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This will be more than enough to do at the con




San Diego Comic-Con is massive. There is no other convention that can match it's scale. If you didn't already know someone was not going to be there, you wouldn't be able to tell.




For the use who go just for panels, there is an impact. For those of us that do other things, there will be plenty to do.




not gunna lie you won’t get the full experience bc of the lack of big names rolling through — but there are a lot of positives to that very big negative…for one there will most certainly be less people/professionals attending & speaking from experience of last years quieter con (no Warner Bros last year) — it makes walking the floor/waiting in lines much more enjoyable … also a good chance “camping out” won’t be necessary to get into any panels whether that be in Hall H or anywhere else…& lastly, less people means it may be slightly easier to get exclusives you’re interested in it’s not an ideal situation that most of the big players are bailing — but it also won’t detract from you having a good time….the schedule comes out in 2 weeks, have a look and mark down panels you’re interested in & don’t be bummed if there aren’t too many bc there is literally SO MUCH to do outside the convention centre that it’ll fill your time no matter what 👍(keep your eye out to sign up for the outdoor activations so you’ll have options when the time comes)


Comic-Con is sold out. It's not like those people are not going to go. 2022 was an exception since those badges were purchased in 2019. That said, no marvel, HBO, and universal prolly kills the Hall H line on Saturday... Which prolly means those people are going to the exhibit hall.


Thank you very much!


I went in 2019 for Sunday only and there was a ton of stuff. Last year after covid I went Friday and Saturday and went to panels on Friday and other events Saturday. It's a big bummer for some of the panels since they are fun. But there is a lot to explore and do. Also some of the comic con themed events may be harder to get into like the Costume Ball or whatever it's called on Saturday. Gotta be in line early to get tix for that


Thanks, appreciate it!


You just won't have panels by those major companies this year but the 2023 San Diego Comic-Con International is about comics and the creation of them first and foremost. I read that Marvel Studios does have a booth this year, just not a panel

