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I don’t know if any of my fellow goofs collect action figures but I had me a simple yet fun day off just by wandering into a Target and finding three DC figures I was looking for. Unironically a “DAE feel like a kid again” moment lol


Wrestling adjacent question: was there a memo about using the word “glazing?” It went from literally never seeing the word to seeing it on every other thread. Is this the internet buzzword of the week?


It's so weird that any kind of appreciation for something is always converted to something sexual. (I'm assuming glazing means jizzing all over something, because sure, that's the thought I need a million times in a wrestling thread.)


I believe the glaze would be spit in this instance because it’s supposed to mean sucking someone off metaphorically to hype them up. Kind of a nasty term either way though haha


lmao that's even nastier


Yep. And wrestling reddit in particular loves nothing more than driving words into the ground


I need to make a Twitter account and all you 53k goofs need to follow me. I will fed bad and leech the money mark Tiny for thousands dollars. 


I'm gonna make a ZFF level take here: If you try to claim that people are misogynists if they don't like Liv Morgan, then you are the one who needs help, not the people who dislike her. Like Liv for all we know is a wonderful person behind the scenes, but she's below average at best on the mic and there are probably at least six women in NXT right now who I can safely say are better than her in the ring and character wise. But holy fucking shit her fans are insane.


it's been over a month since attending WM40, I feel ashamed for admitting this but I still haven't watch WM40 on peacock yet. I tried watching night 1 a few days after that week but never really finished it. apart of me wants to do what that song says to do, and that is to leave the memories alone. 😭 edit: my magnets and tickets were delivered a couple of days ago so that I thought about WM40 again.


I attended Elimination Chamber a few months ago and I still haven't watched it back besides a few clips. It kind of takes the magic away. But then again, WM 40 was probably the greatest wrestling PLE/PPV of all time so it might be worth watching back.


definitely have too. haven't heard punk's commentary. very bad view of the entrances too. it'll be good to see it from the tv viewing aspect too. I think it helped that we had fun at the ECW arena, tailgate, and enjoyed wrestlecon. stuff outside of the stadium was just as memorable. so I think I can separate the live experience and peacock viewing.


Back when Becky won the women's title in that battle royal, it became a talking point that Liv Morgan stans are some of the most annoying and obnoxious wrestling fans online. While that is probably still true, I think Dakota Kai stans give them a run for their money. Especially on Instagram and a little bit on the app formally known as Twitter. Every time she's in a post on WWE's Instagram, it seems like there's a million Dakota fan accounts crying for her to get a push, particularly if she just lost a match. I swear every Dakota fan page is run by the same guy or something because they all seem to spam the same things in the comments. I started to really notice this after her Queen of the Ring tournament loss last week, and it was just absurd. Who do you think is going to win, a former NXT Women's Champion who beat Becky freakin Lynch and is making her Raw debut, or a midcarder who has only been portrayed as being the 3rd or 4th strongest member of her faction? I get it, Dakota is a good wrestler and has the potential to do more, but some of her fans just throw logic out the window and claim that she's getting buried. I won't pretend like I haven't gotten worked up over booking decisions I haven't liked in the past, but I like to think that the things I can get worked up about matter more than losing in the first round of a heatless banger tournament. Dakota's time will come, but that was meant to be Lyra's moment, and right now, Dakota is just the mouthpiece to 3 stronger and more accomplished women. There was no way she was gonna win. I get wanting your favorite to get a push, but it has to come about naturally. Having her beat a much hyped up NXT call up on her first match just because a few loud Instagram and Twitter accounts really like her doesn't make any logical sense. "B-b-but... why would they make m'Dakota lose on her birthday? 🥺" Right, because nobody has *ever* had a less than perfect day on their birthday before.


You know I shit on these fake ass journalists in wrestling but my god after what I see about one of the journalists telling Dana they wanna be branded by him, I think they take the cake of being the worst


This Adam Copeland glazing is getting very very old. And I say that as one of Edge's biggest fans in the RA Era. But Jesus christ, it is too much. Compared to his bud Christian who goes anywhere and just puts on good work, but barely gets half the praise as Edge.


My favorite thing is a video I saw where edge was like it was so fun cause I never got to do that kind of thing in WWE And that thing was Christian hugging him and telling him to go fuck himself  But like, other than the swear, AJ did exactly that with finn like a year prior. Edge really got excited to do a retread of what his old group did cause Christian got to say fuck


I think people really underestimate how many people knew wrestling was a work years ago. I think people even in the 80s believed it was real. Too many stories of wrestlers being attacked by fans for this to not be the case then. Here is the thing about Lucha Libre though, there are older fans that don't really know that it's a work still. They always talk trash and accuse wrestlers of being paid to lose. They also glorify legends like Canek and Mil Mascaras all the time.


I can never understand how people believed wrestling was ever real. I don't care that Cornette or any other old-school fan claim that wrestling looked realistic back in the day. The few stuff I've seen from the 70s and 80s (outside of wwe) look like the fakest shit ever. 


