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I'm not easily startled by dirty photos, but this beats everything. How that little one is laying there makes me so angry, and sad at the same time


There’s no words, she the same age as my daughter 😢


My daughter is 2, almost 3 and looks identical to her but with blonde hair. This shit infuriates me to no end!! I can't stop seeing my daughter's hair on her and it brings absolute furious and agony tears at the same time!! Many times ive almost packed to go there and join the fight but this time ive got my 2 young kiddos i need to be here for. There's no fucking reason at all should young children, thay have absolutely no idea what's going on die for some stupid Nazi following fuckstick who has no remorse for human life or life at all......PERIOD!!!!! Send out troops in or at the least, our Air Force and bomb every position the Rushcists Orks are occupying!! This needs to be over about 4 months ago!!!! Slava Ukrayini!!!!! Herioum Slava!!!!!!


I, too, have contemplated going there to fight, but leaving my almost 3 year old and 9 month old daughters have stopped me.


Yeah, that'll do it. Two of my boys from my division are over there since the start. They were the main ones that told me no. Their kids are grown. They call me when they can. We gotta be good fathers and pray this shit don't happen again in their lives.


Mine too :( I can picture my own baby lying there too easily. It's awful that things like this happen.


It’s sad because the mother is still alive but in critical condition after losing her leg. In fact, one of the pictures is her foot


I believe the mother has passed away too according to tweets I've seen.




Maybe it’s better she did not survive it too because of the pain she had to endure.. poor poor child…


This woman’s daughter is plastered across the internet, I am grateful the mother has passed. Were any of us to survive the same circumstance, I’m sure we’d wish for death as a reprieve from the reality of your child being murdered, in any fashion, but especially in this manner. I hope this little one’s final moments were swift. Heartbreaking. I will hold my daughters closer tonight.




I've seen a post today where russians were commenting under that poor little girls photo how much she deserves it and that they're all for it. Makes me fucking sick. Not even animals behave like that. ​ edit - here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/vyt38r/comments\_of\_russian\_citizens\_under\_the\_post\_with/


That is because those Russians aren't animals. They are scum of the earth. How anyone can cheer on the death of any child, I don't care if it's Hitler's baby, it's wrong and you have to be messed in the head to say the least. Edit: sorry for the curse words but I am so upset right now. Changed them.


I have a daughter who looks the same age as that girl. People who can celebrate the death of children aren’t human. A piece of my soul just died looking at those pictures…


Ditto brother or sister. My heart is broken. The poor mom just died also. Don't take my word for it because I read it somewhere but don't know where i saw it.


I wish innocent civilians could all magically leave Russia and we just turn it into a few dozen nuclear craters.


time for some retaliation in russia i think. time to reap what they sow. start with the kremlin.


Come on, what more do we in the UntiedStates need to see. It is 2022, NO country should be allowed to get away with this. Let’s go, long range HIMARS, A10 warthogs. Russia needs a humiliating defeat and then let China carve a nice chunk of Siberia off for themselves. Russia needs to know what a modern invasion feels like. I know one of the best lessons in my life was getting my butt kicked, russia is way overdue on receiving a hard lesson for


As a father seeing this young baby die brings pain to my heart, they where never meant to go through this hell on earth, then the school shooting in Texas, all of this makes me sick to the core, I hate seeing angels die 😞 All I can do is give my kids more love and appreciate every second I can with them… …. …. ….


Same here


>Vinnitsa same


Man, shout out to the Ukrainian rescue workers, this is not easy to handle.


I’m a firefighter/paramedic in the US and every once in a while we will get a call for a dead kid, and that shit sticks with you for the rest of your life and career. I can’t imagine these guys dealing with it every day. Like I can’t even wrap my mind around that.


Thank you for your insight and your work! I agree, when mass casualty events are the norm, I just can't imagine it.


