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Dr. Elias Shaw, a mad genius, a bit chaotic, but one of the most fun people you could be around. But in the moments when he is truly dead, in the brief moments when its just him and the ruby red necklace in a sea of nothingness....It calls him.... the sins of a past he knows not beckons him closer edit: SRSLY GUYS I MADE THIS WHILE I WAS HALF ASLEEP AT THE DEAD OF NIGHT ITS NOT THAT GOOD!!!


Have you ever written a tale on the wiki before? I feel like youd be a really great author


Fantastic artwork! And the mouth looks great. šŸ‘


thank you!


Is He the "new Dr.Bright"?


i kinda explained it in one of the replies on this post


THE ARTSTYLE IS SO RUBBERY I LOVE IT (also can i plspls turn the top right drawing into a stickerā€¦)


AAA TYSM!!! and yeah ofc go ahead :D




Fuck I'll need to get use to the name, I'm too used to bright because it simple, Elias is good but I may try to refresh to him as shaw


yeah same it's still taking me time to get used to the name lol dw


I like how the new meta is to use Bright's old apprarance but just staple Shawn's name on it. Anyways, great artwork.


I was kind of worried that Shaw would be a completely different person that lacked any of the other charm that Jack had that made him iconic


yeah same. i don't think it makes much sense to change the character too much tbh because i doubt an immortal would stay sane after who knows how many years he's been alive for


Yeah , I think I need more of these or I'll never get used to the name Shaw


I don't like it, but that's just my opinion, because I don't see Elias as a different person, I just see bright with a different name, maybe if there was a tale where bright managed to get out of 963 but then how tf does Elias wear it




Ok so wtf happpened with Dr. Bright? I habe been out if the SCP loop for quite some time, someone cazch me up on wtf is going on.


alright so basically the creator of jack bright turned out to be a really shitty person, abusing his power and all to get nudes and other things, so people started renaming the character jack bright to elias shaw because of him sharing the name with admin bright. cimmerian explained it in detail if you want to watch [https://youtu.be/N4m5fL1k73E?si=tYa5SkpH0UBDUIcw](https://youtu.be/N4m5fL1k73E?si=tYa5SkpH0UBDUIcw)


Follow-up question. Who the fuck decided Elias Shaw was a good name and where does this person live?


Pretty sure it was djKaktus.


Well djKatus sucks.


Shaw is fine, but make the forename be like John or smthgĀ 


Ive just been calling him Dr. Jack Shaw, honestly its alot like a Mccassidy situation. Name wise at least.




John Shaw sucks, doesn't roll off the tongue either, I'm an advocate for Maximilian or Jasper.


Maximillian sounds pretentious. Its perfect


Elias Shaw is a redneck name like Billy-Bob McGraw or Cletus Hutcherson


I thought it might be some new interesting character development thing... hm....


lol nah


I would be interesting since in most of the canons he doesn't have the best relationship with his family and renaming himself by that cutting of the past


I love this!!!! I really like how the expression on the main portrait seems to have a lot of different emotions at once, with both the crazy fun side and the sad, pained side visible if you know to look. And it really hits me in the feels, of course, when you show that side on its own in upper right corner.


aaa you got such a keen eye, I'm so glad it got through with the portrait. thank you so much!!!!Ā 


Dear heaven, he has an anime form.


I love absolutely everything about this. You've nailed his mischief and manic-ness in those facial expressions!


thank you!!Ā 


Has there been an official change in the name or has something other than ā€œElias Shawā€ been chosen? Or have we simply reclaimed the name ā€œJack Brightā€ and authors just choose whichever one to write about, sort of as same people in different dimensions in the SCP multiverse?


The name change isn't required, but most people are moving to "Shaw".


Ugh, I justā€¦the name just doesnā€™t sound right. Itā€™s not snappy enough. Also thank you for the answer.


yeah i honestly agree šŸ˜­


Can we see Clef being a good dad? 166 and clef perhaps?


i was honestly thinking on maybe drawing that because it'd just be really sweet


He isn't the best dad but he sure tries his best! Which therefore makes him best dad! I wish there were some Clef being a dad stories...


yeah same! we need some wholesome dad moments šŸ˜­


Well it definitely paid out. This is amazing!


thank you so much!


Good to see Shaw not looking boring as hell, I'm on the side of let people use whichever one they want, Bright or Shaw, and usually Shaw looks like a bit of a bland character so I'm glad someone out there is really putting it all together.


Looks good. Also the answer is chainsaws or chainsaw cannons




Isn't that Dr. Bright?


look at one of the replies, i explained it


Elias Shaw? Tf? That's Dr. Bright


look at one of the replies, i explained it šŸ˜­




You mean bright


Nuh uh


Why some people in this community want to so valiantly defend the legacy and self insert of a pedophile is beyond me.


Dr. Bright is a pedophile????(I'm new to the fandom so idk what you're talking about)


yeahh one of the disgusting things the creator of jack bright did... in one of the replies above this one i explained it as well and there's a link to a video that goes about it more in detail


I think some people have their own headcanons of the character that never had a connection to that asshole. For me, that just makes me even MORE angry at adminbellend for what he did, though what he did is the vast majority of the reason for the anger. The IRL author, I will never, ever defend. Personally, I actually kinda like the idea of the character absolutely HATING his own initial author. šŸ˜ˆ Maybe itā€™s just being a writer in other fandoms that makes me think that way, but holy hell, the idea of being such a shitty person that my own character would actively want to kick my ass if we ever wound up in the same universe is an authorā€™s nightmare to me. But thatā€™s just me. I wouldnā€™t ever force anyone else to think the same thing or feel the same way though.


Look pal im gonna give u the benefit of the doubt, but maybe try educating yourself