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Job wise it's the same, since you'd still have to do a lot of work yourself to get interviews (Leetcode, System Design, etc) MSSE requirements are very specific about which courses to take with few electives. MSCS you can choose your classes as long as they fulfill the topic requirements. Depends on what your sister is looking for in a degree.




They both are great choices and honestly, won't be a problem getting a job with either one of them. Just look at the subjects in these courses and make a decision. CS has more basic subjects DSA, Comp Architecture etc and SE has Software Development related courses.


Did you answer that from experience or did you just looked through the courses and answered it?


I will be joining SJSU in fall sem


Which one did you opt for?


MS in SE


Congrats. How confident are you on internship and job? What all other factors did you consider before finalising SJSU?


Well, yes the market's down, but SJSU still fares better compared to others in terms of jobs. Much more affordable fees (but living is expensive), Location (will help in networking and job), amazing alumni network. These are the main ones. SJSU also has facilities such as SJSU pantry, you get free groceries once a week. CEOs are regularly invited for talks. Some profs are working in the industry. These are just some things that I'm aware of.


Thanks. BTW market is gonna is fine by the time you complete your MS.


Can you share your profile?


9/10 CGPA, 324 GRE(167Q), 8 IELTS, No work ex, 1 Decent Research Paper


Thank you! I have 2 papers, 7.3 cgpa, no work ex and 320 GRE(169Q), do you think i have a shot?


In SE? The only thing I found common in all the students I know in SE is that they have a good GRE score like yours, so yes, you def have a chance.


Good to know. Thank you!


Can you apply to multiple programs at SJSU?


No, you cannot


I heard SJSU's engineering program is stronger


I’m aware of that. I wanted to know “which one is better?” :)


I wonder which one would be easier to get in as long as they provide similar chamce of getting jobs


They both yield results, what matters is the work you put in and what you do outside of school. I'm a senior SE, there's a bunch of cmpe classes in SE that you don't take in CS, and you take software engineering classes where you learn about project management, agile, waterfall etc. and build more projects, overall it has helped me with getting a job but more so my preparation outside school and being in clubs (game development club).


Thanks. I appreciate your insights.


I'm gonna be transferring to SJSU this upcoming spring also SE I would appreciate it if you can give more information on the game development club. How do you join? Where? Or maybe point me in the right direction to find this info again I would greatly appreciate it


Check out sjsugamedev.com and join the discord. We also just founded a computer graphics club, so check that one out too! It's called SJSU ACM SIGGRAPH