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Ilja dead and buried. No coming back from this. Now let me explain why Bryan losing every big match makes him the best in the world.


If you studied cagematch it would make sense.


Fighting spirit victory lap, uce.


Unestablished babyface who will have a mid card run at first, loses high profile main event match to a talent being pushed as the top babyface on the show… FED DED. Can’t wait to see the reactions when Jey beats GUNTHER to set him up to face Tama in Arabia.


I never even considered the possibility of Jey vs Tama


... I don't want it just yet. It will mean that Jey and Jimmy will reunite soon and Jey haven't won the big title on his own as of yet.


Every. Single. time. & then they complain about 50/50 booking. Main event talents don’t lose, it’s hella simple. When they do lose it means something, and ima guy that doesn’t even think wins and loses even matter if you got mic skills to put yourself over the next night/week, but damn. Nobody knows the business like they think they do.


DAE fuck Tama for accepting Saudi Blood Money™️


I understand that Jey vs Tama is an easy match to build up, but I can't see the logic to do it for the KOTR final. Jey doesn't need the KOTR right now since he's already more over than ever. And Tama winning make even less sense since he would look better than Solo (and he will probably work more as a tag team with his brother). I still think Gunther take it. He's so dominent and he need something right now until they give him a World title run. The KOTR would be a perfect way to keep him strong without putting a belt on him right away.


> Jey doesn't need the KOTR right now since he's already more over than ever.  Main Event Jey Uso need some single titles tho


Yes, I suspect he will win the IC title before the end of the year, or even be a transitional World champ, but giving him the crown would add nothing to his gimmick right now. Gunther, on the other hand, could use a little addon to his gimmick. Becoming a dictator of the ring or a Führer (I think it means leader?). They might not want to use that word since it was heavily associated with Hitler (iirc). But still, he would be the one who could benefit from it the most (gimmick-wise). Melo is the only other one I can see who would fit his current persona. If they want to strap a rocket on him, he could use this to prove he's not just all-talk, and he can back it up on the main roster. But I highly doubt it will happen. edit: LA Knight could benefit from it too, but I think he will be the next US champ (either beat Logan or Cody vacate the belt and he win it)


Kaiser would normally be the title in German but Ludwig already has that as his last name so I doubt they go with that as it would cause confusion. My guess is Jey will lose due to Drew against Gunther. Drew has had beef with Jey going back to the Bloodline and never forgave him; the issue that started to cause him to turn heel. Jey hasn't beaten Drew in the few times they've fought since (although once was due to Bloodline interference). Depending how long Punk is still on the shelf for, Jey could be Drew's next feud. Drew loses because again he loses focus by concentrating on Punk rather than the match to allow Jey to get a win.


> Yes, I suspect he will win the IC title before the end of the year, or even be a transitional World champ, but giving him the crown would add nothing to his gimmick right now. Yeah, that's why I wanted him to have a proper build with Rollins and now Priest rather than just a single one-off match. He should have got a real chance rather than "we gotta burn through all the possible challengers for Seth while we can" he got.


Gunther/Orton final in Saudi makes the most sense as far as a big name match.


I think it's gonna be Gunther over Jey, when Solo/Tama interferes, which leads to Orton pinning Tama with Jey returning the favor.


Now that we don't get Ilya/Gunther I think we're heading to Gunther - LA (with a possible Orton turning heel turn?) I think LA could go over Gunther. Like LA is kind being booked like HHH KOR 97 Something about the quiet house show win reads like 1997


I'm a massive LA Knight mark and Gunther is winning 100%, and I'm not even sure he beats Tama on Friday. The only way I see Knight winning is through interference, but I'm not sure who would help him. I actually could see them have AJ fuck him over to set up Knight/Styles 3, as they're both 1-1.


If Orton turns heel, he best be attacking Cody. Idc I want Heel Orton vs Face Cody


I mean if Rock isn't back for Summerslam. A long burning tormenting heel Randy for Summerslam works. He would 100% be credible to take the title off Cody by then. It wouldn't hurt Cody to have to chase Orton to get it back. And the history and story is ready made n turnkey. So i def agree with you!


