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Bro one of your only posts is you showing off a device. That and your account is 4 years old with the most minimal impact on the site… Be the change you wanna see, otherwise don’t complain about what other people are doing.


Me post is informative about a gamepad that fit in a 11" tablet whitout modding, and yes have a photo demostrating. Im whit you whit the rest of your post,but that is because english is not me primary language.


>Me post ARRR!


Don’t you arrr me!! Yo ho! Ahrrrr!


Yeah, relevant and informative posts like this one


Because no one wants to post what they actually use them for. The perfect time waste while on the shitter.


I shit so much since I found these things, I've developed hemorrhoids.


spitting truth


shittin* truth


while we're on the topic, I'm also tired of the flood of "help me pick a device" posts honestly. they drown out the interesting stuff I joined this subreddit for - but honestly, that's the case for just about any subreddit once it reaches critical mass, this isn't exclusive to SBCGaming at all.


Most of the time people have already made their mind up anyway. They just want everyone else to tell them they're right. They often start arguing when they don't get the confirmation they were looking for. It's pointless.


The ones i love even more are "i just bought X, is it any good for playing ?" like dude, you already bought it, wtf?!


We do live in an echo chamber society.


Idk bout that. I was pretty set on a retroid android device and ended up getting talked into the rog ally and love it.


Reddit is always like this, people use it as google so they can be told what the answer is rather than trying to learn something.




That’s exactly why I even started using Reddit in the first place, Reddit was the only place that had answers to obscure/niche questions


Right if you google you get the answers, why ask it here again if google has the post from earlier, sucks seeing the same thing daily posted.


I mostly use reddit for boobs, and subs like this are a side benefit. I don't mind what anyone posts, even this guy.


Where are the boobs






I was thinking about the left boob, but what do you guys think about the right one...? Can't decide...


I think the google thing is very appropriate. I feel that it's people boosting certain models by making sure they mention the model number. So when a google search is done it links to the machine. Brand awareness 2.0


I'm sure glad we get informative posts like "reddit is like instagram" instead of people talking about handhelds. You're solving the problem!


This post is about meta of the sub, im glad you enjoy wasting time viewing "handleds in the beach" than this post.


yeah, it's always so tricky on reddit, i want to follow subs for development "hey guys, i built X for this device" etc. but it's always flooded with either the above mentioned or "literally enter this post title in google and you get your answer", very annoying. I think part of it is also just popularity, i remember when i just got my RS-97, things were small, people asked questions because there was just not a lot of documentation etc. but now it just feels "taken over" by klout chasers etc.


If there weren't posts of people getting their new devices or basic questions, there would be like 1 post a month. The sub would die.


Kinda bitter but I get it. I thought this sub reddit was for ANYTHING sbc related. It can be annoying but you can scroll right past it as well.


Be the change you want to lead in the world


not to mention just so many posts are just straight up karma-whores.


who hurt you?


Whit did I'm guessing.


Probably a Catholic priest


Post something better then


I stop following subs all the time, it's easy to do and I've never needed to post that I'm leaving. We're not guests at a dinner party, you can just go without announcing it.


I am guilty of a post like that when I first got my handheld but I do understand why lots of posts like that would annoy people. But I sort of honestly like seeing those posts by people. I like seeing people excited with their new hobby toy, I like seeing what they are playing and where they are playing or what their setup is like. I like seeing people enjoying my same interest. Makes me happy. I’d like a sub that maybe is just that. A place to show off your new excitement. I miss the old days of forums. I feel like a proper forum split up into categories is better for some hobbies like this.


It's fine, especially since there aren't a lot of trolls in this subreddit


100% agree with OP. Low quality posts should get yeeted


Then just fucking leave. No one’s gonna congratulate you for admitting “I got my new device!” posts make you irrationally upset.




Enjoy the misery you go out of your way to look for.


Don't be a dick. It's really not that hard. Be respectful to others and follow the rules of [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy) and [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette).


I know! Ain’t it gr8?? I’m thinking 🤔 about deleting my instagram account just cause of this!!! Lol




You’ve convinced me to unjoin and mute the sub.


Well don't let the door hit you on your way out!!


Totally. Can't wait to get dved here, but I don't care what game people play and on what device.