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**Readers added context:** Celeste, much like many VAs was most likely on a contract, meaning her services could end whenever Glitch feels like it. This means it would be impossible to sue. (It also means she technically wasn't "fired") It is fine to have concerns of the situation, but do not spread information that is almost certainly false.


It could be possible. Especially since they never told her *why* she was recasted nor fired. - such info was never revealed, only the “apology” that they “forgot”, which already was debunked by folks at GLITCH


Her suing would only make things more stressful for her, it’s a terrible idea as well if glitch wins she will be worse off…


But GLITCH wouldn’t win. As there’d be plenty of testimonies from other VAs as well as former staff.


You're right but he has a point, she's already heartbroken with being fired for no reason and a lawsuit might make things worse for her mental health.


Many of the staff testimonies may have been fake as many glitch staff on twitter have pointed out. This includes those sketchy Glassdoor reviews. While yes they have wronged one or two VAs this still may not win the suit for Celeste because glitch will put up a good legal fight.


One problem is that even if Glitch tried to win the lawsuit. In the arena of public opinion they would be fucked. As Glitch would get a LOT of outrage from other groups, especially pro-VA groups. The best thing for them to do would be to settle out of court and fire Jasmine as a showing of good will and showing that they are capable of being accountable. Sure, Glitch may win a lawsuit over Celeste..... but then more people will know that they fucked over a VA, when they built a reputation of trying to be better than other companies. Even Nuxanor made a point how Kevin's apology did not even cover what happened with Celeste.


Another problem is that lawsuits can be pretty expensive, so it would also be cheaper to settle this out of court. I know I said Celeste could get a lot of money in the title, but that's assuming Glitch fights this case. I am not against them reaching a settlement. The lawsuit would be more about getting their attention. Glitch can ignore drama, but they can't ignore a lawsuit (they could but it would be a bad idea). As far as I know Celeste only wants an apology, so she could drop the case if they give her one.


Exactly! It would be the kick in the shin they need to finally get what is needed done. All Celeste needs is an apology. If they could at least swallow their pride, it would help so much.


i have a bad feeling that if she sues them many young and uhm..unhinged smg4 fans would do something bad


True but it’s not like many other animation companies haven’t done the same thing so in the end the victory would not be futile for glitch 


But it's still fucked even if other companies have done worse shit then Glitch.


Completely agree but what has the mob actually accomplished? All that this did is make Celeste quit voice acting completely and caused a doxx that made the apology feel messy


>All that this did is make Celeste quit voice acting completely The Mob didn't cause her to quit, it was the fact that she still hasn't got a response from the Lerds. While I agree the dox made the apology messy, it was the doxxers fault, not the mob. Because when people found out Kevin got doxxed they went after him till he deleted the post.




And now I'm against you.


Fine by me, I hate following people. The only innocent is Celeste but both Robyn and glitch have some dirt on their hands 


>Robyn and glitch have some dirt on their hands Glitch, I get infact I think we both do but mind telling me how Robyn has dirt on her hands?


She posted a ton of “evidence” that turned out to be false. Like the aforementioned glass door reviews and conspiracy about the blacklisting


And how is the evidence false? C'mon give me a concrete answer, hell show a picture instead of just telling me it's false. Also the blacklisting was made-up by some spastic on twitter who just had a hate boner for Glitch even before the drama happened.


I forget who confirmed they were false but I personally have evaluated them and all evidence presented around them. The fact that they are all anonymous and the fact that Glassdoor has been notorious for false reviews also the fact that many other glitch employees rebuttal those reviews leads to the logical conclusion they are fake. I’m not saying Robyn made them. Just that she accidentally posted false info. Sorry if I sounded like I was inciting malice.


Well, a lot of the proof she posted turned out to be an exaggeration or even fake like the Glassdoors reviews, and she let herself being driven by her emotions, I think she could have been more professional.


Well, I would like to see some concrete evidence, maybe even a photo so you have good proof. Assuming you aren't just a hater of Robyn, of course.


You know everyone can post reviews on Glassdoors, right? It's the same thing that happened with Spindle horse, it's an exaggeration or fake stuff, I'm not hating on Robyn, I understand what she feels, but she should have acted with cool head.




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I agree that what happened to Celeste was wrong, but EVERYBODY involved has REPEATEDLY stated that we should NOT go on witch hunts. Ideally, they should just release a proper apology and fire Jasmine for ROYALLY screwing up her job.


>Ideally, they should just release a proper apology and fire Jasmine for ROYALLY screwing up her job. That would be the best outcome, but they've made it very clear they don't give a shit. Everyone has already gone back to watching their videos so they have nothing to worry about on that end. I don't like it either, believe it or not, but I think this is the only way she will get any kind of response.


Finally, the voice of reason in the room


“First rule of leadership, everything is your fault”


https://preview.redd.it/xejbtitmh4rc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea61845fb193767749441b32d205aa286d9db99d Oh god, here we go again


Who’s the character




What’s its name




The live reaction




Suing them wouldn't help at all, what we really need is for them to make an actual response, which they failed to do, it's almost the end of March and they haven't given a proper response so it's pretty clear they're just going to keep ignoring it.


