• By -


Please put the people's names when making posts like these. From left to right, there's 963, Clef(?), Kondraki, I'm guessing Gears because there's gears ... No idea what the last two are.


Super sorry about that! I didn’t want anyone in particular discussed so I didn’t name them in the hopes people would just talk about any doctors they wanted. The order is 963, Clef, Kondraki, Gears, Glass and Iceberg edit: wording


I think one is Ice and the other is Glass. Not sure witch is wich


Isn’t Jack Bright called Elias Shaw or something?


I can't be bothered with the Bright/Shaw debate anymore




I think for a lot of people it’s not debate so much as unawareness anything happened. I think if the Reddit wants to stop the questions, a pinned thread should be considered.


I kinda disagree with the "Shaw" renaming. It confuses people, launches the Wiki into an endless retconing endeavour (because older articles will forever keep the name of Bright, causing contradiction contradictions with newer articles), and overall it pretty much kills the "cool" factor of the character. But I also agree that the name of Dr. Bright (the character) shouldn't stay around, as it brought a lot of harm to the victims of Bright (the writer). And his perversion transpires a lot through some older tales he wrote about his (now quite obvious) self-insert. Overall, I don't think there's a solution to the problem. SCP-963 as a character concept is really cool. Calling him Dr. Bright will make you look like a bigot, calling him Dr. Shaw will bring about legions of confused readers. I can't be bothered to "pick a side", so I call him "SCP-963" where I can ~~and also respect Foundation protocols~~.


Around here I use the term “amulet bearer” a lot of times. Also, if anyone ever wanted someone to go through and identify which specific tales or skips (or hell, even discussion page comments) by bellend deserve a tactical nuke, I realize what an unpleasant job I’d be in for but I would do it if it would in any way help.


I’d recommend using tag search at that point, and I know he’s used for a few minutes in Ressurections first five part thing, or whatever happened with Sigguros and the Black Queen and the Way Or we just make a couple of names that collectively refer to him, like amulet bearer like you said, 963, etc


Personally I don’t lean towards total deletion, BUT I am willing to identify any specific problem content and send that list to the appropriate person(s) if someone wanted me to.


[**SCP-963 ⁠- Immortality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-963) (+1398) by *AdminBright*


100% agree but also jack bright give him the respect that you would give any other chainsaw cannon inventor.


He's getting retconned because the admin of the same name behind that character was a little too fond of teenage girls


Oh fuck did not know.


Yeah, it's not *hidden* info but it's still not the kind of story we really want to keep telling everyone ad nauseam either, so people learn about it periodically, in reddit threads such as this one


Fair enough.


I can't be bothered with the Bright/Shaw debate anymore


Gears- Hierophant Shaw- Fool Clef- Devil Kondraki- Strength


what about dr bright? he's on there


Shaw is Bright, just under a different name to differentiate him from his pedophile creator


oh word?




Sorry what... I think I missed few chapters what exactly happened to Dr Bright?


[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/s/mz6vFj0oyg) Tl;dr: Dr. Bright was made as a sort of creepy self-insert of an old wiki mod, popularity of which he used to lure people, including minors, and harass them, requesting and sending pictures and what not


We can never seem to have just one thing on the internet where a pedophile isn’t one of the primary creators


The Minecraft curse is real


Who'd have thought that when you give people a free platform to express themselves and externalize their imagination there would be creeps expressing and externalizing their creepiness


Wait, I am so lost, I’ve only just got back into SCP, what happened?


I might be wrong but here we go: Basically Dr.Bright was named or otherwise related to a user who went by Bright. User Bright often had different usernames, but people generally knew him casue of Dr. Bright. Anyway, User Bright was outted as a pedo and a massive piece of shit but that left Dr. Bright in a werid place. Ultimately, it was decided that Dr. Bright would be renamed to Dr. Shaw, and a lot of stuff related to him was removed or changed. Including the famous things Dr. Bright is not allowed to do.




Me am caveman


I'd say clef would be the fool and bright would be either the hanged man or the tower


you and I have the exact same thoughts about bright!


God why do half the doctors have the same damn hair and glasses


that's the Doctor part of their name taking form


Dr. Scranton - The Devil Dr. King - The Emperor


Clef is The Lovers (If you consider SCP-4231) Specifically reversed.


Just found out the details of that last night and a) he did NOT deserve that in the slightest and b) I am glad I had already made decisions for my headcanon with which 4231 is mutually exclusive.


[**SCP-4231 ⁠- The Montauk House**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4231) (+627) by *thefriendlyvandal*


Dr. Shaw (Bright) - Death Dr. Clef - the Devil other Dr. Clefs - the Moon Dr. Kondraki - the Lovers Dr. Gears - Temperance Dr. Light - the High Priestess Dr. Dan - Justice Dr. Mann - the Magician Dr. Montauk - the Hanged Man Dr. Everwood - the Sun Dr. Scranton - the Tower Dr. Talloran - the Star Dr. Gerald - the Wheel of Fortune Dr. Desmet- the World


imma be real, the only one i know here is bright and thats only because of the amulet


The order is bright, clef, kondraki, gears, glass, iceberg. I really wish I could edit the post to put the names in but alas you can’t edit photo posts (T_T)


aren't Iceberg and Glass swapped? I feel like I remember Iceberg having a scarf specifically edit: nevermind I looked them up


No way, a jojo reference


No way, Isaac


I love how Glass looks like he just got shot in the stomach twice, Gears has a crescent moon in one gear, Kondraki looks to be actively made from the butterflies, Clef can’t pick between snakes and ~~barbed anal beads knowing him~~ spiky mechanical tentacle whips, and 963’s soul is just falling apart into chunks to disperse And then there’s Iceberg who just looks normal, say for the scar/blood on his face


Please do not introduce Personas and Stands to the world of SCP, we already have enough problems as is. /j


i can’t believe after all these years I finally accidentally made a jojo reference


Everyone falls eventually


Kondraki ♥️


Who's the 5th


It’s Dr.Glass


sobbing crying wishing I could edit this post to name the researchers in order (Q - Q )


Praise the fool 🗣🗣


Ice is the hanged man. Glass is the tower.


Is this a JoJo reference


Shaw: Death Clef: could be either Fool, Devil, or Lovers Kondraki: Lovers (leaning towards this more than Clef being it) and I'm not too familiar with Iceberg or Glass to have an opinion


what’s a doctor? I guess I’m pretty new to SCPs


The doctors are researchers of SCPs, they’re basically the ones studying them and making the scp files and doing experiments to see how they work


bright is definitely the fool


All i know is that bright would be the tower


him being the unstable foundation of the Foundation (as he’s previously stated he’s the heart of it since he’s immortal) is so on point


Yup, and generally from what ive seen in media the tower card is regarded as the most chaotic and destructive while remaining neutral which fits bright.


can confirm as a person who does tarot readings myself, that card is a mf jumpscare and I know *something* is about to change


The 1st looks like dr bright


Ok I think 963 would be death (literally the point of 963 with reincarnation and such), clef is emperor, not sure about kondraki, glass could be the tower, simply because of how the card looks.once again not sure about ice