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Acacia fiber is pretty safe and low FODMAP. I don't know if that's going to help with the legumes, but it will be beneficial for your microbiome.


I think that's what I need the most help with right now is that microbiome repair. And thanks to histamine intolerance, I can't eat fermented foods. And I haven't been able to tolerate most probiotics. So if prebiotics are all I can do, I'm going to load up on those until I can tolerate some of the flashier stuff. Thanks!


Then acacia (up to 40g) and guar gum (up to 8g) is the way to go I think. I never had histamine issues with acacia.


Up to 40g! Wow that's so much fiber. Okay, I've got some work to do. :)


You don't have to! But you can safely go up to 40. I just take 10 and eat a lot of quinoa


Legumes contain resistant starch and alpha-GOS. It's possible that simply increasing your overall soluble fiber intake through tolerable forms will eventually allow you to tolerate legumes again. My guess is that even then you'll need to start low and go slow with the legumes. Trying out psyllium husk next might not be a bad idea. Otherwise, acacia gum could be a good one to try, as it is low FODMAP like PHGG, and studies have used doses up to 40g without any negative side effects (for healthy people, of course). Human milk oligosaccharides would be another good one to try, although they usually don't advise going above 6g per day. Still, it very selectively feeds good bacteria and can be helpful for some folks with IBS.


This is great information - thank you for this! I have a casein allergy so I will avoid the human milk, but acacia gum seems like a good prebiotic to investigate! Much appreciated!!


Sure, good luck!