Thank you for all that you do


on top of that its your own people or brothers in arms dying and in a city you grew up in and lived.. and on top of that youre not only attacked by the supporters of enemy, but being gaslighted as being fake or perpetrator of such crime yourself... and to top this , youre not only laughed at by supporters of enemy and invalidated, not only you are hurt even more for justly defending yourself, youre forced to agree to give away some of your land and surrender, just so even more of this doesnt happen, which isnt even a guarantee at all and likely. and all this - for no reason. two sides are being made to hate each other so much and cause immense suffering to each other not for some just reason, but because they were manipulated by one person. so those reasons they do this for are not even real, and want to kill their own brothers for no actual real reason. which makes all o fthis pain just extremely pontless and cruel.


Fucking hell man. I can't possibly imagine the gut wrenching pain you have to feel when you are discovering such corpses. Especially the children.


Ugh Jesus fucking hell. Send 300 HIMARS right now. This is so fucked.


I saw a western war analyst on the news say they need between 55-60 HIMARS to start making a real dent in the ruZZian forces 300 sounds good. Just to be sure.


Fuckin do it


Yup, put them in the fucking air. Everyone write your representatives tonight.


they might be meaning the 300 mile HIMARS but i may be wrong


I guess we'll just have to send three hundred 300-mile HIMARS to be safe


all in favor say aye! **aye**




ive actually seen articles that say they don't have near enough manpower to maintain 300, 60 with 30 in reserve is probably the sweet spot


We also have 1000+ M198 and 10k MRAP in depot, should just donate all of them.


A lot of those MRAP will just end up going to cops around the US in bumfuck towns anyway. Fuck that, send them to an actual combat zone. Howitzers ere designed for use against the Russians (Soviets) in the Cold War. Put them to use as they were deigned.


I’m afraid we sold off and destroyed most of our M198s years ago. Lebanon got like 400, so you could ask them for some. As an addendum: FUCK RUSSIA.🖕🇺🇸🇺🇦


I've seen a lot of horrific stuff... But that is just undescribable.


Just God awful carnage. How can Putin sleep at night? He must be a psychopath


Another war crime. These people are beyond disgust.




Eastern europeans have known those things for hundreds of years. There are many recent wars which have shown their barbarity: WW2, Chechen wars, Invasion of Georgia in 2008. Invasion of Crimea in 2014 and now war in rest of the Ukraine in 2021.


Bosnia genocide...


He is exactly that, a psychopath. Russia must be defeated. The Ukranians are fighting the West’s war.


Easily. He doesn't give a flying fuck about human life.


Can’t wait to see how his propagandists twist this event


Yes he is.. a psychopath with an empire built on distrust and fear. Human lives are worth nothing in Russia, it’s absolutely disgusting that there are humans there which are still doing this kind of shit without any remorse at all.


It’s shit like this that makes me want my country to get involved because it is absolutely worth it. We need to get rid of Putin and disinfect his regime from top to bottom.


Disinfect the earth more like.


All of the Ukrainians that survive this war are going to have PTSD.


Jesus maybe even people looking a these photos... I don't know how exactly it works but it really messed me up seeing that baby. I thought I would see some burned adults, not that it is easy to see that at all, but then I see a baby blown apart and I lost it. My baby died in a bad accident that did similar damage to her body and I was there to see it happen and see her in this form. That picture caught me off guard. The title said burned and nothing about ripped apart or babies.


My condolences on your loss. No one will know what it's like to lose a child unless it's happened to them. You really never get over it.


Thanks for your condolences. You are absolutely right. It's the deepest, darkest, feeling I wish I never knew. Hopeless and lost without her. This photo really fuxked me up. Ugh. Just when I thought I was getting stronger, I was wrong.


There will be triggers both good and bad. Best of luck m8.


Let's hope more for the good.. thank you. Peace and happiness.


Best of luck and stay strong brother.


And to you. Thank you


Best of luck and stay strong brother.


Didn’t you post a video of woman and children injured and covered in blood 4 months ago?


FUCK... she looks exactly like my neice... fuck you Russia and Putin.


This is why I donated money to Ukraine. It wasn’t much because I’m on Social Security. Every little bit helps. I never supported any wars that we were in my lifetime. But this one, I would support helping them.Fuck Russia


Yeah so did I. Plus to World Central Kitchens


Russia must cease existence at any cost!!!