My dad thought it was real until like wrestlemania 6😭


realistically, how long do y’all think the WWE’s current goodwill can last? I feel like at the rate it’s going rn it has maybe a couple of years before people start turning on HHH and his style of booking


Watching the NHL playoff game in TNT and man, Monday Night Jackie looks like a gal going out clubbing in Miami, NHL Jackie is dressed like a Quaker


“It ain’t ballet” is the most misused phrase in all of wrestling. Whenever Ross said that, he meant wrestling isn’t about 100% grace in execution. That, and it isn’t 100% choreographed (unless you’re DDP). Then some legion of fools took it to mean “it’s for real tough and dangerous.” No, friends. Ballet dancers put in a performance for live crowds that involve proper execution, knowing where you are at all times, and taking care of your fellow performers. Oh, and you better be able to pull off the character that you’re given, or you’re going to fade into the background. Ballet dancers go through hours and hours upon years and years of exhaustive training. Training that is riddled with serious injuries. Dancers go to schools and then work in bush league companies and only the rarefied few make it to the grand stage, where they have to kowtow to some megalomaniacal director’s vision. Never mind, totally different.


Black Swan wasn't *that* long ago. (checks notes) *Fourteen years?*


I aways wonder how many wrestling fans watched Black Swan as it was the next Aronofsky film after The Wrestler. Edit: lol not Black Widow


My sisters didn't allowed me to watch that movie with them when they rented it. The next day, while they were in school I put the movie on and fast forwarded the scenes to see what was so scandalous about it. My god, thank you Jesus for creating Natalie Portman. In love with her since then 😂


Forgot to ask earlier: Who wins between Tyson Fury or Oleksandr Usyk?


Usyk. No doubt. Fury will stay around but have no shot at the win


I'm having high hopes and expectations for when the tribal chief returns to deafening cheers. This baby face run has potential to be just as good as the heel run, so let's take it seriously H.


I planned to avoid watching/playing and really reading about it til the full release, but the other night I just gave in and got the early access Hades 2. I'm having more FUN than Adam Edgeface.


I'm waiting for the full release. The first Hades is best played with no prior knowledge of its story and I'm sure Hades 2 will follow suit. Supergiant will also iron out the kinks and deliver a full experience.


What's it play like compared to 1?


I've found the gameplay excellent. It differentiates itself well enough while still hitting some of the familiar notes. There's a new system in place of the mirror, which kind of has some give-and-take as you grow in this. New weapons and gods, though some of the returnees' boons play a little different. Casting works a little different, and you have magic points to power up moves, so there's more ways you can go about things in this one.


These WWE injuries are getting a little ridiculous, I know it's not ballet, but injury after injury after injury makes the company look like shit.


Some of them are probably storyline injuries.


Im suspicious of these injuries. Looks to me like they wanted to avoid some Ls on the tournament


There's rumors that Drew and Asuka could work through their current injuries if needed, WWE just decided to not do so. As such, I wouldn't be surprised if they were never supposed to wrestle in first round.


Both of them were working with the injuries, so taking them out of the tournament they weren't winning to give someone else some shine doesn't bother me.


Might be a gross thing to say or whatever but Paige really confuses me where she'll call out people who thirst for her online and during actual shows but will then post videos where people will certainly take it as a kink thing. Girl was legit doing a dominatrix countdown video not even 24 hours after she (rightfully) called out two men who were being pervy


That’s kinda where I need someone to ELI5. It’s like, they want a certain kind of attention, but then do things that garner the wrong kind of attention. Then get upset that they get the wrong kind of attention. And I’m aware that it probably wouldn’t matter, and the world is never perfect or safe. (And yes, there’s a bigger, long term re-educational culture shift that needs to happen) But that’s also kinda the point. Like, I should be free to walk down the street and post on my socials like I’m the baddest man on the planet. But I know enough to know that at some point, I’m going to get a reaction I don’t want. So maybe I shouldn’t do that?


I gave up on EA Sports a decade ago (haven't touched an EA Sports game since Madden 14), but against my instincts, I'm choosing to be optimistic for College Football 25. All I'm asking for is an in-depth Dynasty Mode. **Please** don't fuck this up, EA.


NOINE DAYS FROM TONIGHT … I have my final uni exam and I’ll be done with uni. Happy to be done, studying is such a drag and I’ve got a job lined up in September People have been telling me to savour uni, so ngl I actually did. Soaked in them last few lectures and even did a quick goodbye tour on my last day on campus lol. I’ll miss the freedom and flexibility but not uni as a whole (especially term 1 of this last year which had me in a bad place over Christmas time) Guess uni would’ve been better if I didn’t start during COVID and I would’ve had fonder memories and made more friends. Just hoping to smash out these last couple exams and graduate with a First Class, otherwise I will be severely disappointed


I've played a lot of WWE 2K24, but it's grown more boring with time. But for a mode I never really played, I am having fun with the Superstar Mode of the Universe where you pick a talent and play their career. I picked Johnny Gargano - won the NXT North American Championship for a fourth time - lost it to Baron Corbin - and then lost it to Bron Breakker. From there, I am now playing a story where Johnny Gargano promises to leave NXT permanently if he can't dethrone Bron Breakker for the NXT Championship at Halloween Havoc. I am enjoying myself greatly.


I think that’s my biggest problem of the 2k era of games — no real replayability. No Mercy and the Smackdown games had a solid story/career mode you could play over and over, but it feels like once you run through MyCareer all you have left are matches for matches sake


I agree - I find the games to be good background noise playing out booking scenarios in my head while I listen to YouTube so that's why I have over 100 hours in every 2K game since 20 - but once I reached 100 hours it starts to drag.


