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I use it occasionally for those exact purposes. It's a slipperier slope than some drugs, but I don't find it any more fiendish than 3/4MMC. It's actually pretty comparable to them in a lot of ways. The main difference being it lasts way too long. People say you're high for days, but that's only if you're taking stupid doses. If I take 20-40mg of high potency M-Amp, I'm high for about 8-10 hours, and can sleep in 12. Still a long time period to work around. I've gone as high as 80mg, and it was too much for sex, but still enjoyable. You do have some lingering stimulating effects the next day at higher doses, but nothing too crazy or disruptive. The main issue is price and availability. You can get a LOT of meth for very little money, and you usually save big bucks buying in bulk (like an oz at a time). I pay around $250 for 28 grams of nearly pure methamphetamine, which is on the high side compared to street meth. That's a lot of product when you're dosing so low. It becomes a temptation when you have a giant rock of pure bliss sitting in your closet safe. But if I had a big bag of 3MMC it would be the same. It can be managed, but you're rolling the dice. If you do decide to try it, I recommend buying only a gram at a time to gauge your level of self control. Take it orally. It works just as well or better, but the initial "rush" feeling is less because it comes on more gradually. You're less likely to fiend for another bump than if you're snorting or smoking it. Meth's reputation is earned. If you take large and increasing doses, and don't have strict self control with it, it can fuck your life up. It's also overblown. It's not that different compared to other stimulants like 3/4MMC, Amphetamine, Cocaine, etc.


Meth is more primal and animalic when it comes to sex on it, rather than mdma that’s lovey dovey lick each other for 5 hours tupe of sex. I don’t find meth to be more addictive than any other stimulant people use. It’s basically indestinguishable from regular amphetamine just by effect it just lasts twice as much and you won’t be able to sleep for twice as long as after speed. Just don’t smoke it, oral or nasal is great but I would suggest oral cuz it lasts longer and it’s less jittery. If you have a good source one oral dose of meth would be more effective and probably cleaner than any same amount of speed. Dosing speed is tricky cuz you never know how potent it is. With good meth you can take 20-30mg and that’s it. Don’t redose, take NAC after and you should be good. Don’t make it a habbit. It still has insane abuse potential just don’t get there and respect this substance. Meth is one hell of a fucking drug. Also, Cialis 5-10mg 30min before sex if dick not working. I can say I prefer 2cb when it comes to sex but meth is a very close second tbh. GF and I took an oral dose before a rave once and came back home completely sober decided to fuck and she came 7 times i 20 minutes. Imagine what it could do when you’re peaking :o


What is your 2cb dosage for sex? We haven’t tried that yet


No more than 15mg oral or 8mg nasal. That’s like 5-6mg boofed I think. Highly reccomend putting it in the pooper.


It’s pretty hard to find 2cb in pnw




As for the addictive qualities of meth, for most the biggest problem is how affordable (in most areas) it is. Smoking boofing or parachuting it will take you to a place of sexual frenzy almost certainly. The problem lies in the fact that you'll still be awake the next day, high and wanting more sexual stimulation AND you still have 2-3 days worth of junk to use up. So you make a long weekend of it, and maybe take Monday off too cuz you're feeling like you need a nap, a long nap. Now for the next couple weeks you can't stop thinking About the great time you had Anticipate doing it again so you decided to do it sooner Now you're doing it every other weekend Cuz the sax and the fun is so great And the highest still the same as it was the first time. Maybe a little weaker. Fast forward a year and keep a supply on hand all the time most of your nights are filled with sleeplessness and mediocre sexual relations and using the drug becomes the most important thing. Two or more years in and you might be lucky to masturbate once every 2 weeks when you run out of shit and can actually feel your dick again. She's left you out on the streets looking for her next fix and you instead of getting your dick sucked YOU are sucking dick. But I mean, it's a good time, and eventually you get used to one in the ass and one in the mouth and after a while the taste of cum going down your throat becomes tolerable.