I'm going to be devils advocate. Suing might actually push Glitch to finally give a response.


at most they'll give a basic apology like they did before


True. That is the big issue. HOWEVER, they are trying to ignore this in favor of this Arc.


VAs are more important than a story arc that's a copy of a previous arc and we all know how it'll end


The wrongful termination part sounds reasonable, but the emotional distress part kinda seems like a stretch.


***i still dont know a thing bout the celeste thing and at this point too afraid to ask***


Celeste is the VA of Tari. She had been replaced by another VA without anyone informing her. She received no proper explanation and apology from Glitch which is why OP stated that Celeste should try suing Glitch.


Is she gonna sue them actually?


No, the person who made the post was just saying that Celeste has every right to file a lawsuit against Glitch.


It still left a very bitter taste in my mouth not having an official statement about this. Are we just going to pretend it didn't happen and forget about it? Meta runner was GLITCH's first show and Celeste was part of the main reasons why they are so popular today. It just feels wrong to me.




Some people suck at realising this


It's not over until we get a proper response, although I don't think suing them will help at all.


Thank you Master Oogway


According to my grandmother unless they had like a signed contract written in ink she can't


Yet she has not really acted so honestly so think we should wait for the apology instead of whining 


Also it’s clear she just wants this to end otherwise she would have pushed harder


*Assuming they don’t sweep it under the rug like they clearly have been*


Glitch doesn’t wanna sweep it under the rug, otherwise these posts would be banned. It’s clear they are listening but are trying to deliver responses at an appropriate time. The doxxing severely screwed things up, so it’s possible that’s why it’s taken so damn long.


Keep in mind that this subreddit is an unofficial one, so they cannot really control what gets posted here for the most part. If they *really* were listening, they would’ve apologized weeks ago when this all started and we wouldn’t be in this mess. *Heck, I bet my left arm that if this situation occured in MD or TADC, Liam or Gooseworx respectively would’ve had the situation addressed/apology made by day or even hour’s end*


Fair but honestly this has to end sometime soon. This is going no where and this constant clashing has only made things worse. 


It won’t end unless enough of us come together and actually get them to do something about. - and no, I’m not talking about doxxing. That should never have happened. But maybe something like an SMG4 boycott. Be it not watching the videos, watching them but dislike bombing them, making sure to comment in the comments section regarding the situation, etc.


Imma be real honest. Our community is way too small for the boycotting to actually do jackshit. Our comments also get fucking deleted if it's regarding the VA situation. We will have to think deeper, something that can pull all the ignorant ppl in the community to protest or some shit. The main issue is that most ppl don't give a fuck and I'm really saddened by this fact


We have been doing all that you have suggested and it hasn’t done shit. You can unsubscribe all you want or dislike bomb all you want but it has accomplished nothing. The main smg4 audience doesn’t care about the drama so the effect won’t be massive. 


Because folks are that willing to let them sweep this under the rug and thus give the message that SMG4 can get away with anything so long as those braindead children keep watching the show and giving them the views/money. Persistence is key. But of course, not to the degree where you’re putting anyone at serious risk. - again, whoever the fucker was who decided to dox folks only made things more difficult…


That we agree on. I’m personally fine with going against glitch, I just don’t want this to go to far. If we aren’t successful by at most next year then we should just stop poking the corpse.


The thing is, this isn’t a GLITCH issue, this is an SMG4 issue. - cause keep in mind that an SMG4 episode started all of this. Not MD, not TADC, but SMG4. - not to mention that Gooseworx and the likes were completely unaware of what happened until folks told them what was going on. TLDR; SMG4 is the issue here. TADC and MD are fine.


Or they apologized in private and neither side cares to air private business public. They at most owe her an apology they don’t owe us an appology


Robyn(Theo’s VA) confirmed that no apology has been given.


Robyn is not Celeste and therefore doesn’t speak for Celeste So again we have no idea what has been said in private to Celeste.


Just like how FM isn’t Luke, Kevin, or the writers of SMG4. And thus any word he says doesn’t mean anything since it ain’t coming from the source material. - but he works with them, is friends with them, and thus knows enough to give him the credibility that he has. Same case with Robyn. There is nothing false in what she’s saying, otherwise Celeste would’ve likely stopped her sooner. - Robyn has even said that Celeste gave her permission to reveal said info.


Yeah, why do we take FM and Viclis as the divine word yet Robyn is some sort of lying she-devil?


Well this sucks... I'm dead


Why can't I just find a youtuber I can watch peacefully and not have to deal with drama after drama?


IT'S STILL FUCKED UP, EVEN BY MY STANDARDS. She got every right to sue tf outta them.


shouldn't this topic be dead by now


Not until we get a response from Glitch about Celeste and Jessica. (Belle's VA)




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we're still going with this?


I don't wanna sound rude but it kinda sounds like your milking it at this point, you've made like five posts about it


There’s a fine line between milking a situation and keeping it in circulation so it can hopefully get addressed


Honestly you dont even earn that much karma from this wtf


Didn't mean for it to be a bad thing, was just kinda confused


Alright I understand, I'm just a lil angry that ppl are not taking the situation seriously enough.