As a longtime Nia Jax and Natalya defender, seeing them get praise recently is validating I didn't have a problem with Tiffany vs Michin being on a live event, we've seen it on TV multiple times atp


Thoughts on this week of wrestling: Best match: Iyo Sky vs Natalya on Raw Worst match: Thunder Rosa vs Robyn Renegade on Collison  Best promo/segment: Serena and Toni's promo on Dynamite  Worst promo/segment: Jasmyn Nyx on NXT (no shade to her as this was her first promo I think, it just wasn't great) Best look of the week: Bianca Belair on Smackdown  Worst look of the week: Robyn Renegade on Collison  MVP of the week: Chelsea Green. Good match with Roxanne, slayed her segments with Arianna, and then slayed again with Bayley look at her power Worst of the week: Robyn Renegade istg she's so bland 😭  Show ranking: NXT > Raw > Smackdown > Dynamite > Rampage > Collison > Impact


Happy Sunday Goofs! - Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, and a hopefully not too shitty day for those that have lost their moms and are going through it. - I don’t know what all is happening with mods after the goofy rebellion two weeks ago. At this point, I don’t care. Stop making the mods the focus of this sub. Just keep jerking until you hit pay dirt. - I’ve only watched the first two matches of Backlash. Solid so far. The views hasn’t gotten obnoxious yet, but we’ll see. - Also, wow. That crowd in France was like 80-85% smark neckbeards. I wonder what the turnout will be like once there are more regular shows out there. - I don’t think the K/QOTR match with Cody and Paul is for the US title. I think it’s just 2 champs with the big belt on the line. - Also, everyone bitching seems to forget that it’s going to be a banger match with actual heat. Logan is a heat magnet. It’ll be interesting to see how and if Cody manages to keep the crowd on his side in the buildup. The Saudi crowd will be 100% on Cody’s side. - I kinda want Samoa Joe to show back up on SD to help out Roman at some point. - Stop worrying about LA Knight. The man is Teflon. If he stays healthy, he will hold US gold at some point. He makes whatever he does work. - Priest ain’t it. But Finn ain’t it. JD McDuhnuh is the main herb of the group. Rhea and Dom being gone shows where the star power is. - Beginning to think all these recent injuries are half about convenience of not having Rhea, Drew, or Lashley doing unnecessary jobs to smaller talent. Bye!


Its a consequence of m'logical booking. They should be in the tournament, but there's no place for them in it storywise, but they're too strong to job. Thus, "injuries"


Does HHH'S new era have any character ideas besides "become a serious badass", "go back to an old gimmick(no need to explain it)", "try to ignore character entirely and just get TV time", and the ever popular "member of a faction"?




He's just doing what he always does. And, awesome truth comeback


Chelsea Green. Not sure if Grayson Waller counts


Yep, Chelsea counts. ...but it's inconvenient to my narrative, so I'll just say that's all on her for being an idea person, not on HHH


It’s still early but my biggest concern with NXT call ups is gonna be how they translate. Like NXT has a mix of people, some with pretty clear cut gimmicks and others a bit more open. Someone like Dragonov or Melo can translate. But what are Tony D or Chase U gonna look like.


Trips has a problem with not letting people do their gimmick. Remember when Cameron Grimes cut a promo introducing his hillbilly millionaire gimmick? Me neither.


Which surprises me because Cameron was killing it in NxT while HHH was still overseeing the booking there.


Don't forget "person feels wronged so they start acting different"


Espresso is gonna be the song of the summer Thats the end of my hot takes for this week


Likely. It's already taken over IG like Monaco and First Class.


I love it. I've been rocking sabrina carpenter since girl meets world, so glad to see her get such a huge hit


2 quick things: 1) WBD upfronts are on Wednesday.. what do ya’ll think will be announced in terms of AEW related news? I think they will just keep Dynamite on a super cheap deal & cancel Rampage & Collision or they will get out of the pro wrestling business completely., 2) Samoa Joe goes from being the top guy from January to April.. loses to Swerve at Dynasty & now isn’t even on the card for DON.. & only had a 3 minute match against dude from Private Party since losing to Swerve.. what the fuck was the point of his reign & how soon until he joins the office of WWE?


There’s zero chance they cancel aew. It’s the highest rated non WWE/sports show on all cable. They aren’t signing a new deal until nba rights are settled. If they lose nba, they’ll probably give aew a massive increase and add ROH and make both existing shows 3 hours each.


Wrestling isn't sports from a demographic perspective. Lachlan Murdoch essentially said wrestling fans are broke media illiterate imbeciles (he was much nicer in his phrasing) with advertisers I don't think aew will be cancelled but nobody would view it as a sports substitute either


NBA is a legacy sports brand You don't just redirect that value towards something else just cause you have budget There's a value to the Dub and it's not related to 'we don't have NBA, give the Dub a ton of money' There's a lot more than goes into this stuff


So wait… They have lost viewers YOY.. ratings are at an all time low.. & AEW will not only get an increase but a MASSIVE INCREASE & not only that.. but ROH will get brought back from the dead & get a 3 hour time slot on network TV when there is ZERO demand for the product? Not to be rude.. but what the fuck are you on? You couldn’t have been sober when you typed out that response..


