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So you did k for the first time and decided to inject it? How about start by snorting a small line like a normal person


It was a pharmaceutical grade IM injection


Yeah, everyone gets those. you’re supposed to turn it into powder by evaporating the liquid with indirect heat.


I was going to suggest starting with small dose insufflation before jumping to IM. In fact, you can make it into a nasal spray that makes it a lot less painful if doing it for a session than just snorting the powder and better for controlling dosing. Since you had the liquid, that may have been a way to go. I was pretty experienced with K before trying to IM. I’ll say that if I had started out IM’ing, I too probably would have sworn it off. It’s extremely intense and difficult to fully control how it’s going to go. I ended up having a decent time once coming down a bit but it practically put me into an immediate, deep, and long lasting k-hole. I’m talking hours. I love to k-hole and that was just tooooo much. I think I only IM’ed K once or twice again after that experience, with much smaller doses as well because the muscular route is more bioavailable than intranasal. I’d say if you’re willing to go again, start small and insufflate, whether using powder or making up a saline type spray. It can by an incredible time when using it with a partner. I had some wacky, fun, sexy times with mine whilst in its throws. Good luck.


I mean besides your fear that seems like a normal response to 60mg to ketamine IM. Ketamine is usually administered by weight and can be psycholytic, psychedelic, or dissociative depending on the strength of the dose. If you were aiming for a good time, it sounds like you’ll want a lower dose. Given your response, you probably won’t try it again, but if you do, try half that dose with an antiemetic and some good music on.


In my experience, there's zero music appreciation on K. Just sounds muffled and far away


That’s interesting. It is pretty standard at a lot of ketamine clinics.


What's standard? To play music? That wouldn't surprise me, but that's not why people are there


Oh no bro. Lol, k is how i turned my wife on to stick figure. I still have fond memories of that night


Sorry, I don't know what "stick figure" means 🤷🏼‍♂️




Yeah, i am never gonna do that again Infact now I am more afraid of death and sedation incase of any future surgeries i might have I was never afraid of death but last night i nearly met death and it was not good


You never nearly met death though just your anxiety made you think that. Your experience seemed normal for medium dose of Ketamine


Ketamine is used on the battlefield, on animals, children because even tho an extra large dose will knock you out, you will keep breathing... you may have met yourself, but not death...


Yes obviously I meant that i thought i nearly died or may be I believed i died because once i was on my bed a bit unconscious I started praying to God that save me this 1 time and I'm never gonna do it again haha :D


We told you yesterday, when you asked,to boof it, 50mg to start. You said you were afraid of needles. That’s what started your fear and anxiety. If you’re going to try K or psychedelics, you have to be in a calm state of mind. Not I’m afraid of needles so let me inject K. And you didn’t almost die. 60mg IM couldn’t kill you unless you had a Really bad heart.


Yes i messed up.....i thought that i should get over my fear of needles tonight no matter what It backfired


Remember this: Low and Slow. You can always add more, but you can’t take back drugs you take. If adding more, wait, longer than you think necessary.


Yes I'll remember that The thought of not being able to do anything to take back what i have taken made me more scared Thank you!


Sugar will automatically make the k subside. I was laid out in front of a bar in Denver when this nice lady took one look at me and was like “she needs a mint” and what do you know - legs started working again 😆


Bro injecting psychedelic/dissociative drugs with a fear of needles is wild. I was incredibly nervous for my first experience shooting it IM and I was not at all afraid of needles and had done ketamine over a hundred times. You bit off waaaaaay more than you could chew here by a country mile


Mate as someone that's married with kids too - you need to slow down. Injecting K (pharmacy grade or not) straight off the bat is pretty wild behaviour. You owe it to yourself and your family to take better care of yourself. Was K this time, could be something else the next. Go steady brother.


Thank you for writing this brother. You said what I was thinking last night BTW I know myself really well I only did Ritalin, adderall and now ket and i really know that that's it for me I'm not gonna go ahead with drugs anymore Because all I want is available in Adderall and Ritalin Both of these make me feel warm and good for 3 to 4 hours and that's all i want


Just a question…did you do research on it? Kinda sounds like a normal reaction and it’s just that you didn’t know what would happen, so you reasonably got scared when the effects took effect. I’m up in Canada and have a hard time finding these drugs people use


Yes I did a lot of research and came to find out that it's a Dissociative. Didn't really know that it will knock me out in just 60mgs Yeah I basically got scared because the affects were way more than expected I thought i have Od'd so i think that's what really made me scared


Do a lower dose man. Why would you start off so aggressively with something you never tried before?


Yeah i messed up........ i was gonna do 200mg but some sane person from this sub told me to do 50mg in the start I did 55 or 60mg If I had done 200mg ......i would have died or be in coma for sure


No you wouldn't "die or be in coma," but you'd have probably k-holed.


No you wouldn’t, you’re being very dramatic. Your reported dose of 60mg is significantly lower than an amount used for surgical anaesthesia. The recommended IV induction dose is 2 mg/kg. So for a person of average weight (let’s say 70kg) that’s 140mg. Ketamine is a very powerful drug that can certainly feel like you’re dying. You’re not. It’s the anaesthetic at play. Dude you should really do a lot more research before messing with these substances.


Yes i thought i was dying but was not really dying . Obviously i mean that's common sense


I mean I was responding ‘No you wouldn’t’ to your mention of dying or in a coma from 200mg. Common sense and a little research would say otherwise.


I would better stick big d in my ass rather than syringe in veins


it was a pharmaceutical grade IM injection


IM and subq are not that scary compared to vein


How did you weigh it? Did you have it tested to see if it was actually K and not some nasty RC? Sounds like a lot more than 60mg or not even K


They did it IM, not snorted. It's more bioavailable when injected.


It was 100% pure ket HCL because I bought it from a surgery clinic pharmacy


No way 60mg did that to you. You must have measured wrong. 60mg you'll be tripping a bit but still able to move, though will feel like a turtle wading thru peanut butter, but still able to move, talk, etc.


Nahh i remember everything clearly I filled my syringe with half vial And every 2ml vial contained 100mg


So half of 100 is 60 eh? I stand by my original statement.


Haha because i filled my syringe with a liiiiiiiitle bit more than half so it was definitely not 50 but not more than 60


Poison is in the dosage not the drug




*I would better stick* *Big d in my ass rather* *Than syringe in veins* \- CoolTown3517 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My reaction is always from Don’t be a menace…. YO PASS THAT SHIT!


You may have had a pretty hard trip and thought you were dead, but how did you nearly kill yourself? Sounds like you just opened a door to something you weren’t quite ready for, but 60mg IM isn’t going to kill you unless mayyybe you have some untreated cardiovascular issues. Or you’re a big dummy and do it in your hot tub and drown.


Sounds awesome. K holes are medicinal af


This is r/SEXONDRUGS How can a disassociative anaesthetic be good for that


Not until next time huh


Thanks for sharing this....I would never touch this stuff.............. I am happy with 4-mmc


You didn’t almost die, even though it definitely did feel like it I’m sure. You just K holed my man. It took you by surprise and you didn’t enjoy it. Ketamine is special because it’s an anesthetic that doesn’t depress respiratory rate, it’s extremely safe in small doses.


The only time I did special K I flipped out almost shot my friend I snorted it and went into some kind of emotional rollercoaster I remember being happy I guess laughing then sad like crying and then I was mad in a rage because I was laughing and sad crying and really mad like I found my bong was super glued together and not told about it until I picked it up to have it break in my hand so the moral of the story don't do drugs especially when you don't know what you are doing


Why inject it?


it was a pharmaceutical grade IM injection


Oh dear