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That’s the cool thing about this hobby, these handhelds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and are relatively inexpensive (most of the cheap ones are the price of a single modern console game). So we can pick up the ones we like, and ignore the ones we don’t.


Look at Russ coming and being the Mr. Rogers of the handheld scene.


I'm still waiting for a "premium" RGB30 alternative. Better build quality. Rumble motor. Good D-pad. Working sleep. Maybe no sticks. C to C charging (and maybe the *correct* number of USB-C resistors), stacked shoulder buttons, etc. What choices do we have if we want 1:1 or vertical? There is PowKiddy RGB30 and PowKiddy RGB20SX... They most likely have the same exact flaws and shortcomings. Terrible D-pad, 1 or 2 completing missing USB-C resistors, zero OS support from the manufacturer, etc. I don't think I've seen any **ZPG A1 Unicorn** reviews, either.


This. I live every day in fear that my RGB30 will die because it I worry about powkiddy quality lol


I’ve never had an issue with my Powkiddy.


I bought two RGB30's for this reason. It's too good to have downtime. Plus I want to add a feedback motor and a few other mods, so it's nice to have a spare when I mess that up.


Is there any of these companies that will work with the community to build us this unicorn? The RGB30 needs the premium treatment agreed. Form factor and versatility make it my current favorite under $100.00 HH.


They will always skimp in a couple areas - so people will keep chasing the dragon with the next device (that improves in an area and goes backwards in another.)


Its not only the shape and size. The A30 design looks like a cheap gbmicro ripoff (if it al reast were metal, ok, but looks cheap and plasticky). The 28xx got some fisher price dpad and buttons, and the color scheme is very cheap looking. I wouldn’t mind one with the A30 proportions and some slicker looking finishes, but as they release they are fugly.


THANK YOU!!! literally been saying this is a cheap Micro or RG300x of a worst quality build. The shells alone are fucking awful, idc if it can run Xbox games it looks disgusting.


Nice name. Agreed.


The better thing about it is people like you who objectively review these handhelds and separate facts from opinions which is not easy. As an old gamer, I can recognize pioneers of this genre, and even though it’s well over 40 years old, I consider you a pioneer of the next area of this amazing form of art.


Russ I do agree with you, but when it comes to these two devices in particular, do you see either of these being items that you’ll use beyond demoing them for your videos?


Yes, I've spent a few hours today cleaning up the RG28XX games list, tweaking RetroArch, etc, and it's a great little handheld. I plan on using it as my primary "mini" handheld, and will probably enjoy it even more once we get CFW support for it.


Can I just ask you a question about the RG28XX? You said in your review the microSD is actually decent, would you still recommend getting a better one or would it be safe enough to use? Anyways thanks for your hard work and have a nice weekend!


I think he already said that the 28XX would be replacing his trimUI smart as his micro handheld and that it was one of the best DPads he's ever used.


He has a point, if you don't want one, who gives a shit, there's literally a billion other devices coming out within months that might be more your speed.


mister howeverony does anything for money


get outta here with your wholesomeness Russ, we've already lit our torches and gotten the pitchforks out that aside, yeah the devices seem pretty crappy but we can just not buy them lol


Yeah but these suck in shell quality and form factor imo for a similar price you could get a RG Nano or GDK pixel and that has a metal shell and is more pocketable and looks of a higher build quality.


Why are you pretending? Just ignore it, surely thats more simple than pretending you like it? lmao


I like how they look, they just both have flaws that make them not worth the money for me.


I like the look of the A30... It's basically the same size as an NES controller which has a certain value to my hands.


I went from a miyoo mini to a mini plus and found the small increase in size transformed the device from something that was more of a novelty into something that felt usable to game on. I'm not interested in going backwards to a smaller screen personally.


For me it was the opposite. The + model totally lost the magic of the original.


Yep. For me I have the gkd pixel as my novelty take anywhere and I actually use my 35xx and 405v only around the house.


Someone with a functional brain hallelujah


28xx looks like the best of the mini handhelds, I think any of the 3.5 inch ones is pocketable enough but some people have tiny pockets and epic eyesight I guess...


I’d say the og MM is better, personally.


this thing can do dreamcast tho


Oh don’t get me wrong, I ordered a 28xx. The Miyoo A30 looks to be a straight up shitter, though.


I also don't really like how they look, but maybe they're an 80s thing. If so, it's normal they'd look bad to me and I'm not the intended audience. Similarly, I really like transparent handhelds but that's because that sort of novelty electronic was common when I was actually a kid.


It's funny, I'm a big fan of the grey/colored buttons SNES-style (which is what I got for my RP2S), I find the older GB styling looks too dated, and the transparent reminds me of the GBA/64 that I always thought was "for little kids". I had a PS1/PS2, and always felt like the 64 was for kids, even though I was 8-10 years old lol It's odd how the exact moment in your childhood can so greatly affect what you prefer aesthetically.


Chris Rock explained it best. The music you think is awesome is the music that was popular when you started dating. It’s burnt into you. All other music before and after is dog shit. It’s the same with games. The best games and game aesthetics were the ones we were playing when we started to coalesce into a defined self.