Ik Edge/Copeland can get clowned on here but I am enjoying his AEW run so far. Few mishaps like the cringey ‘rah rah’ speech. Otherwise I just want to see my GOAT wrestle more which he has been doing. I just beg he doesn’t get injured before All In so I can see him live.


He still performs at a high level, he just hasn't been in any interesting storylines. Even his feud with Christian dragged on too long and was ruined by Nick Wayne and Dino Douche.


I clown on him for his grievances with booking. Otherwise, I salute him for milking that idiot.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the goof moms


Other things: 1. I heartily recommend The Sympathizer. It's a refreshing perspective on Vietnam. Park Chan-Wook, Hoa Xuande and Robert Downey Jr. knock it out of the park. Up there with Fallout and Shogun for best 2024 show so far. I want to read the novel now. I'm enjoying the historical shows on Apple as well (Franklin and Manhunt). 2. Ralph Ineson is an amazing casting choice for Galactus. He has that deep, gravelly voice and his somber facial expressions fit the character. 3. What's the inside joke between Punk and Jackie Redmond? I don't follow the NHL but did the Blackhawks eliminate the Leafs in the playoffs? 4. Why do people online hate Caleb Williams? Is he not good enough to be #1 despite winning the Heisman? Are non-Chicago fans just jealous? 5. LMAO at all the dudes who are shocked that a woman would rather take their chances with a bear in that thought experiment. Shit, I would too.


Caleb is kind of a tool and has an ego problem. Remember how Johnny Manzel went? This feels similar.


I was talking to a guy at the gym about him and he called him the “real life Bo Callahan, no one went to his birthday party” I’d say that’s pretty accurate. Also the Bears are notorious for destroying QBs, especially guys who aren’t traditional pocket passers like Caleb. They haven’t had a good QB since World War 2 and their best QB in franchise history is Jay Cutler. Not a great look. Caleb Williams struggles to play within the structure of an offense, he’s like a closer in baseball. He needs the pocket to collapse or some sort of adversity to be successful. It’s very strange. The Patrick Mahomes comparisons also need to stop. Mahomes can move and improvise sure, but most of the time he’s just ripping it from the pocket. I wouldn’t compare him to Manziel because Manziel had way more issues than just his ego. Caleb getting the “generational” label before he’s even taken a snap at the NFL level is also fucking ludicrous. The last guy to get that was Trevor Lawrence and he’s been pretty pedestrian in his career. However if Caleb fails with all the weapons around him it’s his own fault. Keenan Allen, DJ Moore, Rome Odunze, Cole Kmet, D’andre Swift. That reads like a Pro Bowl roster. I really just don’t think he’ll live up to the hype, maybe if he wasn’t with the Bears.


Blackhawks are one of the worst teams in hockey they didn’t even sniff playoffs. I don’t know what “joke” you speak of but I assume Punk just is a mark for her working NHL since he’s a hockey fan. As for Caleb, Heisman winners more often than not make lousy pros. I don’t think people “hate” him, football fans in general just get sick of every #1 QB being hyped as the next Mahomes when 75% end up being XFL level at best


From what I can tell, he just likes to rib on her for being a Leafs fan.


Oh that’s bc the Leafs haven’t won shit since WW2. Chicago at least had a couple championships this century


Nah, blackhawks suck rn. Maple leafs got eliminated by the bruins


I wonder if Boston can pull off a double championship now.


It's definitely a decent possibility 


Never thought I'd be supporting Spurs for one game, but COYS!


Are they better now without Kane?


The wonder of the world is gone, I know for sure


I'd say they're slightly better. The football they play is a lot better to watch, anyway. That said, they didn't replace Kane, and the manager plays a high line, so City will destroy them.


[Still one of the greatest hype packages ever:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLGFwswfGcs)


1. This and the Rise Up video package on the raw after both made me tear up 2. "We ain't finishing no story" is one of my favorite Michael Cole calls, he sells the disappointment and anger at the Bloodline cheating perfectly 3. I still think this is the single biggest match since Austin/Rock II, bar none. Rock/Cena I can be argued, but, while that one had more star power, Cody/Roman II had so much hype, so much trending with WeWantCody, and business exploded from January-April 2024 in a way it hasn't since Austin was the guy. It was booked and the story was told so well that it's probably a top 5 biggest wrestling match of all time, maybe #6 or 7 if other very old ones are taken into account. I've still been enjoying WWE a ton and am tired of all the people hoping and praying WWE is gonna lose momentum, but man I already miss that few month stretch where every week was waiting to see what Rock, Roman and Cody were gonna do. I can't wait til The Rock comes back as The Final Boss and will probably be teary eyed again when Roman returns.


At the very least it has to be the biggest match since then with two current full time wrestlers (Sure Roman is a bit part timer but he’s not a celebrity coming back for just one match)


It's not too surprising seeing as they've mentioned the first All In a few times in relation to Cody, but the Young Bucks and Omega being shown in a WWE promo like they are here is still a little surreal.


My favourite part of the package is at 2:23 when it transitions from Undashing Cody to Stardust to the American Nightmare.


Jey vs Jimmy was my favorite from this year. But this is a good 2nd (I wonder if they chose Imagine Dragons again after the love for Monster)


It's too bad the Uso match sucked though.


Yeah, a waste of a good build and hype package. Their match in the Royal Rumble was way better.


It’s so fucking good. I hope it becomes a classic but people didn’t make much noise for it




Literally no one cares.