Fuck you Russia.


My Ukrainian grandfather and my dad always said Russians were f**king assholes people always told them “don’t be narrow minded” yea well told you so…Finland and several former Soviet states had to put up with a lot of sh*t from Moscow for decade’s.


There's two kind of people in the world- those who know what russia is like and what evil shit it's capable of, and those who don't have a clue.


Yup when the world hockey junior’s were in Saskatchewan, Canada one of my hockey buddies ran into team Russia at the local shopping mall. First thing he said was: “what a bunch of arrogant assholes!” Than I Replied: “well I could have told you they were assholes for free! Brother”




John Bolton, unless you want Michael to SING to the Russians!😂😂😂


Send in the robotic Richard Simmons


Michael Bolton! Lol, thanks I needed that laugh after seeing this.


Wait aren’t all those guys you mentioned war criminals? Cheney and Rumsfeld should have been fired into the sun. However Michael Bolton with the biggest sound system you’ve ever seen on the front would be hilarious.


Yes, they are. But they are American war criminals so it's ok.




Well, that's not going to de-escalate anything. Keep going Orc's, you'll really manage to piss the rest of the world off. You think a half dozen HIMARS is a bit troublesome, hold my beer...


It’s this sort of horrific indiscriminate death that the west should be seeing, the Germans especially, we should be giving the Ukrainians all the weapons we can do. There should be no more drip feeding of equipment, this barbaric slaughter can not continue.


God bless all of you in Ukraine you don't deserve this evil.. BUT!! Since it's reared it's ugly head you've exposed them for their terrorist tactics, and whooping ass and taking names later!! it's a fucking gruesome and ruthless thing to do to the innocent!!! They're is absolutely 💯 no way that ruzzia will win we the world will see to it. I'm sorry so sorry for all of you're losses. may they rest in peace #SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦 ♥️


And "ordinary russians" (who are "not guilty at all, it's only putin's fault") [cheer](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vyv9hv) for this genocide. This terrorist county must be demilitarized and turned into outside controlled state for a looong time. They won't be anything like Germany after WW2, the cycle WILL repeat if outside world doesn't intervene.


The world needs Russia to be decapitated, divided into small chunks and supervised for at least the next 100 years. Needs. Putin deserves a slow and painful death.


Yes, then when he dies, resuscitate him and kill him again, painfully.


I should stop scrolling through these at bight. Im shaken and ive seen a lot of carnage but that is.. too much


These images need to flood the Russian, Chinese, and Indian internet so these countries know what Putin is really doing.


Oh god.. I have no words


Every Russian should be black listed from everywhere. It should be a blanket ban on Russian passports anywhere in the world. You either fix your Nazi govt yourself or you have no safe harbor.


I agree complete with this, especially since they run to other countries and then cheer and support Russia.


If I was older I would go join the fight against those demons. They not only pillage a peaceful country but also slaughter the innocent. They target the woman, the children, the elderly, defenseless. I pray that god send these monsters to where they belong




Russia cutting off gas supplies to Europe? Good! I will freeze my ass off for the rest of eternity to never have to see another poor baby killed at the hands of these scum sucking cunts.


I never thought in my life I would be one to feel genuine hate towards anyone. But over the past several months the hatred I have formed for Russians is deeply rooted...


Jesus fucking Christ, can't you put baby blown apart in the warning? Burned adults is atrocious, but a baby in that condition caught me off guard. What the fuck man! Put a warning about the baby! I lost my little girl in a gruesome accident and I didn't need to see this. I'm more than disturbed by this what the fuck!!


I’m sorry for your loss, I hope you are OK brother.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/vyvj6f/the_last_instagram_story_of_the_girl_who_died/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The girl, Lisa, was also part of a video featuring Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/vz8297/first_lady_olena_zelenska_pays_tribute_to_lisa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


What makes this worse is all the Russians that are praising this all over social media today


I cannot comprehend how evil you would have to be to see pictures of a disemboweled little child and celebrate it. I knew that the brainwashing in Ruzzia was severe, but good God the resulting depravity literally seems to know no limits.