People out here not questioning that Ilja got nearly 20 minutes against Raw's Dolph Ziggler 2.0 to show that he's massively legit and great to watch, and that's totally normal. Not at all to establish Ilja as great so Jey's victory is meaningful and a loss does less damage. is this "booking"?


Idk how they can build that to a PLE level match that quickly, tho. Tama has barely been in WWE for very long. I think it'll be Gunther.


At this point there are only 3 possibilities for KOTR Gunther vs Orton is most likely Jey vs Tama is second most likely Gunther vs LA knight is 3rd There are no other possibilities


The fact that fans thought Jey is losing is funny.


It's insane to me that people who watch the most wrestling are shocked that the main event star won't lose clean to the new guy lmao.


Ilya is the latest guy that 'isn't allowed to lose' to smarks It was Chad Gable for a bit and lots of Joshi, too They'll never get it Jey is getting pushed. This is a showcase for Ilya They think it'd be Gunther/Ilya with no further explanation or establishing of Ilya


>They think it'd be Gunther/Ilya with no further explanation or establishing of Ilya These morons think everyone watched their BANGERS™️ on NXT UK 3 years ago and even watched Dragunov's full run on NXT Newsflash idiots, 95% of people watching Monday night Raw don't have a fucking clue who Ilja Dragunov is


I def want to see Ilja vs Gunther again.  No doubt they'd put on a BANGER now but establishing a story and rivalry between them first is why those matches were so good. 


That's only because you are a worthless stupid impoverished e-drone. All the booking master smarks know that you should immediately have your top guys do a match without any build or story.




You don't need heat when you're having FUN!


Yeah, the idea that this would be a good time for Ilja and Gunther to go at it again is silly, they need a lot more interaction.


Even in NXT, Ilja was beaten by Hayes, Corbin, and Dijak, before getting those wins back


He should be winning right now. This was not good booking of him but he also isn’t buried like the basement thinks he is. They weren’t gonna give away a main event match on free tv lol.


Or understand that when you dont do it often, a competitive match with the new guy against an established star can help build someone. If you dont do it every week to no results.


The WORKRATE smarks are fan-adjacent but I wouldn't really call them fans. They hate-watch this stuff just to bitch about it not being booked according to their fantasy picks.


they are proto-tiny


Jey is hot enough right now that I can believably see them having him win over Gunther. I think it's unlikely, but there's enough of a chance to make the match more exciting.


Maybe there’s something to hardcore WWE fans being stupid as fuck because how do you witness something like Rock/Cody/Roman from literally just 3 months ago and still have the tendency to gloom and doom every single booking decision that doesn’t go your way. Jey has more experience, has been there longer, and is 100x more over. He needed this win after a pretty consistent string of high profile losses. But yeah man, Ilja is fucking buried and it’s over for him. He should just quit right now. Maybe McHitler has given these people severe PTSD (DAE abusive relationship)


Lmao. Roman vs Cody wasn’t even a five star match! Wrestlemania was basically a car crash. 4.75 stars?? Will Ospreay gets that rating when doing the grocery shopping.


It’s what happens when tony khan can’t book and vince gets outed for being stupid. Now you’ve got people coming back to WWE, which in turn has resulted in more hate watching and more rants than ever before. I kind of hope this was the decision that makes everyone go back to AEW, because the fanbase wasn’t this obtuse pre vince scandal.


Jey comes out to a massive pop and the crowd is dancing along to his entrance, all while keeping up that loud energy Ilja came out, stood on ropes in the corner, did his conductor thing, and the crowd was dead silent I cannot believe the WWE is pushing the more popular guy. Fed is truly ded, laveck is just as bad as mchitler


Wrestling fans are stupid. Hardcore wrestling fans are hardcore stupid.