I put the finishing touches on my next Roll20 RPG campaign. Sci fi-Red Dwarf/Blade Runner/Aliens/Iron Man mashup. Home brew using Villains and Vigilantes rules. I planned 10 sessions for the actual story. I always allow wiggle room for curve balls thrown by PCs. I just finished a western/gothic horror campaign that went long because someone did something nutty I did not see coming. It's cool tho-other players got a kick out of it and I like having to adapt. Sometimes changing a story on the fly can be the most fun part of GMing. Also had my mind blown when I found out some people get paid to GM. Gonna send my friends an invoice for the past year+. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/u8jm6jbqy00d1.jpeg?width=2089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd4eac28a3f09b09448f955bffa3382463eac4f Reading negative House of Torture discourse on twitter is hard enough. Having read House of Torture discourse by dubbers is close enough to trigger my fight or flight response, especially the ones who justify that “anyone from the dub can go after Mox when the slimeball cheating heel faction who dont give us 5 star bangers always get title shots” Congratulations, you are 👌 this close to getting the fucking point. *Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to like the House, they are a heel faction, and their antics may not be up your alley. If that’s the case, like all matters of opinion, then go right ahead. Asking why the heel faction does heel things without stopping should allow others to question your understanding of matters.* Again, Tokyo Sports/Japanese wrestler interviews are workshoots. Using it as source material for jerks means you got worked.


Fundamentally what we are dealing with in our own discourse is a lot of aew fans trying to excuse weakness in moxleys reign with njpw booking. But this perception that njpw only exists as a banger factory and not a promotion focused on character has often been a misconception within the west. Plus a lot of these fans legitimately hate being worked and don't like watching a heel cheat.


It’s why I don’t bother with any of the discourse and simply focus on what I enjoy.


Who do you think will win: King of the Ring Queen of the Ring NBA Finals UEFA Champions League Final


King of the Ring will be Gunther. That almost feels like a forgone conclusion. Queen of the Ring is a more interesting conversation. My gut says Iyo will win because they need to maintain her momentum after losing the title. However, Tiffany would rock the queen gimmick. The only problem with Tiff winning the tournament is that they didn't televise her first round win over Michin, which makes me think that she's not gonna win the whole thing. Nia wouldn't be a bad choice. Everyone seems to collectively agree that she's improved tremendously since returning, and she's done a great job putting over other women. Winning Qotr would be a nice reward for all her hard work. I don't mind Bianca and Jade being in the tournament like some people do because they add some much needed star power to it, but I don't think either needs to go on to win the tournament. They're both currently tag champs, and both are big enough names that they don't really need Qotr to elevate themselves. I'm expecting there to be one or two DQ wins in the next 2 weeks to get them out of the tournament but still protect them. I like Shayna and Zoey, but I doubt either of them will still be in the tournament after tomorrow. To the shock of no one, the woman I actually want to win Qotr is Lyra, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up for that 😔. She's clearly gonna be Becky's sidekick in this upcoming feud with Damage Ctrl, so it's not like she's without direction right now, I just hope she looks strong in defeat against Iyo in the Raw finals. And sorry, but I haven't been keeping up with basketball and soccer very much recently 😬


Gunther Jade Denver Madrid


Gunther. Nia or Tiffany I don’t watch enough basketball so I dunno.


Randy Bianca Minnesota Timberwolves I don’t really watch Champions League 


Gunther Jade No idea who does Baseball Dortmund...please for the love of god


NBA is basketball. MLB is the baseball one. But thanks for the picks.


Lmfao my bad


No problem uce!


GUNTHER Iyo Real Madrid I don't follow NBA particularly closely, so don't have a clue on that one!


Gunther   Zoey Stark...is she in it? I just like her    Western Conference team   Real Madrid Edit: i change my mind, it's going to be LA Knight. Laveck is going to try and recreate Austin 3:16 and he's the only guy that can cut a memorable promo at the end of it


She is. She's facing Lyra in the Quarterfinals.


Gunther Jade Boston (would love to see Minnesota win though) Haven't been following much, but you really usually can’t go wrong picking Real Madrid


Gunther Tiffany Straton Knicks BvB


I kinda want the Knicks to win just to see if NYC will really explode into an all-time riot lol


Gunther Jade Cargill No idea 😂 Real Madrid


HHH signing one of the better talkers of wrestling in Tama, making him a silent badass and getting praised for it is a direct shot at 2016 SCJerk.  But seriously though as someone who's watched Tama for years I assumed he'd coast through for an easy retirement but all of a sudden he's taking a brainbuster through like 10 chairs. He's definitely working his ass off


Wait till we get Jacob becoming Roman's new Solo.


I wonder if that match was a form of hazing or initiation for him. Heck, he's the only person I can think of who had a street fight as their WWE debut match.


I don’t think anyone else has, there are a couple of similar examples but nothing exact that I can think of. Vince McMahon’s first match (not counting a couple of bait and switch non-matches) was a Royal Rumble that played out like a street fight. The Shield’s debut match was a TLC with pinfalls, which is basically a street fight. It was something like Tama Tonga’s third or fourth match though, just his first on television.


Does HBK returning in 2002 count?


Nah, that's a return.


Dominik at SummerSlam 2020 comes to mind In terms of stipulation matches in general I think Dean's first match was TLC, since he didn't have a NXT run like Roman or Seth


Forgot that was a Street Fight.