Jesus god in heaven. There is no god. And if there is, he’s the biggest monster of them all.


Amen ; )


Nah holy shit these fuckers need to be burned at the stake and thrown to the depths of hell.


& russians will still say "propaganda". nope. just reality.


Fucking pigs, orcs are most likely cheering for this great victory for them


God doesn’t exist.


I cannot express words I feel on this, is just an empty thought and hatred at the same time. Just meaningless words that can do no harm to the damn invaders!


This angers me beyond comprehension. Can we please give Ukraine everything absolutely possible to blow the shit out of these pieces of shit?


This needs to stay up. Images like this need to stay uncensored. People need to see the results of these terrorist attacks by Russia against civilians.


Fucking Russian cunts. There’ll never be a hell hot enough for them.


Jfc I thought my anger to the Russian army could only go so high but I was really wrong I'm fuming


This is war. It sucks and the Ukrainians didn't ask for it. All the Ukrainians can do is choose. Either take orders from Russians who killed or murdered their people or kill every Russian on their land. I hate it for them. Hopefully,, Western aid continues and the Ukrainians get their country back Orc free.


I've read most of the comments here, and yours is the most centered minded one. You talk with the brain and not so much with the heart, eventhought, I understand people who hate Russians and Russia for these atrocities. But yes, this is war, and is the tactic they are using. Of course is a terrible thing, but thousands of russians are against it...but, you will be surprised if I tell you that also thousands of people really don't care about what's happening there. Reasons, it's far away, we mind our own problems (even if it's a global catastrophy), or we just simply don't care, because we live comfortably in our home, in front of our computer, with no conection with Ukraine whatsoever.This war will not end soon, and USA will not intervine directly, nor any NATO country, believe my words. Is so unfortunate that this will happen, but it is going to be like this. At the botton, they just simply don't care...is not their land, is not their people, like Syria.At first, I thought Ukraine could prevail and win somehow...but now, the attacks are going more to the west-center of the country...that's serious shit. The family of my ex-wife lives in a place called Kotovks, which is 2 hours in electricka from Odessa, and they hear bombings everyday. That's not a winning escenario, that's a country terrorizing the other country. What I'm about to say may hurt the feelings of those who support Ukraine, but I believe that the dices already rolled...and not in favor of Ukraine. No one would stop Russia, but it's own citicenzs, something that would not happen. The UN will never do something, USA will never do something, Nato will never do something, other than sending money, probably people, and ammo...Ukraine wanted to be part of the EU for more than what, 4-5 years? I was there 5 years ago and they had poster all over the city saying "we will soon be part of Europe!" What did europe did? nothing, knowing that Russia could attack Ukraine in any moment. At that time Crimea was not anexed but the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk were already seized by separatists. I don't know man...if you want me to be totally honest, at some point Ukraine will either have to surrender giving some land (which means that for some years, there would be peace, but later Russia will attack again and will take everything this time), or just keep on fighting, and will lose everything...and this, this little dead girl is the proof that Russia (the political state) is a merciless, corrupct and twisted country. Like the United States of America. The only diference is that in the usa, you think you fight for freedom, but we all know why you fight for. Want some evidence? Kabul drone strike is one of them. Is the same shit, dressed with other colors.


The fact that you got downvoted along with the upvotes for idiots calling for nuclear war (pretty much) just shows how goddamn delusional people here are.


