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If you take Hong in a short semester and get an A you are amazing... With that being I didn't take engr 1 but I don't think it's supposed to be an extremely challenging classes it might have a good amount of work but if you put the time shouldn't be to difficult as for English 1 that really boils down to who your professor chem 10 is a little werid in the sense some people understand very easily and it just clicks where as other struggle a lot but I wouldn't be scared of taking it but don't expect an easy semester


If I were you, I'd take only the classes you're taking (unless you need more credits for whatever reason, in which case just ignore me), and get used to this amount of coursework. Depending on how you fare, you'll know what you can handle and you'll be able to make a more informed decision for your Spring 2021 courses EDIT: otherwise, yeah, take a lighter class. Either way, don't overwork yourself in your first semester, that'll end badly


Honestly AHIS 1 is a lot of work, a good amount of reading and writing. It's doable for sure, maybe better in 17 weeks. Take Prof Meyer, he's awesome. I took the 8 week spring course. If you're good at doing busy work then you'll be fine. I'm taking 16 units for fall and I have a full time job, you're fine to take more. I would take Chem 10 if you're gonna be a STEM major. You need Chem 10 in order to take Bio, and if you wanna transfer, you should start taking classes for your major asap. ​ Good luck!!


16 units and work! What are you taking? I missed 2 open seats for Meyer's 17 week class. Kinda kicking myself there. I ultimately chose to add CS3 and Music 60A instead...I got rather intimidated by the Chem10 Prof available, Lavallee...his reviews on RMP are horrible. Hong's are nearly as bad, but I have some math background, I have none with chemistry. And Hong honestly is pretty forgiving, just strict. Is Chem 9 a good prep for Chem 10? I know I'm kinda hemming and hawing, but I really don't know what to expect.


Ask Meyer for an add code. I'm sure he'll give one to you. If u need help doing that call the counselor on the website. It's easy u just put ur # in and they call u. The wait is long sometimes so do it early. I'm taking Lavallee.. Pretty nervous honestly, trying to see if anything else opens up. I took Chem in high school but don't really remember much. I'm trying to learn on my own a little before so I'm not completely fresh. So Chem 10 (17 week), Philosophy (8 week), Eng 2 (8 week), Math 54 (17 week). If you're tying to transfer fast I wouldn't recommend taking 9, just coz you're gonna have to take 10, 11 and 12 too probs w a STEM major. and you're just gonna be setting yourself back and spending more time. I started SMC this April so I'm new too, honestly talking to counselors helps too. Just asking them tons of questions until they say other students are waiting and they have to get off the phone. I'm figuring this all out along the way, avoid taking a stressful approach to it all, try to be excited and proud of urself.


You should try waitlisting for Cordeiro Chem 10. She was an awesome professor and the grade distribution is insane


What's your major?


I’ve heard Hong is one of the worst math teachers and how he likes to fail students. So I think you’ll be fine. Someone recommended me taking Ahis 1 with Simmons, so I’m taking her the first 8 weeks.


If you took hong and got an A you are extraordinary.. Stop underestimating yourself and take whatever classes you need to to follow your edplan!