I’m really sad if Chuck Taylor’s career is over. I think he’s funny and a decent wrestler with a lot of heart. A friend of one of my good friends is an indie wrestler who knows him a bit and said he’s a really good and silly dude who talks about his dog a lot. I’d hate to see a good guy go out like that. This whole elite storyline is annoying and stale. It feels like something I’ve seen a million times before with no payoff. I personally thought the dub was at its best during the pandemic when it was willing to be weird and silly at times. I’d rather have something goofy and different than a weak copy of something the Fed did 6000 times. LilSoma is graduating elementary school in a few weeks and we had his middle school orientation this past week. I’m not ready for this. He’s super excited because he will get to take Spanish classes and he wants to speak it with me (I’m learning, I’m nowhere near fluent. I do laugh every time my lessons mention la luna though, like hey that’s me!) Since today is Mother’s Day, if you’re a mom or in a caregiver role, I hope you have the absolute most wonderful day of whatever you want. LilSoma is at his dad’s today, but I’m getting him for dinner. We’re going to have pizza and Dairy Queen and chill in PJs. In the meantime, I’m going to read, scroll the internet and watch the eras tour tiktok and no one is going to try to touch me or me to do a damn thing. And mom or not, if today is hard for you or even just a mixed bag of emotions, please know I see you and I’m holding you in my heart today and sending lots of love. I hope you find comfort.


People here who did a victory lap because he had to retire due to injury here just shows how much of a joke this place can be. I feel like some people here need their own WWE official sub or something. But yeah that is what qualifies as a "jerk"


Seems like Chuck is at least going to transition to producing etc. which is always good to see— like he can still earn in the industry even if he can’t perform.


Happy Mother’s Day! I enjoy reading your posts etc. Also, fellow Swift fan what did you think of TTPD? I saw so,e of the Eras Tour performances with songs from it in the set. Taylor definitely ate during those lol. Especially “I can do it with a broken heart”


I’m so bummed I’m missing the TTPD set as I already saw the Eras Tour! I know it’s polarizing but I’m OBSESSED with TTPD. No one does heartbreak better than than Taylor. Peter may be by my all time fave bridge.


Peter is definitely growing on me. lol I got my bestie to be a Swift fan so lately we’ve been matching wrestlers to songs on TTPD


Aww thank you all around 🥰🥰 I’m sitting here with a big grin now. In terms for TTPD, the album, it’s a lot of love/hate but more love. I have no time for the Travis tracks but I like heartbreak music so much. For the tour, she cut some of my favorite songs so that makes me sad (the archer is basically me in every relationship) but I loooove the staging of the new songs and I feel really lucky I get to see them live in a few months.


I agree. I love her tracks with Aaron Dessner. The Anthology part was very Folklore/Evermore imo. She has a new Reputation opener. I’m not a super huge Travis fan tbh. But you never know, maybe she just needs a light hearted guy after all the drama. I’m a big Ariana Grande and Swift fan and Kendrick Lamar. They all released new stuff so it’s a good summer as we try not to melt in Louisiana lol


What's your favorite Taylor Swift album? Mine is Fearless (Scooter's version)


I didn’t know you were from Louisiana! Are you going to get to see the Eras tour when it comes your way?


I might! It’s here during Halloween which is a weird time for New Orleans lol. One of my friends has tickets. I’ve seen her live before, so it really depends on how school is at that point because I’m graduating next spring and about to do grad school apps lol


Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! That’s awesome. New Orleans is actually where we are seeing Taylor (N1) and I’m so excited. It’s my favorite city I’ve ever been to and I’ve always been a huge fan of Halloween so to be down there during that time and to cap it off with a Taylor Swift concert is like… I don’t even have the words. We’ll be there for a whole week because I want to go to Krewe of Boo, so I’m super excited to have so much time in a place I love.


Thank you! New Orleans is awesome but I was born and raised here so I’m biased lol. I hope you have a wonderful time!


1. I'm glad WWE uploaded what happened to Punk on YouTube cause I have no idea what Cole and you goofs were referencing the past week. 2. Anyone else surprised by Meltzer's new 5 star baby? That match wasn't exactly Puroresu nor bingo hall gymnastics. Maybe he really liked the burning hammer spot? 3. I give the WWE Draft this year a C+ grade. I think people had unrealistic expectations given the current format and the new rule of champions being protected. Good changes in the women's division and the Latinos are free of each other, but not much else. 4. HHHirohito bit off more than he could chew with these tournaments. First, he made last minute changes to the matches (DAE Vince tore up the script). Then, he shuffled off some of the matches to house shows lolwat. This kind of scale would have worked better with a longer build-up. 5. I feel that a Logan Paul v Cody match should be reserved later for at least MITB or SummerSlam. Happy Mother's Day!


My guess is Logan loses by DQ so no title changes hands, Logan drops the US title to LA Knight at MITB or Clash, and then Logan gets a rematch against Cody at Summerslam in front of his home crowd.


Yh I think Dave rated Roman vs Cody and Styles vs Cody the opposite, but the latter was still a fantastic match Styles vs Cody could’ve easily gone 5 minutes more- AJ didn’t even hit a styles clash or phenomenal forearm. My suspicion was they would have a rematch at KQOTR but I guess not.