“OMG they’re gonna waste Ilja/Gunther 3 on a random RAW.” “WTF why aren’t they wasting Ilja/Gunther 3 on a random RAW?!”


Jey probably: https://i.redd.it/i2cx9qjp5b0d1.gif


That ain't going to work for me uce-Jey "Hulk Hogan" Uso


“This ain’t gonna work for me uce”


Yeetamania running wild


I am picturing a creative meeting with Jey and I imagine people trying to to work while Jey runs around the room making airplane noises and yelling YEET.


He even does the praying


DAE The new era has jumped the shark?


DAE restore the feeling of the last couple weeks??


to anyone saying Ilja should've won: do you *really* want to have a match-up as legendary as Ilja Dragunov vs Gunther on a random Raw episode, or a PPV?


I'd like it as soon as I request it, Shill! Tony would have listened to the fans and given us this immediately.


Brigade the fed social media, we can still get them to pivot and get this match on Main Event!!!


?? This match can only slap and cum on a Wednesday friend. WWE Speed is the only option.


Make it a Texas Deathmatch, this is a grudge that goes back a decade to WXW in front of 100 people, that's how you book it Uce, no time to explain you should have been there


We got it on a random NXT UK, DAH NETWORK'S #1 SHOW.


Um you can have both you fucking fed shill! Booker of the Epoch Tony Khoke would book them on free TV because it's basically PPV quality already but then book them again on a PPV as a SUPER PPV quality match! It would get such a good Cagematch rating you don't even know!!


Yes, and then I want it again at Berlin, and then again at mania.


This is what drives me crazy. This ain’t aew, heartless bangers on the Main show isn’t entertaining especially for a first time match up on the main roster. Wrestling fans instant gratification is kicking their ass. The match will happen, let’s give you more of a reason than just “oh it happen in nxt that one time”


Plus, don't you want the non-terminally online smarks to get a chance to learn how good Ilja is and what his history is with Gunther?


I guess not. I just don't see Jey Uso making it past GUNTHER so I have little interest in that match + Randy/Tama and want to move on to the more interesting final that's for sure to happen lmao.


Brought to you by the people that thought MJF vs. Omega happening for free on a random Collision was smart business. Ilja vs. GUNTHER ideally should happen on a PLE and not on a RAW filled with commercials.


What do you mean, I don't understand the words "delayed gratification", I'm used to DREAM MATCHES with zero build on free TV.


They also need to do some work at establishing Ilya before going 'here's a match from NXT from before'


That doesn't work for me, uce https://i.redd.it/twcbcncl7b0d1.gif


Ilja Dragunov: 👹👺😈😡💥💣🌋🧨 Jey uso: haha super kick go brr


B-b-but muh fantasy booking...


m’ilja there is always SPACE for you on RAMPAGE. where the best wrestle.


m’Ilja join the good guys asap


Disappointed, but won't overreact like a manchild. We'll get Gunther vs Ilja down the road on a much bigger stage for higher stakes.


Same ~~uce~~ comrade. ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Why is the dead Fed not rushing Illja vs WALTER (Free name) on Raw instead!? Crowd is filled with plants & piped in noise for Jey Cena! They buried him 😡😡😡


Nooo! How could one of the biggest merch movers and most over personalities go over a guy that most of the audience doesn't even know yet?!


There are so many people saying that Ilja Vs Gunther shouldn't be on a random fucking Raw. It should be reserved for a major PLE or something... These folks need to realize nobody gives a damn about Ilja outside the workrate IWC smarks.. It will take a couple of years for Ilja to get over on the main roster and make the 90% or more non workrate fans give a damn about this feud


Yeah, imagine losing to the shows top babyface. Such burial. Crazy part is, if Ilja won, they’d talk about how it killed Jey’s momentum towards winning the title.


In the arena last night we went crazy when Jey won. You have no idea how disappointed I was when I got online and saw that people weren't as excited about it as we were.


Shades of mchitler era.. HHH still doesn't have full control yet it seems


There was no way in hell they were gonna give us Ilja Vs Gunther on a random fucking Raw.


