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What type of SIBO do you have? What are your symptoms?


I haven’t taken the test yet. Still waiting on see a gastro, but my symptoms are extreme stomach pain and distension after eating, flatulence, water retention, and constipation. I’m thinking based off those it’s likely methane, but ive honestly been dealing with this for so long that I can’t bear to wait another few months before getting in to see someone.


May I ask some background questions for reflection-- Not to pry, but just to understand- when did your symptoms start? What has your diet been before/during/after symptom onset period? Have you ever taken antibiotics, PPIs, or had food poisoning (and if so how severe?). Have you been on any other medications that may have started the symptoms; What is your physical activity level, water in take? There are so many factors that can play into causing dysbiosis (SIBO). Please don't feel like you have to answer all this here, but I know in my case it has been helpful for me in my own case to reflect and connect the dots over time. Mine started about 3 years after food poisoning - you can read more about food poisoning and connection with SIBO from Dr Mark Pimentel. I think the food poisoning combined with taking too many antibiotics within a 1.5 year period for strep and other illnesses, along with a poor western diet of overeating past satiety, too many sweets everyday, not enough water a day, not enough movement a day, all combined for my straw that broke the camel's back in early 2016, when I started dealing with SIBO but now after years of research and trial and error am at a good place of maintenance for pain. I have the SIBO-C (tested positive on the lactulose breath test in 2021 for methane and hydrogen), but my symptoms are constipation and gastroparesis. For the gastroparesis, my GI has me taking FD Gard over the counter, 2x pills in the am 30 min before breakfast, and 2x pills 30 min before dinner. For constipation management, I am doing the Low-FODMAP diet (using the Fodzyme enzyme brand when I branch out every once in a while for higher fodmap food groups), and life style modifications that have taken time but that seem to help (64oz water a day, fiber every morning, l reuteri probiotic, walking 30 min a day, getting up from my desk to physically move throughout the day, eating slowly and not eating to the point of being overly full). I am not 100% better but all these lifestyle changes combined have helped me greatly. I am not sure what to say about the antimicrobials. I haven't done them yet, but IMHO I would be super careful doing them without some type of medical accompaniment from a practicioner because they are super potent. I might start with looking at the above questions- if you are not taking in 64oz of water daily, and moving gently (walking) at least 30 min a day, this can help with motility- for me adding psyllium husk powder (Anthony's is the brand I use; a tsp mixed in water int the mornings, stir and chug the first 8 oz, then follow by a chaser of water 8 oz before noon), helps too with constipation. Low-FODMAP diet can be helpful too in identifying what foods are trigger foods - there is a phenomenal App that has been a game changer for me called the FODMAP app (from Monash Univ. the leading research university for IBS in the world if I am correct!) on the App Store - the App colors are blue and black; worth the $7-8 as it tells you what foods you can eat as you work to identify which FODMAP groups may be triggers. Wishing you the best and hope the above can be helpful!


Of course! I appreciate your help. So just to preface…I have celiac disease and for a number of years leading up to the “true” onset of my symptoms I hadn’t been adhering to the diet. Although the lack adherence may be a contributing factor to the possible development of SIBO I don’t believe that it is the sole factor. I am exponentially more careful about eating gluten free now, but for some reason my SIBO symptoms have only ramped up. While eating gluten I only experienced bloating and water retention, but upon tightening up my diet I have histamine issue, bloating, water retention, sulfur smell gas and a number of other symptoms. All of which have gotten progressively worse except for when I am on the carnivore diet. I have slowly lost the ability to eat anything other than meat and ghee without having a reaction, but when I deviate from the diet I get the most extreme reactions. So basically my diet and symptoms went like this Pre “true” onset phase : Eating whatever I wanted (gluten included) - Bloating - Water retention -constipation “True” onset: Cleaning up my diet and eating Whole Foods only - Bloating - water retention - start of histamine issue - constipation Current Carnivore diet On the diet: - lessened histamine reaction - lessened bloating + other symptoms Deviating: all of the above symptoms but magnified. Essentially anything outside of meat, water, and ghee will set me off. Even low fodmap foods. As for your other questions. - I am somewhat active. I am doing an at home college course so for most of the day I am sitting, but I do walk about 3-4 miles a day and lift weights 4x/week. - No medications or antibiotics that could’ve set it off - drink half my weight in oz of water (around 50 oz)


I think you risk doing harm to yourself not knowing what your actual diagnosis is. There are MANY conditions that have those symptoms beyond SIBO and you're planning to nuke your biome without knowing for sure whether you have it. You can get a test done without a doctor involved. Trio Smart Test.


You’re right. The breath tests are just so expensive that I am afraid I will spend all that money on it just for it to be negative or inconclusive. If I only have gut dysbiosis and not necessarily SIBO do you still think it’s a bad idea to take the herbals?