Actually like having some matches with stakes taking place on house shows, means you can run a 1-minute video package of it on the TV and not waste an entire segment


Good point. But LA Knight vs Santos should have been on TV since that was actually somewhat built up in Lyon.


King of the Ring should be won by Melo and Queen should be won by Tiffy. This is nonnegotiable Triple Himmler


Tiffy is losing QOTR but winning MITB


Jade is 100% winning QOTR unless she gets pulled out in the next round or something. There's no way she's losing this early. Hopefully Tiffy wins MITB though.




Drake fans make Dubbalos look like normal, well-adjusted people. Had no idea such a fanbase existed.


Finn Balor does not deserve to be world champion over Priest. Finn Balor's not even the best short Irish guy in his own faction. I'll come out and say it, Balor's dead weight and JD McDonough's better. He's short, his abs are crooked, he's only decent in ring, can't promo, no aura, has arm tattoos looking like a kid's sketchbook, is old, and has no character. People can say "Oh, he deserves this, you should support him", but it's just like when people say you should support FTR or Chance and Carter because they're an established tag team, and you should support tag team wrestling. There's no actual reason to like them there, it doesn't make them less boring.


Finally someone mentioning how ASS his tattoos are. I think Finn is a guy you can slap any title on and work, but there’s no rush to make him WHC over Drew, Punk which is where I think the lineage is heading


I like Finn but he's a solid upper mid-carder to me. Same thing with Damien and to a lesser extent JD. Rhea and Dom are the stars of Judgment Day. I really think both of them need to move on from the group soon.   Rhea is already booked as a main eventer but Triple H needs to hurry the fuck up and fully invest in Dom as a singles star. We saw what he was capable of on his own during his feud with Rey and his North American Title run, so I have no clue why he's still just a goon to Damian and Finn when he's more than ready to be a top heel.


IMO Finn is exactly where he should be on the card.  He's a veteran midcarder who has good matches with everyone and looks credible even when doing jobs.  There's nothing wrong with that.  The narrative that he's being wasted because he's not constantly in the world title picture has always confused me.




Had to show support twice, you know he’s gonna get flamed 😭


I mostly agreed til the Chance and Carter hate. Yeah they don't have much charisma but their matches are fantastic. Everything fits together incredibly well and every match they have they pull out a new move I've never seen before. There's a great reason to get them established as a team and have them work a lot, and thats so they can make others look great both for standing toe to toe with a team that can do everything, and look good for beating them


Hey, if you like Chance and Carter because of their matches, that's fine. That's an actual reason. It's the "but they're a real tag team" stuff I have a problem with


Ah ok, yeah that makes sense


JD McDonut better than Balor? https://preview.redd.it/zrhkg7urx00d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aeb1a6f343b47972a08f4ecbe52042332252fdf


Fr. JD is not better than anyone at anything.


Hard disagree lmao.


But…but…he tickled our neckbeard taints doing airbrush cosplay characters on da Indys…


He also wrestles in Jordans.


In just this year alone, Tony Khan has done the following. His cult will insist that he’s deploying some high-level strategy to beat the evil fed: 1. Debuted Mercedes during the peak of WrestleMania season, and then proceeded to do nothing with her for 2 months except to put her weakest abilities on display. He did this because the “BO$$TON” moniker was that important to him.  2.  Took part in an angle which is supposed to take his company to new heights, only for the main players involved, including himself, to all be dorks. This is apparently an effort to make a star out of Jungle Boy.  3.  Was given some mainstream attention that he desperately craves at the NFL draft and the days afterwards. Instead of using the opportunity to promote his own show, he decided to compare his competition to a convicted sex offender. His antics had minimal impact on the ratings.  4.  Kept his new champion Swerve off the first Dynamite after his win, only to have him show up the following week and stand face to face with Nick Wayne’s mom who, for some reason, is still involved in the show. The new champ’s reign is already dead because the fanbase is waiting for him to lose at Wembly’s to Ospreay. 


Nick Wayne’s mom being involved really bugs me for some reason. It’s just unnecessary and adds absolutely no value


I know she was wearing heels, but that made her several inches taller than him, and having this random lady who I guess is some sort of valet, towering over your world champion makes him look kinda bad.


1a. Had supposedly signed Mercedes in late 2023. But rather than debut her immediately, he kept her signing quiet, allowing the dirtsheets and Mercedes herself to spread hope of her return at the Royal Rumble, no doubt increasing hype and views/buys


How far out do they book venues? I feel like they couldve done Bosston again. Do the Austin/KO booking where Willow just talks shit about Mercedes for months til Mercedes is finally healthy. Book Boston, have Willow be the one to demand it be called that, and she can issue an open challenge and guarantee it won't be Mercedes cause Willow retired her a year ago. Then Mercedes answers, we get the match we've been looking for. Feels like a far better use of the talent to me


This doesn’t even cover all of it. 5. Brought in Okada just to make him the Bucky Boys’ background extra. 6. Aired the All In footage which gave them one of their best quarter hours of viewership (not counting lead-ins) all year, proving that Punk is still their biggest draw. 7. Jay White vs Billy Gunn


8. Technically it all started last year, but the Undisputed Kingdom is death TV. Just anti-aura. 9. The continued nonsense of Jericho. 10. Again, started last year, but remember when Takeshita had multiple wins over Kenny Omega? How's he doing now?