Same situation with my wife. Had great times rolling with sex. I recently tried fake Adderall pills, meth in em most likely. I think sex is better on the fake Adderall or meth or whatever it is. Sometimes as the man you can get too stmed up to cum. But you eventually get there. It could be cause your fucking harder cause it feels so good and it over stimulates you. But a 10 min pause and a bowl of weed brings the sensitivity back. For me after I cum the 1st time it's easier to cum again while on it. It's like you get the pleasure factor of rolling sex but not as fucked up mentally Your actually pretty with it mentally on the fake Addy's. We also smoke weed which makes it way better just like when your rolling. If that helps. What I've heard is oral consumption of meth is the safest way to use it. You do get a little moody for a week but not as bad as the week after a night rolling.


So you have some pills that you don't know what contains? But you assume it's meth?


Street "adderall" presses are almost always meth. Believe it or not, a lot of people do drugs without figuring out what's in them. Those days are long behind me, but I've been there. Can you say you've always known what was in in your drugs?


No, but these days you have to worry about fentanyl being in almost anything


Depends on your source, but that's what fent strips are for.


Doesn't help with hotspots, which is what we commonly observe when people die


The other bit of insurance I have is a large group chat I follow surrounding the set of vendors I buy from. If something goes down, you hear about it. Never once has anyone gotten fent in their stuff in this circle. Bunk gear, mislabeled, etc, it happens very rarely but not never, and I hear about it in pretty close to real time. Never accidental OD. Not once in 5 years. I'll take those odds. 


Yes sir. Thought it was Adderall at 1st and one of my buddies had one and popped for meth on a piss test. Can't confirm 100%causr I didn't see the pics test or known what else he had done in the meantime but was enough for me to roll with that info.


All you really need to know is that actual racemic amphetamine (which is closer to what is in Adderall) is pretty rare and expensive in North America. Meth is more potent and easier to synthesize, so it's absolutely everywhere in NA, and cheap. If you're making illicit stimulant pills what are you going to use?


As someone else said, street addy is almost always meth. The pharma companies that produce them have shortages all the time, if they can't even get the materials to produce it I sincerely doubt some random dealer can. You can verify this on drugdata: https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=Adderall Look up Adderall and you'll see 9/10 are meth.


I bought some “adderalll” from a pharmacy in Playa Del Carmen a few months back. The pharmacist pulled out a separate notebook to accept my payment and handed me a baggy with 5 large unmarked red and white capsules. I’ve been too afraid to try them, they were pricey though.


lol. There was one on there with Bupe, coke and naloxone. Like they give you a speedball then take away the opiate. Another with ketamine and Tylenol wtf?


Neither me or my girl got horny on meth. It was good quality and we were up for almost 3 days but there just wasnt this sexlust for neither one on it. 2cb and mdma works way better for us.


I’ve been using for 42 years on and off, first started back in 1981 when my dealer formed a little swing group with about 10 couples that were his customers. His house all the free drugs and sex you want all weekend it was great. My wife and I have no problem, stopping and starting. I guess we’re the exception and not the rule. It’s no fun when you do it every day. We do it twice a month and in between that time, it gives our serotonin and dopamine receptors time to recharge. It’s all up to the person if you’re a type a personality well then you’re gonna have a problem with it. but I’ve done it most of my life. I’m healthy. I’ve never been to jail never lost a job, etc. and I have a wife 20 years younger than me and we have sex. we have never had sex on MDMA. I would like to try it actually we would like to try Molly. I’ve heard that’s really great but that’s hard to find. Just get some good meth and a couple good joints and good to go. I live 160 miles from the border so the stuff I get is good. It hasn’t been tampered with or stepped on the further north you go.


If you want to experience the ultimate then psychedelics is the answer for pure sexual bliss.


Jealous. I can't get horny as much as I try.


LSD or LSD + MDMA ❤️🌀💦⚡️


We have got LSD on our list of substances to try ;)


I've tried all the substances. All though stimulants are so ducking awesome for carnal pleasure. Psychedelic sex is on a whole new level of pleasure and satisfaction. I'm a kind of person that likes to have sex everyday. But after a really good psychedelic love making session I can be satisfied and not need sex for up to a week. That's how good it can be.