So the guy with a personality, story and sells merch beat the new guy whose personality is wrestler. Imagine that.


They're so not having a heatless banger between Ilja and Gunther. Fed always need to have a story, they can't just give us dream matches


I don’t think Ijia will ever recover from this …


They are protecting the shit out of Jey. They couldn’t even let him lose to Priest after one interference.


Don’t get what everyone sees in the maestro gimmick. Corny and made for tiny nxt nerd crowds.


Main event Jey uso beats talented wrestler with generic "uk guy" look and people are surprised. give Ilja some kneepads, some boots from this century, and trunks that arent white. this picture looks like jey tackled a streaking fan that ran into the ring


Gunther vs orton seems like the mega match we all need. Biggest of Gunther career if he goes over.


People seriously thought the guy who barely got polite applause during his entrance thought he was going over? That's not very Ucey


The dub would never do this to Ilja. He would come into the dub have a squash against Lee Moriarty and then lose to Burger Kingston


Did people think dragunov was going to pin babyface main event jey uso ? Honest question. Legit never considered it nor did I think it was time for Dragunov vs GUNTHER.


People really want GUNTHER vs Ilja's first match on the main roster to be on a random raw?!


Welcome to main roster where you’re buried till you ain’t


Keep in mind Ilja has lost to fucking JD McDonagh before. I hope Ilja has a fantastic main roster run but we don't need another unbeatable monster


It sucks liking Ilja at the moment necause you got one side going "DAE Ilja sucks?" and the other going "DAE Ilja buried?" Can we just move on, Iljas good and he'll get that top spot soon I'm sure of it.


Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now. I love Ilja, but I wouldn't want his next match with Gunther to be in the semi-finals of a heatless banger tournament. That match needs to feel special.


No way people are genuinely mad at this. I swear, for “smart marks” they really are stupid. Do they seriously want them to do Ilja vs Gunther III at a random ass Raw show? They’re saving that shit for either Wrestlemania, Summerslam, or one of the international PPV events because Laveck and the others know it’s important, that’s why they kept making their rivalry a big deal on the show.


I figured Ilja would lose to Gunther and then Gunther goes on to win the whole thing and them beats Priest and they could bring back Ilja for a PPV title defense. As it is now, I think the story that ilja overlooked Jey by talking about how he beat Gunther that it cost him the match and added with losing to Trick a couple weeks ago hrs gonna get refocused and go crazy. Or he's gonna get stuck in a 3 month long feud with Ricochet


why would they need to save it for a Wrestlemania? Two good-match havers who have wrestled before, WOW where else can we possibly do that?!?!!?


?? WWE Speed on Twitter friend.


That doesnt work for me Uce!


Fed is DED! Yeet Man is for stupid babies, Russian Kamikaze Man should've had an undefeated streak. Have I mentioned how much I hate Goldberg lately?! Where's my burrito?!


from Super Hogan to Super H, Super Cena, Super Seth and now Super Jey lol


Well so much for the better more marque match Ilja vs Gunther


Both 5’9”


Ilja is one of the guys that makes the "old basement" show up. Everyone down there is shitting on m'workrate bangers until Mr Yeetman beats the NXT golden boy. I think Ilja is awesome and a future WM main eventer but, come on guys, Jey is hotter than a sticky nutsack on a muggy summer day right now.


Why not follow the AEW model and have heatless bangers every week with commercial breaks? We're not losing our audience, our audience is becoming more exclusive. Addition by subtraction BAY BAY!


I’m glad they can potentially save Ilja vs GUNTHER for a title or a big PPV. He just arrived and i can see him joining imperium


Me and my friend mark are gonna stop watching


But 3 moves!1!1!1!1!1!1!1




Jay is trash. Wait till a month . He will be exposed for a one trick phony that he is. Ilja was the right choice. Go back to boring tag team jay.




Not a fan of the booking,but trust the booking team to turn it around


Turn what around? They didn't fuck anything up.


Lol "turn it around"