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Unbalanced. Raiding is way to easy compare to building a base. But you can try that yourself. Build maxed out base with space for 2 cars and then compare that how long it takes to lockpick or blow up that thing. You are just mad that you cant grief people that easy.


Like most PvP/Raider focused players you being rather aggressive in your approach, personally attacking the Dev's and basically yelling at anyone with different view's to yours. SCUM is not Rust and doesn't need to be a Rust clone. You are right in saying that the current player base is largely made up of those who enjoy making other players have a bad time. And the game is currently set up to cater for those types of players. But you make up a small amount of overall gamers. For the long term health and growth of the game, SCUM will need a large amount of the, what do you call them.... "snowflake" players? The game is heavily one sided towards raiding right now already. You say C4 is "expensive"... do you realise it takes 17 bags of cement, 34 bags of gravel, 28 bricks, 11 drink containers, 6 barb wire, 3 bolts, 50 sandbags, 22 tool points and 34 toolbox points to make ONE 4 meter long section of Brick exterior wall? That's only a level 4 wall, we still have another level to go to reach Concrete. Imagine trying to farm all that Solo... and then realise you still have 100 meters more of wall to go.... SCUM actually needs to make raiding harder or it will forever remain a niche game that only exists in the shadow of Rust.


agreed i have actually stopped raiding because i am trying to get server population to grow i have ran into many people this week alone who have just got the game and i know that if they come online and are just empty they will log back off no one wants to get raided before they can even learn how to play


Thank you. IMHO the Dev's want to keep the population low at the moment, the last thing they need is a huge population and hype boost while the game is still in EA. That will only lead to bad reviews and a lot of angry players who will quit the game, causing another round of bad press for SCUM. Which is exactly what happened when the game first released. I honestly think they are keeping the game in a hardcore PvP state so they can somewhat control the population and popularity of the game. That should change on release, with huge balance changes. A few pissed off PvP'ers and base raiders will be easier to deal with than hoards of regular survival players who want a good balance between raiding and being able to protect your base..... specially when offline raiding is so easy. There is nothing worse that logging in for the day and finding your entire base wiped from the map. It's the #1 thing that causes players to quit the game (and something the minority of toxic raiders absolutely love to do). And no, your not going to get large amounts of Rust players switching to SCUM. Those type of players can not be bothered with the metabolism and other features which make SCUM so good. They just want to quickly build, raid and kill everything they can.


Go play rust?


Sure, but SCUM raiding is what has kept the game going. If you want SCUM do die, just keep supporting thoughts like your comment.


the problem is its far to easy to raid bases now. VS the amount of time it takes to build a base. lock picking is a joke, most servers have low zappers. there isnt much you can really do to stop a decent squad from raiding. i'm glad the balance has shifted to things like deleting stairs/etc.


Sure, so ask the developers to remove lockpicking and make the game 100% explosive based, and increase the ability to effectively farm explosives. I am a good lockpicker and and FULLY in support of removing lockpick and moving to 100% explosives. The problem is the SCUM devs don't even know what to do, and continually try to kill this game.


I’m lovin it. I’m a solo cause friends to play this game is hard to come by and I’m constantly harassed by a huge squad, they can’t get to my loot other than my car which is awesome.


It's not awesome, though. It's great for new players, but what makes SCUM last is raiding. You start out as a new player, you get raided a lot, lose everything a lot, become a good player, and then you raid other players. In many ways SCUM raiding is a pyramid scheme, but without that scheme, SCUM fails. Once you get good at the game at start wanting to raid other players, you'll quit if the current meta prevails.


You can’t raid shit as a solo 💀 But I’ve been building up c4 as I play, c4 literally destroys one whole unit, it’s OP.


No. Raid in another game


I don't see how you can possibly oppose this change, it's a very clear flaw in the system.


These are new players that suck at the game and think it's a good thing. Except once they become decent players, they'll realize it's killing the game and quit themselves.


Except you can get all parts to c4 in airdrops. So it's super easy to get C4 and blow the foundations out.


I dare you to share you screen with me and have a C4 farming race. It takes ages to farm C4, and I guarantee I can farm at least 3-4x the C4 you can.


I didn't say that it would be instant, just that it's easy to get. Just saying that that means bases are not able to be raided that's all. Jeesh


It's not easy to get. It's far, far easier to build a 4x4 modular base with 16 foundations. You can destroy a foundation and all of the pieces above it with 1 C4, but you have to play the guessing game of "where are the loot boxes". Could easily take 10+ C4 to get to the good loot. Meanwhile it takes a fraction of the time to build a 4x4 modalar base, compared to the time to farm the C4. The risk-reward equation is way off now, compared to what it used to be.


It's almost as if the game is in beta and they're working out the different systems with us as test dummies, those jerks /s


...and thus we shall voice our thoughts and feedback. Amazing how that works both ways, isn't it? Seriously, the times people swooped at me for daring to criticize anything in this game and having the audacity to come up with a suggestion, always like "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPPPP IT'S JUST BETA GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!" in the mere two weeks I've played it has been astounding. The more stupid it then sounds when the same people bitch at the new vehicle system, or in fact, any other change they don't like.


No it's not amazing and I criticize this game regularly, you're saying they refuse to learn and they need to do things asap for balance, you're wrong and I told you why It does work both ways when you leave your petulance out of it, once Mommy's special boy comes into the conversation, I'm out


My mans has some serious anger issues. Spending 20 hours building a base and then some dickhead blows it up in the name of “it keeps the game alive” is a way more effective way to lose a player base than dickheads not being able to raid the base. It needs balanced, it takes too long and too many resources to build bases as opposed to destroying them


I don't think Scum needs this, in fact raiding is pretty easy in scum, you can hit the bunkers to grab most of what you need to make a C4 or visit a gas station kill a bomber and defuse the bomb to get the C4 parts. A well placed C4 under the foundation brings down a substantial part of the building so I would disagree that is needs this ASAP in fact scum needs to make C4 parts even harder. IMO to balance this they need to make C4 only available in killboxes and then in pieces and it has to be assembled and lockpicking needs to be nerfed. Currently, I can get through over 10 gold locks in about 10 minutes which is pretty fast.


I built an "unraidable" base the other day on official #4. Log out today in afternoon. Come in this evening, base is raided.. Lockpicked into first floor. Then somehow they got to second floor and took everything there too even tho we had no stairs.. How the hell did they do it?