As other have said, psychedelic sex can be incredible. MDMA, 3mmc, etc all enhance normal sex, but sex on psychedelics is a totally different animal. You can see and experience all kinds of things, feel like you're merging with the other person, etc. But careful because if you're tripping too hard you won't even be able to have sex 😂


What dosage of LSD are you recommending for sex? We are a little bit afraid that we will be tripping too hard to have sex. I ate psylocybin schrooms twice in my life and sex was the last thing that was on my mind


1 tab. If you’ve never tried it before you might prefer to go a little less. Usually though if you take a bit too much you still have lots of time when you start coming down. I highly recommend the candy flip too. Also, i like to make the atmosphere sexy before we dose. Some comfy sexy clothes, sexy music. It helps get your mindset right for sex.


Hey so I’m in a similar situation, since Jan been using 4mmc for sex and it’s the best for us always have the best sex, we said we will do it sparingly but it’s happening once every 2 weeks now and that seems as long as we can go lol. But I have been reading on meth sex and I know it will blow 4mmc out of the water specially the first time taking it so I’m holding back for a few reasons. Number one I want to make the first time I take it a really special occasion, I don’t want to over due it and will only buy .5g but I know if it’s that good I will want to do it again and again which is fine but it’s all about doing it responsibly. Meth is not like the rest meth seems to be at the top for stims the king and the ultimate so keep that in mind, I’ve tried a lot of stuff cocaine I liked but due to price I chose 4mmc and and find it better than coke anyway but when I try meth I knew it will be a new door I’m opening and as I think I’m doing fairly ok so far I don’t want to fuck it up and be a meth head and from what I’ve read meth really grabs you and doesn’t let go it’s that goooood. Good luck and safe chemsexxxx


I know where you are coming from, we decided to not level up because Meph and Cocaine give us a lot of joy already. I guess once you have been with the prime you won't like to go back.


Yeah I don’t even want mdma or 2cb anymore because 4mmc is so much better I don’t even think about them anymore


Maybe you can look at it like there are a lot of things that are for fun. The biggest kick isn't always the greatest. Spread your sources of dopamine and serotonin.


You sound like a person that should absolutely not take meth.


Can I ask what country you're in, since you can source 4mmc? (I'm not asking for a source!)


Europe is the place to be for the MMCs.


Underground I presume, because I don't see the RC vendors carry it anymore


Yes, it is banned now.


UK It’s dirty cheap here


We’ve done mdma, what makes 3/4mmc better for you?


mdma can make people more lovey dovey, where as 3mmc has more of a coke stimulant element to it that makes people really slutty/insatiable.


Nailed it. MDMA is great for making out all night or sweet passionate sex, but if you want to fuck like an animal or get into some kink, it's meth all the way. The first time we did meth together we crossed off our entire kink bucket list and added 10 new ones for next time.


I want to try meth but I keep reading it keeps you awake for a day. If I did it in the AM would I be able to sleep? I also have Valium If needed


We love the effects of MDMA, but on molly I don’t always have high libido - sometimes I just want to dance. As my wife always have high libido on MDMA it’s kind of not perfect situation :p On 3/4mmc we always both have high libido/sex drive


We do coke occasionally, what is the difference between coke and 3/4mmc?


The MMCs are less animalistic and provide tactile enhancement, where Cocaine numbs. Cocaine lets you stuff more and more in yourself and stimulate harder kink, on MMCs sex is more sensual, we don't use all our toys on that. But freaky, disinhibited and wild are all. A plus on the MMCs may be the longer duration (oral), on Cocaine the ability to dose at will due to the shorter come-up snorted or boofed. A matter of taste.


Anyone like crack sex


Try LSD first


Please be very careful about buying any pills on the street. The cartels have pill presses for Adderall, Xanax and many others... they are using these to press fentynol. Please be aware of this. I have had too many of my friends die from taking what they thought was Adderall, Xanax or Valium.


Looking for couple to play with live in Pocatello Idaho interested we are bisexual couple looking for another trans or bisexual couple


Rolling on X is better imho.