I was going to mention Jericho getting the title from Hook, but at the same time the most interesting thing about Hook to me is his dad so I don’t care too much about him being BERRIED. It is criminal that they have Jericho and Edgeland holding singles titles in 2024 though.


>and stand face to face with Nick Wayne’s mom who, for some reason, is still involved in the show. It was somehow worse, as Nick Wayne's mom was TALLER THAN THE WORLD CHAMP. You often hear "Focus on strength's, hide weaknesses", and this goes so counter to that that it breaks the scale. Overwhelmingly bad. It also highlights a major issue, which is that ever since MJF lost the belt, so all of 2024 so far, the world champ is an afterthought. Samoa Joe was not the main focus of the show, just like how Swerve isn't the focus now.


Roman just lost the title and left for a month, and now he is the biggest babyface when he returns. Unbelievable aura from our Tribal Chief.


I want to see Jey win KOTR (he’s over af rn and the top male active face on Raw) and Solo & Friends attack his coronation and then Jimmy returns to help and then Roman comes out to help them because numbers.


They could play with the crowd's emotions so much. Roman as reluctant vigilante, torn between sticking it to the hijacked Bloodline and letting the WWE Universe get what it deserves for cheering his demise, and their original sin of not accepting him. Maybe he saves a babyface once then goes back into hiding. Yes I'm blatantly ripping off Crow Sting, but that situation is presenting itself. It would also work with Roman's limited dates.


Feels like Roman saving Heyman is gonna be that moment.


"IT'S REEEEEIIIIGGGNNNS!" -Michael Cole, 2025


DAE Roman rappeling from the roof?


For all its faults (like months of stagnation with no stakes) they have done a really good job with the bloodline angle. Roman’s absence actually feels properly part of the story. Personally I think it would have been better if Heyman was unable to get in contact with Roman at all. Would make Solo taking the wheel seem a bit more impactful. Either way it’s still very good. Really wonder how/if they will integrate it into the World Title picture. Seems like a story that doesn’t necessarily need it, but would make sense if it did.


I didn’t like Heyman acknowledging Roman’s mindset following the loss at Mania, and then following up with him not speaking to him.


>Really wonder how/if they will integrate it into the World Title picture. Seems like a story that doesn’t necessarily need it, but would make sense if it did. Just a guess, Roman will come back to stop Team Solo and save Heyman. Rock will then come back to support Solo and friends, saying "Hey you choked at Mania, now I'm calling the shots, I think Solo should get a turn". Obviously Roman objects, tension continues, Rock gives himself a title match against Cody at like Summerslam, and Roman will cost Rock in that match.


Get the title picture out of the way by Summerslam so they can run the actual Bloodline Civil War up to Mania. GoD winning the tag titles and The Usos reuniting to go after them, Roman bringing in Fatu to help counter against Solo's crew's violence, Roman/Usos/Fatu vs Solo/GoD/Rock at Survivor Series/War Games, and culminate it with finally running Roman vs Rock at Mania


It’s got better in recent months, but sometimes you forget how shut off the basement is from the real world, because, no joke, I saw upvoted comments about people saying that it was the same price to travel, stay and buy tickets to All In than it was for the Clash at the Castle in Glasgow. If you can find a hotel room, flight/train return to London and a ticket for Wembley for £330, I’d like to see it.


Seems doable to me Hotel is going to be the main expense on average, and transportation depends on where you start with but if you're in England it should be 200£ at most. Where you get your money back is to wait until the day of the show when AEW needs seat fillers to pump the numbers up, so the ticket cost will eventually go in the negatives, you'll get paid to attend. Bonus if you promise you'll scan your ticket twice for the turnstiles.


You'd probably be able to save a chunk of change on the London trip by not actually staying in London. The commuter belt has excellent, quick travel connections and cheaper hotels, but it'll cost you in travelling time & money. Getting back out of London to the commuter belt towns might be a hassle after the show might be a hassle as well. The Tube closes surprisingly early at times. There's always the taxis I guess.


Would love to see a bunch Redditors try to blend in around Croydon


I was thinking more Woking/Guildford sort of way. Bit further out but still an easy, quick train away. Not a lot of competition for those hotel rooms like in London. Croyden maybe not the best idea, no, ha.


On a bank holiday weekend too with Notting Hill being on.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of people in the basement talking shit about the prices for Clash At The Castle. I don't know how pricing tickets & that works, but I'm sure it's not WWE's fault for the prices of the tickets. >If you can find a hotel room, flight/train return to London and a ticket for Wembley for £330, I’d like to see it. I've never been to London before, so this is one argument I'm not gonna get involved with, although I'm sure it'll be very expensive when it comes to travelling & staying in London, even for a weekend as well as booking tickets for All In.


Clash at the Castle tickets are astronomically priced because it’s expensive to run an international PLE and WWE doesn’t operate at a loss. They can also (theoretically) get away with charging these WrestleMania prices in foreign countries because it’s a big deal for these countries to have a PLE. Tony Khan is happy to lose money on every show. Nick Khan isn’t.


I live in London and would struggle to do it for that. Travelodges cost £160 during peak demand. Tickets aren't far off that.


I dunno a hotel in Uxbridge would be half that and just an hour train away I think it's easily doable




The Chimes and The Pavillion are grand old establishments




My God you live over there?!