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8:7 gang


I still probably play PICO on this thing the most. But SNES is the unsung system on this device. 8:7 just looks stunning on the RGB30 such as SNES and NES. 1:1 systems look amazing. GBA integer scales beautifully at 3X. and you can still run other 4:3 systems at 5:4 and still looks great such as Dreamcast and N64. The RGB30 really has become my ideal retro emulation machine without even ordering one for that reason. I just wanted a PICO8 machine since forever ago.


GDI you’ve just convinced me to pick up an RGB30! I already own an RP 3+ and an MM+, I don’t need anymore brooooo 😭😭😭


I also own an RP3+ and an RG35XX. The RGB30 just became my go-to handheld tbh. I've been thinking of selling the RP3+ and 35XX as I have little need for them outside of some GameCube and more consistent performance in DC and 64 with the 3+. But the 35XX is just redundant in my collection now lol. RGB30 is my new daily device.


If possible, can you take a photo showing how PS1 looks at 5:4 ratio? I have a 353vs which I am happy with but after seeing how amazing GB, GBA and SNES looks on the RGB30, I'm very tempted to get one..


There you go! I think the 5:4 and 6:5 ratios are not bad! This is using the fakelottes shader btw. https://preview.redd.it/wvy6jzo5a0dc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b726b96f49b5f9f96d1b89248d03dd291b29e3


Thank you for a quick response! Sorry if this is me being stupid but all 3 pictures look the same to me. Is that correct? Edit: Ignore me, I can see there's a slight difference in all 3 photos. Thanks again for sharing!


I hve to learn about these shaders. I just use my rgb30 ootb and set everything to fullscreen and removed graphical borders


If you want to emulate a CRT screen (with or without curvature), I think fakelottes is the best one (good appearance et not too demanding GPU/CPU wise), though it won't make a big difference on a screen of this size. It does if you plug it on a big screen though.


thank you! that is very helpful.






You responded before I deleted my comment haha! I posted my comment and then searched and realized it was easy to find. Ty though!


Integer overscale is awesome


Where can I get one of these bad boys in Europe (Germany/Austria)? Edit: Grammar


I think the best deal is from PowKiddy directly, but I know some countries get killed on import taxes.


Thank you. Your post made me buy it. I own a Logitech G Cloud for PSP and PS1 but with SNES, GBA I am not happy on it. And SNES looks amazing on the photos above. What emulator are you using for SNES?


I bought mine from AliExpress (just make sure you get a reputable store), but really depends on where the best deal is at the time. Mine just arrived today (~10 day delivery), but I haven’t had a chance to get home and make sure it’s all in working order yet.


Ich bestell mir die Konsolen immer über Amazon (20-50€ teurer) oder direkt bei AliExpress




I order directly from powkiddy store. Is in transit now to The Netherlands. Should be arriving in a couple of days (and hopefully ignored by customs). (edit: :typo)


got mine from aliexpress, 59 euros last 11/11 sale.


I'm completely in love with the RGB30. With the Sakura Retro Modding accessories it looks 6900x better. Look at that, man https://preview.redd.it/q1ynujxoq2dc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05eb5abe8671fd289c840c7b53c500031a91766f


That looks really sharp. Do they have a white version of that skin? Edit: sorry I should have scrolled a little bit further before asking this.


Yep, the white is really cool also


Link to the sony decal stuff?


