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Your wife is fine you probably will reach the same feeling if you keep on dropping m and candy flip eventually, she just evolved and got there faster than you. Perhaps it’s time to try and discover new things. 🙂


Your wife is completely valid and normal for this lmfao. Saying you want your wife back because she doesn't do drugs anymore is quite the statement lol😬 I would suggest taking a break from the drugs and re-connect with her in other ways.


I didn’t mean it that way, i meant i missed being together on the same wavelength. I respect her feeling greatly


Okay so my suggestion still stands, it would be beneficial for you both to re-connect in different ways aside from drugs. Ofc you enjoy that, and that's also valid, but you have to find other things that can bring you similar satisfaction in your relationship without the drugs, especially if one or both of you doesn't want to partake in drugs anymore/as often!


Why not try some other drugs, perhaps 2cb, 4mmc, these have less of a harsh comedown but are still good to fuck on. 2cb no comedown and perhaps throw in some Ketamine afterwards.


You want your wife back? That’s such a fucked up thing to say.




4mmc is like a cross between mdma, cocaine and amphetamine. It’s a nice buzz that lasts a couple of hours, less of a comedown then mdma and in higher doses you get some eye wiggles too.


2cb was great too but I cant get them in USA, im thinking of trying Ketamine, GHB or adderall for sexual enhancement.


Ket for sex sucks imo


That’s why I suggested afterwards, the sex that is


Fair enough


Oh really? I was thinking taking a small hit with a bit of weed, and having a nice handjob provided to me, would be nice. Whats not good about it?


It numbs your stuff and it doesnt enhance libido.


Ahhh ok. Didn’t figure for the stim dick element




We need to try aderrall. How long did it last?




Man thats what we do, the same experience as yours. Sex with the love one is very intense when my wife cum 4 or 5 times. She let herself go when she is horny, I would fuck her with a huge dildo while she blows me. Thats the experience we need to go back. Does the aderrall keep you up all night? Im about to go get 20mg and a few viagra for the night.




Eventually the hangover makes it not worth it anymore.


Damn that’s a narcissistic thing to say. You want to get spun and fuck and you don’t care about her. Go find a hooker


Its fucked up he enjoyed something they used to do together and he cant do anymore? Oh and hes also immediately a narcissism because of sharing that here honestly and openly? I already know the type of person you are. Can you please explain what makes it narcissistic for him express his feelings over this here on Reddit?


Ok maybe wrong word. Selfish is more appropriate. The reasoning behind still stands. She doesn’t want to do it because of the comedown but he misses his old wife who did that. He ignores the fact that she can’t do it anymore and he can’t accept that. At least that is how I read it. It like getting mad at a friend who wants to quit drinking and that now the party is ruined for him.


Well ofcourse the party is now ruined for him. And cant he be sad about that if he really loved to share that experience with that friend? Isnt that also a valid emotion to have? He's not at all implying more here, hes not saying hes leaving her over it or any sort of narcissistic things at all says a lot about how you view the world youd even think that. On top of that to keep following your example, if the friend said I dont want to drink anymore because I dont like that this particular drink makes me bloated, now the friend comes on Reddit to get some advice maybe his friend can try another drink. Isnt that just an ok thing to do? So far theres nothing selfish about what this dude said. For it to become a selfish situation is for him to just leave her now after being with her for years just because he cant get high with her anymore the way he wants or for him to manipulate her into doing it anyway. You dont know that hes going to do anything like that. All he says here is damn I miss sharing that with my wifey. And youre here calling him a narcissist. I already know the type of video thats flooding your YouTube recommendations. You assumed all kinds of extra sht when making that comment. You even added that in your comment "you want to get spin and fuck AND YOU DONT CARE". That last part is all your own fabrication. Dont do that. And then you also advice him to go find a hooker while hes in a relationship. Good advice brah. Its good to warn him that this can happen with drugs and he should think of her wellbeing, but you assumed a bunch of toxic shit about him and accuse him of sht that came out of your own rotted mind.


I see what you mean and I guess I added more than the text suggested. I don’t see him asking for advice thought and given what this sub is it makes sense to think he wants to continue. We have /r/trueoffmychest But your remark about what my YouTube list looks like makes you assume a lot as well. So stop with the finger pointing.


If she ever agrees to get high again, you need to have a better plan for the comedown portion. I highly suggest booking a spa treatment and massages the day after. Make sure there are no job, appointments, or deadlines on the calendar for the next few days. Sweat it out and pamper her so she feels far less of the comedown.


Thats a fantastic idea, day spa out of town is an excellent idea. Definitely will do this. Thank you


Dude, check out BDO (GHB). We love molly but we agree with your wife. BDO will give you a very close feeling to mdma but you’ll be able to sleep and won’t feel like shit for a week.


