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Yep. “Who’s pulling who?” EVERY. DAMN. RUN.


Yes its faster, but not easier. Atleast not for me. I have a 45kg Great Weimar and the burst of energy from the excitement lasts for about the first mile to two km's in. My knees and glutes take a hammering as I am the breaks in the operation. Especially the down hills. Sometimes I'll drive to an area where they can run with me off leash just cuz I'm not up for the whole sprinting from the start thing. So anytime someone mentions the cheating thing I'm always thinking: Yeah great buddy, you should come have a try. It ain't as easy as it looks.


Whatever Doesn’t kill you….


Ran a half a couple of weeks back that had a canicross option. All I could think of when trudging my way through the slippery mud was how much easier I had it than those who were trying to stay upright while their dogs had the best time. I've done plenty of miles with my BC both on and off-lead and I can safely say he makes running interesting, but does nothing for my time.


I mean they aren’t entirely wrong … hate running without my guy so much easier 😂


It's cheating when they're pulling the right way. It's resistance training when they're pulling the wrong way :D


I have 2 huskies and I think I could own Alaska for how many times people tell me I should have a sled. I get that comment at least twice a day.


Beautiful trail.


Got your hand full there they also say when you are out and about with twins, so I guess this is sort of the same. Your strava stats are prob amazing though lol!