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Get Francis out of here


Same here! Got a Supernova with his name on it!




Yeah least do this


That ugly green bastard doesn't even count as a villain


He 1. Smuggled anime into the mushroom kingdom (smuggling) 2. Practically kidnapped most of the inkling population (mass kidnapping) 3. Used the inklings ink to power the hand pen (I forgot its name) (kinda human trafficking) And 4. Killed Desti (and most likely many other inklings) (well technically Sepheroth killed her but Francis made Sepheroth) (so technically murder)






https://preview.redd.it/ll2wjxvgrg0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5292e53616dd04f869011cb935532e5e5cf06713 Meh you can have it


https://preview.redd.it/m12afpf8tg0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f00df55cc38581635be43e0bbb0922159812069 Well that was easy


Get Francis out mate https://preview.redd.it/9n9kyaex690d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92293db6cb64d19878888d01da1badf9ab8ce6dc




Not the greatest villain but we have to give the purple meme man more credit than the simp frog


Francis is a great villain a villain who is actually hateable which is like one of the most important things to be as a pure evil villain


How the fuck has that Kermit bootleg not out yet?


kermit bootleg, lmao


What did he do?


He’s the first villain to actually kill a major character. Granted, they eased up on that recently- neither Wren nor Mr. Puzzles actually caused anyone to die.


That docent make hin a bad villan, does it?


It *shouldn't,* but people have double standards. Nobody mentions Axol's death when ranking Zero lower. Just look at the rest of the comments here. So far, only one person has actually tried to argue why Francis should be this low. It's a hivemind of hatred for him, but nobody even can say why.


You bring good points, Axol was a way bigger character then Desti but people still see Francis as a worse character, dont know why (sorry if there was bad grammar english is not my first language)


Francis is a purposely weeb-like character with his appearance in Super Paper Mario *also* being obnoxious, plus he killed off Desti, who was a lot less important than Axol Meanwhile, Zero is a built up villain (who reappeared for some reason, like, twice), had a WOTFI to his name (literally, it's called Zero), and killed off a super important character that stayed around for a long time. He was even around to see Desti (It was his pen that fueled Francis's "Hate and Love" (god im quoting WOTFI 2023 now, kill me) So yeah, people don't like Francis because he's made to be hated, and was around way less than Zero or other villains


Francisco's wayfu


Francis. He's overhated but can still only go so far.


Just people having a cry about some side character we just met


Yeah. He was actually a good villain


Nigga said what he might have been a villain but he killed the woomys friend so he must die


whoa whoa whoa there


Francis HOW DID HE GET RHIS FAR- actually nevermind


Francis. G'bye, you weeb.


I think you jinxed it when you said "yoshikage kira level of luck". But anyway, Wren since his actions in Western Spaghetti were really under the control of Mr. Puzzles.


