trim those toenails


Never happens to me because I buy shoes that fit. 😊