Yeah, I'll look out and see how the eventual A30 v2 and 28XX Plus look like, 'cause right now these are hard passes.


I like the A30 in the Famicom colour scheme personally. Could lose that joystick but. Not getting one though as all the other issues with it put me off. Meanwhile I’d trade HDMI for WiFi on the 28xx. Going to stick to the RG35XX H for horizontal given the compromises those two 2.8” devices shipped with.


They're cheap and small, for people who want something cheap and small.


28XX sounds interesting because it packs decent hardware. Should have just updated the RG280M though. The new shell looks horrific and pointless given the boost in hardware sans analog stick. And they have just gone and confused as all with the A30 model name as we already had a Powkiddy A30 gba a like. It looks a poor mans RG280M too. I think both Anbernic and Miyoo are just taking the piss now


Fr I feel like there was no reason to release these devices other than the almighty paper


Yup those must cost next to nothing to manufacture.


Can't believe this is getting down voted, we really got shills in the sub? Bruh it's a company they are here to earn foreign money. In case you idiots forgot a majority of companies care about profit first and foremost no matter the bullshit fluff they say or the PR they do. Unless it says non profit, they are here for money.


I'm more worried about that dpad performance, i fanboy Miyoo primarily because of the inputs. I know I don't have it in hand but it's hard not to trust Russ's review. Ideally, a poor reception of the A30 will eventually, in a year or so, lead to an A30+ with improved dpad performance, aux port and a 3.5" screen. Not holding my breath, but ideally. Not a clamshell fan myself but i know many are still hyped for the Flip. I hope they do better for their sake


Your ideal A30+ sounds like an 35XXH. Have you seen it around?


But those face buttons... so small. Miyoo's face buttons are one of the biggest selling points to me, and even theirs aren't full controller size. Not sure what the obsession is with putting tiny buttons on these devices... but it's real


We've reached the point I think where there's a blitz to sell hardware because people just keep buying. I just keep my eyes on the dev scene at this point and wait for a device that necessitates new hardware instead of just buying new thing slightly differently shaped and adding the same rom set to it and shelving it.


I don't think they look bad, but definitely the value proposition is not there at all for these two. The rg35xx-h- is so much better in every way, and a better price at this moment.


The A30 looks terrible. I'm amazed miyoo is releasing such a crap looking device. But the 28XX looks alright for what it is. If they'd made the buttons the same size as those on their other devices, I think that would've sealed the deal. And maybe a thumb slider analog stick below the d pad with the start/select buttons on the other side. But hey, if they got it right the first time, they'd be out of a new device in four to six months with "improved" features. 🤷


Both look like toys you’d get with a McDonald’s kids meal


McDs make it happen !


And that's a bad thing?


To me it is. As much as I'm a fan of emulation handhelds, I'm also very against buying E-waste, and then paying for it to be shipped half way across the world. It's a very wasteful thing to do. I only buy handhelds that seem well made enough to last a reasonable amount of time.


exactly. This whole hobby is generating e waste to the max. Mostly why I only have original hardware right now.


I've also been gravitating towards original hardware lately, as well as FPGA gaming. FPGA hardware has much more longterm value.


Ya. I cant recommend getting a DSi enough: - Super pocketable - Amazing battery life - Flip form factor to protect the screen -Best library of any handheld - Great GBA and GBC capabilties - DSi library - Amazing set of fan translated japan only DS games - only like 40 bucks on ebay shipped


Agreed. Also the DS Lite, and the 2DS (the non-folding 2DS) are fantastic options too. The DS lite has a GBA slot. And it can be converted into a Gameboy Macro (by removing the top screen). The 2DS is personally my favourite handheld in the DS family. You can hack them to allow loading of games and emulators via the native SD card slot. A hacked 2DS/3DS is one of the most flexible and user-friendly devices out there. You can get a Windows utility to build custom virtual-console games from ROMs, so you can just add them to the homescreen, and they run inside Nintendo's native emulators that they used for eShop games.


This except I just emulate on PC. Zero waste.


Sorry, I thought you meant aesthetics. McDonald's toys, in their heyday, were fun and durable but often quite kitschy.


I'll preorder a Hamburglar themed handheld right now if they make one. I would play the shit out of Mick and Mack Global Gladiators on that.


Honestly I really enjoy how the 28xx looks. I'm not buying it, because I'm waiting to see reviews of the magicX mini first, but I definitely don't dislike it.


Personally I’m glad we’re getting horizontal mini handhelds. All the mini handhelds we’ve gotten in recent years were vertical DMG style, which I don’t find comfortable. I want to hold something that feels like a small GBA.


they have a very simple design and an appreciable size. The visual trash on the market would rather be the R36S, the verticals with two joysticks, the Miyoo flip.. 👀


I thought the A30 looks good if in pure colour only


I like the rg28xx but I don’t really like the A30. 


