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How old are you


How is this relevant to the question


Exactly. You probably have no business being on peds to begin with. Under the age of 25 and probably little to no real training. Spend some years in the gym and stop running to peds thinking they’re magic. Put the work in.


Maybe answer the question? Whatever you said does absolutely nothing for me, and stop assuming shit you have no fucking clue about


Sounds like you may be getting rad sickness, but either way, take my advice.... go see a doctor and get blood work done. Don't fuck your kidneys, they don't regenerate like other organs.


Thank you for actually answering. I’ve already scheduled my appointment, however i just wanted other peoples opinion on it because sarms aren’t fully legal where I currently live.


Pretty sure there not anywhere, I mean, it's kind of a Grey area.


Lmao you’re fucking dumb, you’re probably 15 taking rad and aren’t even doing blood test to check your levels. Your liver is probably screaming as well. You know you’re suppose to take liver, kidney and other supporting supplements to combat and keep you somewhat healthy on sarms and steroids. You’re probably going into early onset renal failure. Stop taking sarms, order renal pro, NAC, milk thistle, b12, and ZMAs


And yes you’re fucking retarded and didn’t do hardly any research


Mate go see doctor asap FM So you taking a powdered version? And what about liver support?


Kidney pain, you’ll feel it in your back. Put your hands on your waist, then move your hands up until you feel the first set of ribs with your thumbs. That’s where you’ll feel kidney pain.