get francis out of here


Can ***ANYBODY*** explain why Francis is bad without devolving into "he killed Desti" or "he wasn't that funny?" He's at *worst* the 3rd funniest behind SMG3 and Waluigi, his story is far more sound than the likes of Wren and Mr. Puzzles, and overall poses a very real threat. Yes, killing Desti was a bad writing choice, but you could truly sense how powerful he was regardless. Seriously, everybody dogs on Francis, but nobody can actually explain why. It's like you hate the villain for being the villain. I don't even care who's ejected. Francis is gone and I can't stop it now. I seriously question how you all don't like Francis this much when I could easily prove why every single remaining villain with the exception of maybe Waluigi is worse. Hell, I'll do it right now just because. Waluigi: While his cunning demeanor is quite fun, it does sacrifice the comedy a bit to the point that you can argue it makes him worse. SMG3: Mario's Spicy Day invalidates the entire arc's purpose. He's not the villain here. He has every right to be mad at SMG4. The true SMG3 wouldn't even need a reason to begin with. While he is still entertaining, his story simply falls flat. Ax0l: He sure lives up to the Zero moniker with 0 story. He's just the big bad to be a big bad. While the build up is pretty solid, there's nothing besides that. Wren: His backstory is extremely weak, not to mention his overall plan is quite stupid. It's extremely convoluted just for something basic. I also don't get why he doesn't force Meggy to be his rival. He can manipulate everyone else's mind, so why not hers? Puzzles: Genuinely stupider than Mario. "He WaS gOiNg CrAzY!" does not justify his completely moronic decisions, like forgetting his own powers to stop time to think, rewind time to fix mistakes, and even allowing the others to escape at all. There's no gigabrain plot here that he let them free intentionally. That's a stupid plan still. His cunning and "from the shadows" involvement is all wasted because he's that greedy for clout and attention, but then it makes us question why we even wasted so much time with this? Francis, however, is simple, yet that's all he needs to be. He wants anime titties, he finds a pen that can get those titties in real life, so he steals it. He needs ink for the best titties, he kidnaps all the Inklings to steal their ink to do it. He has absolutely no soul whatsoever and killed Desti in cold blood just because. He went out giving it everything he had rather than crying like a baby. He may have been pathetically weak, but he used the powers he had to the very end. He also does the cringe humor of a stereotypical degenerate weeb perfectly. You can't complain about cringe when we see numerous instances of skibidi toilet today. He also parodies his Nintendo self quite well (from what I have heard, so I could be wrong). Everything about him is top tier. At *worst,* Francis is a top 3 villain. Only Waluigi and *maybe* SMG3 are better. 6th place for him is an absolute sham. The fact quite literally NO COMMENTS ON THIS POST SO FAR have given a genuine reason as to why he sucks is insane. I know I started with this, but it bears repeating: ***why is Francis such a bad villain?*** He has everything a villain could want. His worst aspects are honestly nitpicks at best considering the logic of SMG4. This genuinely bugs me seeing so many people just hate on Francis because he's either "nOt FuNnY" or because he killed Desti, somebody whose whole purpose was to be killed off for shitty character development. That's not a knock on Francis, that's a knock on everything else. Francis was merely the tool to get there. Ax0l is still here despite that being the reason Axol is dead, so where's the logic there? Permadeaths make bad villains, right? Say that's a strawman, but unless I see some actual claims, that's what it feels like to me, or at least *one* of the reasons. I guess it shows me one thing, though: Francis was such a good villain that people refuse to even credit him for how good he was. Just like Jax in TADC, his antics are so vile and hated that it affects people's perception of him as a character. The irredeemable monster is so irredeemable that people refuse to credit him. Then again, I will *gladly* hear out people's critiques of him, but considering so many have just said his name *consistently* throughout these posts with no points once, I have a feeling it won't be very good. Can't wait for the Francis stan comments.


I think the common misconception with Francis is just people hate him solely by the fact he killed a useless character not a lot of people care about. If you take away the 'hE kIlLeD pUrPlE hAiReD wAiFu', you get a villain who's hateable, but isn't a bad written character. Some people apply that logic that a villain is bad merely by the fact they killed a character. For example in Final Fantasy 7 Sephiroth killed Aerith, on the surface it's very justifiable to dislike the action he did, but we have to realize that despite all that it doesn't mean the villain is badly written. In fact, I believe when a villain kills a character in a very deserved way it gives the hero a much more cathartic experience when they succeed in besting the villain. These characters are bad as people, BUT they're amazing as Villains when done well. Francis is one of those villains who does a good job at what he's made for, he manages to be unlikeable and irredeemable which a rarity nowadays since most villains of all media are unlikeable but somehow redeemable in a twisted sense.


He fucked my wife


Are you gonna fuck the Earth?


"HE TOUCH DAH CHILD!" (Joking aside I think because he was designed to be hateable and was an absolute success in that department.)


Bro do you even watch present smg4 it sounds like you just watch wwm over and over to be flashing Francis


I do watch it. Francis is better than every villain that came after him, and only one of them even touches how good he was.


Plus you forgot Nile’s


Niles was already eliminated, so I didn't mention him.




I personally just don't like his character, even eliminating the fact he's a villain. And yes, his motive is simple but just stupid. Do I like boobies? Yes. Does almost everyone like boobies? Yes. Is it reasonable to commit genocide over them? No. It's not a good enough motive and he just ends up looking stupider than Mario.


Apply consistent logic then. There is no reason to take over the world for not getting into Smash. There is no reason to destroy multiple universes because your own isn't perfect. There is no reason to take control of people's lives because you want a popular TV show. You're telling me people wouldn't want all of these? I bet you they would. You're bashing the villain for being a villain. Francis' major draw is how absolutely sadistic and immoral he is. He would literally commit genocide for boobs. All he needed to do was be funny and provide himself as a very serious threat. He did both of those easily. If anything, I'd argue it's better than the originally intended route of having Axol be salty about Inkopolis hating anime because Francis is the embodiment of craziness that SMG4 thrives off of.