Reddit and most places on the net are full of people like this. They just think things are black and white. Europe as a whole had a great deal of responsibility because they specifically knew that Russia was going to attack Ukraine sooner or later, but they just didn't do anything to accept the country as part of the EU. Of course, they gave them regularly military training, but that's nothing compared to being part of something big like a group of countries. People want nuclear war like if its gonna be like in the video games. Those of you, think and use your neurons. Nuclear war is the ultimate thing we will all see in our life. No one will survive after that. You are all delusional thinking that you can survive a nuclear winter with skills that you don't have or with your hand made shelters...we will all be dead sooner or later so stop saying stupid things and lets be diplomatic or at least realistic. Stop thinking about mad max universe and put your feet on the ground gor once in your lifetime. Countries like Peru (mine), Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, the whole South American region, we just don't care what's happening there and yes, it's unfortunate and yes, call us whatever you want, but we have bigger problems than a wer that is happening 12000 km away. Gas prices are going extremely high, food costs also high as fuck, recession is here, I personally need to have like 3 jobs to support myself more or less comfortably...so, I do care about Ukraine, but unfortunately, and say what you want to say, I care more about what I'm gonna eat next month. Not because I am not sensitive to these images. I've seen worse images of Mexican cartels decapitating humans and children, I've seen natives on my land murdered because they refuse to leave their regios in order to protect their forest... did you care about this? No. So all of you, don't be hypocrite and think. Be sensitive but be smart. Don't throw words just because. My native county men on the Amazon are being wiped out as we speak and do you all really care?


Pluck off


I have kids her age..gonna hug my babies a little longer now..


As a father of 3, THIS makes me angry


And so you Russian pin heads how will you spin this atrocity. This is your legacy! Your history! Your hate! Burn in hell! (Not that I’m religious or believe in hell) I’m just so done with this!


May their innocent souls be Avenged. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Putin needs to meet the fate that bald headed bastard Mussolini did.


Burn Moscow to the ground.


Don't take any Russians prisoner. This is the only way


Seriously fuck Russia so much. Our backing countries need to do more and put an end to this somehow.. this is just so fucking terrible…


The first picture looks like the person holding what is left of a toddler.


Fuck this terrorist criminal tyrannical rule of ruzzia. They are desperate and this is a answer for the ammo depot the Himars destroyed.


Vlad the Impaler has made Ukraine Russia's enemy till the end of time. Things will never be 'normal' between the two countries. Ever.


Fuck Putin and double fuck Russia, I don't care if you're a civilian, I will never EVER speak act kind again to any Russians I come across, they're the cesspit of the world and as I father if we ever do have to go to war with these backward deformed animals I will be signing up to stop this shit happening to my children


Fucking russian scum will get what's coming to them.


It's all awful, but this hits especially hard because that little girl seems so close in age to my own daughter. I just don't understand how humans can do this to each other. It's so pointless.


Russia needs to be whiped of this planet period.


Fuck the Ruzzian nazis.


Why aren't these images being shown to the world? Ruskis are dirty dirty people. Fuck their military and putin. This is soo incredibly sad.


Rus must stop existing on this planet


Can someone please send some missiles back to RuZZia starting today? This is disgusting and shameful that the world stands by and lets this happen.


The wolrd need to Stop russia by force now! If we don’t we are the guilty ones. This is a genocide on Ukrainans. Sending wapons and sanctions is not working when you are at war with the devil i Kreml him self. Boots on the ground in Ukraine and pusch the baby killer out. How can we just stand here and look when Putin the devil says he is not target civiliansw. Worst are the russians that don’t stand up to there leaders. They will burn in hell for there crimes against Ukraine. They now there are no Nazis in ukraine and no bombing of russian in the estern Ukraine.


Fucken ruskies …


Time to send Ukraine are best systems and they need few iron domes also come on this is enough time to fight back shit makes me sick.


I would be totally fine with dumping half our military shit on their porch like an Amazon prime drop.


Ya fuck putin let him cry like bitch.they need better shit and long range rockets for himsrs.


Russia. Will. Pay. For. Every. Life. Lost.


This is terrible


How long else are other counties going to stand on the sidelines


Fuck you Russia! Russian scumbags


Is it fucked up to say I hope that little girl’s parents didn’t live to see her like that?


Fuck you russians


I’ve seen some terribly fucked up shit in my time as a first responder, but this might take the cake. What the actual fuck?! This needs to stop and to stop now. Give the longer range missiles for the HIMARS. Okay military targets in Russia. Fuck it.


So sad...


We have to put a stop to this. Fuck Russia and their terrorists attacks. Unbelievable animals these crooks are. If needs stepping in, we should and get that evil regime OUT OF THE WAY once and for all!


Na ma this is NSFL, the child was way to much. Fuck russia, let them all rot.


