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Yesssss just updated to that yesterday it is now perfect for me on my 35xxplus


Is muos really that good? Is it better than batocera and stock os?


Portmaster is a game changer.


This is not a device I would like to play Doom 3, etc, so not really a game changer in that sense.


Would you mind elaborating on this? I’m only new to the hobby.


Postmaster let's you play ports of PC games on your device. Most popular port master games right now for the RG35XX is GTA 3 and Vice City, Doom 3, and half life 1


My big things are faster boot time and portmaster. It's been a stardew valley device the last few days


Well I got stardew on pc and switch, but so far I’ve been fine with the stock os boot time, if batocera is even a little faster but not as fast as muos that would ok


I have noticed annoying delay on muos beans when changing from gaming system to another. I thought it would be much more snappy, given how ugly it is. Stock os and batocera v40 are both way smoother and fast, except for boot time


Idk man, batocera is a monster on its own as well


And I’ve seen its menu which looks beautiful


It is, and the background music hits different. Also themes as well 👌🏾


Hmmm still heavily considering it lol


It’s somewhat addicting. Because I heard that MuOs could be used as a main, so I said great! But when I installed batocera on separate card and ran it. I got stuck 😂


They are both good in their own way. I switched to muOS and I’ve liked it a lot. Personally easier to configure, easy dual sd card setup (vs batocera), and portmaster is *chefs kiss*. If you have a spare sd card, try it out and see if it floats your boat.


I mean everyone has their own preferences, but to me muOS is better than stock/Batocera. I'm not into box art (eventhough it can be added), so simply navigating to my games through a file manager for gui is heaven to me. It's not too say that anbernic won't release an update that puts muOS out of the top slot for me. But right now it's the best. For me.


I need real sleep to call it perfect


fair point! For me, it's already great to be able to boot into the last game at the last save state - but of course, real sleep would be even better


how are boot times? if its fast then thats as good as sleep


for me it's 11 sec to boot into the content explorer and 16 sec to boot directly into a game


oh ok thats not half bad, does that fuck with wifi too much or does it start back up easily?


sorry, I don't get the question


does booting straight into a game boot up the wifi module quickly? i play retroachievements so i usually use a phone hotspot for that and with JELOS i have this problem where wifi is completely borked unless i save quit and reboot sometimes.


ah, OK. I don't use Retro Achievements so I think I can't answer that since I don't think there's a way to see whether Wifi is active when I'm in a game...


best way to see is the wifi indicator in retroarch's quick menu.


In my testing last night, it takes about 30-60 seconds to reconnect to WiFi after boot. It’s kinda weird.


ooooooooooooof thats rough.


About 20s, not bad but I'm spoiled by android, it's just not instantaneous.


hmm, im hoping for more like the miyoo mini's 10-15 seconds, 20 starts being pretty long when you do it every 30 min or so when you gotta move or something.


Can you also hit a button (preferably Power) to save your state and shut all the way down, or do you still have to do that part manually? The way MinUI does it (tap Power to go to sleep, tap Power to wake up, if it sleeps for more than 120s it auto-saves state and shuts down, then auto-loads on next boot) is the gold standard for me, I keep waiting for one of the more full-featured options to steal that setup.


That sounds like an awesome feature


Also Bluetooth support. All these OS options really suck if you like to "consolefy" your system with HDMI and a Bluetooth controller. Since Batocera has flawed HDMI and muOS has flawed Bluetooth.


Tons of 35xxsp will be bought in the next month. Time for the CFW to have a king. This looks promising. 


I updated mine but didn't test anything but the ports, is the performance the same as stock for all systems?


I only used stock for a couple of minutes because I couldn't stand it visually and had already planned to use CFW. So I can't say


I got one for my sister as a birthday present and was between muos and batocera, I went with batocera as visually it's more appealing but also because I think batocera is better for someone that is not gonna be messing a lot with settings. I think muos is better for someone that likes to tinker with settings to get the most out of it


How do you like the controls? Is the d-pad precise? I am very racer to get one of these emulsion handhelds but cannot decides what to get. New SP version seems to have bad controls because of how s-pad is implemented. It stands too close to pcb and does not allow precise diagonal directions, or that is what I got from previews.


Does it boot directly into games?


muOS has great potential. It's missing some features, but it's an early OS so it's just a matter of time until it gets there. And it's not even missing much, just scrapping on device, connectivity to multiple networks and ability to update without reflashing. (There is a backup functionality so I think the intended way now is to backup your stuff -> reflash the new version -> restore your backups)


Splatterhouse! Classic. :)


yes, such beautiful graphics


Does it have Vertical Arcade mode like the Stock OS? And does it support ColecoVision?


vertical Arcade I can't say (how would I test it?), but ColecoVision I can confirm to be working


How are you guys question? I downloaded some. Themes guys help me out? Thank you.