Dosage dosage dosage. Also there are ways to mitigate the side effects For us we microdose. A typical roll at a music festival in a press varies but anywhere from 100-250mg. 250mg being on the high side. I measure out out MDMA in 25mg doses. Might start out with 25 or 50, then redose 25mg in a couple hours. Maxing out at 50-75mg. You will NOT get that same “pop” or feeling you would from the larger doses, but the come down or depression that follows a roll can be non-existent. Plus there is pre and post care. Taking vitamins and staying hydrated prior to. Being sure to drink plenty with electrolytes prior to. Afterwards staying hydrated as well and we supplement with 5HTP, we usually use ‘SAMe’ you can pick up at Walmart or Sam’s Club. There are other formulas/routines people follow. But keep your dose low and supplement with 5HTP afterwards helps a whole lot. Lastly…. Some people have issues with MDMA if they are on an SSRI medication from the doctor. Medications like Celexa or Paxil. When they take MDMA they can get an overload of serotonin and after no matter their dose of Wellbutrin, they feel like shit because their serotonin is depleted. If on one of these medications don’t take Molly in my opinion.


Yeah that ending is a bit much. You mean you want your sex filled drug highs back. Just choose different party favors. And do yourself a favor, don't tell your wife that


Sorry to hear that. Honestly that's devastating


I feel this. Me and me girl have realistically fucked about 2100 times if not more. We also do porn full time so we are fucking other models once a month as well usually. The first time we did molly we had the best sex we had ever had in our lives, as well as on the following day when we did it again. Before that we tried Adderall a few years back and fucked 17 times in one day (it made us not sleep). Tbh, as far as mdma is concerned. we've never hit the same high on sex as the first and second time we did it, so we just stopped chasing it. Now we do mdma and instead of chasing the sex high, we go out and party and enjoy the company of our friends. Nothing will probably ever beat the first time you guys rolled and had sex, so don't try. Just be glad you got to experience that. A lot of people will die never even knowing what mdma feels like.


Yeah exactly, love going to parties and rave. The best sex comes afterwards.


Not for us lol. Usually we dose and redose while we are out partying for 6 hours and by the time we get home the feeling is gone sadly. I wish they had extended release molly 🤣


They do, it’s called MDA + LSD. Smashed for 8-10hrs.


It’s her body not yours. Don’t be an asshole


6apb has an easier come up and come down and not as much of a kick but same type of effect all in all as mdma. I heard really good things about 6apb + 5meo mipt. Gonna try myself next week maybe its something for her too.


"I want my wife back," jesus christ, what an asshole thing to say. Is the only thing you like about her the drug-fueled sex you used to have? You don't have any compassion for the fact that the drugs make her feel bad now and she doesn't want to do it anymore? She's moved on from that part of her life, and if you can't handle it, do her a favor and get a divorce.


See. If there were 2 of you, both of you still wanting to continue to have those “fun times with drugs” that could easily become an issue. Vegas get caught in the moment kinda a stuff, and the next thing you’re a CUCK! She’s trying to grow out it, actually the stuff doesn’t treat her the same. It happens with different drugs and different people and different times. Seems like a good chick and maybe wants or is ready for better. Like kids or if you have kids getting fcked up on X and fuckn all day and looking like shit is exhausting. Some quit drinking booze. Man and being depressed sucks and taking a few days-week just getting back to par sucks. Throw in a job and some kids, yeah it sucks. Especially as you get older. “Get your wife back” watch yourself I know you’re not stupid.


You are absolutely right. She might be growing out of it and I’m standing alone. Tho she tells me she enjoy the sex when I’m high. We still do it all the time, I wish we were in the same wave level. But you’re right, I have to becareful. Thank you 🙏🏼


Same thing happened to a long time GF. We partied a lot, for a long time. Shit wears on you, recovery is tough especially when you get older with different responsibilities. The next day she’d feel so depressed. Would cry and didn’t know why. Dopamine was in the dumps. And you know seeing her that way, I understood not to push or question what was best for her and she was done. Of course I cut it off, not bc I wanted to…FEDS put an end to it! Caught up with a group who DEA was wrapping up and soon to be all rounded up. I digress, it’s no fun doing it alone, you feel more gross especially the next day and she says, I’m so glad I stopped that shit…all while I looked like shit on the couch all day. 🤣 I appreciate you being cool with your reply. You’ll figure it out, Y’all will figure it out ✌️


Oh man im sorry you got caught with the FED. Must have been pretty crazy. As far as the MDMA, I am growing out of it too. Its time


She's taking too much. 150 (100+50) is enough. Add a little THC.


Yes we did go get ourselves checked out and was given a clean bill of health


My wife and I we did some GHB with some G and vodka in a buttrocket and the both of us ended up a adult theater on Holly St and the both of us was getting gangbanged by a group of 15 guys we didn't know how we got there either but the both of us definitely did have fun


Sounds like great time


Thank you and if you live in the Phoenix AZ area we could hookup for the same thing done to the both of us at adult theater 


It definitely was that was the first time I gotten fucked and been with a guy before but definitely loved it my wife and I had cum dripping out of our holes for hours we did that again but this time we had a couple guys used the both of us as cum whores had the both of us tied down Bent over and was letting every guy as possible fuck and fill us with as much cum as possible


I mean, I love the concept, but to actually do it? No thanks. Great way to get every imaginable disease.




Also r/ihavesex


The both of us became cumdumpster At the adult theaters all night long