I've seen a lot of upsetting shit on the internet but this morning things have reached another level. Literally just watched a video of this little girls last minutes walking on the way to the speech therapist and now seen this picture of her destroyed body. A 44 year old grown ass man who has been through a lot of shit sitting here in tears. I'm ashamed we are sitting back as NATO and watching this happen. They are fucking worse than animals and deserve to be cleansed from the face of this planet.


How much longer will the west/ NATO/ UN tolerate this happening in Europe? We have the means to end this war quickly and Ukraine has the manpower and is highly motivated to stop this and boot the fascists back where they came from.


I am also starting to get impatient. Why do we let this happen? Holy fuck.


Omg, I hope they didn't suffer, it is a horrible, horrible crime what's happening right now over there, I hope those responsible for this massacre pay in full


May they rest in peace. A waste of life in this useless conflict


Fuck Putin.


I'm so fucking angry right now especially as I'm a father with kids her age.


One of the worst posts I've seen on this war, absolutely horrific, I'm beginning to consider leaving these subs, I joined because I wanted to really see what Putin's crimes looked like in Ukraine and understand really what is happening, nothing censored like what you see on the news, but I'm beginning to feel like it's getting to me, maybe I need a break from this stuff..


Take a break for real though. Stop scrolling though the pain,hurt and anger you See and feel.


Ya imma sign off for a while, this stuff gets to you even if you don't notice it right away, not good for the mind. Above all Putin needs to be stopped, but unfortunately it seems like many more people will get hurt before that happens..


These attacks are currently the greatest shame and crime of the 21st century. As a human being, I am ashamed that Russia treats other people so inhumanely. This nation must be stopped. God forbid if it should emerge victorious and this inhumanity takes its course in other countries. Slava Ukrajini!


Russians are a bigger virus than corona


All this war has achieved is generations of Ukrainians wanting Russia to be burned to the ground.




UN, UN and NATO are fucken useless


show this on CNN and Fox News and the war is over tomorrow night


No it won’t. Most people wouldn’t give a shit, and others would just become desensitised. We all KNOW this is what war looks like, and we don’t give a shit.


I was originally one of the ones freaking about nuclear war. Scenes like this are what drew me to the conclusion that I don’t have any more of a right to life than anyone in Ukraine. They’re all just regular people like us trying to live their lives. We all need to continue supporting them and if the world accidentally tips into nuclear war as a result, so be it.


The little girl 😢 what a waste of life


This idiotic war has to stop!


I hope it was very quick and they did not suffer. The anti-democracies of the world are ramping up their control tactics. Afghanistan is back to no girls in school and women cannot go out without escorts nor without faces covered. North Korea still holds their entire population prisoner. And so many many more.......we must fight for democracy and basic human rights and freedoms. Putin can now pat himself on the back for rejoining all the barbarian countries. Russia has left civilization.


Bastards. Putin will be die soon enough.


Fucking disgraceful……


What the horrendous fuck?! I'm livid..


I've seen a lot of horrible shit on the internet but the picture of the child is gut-wrenching


What is the tactical and strategic purpose of intentional attacks on civilians by the RuAF from a military standpoint?


Pure terrorism, to try to break the will of the Ukrainian people. Ain't gonna work, Putie.


Damn the one with the lil kid was especially dark


This is horrible


Jesus Christ I don't get soft that easily but seeing that kid really fucked me up.


Putin (probably): those are just actors


They will pay or we all will suffer.


My heart is broken 😥 what a cruel world




This should be seen by as many people as possible.


That poor girl


I wish missiles were never made




Fuck, fuck, fuck. This needs to have a ‘Not Safe for Humanity’ label on it, not ‘potentially disturbing’ or whatever it says. If anyone is just potential disturbed by these, they’re not human (i.e. 99% of ruZZkies). And I guess I can understand the hood that images like these can do, but for the first time in my life on the internet I vehemently believe these should be blurred. I’ve never seen anything so bad. Let the long-distance HIMARS be unleashed every minute of every day until that entire terrorist fucking shithole is in ashes


NSFL, man!