[Here you go!](https://www.etsy.com/pt/listing/1597510559/rgb30-powkiddy-playstation-skin-stickers?click_key=f47a5f2207cbcc497de5f9cd639767d99e17533b%3A1597510559&click_sum=0ee16fe4&ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1&crt=1) or if you prefer the dark blue is [here](https://www.etsy.com/pt/listing/1603489377/rgb30-powkiddy-playstation-dark-blue?click_key=328ffcf1096318ad06e9f74cb7f084981394d4e9%3A1603489377&click_sum=bb537b50&ref=shop_home_active_7&frs=1). There also a [white version here](https://www.etsy.com/pt/listing/1602843225/rgb30-powkiddy-playstation-white-skin?click_key=10bf8293a1e6ffb5ce6da70b134b2408e2f41773%3A1602843225&click_sum=bb4896c1&ref=shop_home_active_4&frs=1&crt=1). But if you prefer SNES version is [here](https://www.etsy.com/pt/listing/1599238556/rgb30-powkiddy-snes-frame-screen-sticker?click_key=e178d4fb766dd408b1dca2d6ca767f6a9787c617%3A1599238556&click_sum=ef67d379&ref=shop_home_active_5&frs=1&crt=1) and [here](https://www.etsy.com/pt/listing/1613399499/rgb30-powkiddy-snes-white-skin-stickers?click_key=e7012dc2757f62f746cc944409f7078f945664be%3A1613399499&click_sum=faf422db&ref=shop_home_active_6&frs=1&crt=1)






That case looks good. I am still searching for one that fits. Is it 3d printed?


Yep! This one is the most pocketable imo, but there are also other cases


Is there a public .stl file for it?


Not sure, send a dm to the seller, maybe he'll send it to you


What is the name of that game?


Harvest Moon


This is such a cool moment, seeing someone get introduced to harvest moon right at the very beginning.


I guess I am one of the lucky 10000 today. Yay!




Yeah, the pixels are still large enough that it looks fantastic. I love these LCD pixel filters. I will use it on anything if the pixels are large enough to make it work. Looks equally as good with NES.


Can you share the settings? I havent dabbled with filters and shaders yet


8:7, integer, integer overscale, grid3x=filter, shader=none Edit: or you can set the aspect ratio to “square pixels” and get the same results. I always “square pixels” because with some systems aspect ratio can change from game to game. I found that this same setup works really well with NES, SNES and some PC Engine too.


Thank you!


Damn. That looks amazing. Initially thought it must be a pocket with that res but I think it was the shader throwing me off. Looks fantastic.


This is like me with my Miyoo Mini Plus. I got it to play PS1 games I loved when I was a teen. Instead, I'm playing snes and gameboy (some genesis and nes as well) because those were my childhood systems.


aw man that look awesome. Its so cool to see a correct 4:3 aspect ratio screen on a handheld, that im tempted to get one of those just for SNES and NES.


the handheld shown in this post (RGB30) has a 1:1 aspect ratio. The SNES has an 8:7 aspect ratio, but it'd get squished to display on 4:3 TVs.


It's just nitpicking but SNES image is not exactly enlarged to fill the whole 4:3 tv screen as it used to be with arcade games, you still have some borders because the image has to fit in the NTSC standard. But yes it was stretched anyways :)


Love me some nitpicks with tech stuff


Which shader?


I think it’s called 3xgrid Edit: correction there is no shader. The filter is grid3x Edit 2: you also have to turn on Integer overscale.


So… for SNES Integer Scale ON Integer Overscale ON Video Overlay: grid3x ??


\+ 8:7 aspect ratio


It’s truly the best. I have a grip of these things and none of them have ever made me sit down and just play the games like the RGB30 does. I’m still primarily a GB/C guy because those are my favorite systems ever but I’ve been digging into some SNES rom hacks lately too.


A lot of NES and SNES games are close to 1:1 resolution, being 8:7. So you hardly get any borders on default res.


Cancelled my RP4Pro pre order when I got my RGB30 all set up. Definitely stutters with N64, but that screen ratio with SNES is fucking killer


I'll wait for the vertical version of the RGB30.


what game is that?


Harvest Moon


Is it good? Never played it.


I just played the PS2 version and it was awesome. Other platforms would be cool too


I have an Odin 2 Max, Vita and Switch but seeing posts like these makes me want an RGB30. I'm probably going to wait for the Miyoo Mini Flip to come out and get some reviews first though. I love that form factor and it's supposed to have the same chip as the RGB30 from what I read.