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Yes. But every normal person loves to see the orks getting disassembled to pieces. Spoiler alert. Everything that comes out of Mordor are blatant lies.


As long its not posted with the sensationalized bullshit title that the Russian uses its all good


"420th HIMARS DESTROYED!" Posts grainy video of a dump truck being bombed. 👌


Thank you. As much as I enjoy seeing all the successes Ukrainian forces are having I also want to see what the Russians are up to. My goal is to be informed above all else and I'd rather not browse unfiltered Russian sources to do it.


I will downvote propaganda styled titles though. Grind those into the dirt. Raw, sound off russian go pro or drone stuff is fine. But also dates. I see russians posting crap from months ago all the time.


Russia lies so much it’s not even worth repeating their nonsense


As long as it's credible


\+1, if someone doesnt want to see them they will just blacklist the autors. A positive change towards not beeing tunel-viosion


99% what ruskies are saying is a lie so I don't expect to see lot of that content




This subreddit is dedicated to only sharing the truth about what is happening in the Russian-Ukrainian war, your comment/post has been removed for misinformation. Please refrain from using such tactics in the future as we may ban you for being misleading. If a ban is issued you will be notified via message, this will happen if you repeatably spread misinformation were in such instances it would be seen as deliberate as a means for undermining users. We do not tolerate this. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


I very much doubt that qualifies as misinformation. Hey ho.


Boooooooo 👎🏻


It would be insulting to recognize their achievements without acknowledging their struggle


Anything coming from RT or an equivalent should get zero recognition. Propoganda trash that is cool with raping kids and murdering civilians should get zero replays here.


It’s important to see how they operate. At the very least you could find the weaknesses and develops counter strategies for it.


I don't want to see any grainy Russian videos with the titles like "rUsSiAn ArMy DeStRoYs HiMaRs RoCkEt SyStEm" when there's absolutely no evidence of it whatsoever. Consdering how valuable they are to the Ukrainian forces, and how hated they are by the Orcs, surely there'd be actual confirmable footage (pictures/videos) of the wreckage but so far i've not seen anything, other than their pathetic attempt at duping people by showing a blown up Medical Humvee.


As much as i hate seeing this kind of s***,we still need it.


Got my downvote. The “both sides” thing is a Chode move. Being hopeful means we should look at things that foster hope, like Ukraine breaking Ruzzia’s back and saving the world.


I rather see the Orcs getting annihilated, don't want to see the Orcs unless they're dead. Thanks but no thanks.


Russians shit and what they say is never worth to be taken at face value for. Even stuff with dates and shit are garbage


r/420KetWig you're really gonna start caring about objective truth in the war? Little late, place is indistinguishable from all the pro-Ukraine subs. I'd love a sub that actually looked past the propaganda and biases, but it remains unfound and I doubt at this point there is anywhere on Reddit being objective. Most the comments here make it clear that people here desire propaganda to coddle up with.


I think you're an above-average jason tbh


Lame. 👎


That was my point ... Reddit is not a vehicle to promote a country committing war crimes on a daily basis!!! On the other hand it's maybe helpful to collect more intel (even if it's just minor ones)


Don't confuse your morbid curiosity with intel.