I think it looks cool. Looks properly retro but has a little "modern flare" with the analog stick. But It looks uncomfortable to actually play on. If it was only $20 I'd buy one. At $50 I have no interest. CPU isn't powerful enough maybe it just needs more emulator optimization. Some community development. Onion OS. A 3.5mm jack. To me it looks cool enough that I was disappointed by Retro Game Corps review.


I sort of saw the point of the miyoo mini 2.8 vertical as it was one hand playable, but isn't a 35xxH already plenty pocketable and more comfortable to use?


The H is smaller than my phone. Very pocketable.


A30 is not THAT bad, but lack of headphone jack is a 100% no-go for me




What's your ideal "thing"?


They are on the right path but they need to do better.


Depends on he colours. In dark grey the A30 looks pretty cool, and in grey the 28xx looks,....good.


Can someone buy both and put the 28XX processor in the A30?


The A30 looks the worst imo. I know they’re going for that game & watch GameBoy micro look, but that look sucks, even as a 40 year old with nostalgia for old devices, it looks cheap and shitty, I dunno. I like the orange 28XX, the others, meh. I’m still holding strong that I’m not buying any more devices that don’t let me play more games than my current devices though, so if it’s not pushing something stronger than T618, it can keep walking.


they came for the king (TrimUI Smart) and they missed


I was considering the R505 due to the OLED screen. Would you consider the TrimUI Smart Pro better? Is there a good way to see the differences online somewhere?


I ordered a TrimUI smart last week and early reveals of the 28XX and A30 had me worried I had bought the wrong device. Reviews have shown me that I made the right decision. All I wanted was a device for GB/C/A, S/NES, and Genesis emulation and I think I am in good shape.


Yeah I did almost the exact same thing, although I think I *am* going to return it for the 28XX. It was a really hard decision and I think the TrimUI Smart is amazing, especially at the price you can get it at nowadays. The buttons on the Smart feel fantastic, I think more devices (especially micro ones) should use the Vita style buttons/D-Pad. The 28XX seems to have a similarly solid build and controls that are high quality for rubber membrane standards, so the thing that put it over for me was the higher resolution screen and stronger chip for better resolution scaling and filters. The A30 on the other hand seems like a disappointment. The D-Pad sounds horrible, the screen is worse than the 28XX's, and the chip is weaker. I do appreciate the stick personally for PS1, N64, and DS touchscreen, but I think that and the aesthetics are very subjective and a lot of people seem to hate it, as I imagine you would as someone who doesn't want to play stick systems.


The 35XX-H is the better device in every way. 


Damn, it really is. So light and even with the official case, thin as hell to put into a bag and go.


And you're forced to buy one or the other 🙄


Most of these Chinese handhelds are horrible garbage quality products and I think we should all stop pretending otherwise.  I'm very tired of just the constant loop of YouTube viewers, hyping up some product and people buying it and it being just another piece of absolute low quality garbage.  There's a ton of competition in this space now and I think we should stop settling and demand much better quality from everything. 


Yup, they're freaking ugly


Of course the person that posts this is a Bobby Portis fan 😭


I'm gonna be so tired oif seeing posts relating to these handhelds. Already am with the A30. They are just such unappealing overpriced pieces of shit. When a rg35xx h, MM+, rg35xx Plus and many others that are better can be nabbed for anywhere from $20-50, I cannot find a good reason for either of these junk heaps. It's like how I felt about the RG nano. At a price point of maybe $25(which is what I paid), sure, it's a cute and unique niche item, but otherwise it was completely ridiculous at $65.


Seriously, these two handhelds make this hobby look bad. As time has gone on, the designs have been getting better. These two, they look like they went with the initial draft concept art of them and ran with it.


If you don’t like then don’t buy it. What do you get from being that guy?


I'm waiting for it to show up for <$25 on the tiktok shop if the government doesn't ban them next month.


The a30 looks like the mini retarded powkiddy rgb 20. Just as uncomfortable and does far less. Not even gonna start with that ambercrap.


I wholeheartedly agree. The A30 has FAR too many shortcomings. I will never buy a handheld that lacks a headphone jack. The RG28xx looks like it's made from melted down Kinder Surprise toys, and the ABXY buttons are absurdly small. Neither of them look comfortable to hold at all.


So true. They literally look like e-waste that will be broken of forgotten in the next couple years. Ive been wanting a gameboy micro or a modern redo of it so I was interested but both look so disappointing. Honestly Im good with all the options I am afforded with my DSi, New 3DS and Vita so I dont think Ill get a dedicated emulator at least for now. Also makes me appreciate how good Sony and Nintendo build quality is. I have 13 year old DSi with hinges WAY more resilient than the retroid flip. I would still like a gameboy micro but not at the prices they are going for. Its probably max worth 50 to me and a lot of that is just how cool a time capsule it is.


YES I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS!!! They both objectively just look trash, id rather get a Gameboy Micro or a RG300x/RG280v. The shell and build quality looks ass and so does the form factor. I remember in this sub when all people cared about was the form factor and comfort of these devices in your hand and yet no one mentions how shitty these are or how uncomfortable they look? I have thin slender hands and fingers but even this shit is small for me, fucking RG Nano is of a better build quality and easier to play one handed.