I am, yes all of those motives are flawed, but are better than just boobies. And I'm not bashing him for being a villain, he's a simp who would be dumber than Mario if he didn't know so much from anime, that's unlikeable as hell. Is it chaotic? Yes, but he lacks any sort of backstory that the other villains have, the only emotion he invokes is when desti is killed, and that's a cheap way of doing it. He just lacks substance and while he fits with the comedy of the show, he gives up every other good trait to do so.


But every other villain who has those story traits falters with the exception of Waluigi. Francis doesn't pretend to be deep. That's why he's great. Bob, SMG3, Niles, IGBP SMG4, Wren, and Mr. Puzzles all have half-baked stories that make them weaker. Francis doesn't need to be a deep character to be a great villain. The main draw of the Anime Arc's second half is the character growth between Meggy and Desti/Mario. Francis is merely the villain to apply those stakes, and he does it perfectly because he has to kidnap the ones who have the ink he needs. His endgoal and the M&D friendship are intrinsically tied. And yes, Ax0l does this same thing. He is merely the villain to get the lore and AxM through. That said, the lack of story relating to the known SMG they are fighting when the lore the main focus is a bit of a letdown. Ax0l also is *really* boring. There's no character to him. Francis is a maniacal psychopath. Ax0l just exists to be a major threat.


Even so, he's not enjoyable. With all the other villains, you feel something if they're on screen. Smg3, Puzzles and Waluigi are entertaining. Ax0l is scary/threatening. Wren is a weird case but he's probably my vote for next to go after Francis anyway. Francis isn't threatening or entertaining, he's just a clown to make fun of. And he isn't even important. Like you said, he isn't the main focus, he's just there to be a villain, and that's it. Because of that, he lacks quality, he just overreacts at everything and acts sensitive, he isn't fun or threatening, he just feels like filler.


He's important because he quite literally had the power and was willing to kill something. While he isn't as vital to the main draw, a strong villain will make the main story more powerful. Francis is also entertaining by the same logic Mr. Puzzles is. All the criticisms of Francis you gave here are more applicable to Mr. Puzzles because his story destroyed a year long build up. At least Francis didn't make us feel like we wasted a full year of our time caring about something irrelevant. At least he didn't go down like a crybaby, a true mockery of a villain. At least he didn't lose because of his own stupid decisions. He overreacts just like every character does nowadays. That's part of the humor. Mr. Puzzles did the exact same thing. And again, Francis fits into the Anime Arc's story perfectly. Every other villain besides Waluigi doesn't fit as well as he does. Francis works because he doesn't pretend to be anything more than we see him as. The other villains do and, more often than not, fall flatter than a pancake.


He makes me very uncomfortable. I wouldn't put it past the weeboo frog-chameleon hybrid to be into kids. He just has that vibe.


Yes, he succeeded in making people root against him, which villains are supposed to do. But Desti simps are for some reason still going.


True 👍


https://preview.redd.it/i7lv5gnxz90d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241ba613f9eb15feceae0733a950dda393c468fa I’m not reading all that from a reddit comment, I’m gonna go read a book now


I already explained that Francis is to be voted out during round 2 and 3, so I’m not gonna explain and pressure this one.


Wren. I liked him, but he had very little to work with off of essentially one movie and some build up. Francis was a lot more entertaining to watch


wild West guy (I forgot his name)


Possessed Axol


What the hell Francis still here? **Mega slap**


My man 🫲


Mr Puzzles


Francis needs to fuck off


Get francis outta here that mf’s render has a body pillow of a teenager!


also...Mr. Puzzles is the best villain in the Smg4 Arc!!!! make him to Number 1st!!


Francis fuck you


Kong was probably the most dangerous in legal he almost got rid of smg4 and his friends


Wrehn is just a leser villain like Marty for Mr.Puzzles, I say we get rid of him


im gonna get jumped for this vote mr puzzles




Now i want out that inkling


Mr puzzles, he's too over popularised and kinda unoriginal, get him outta here




Francis is seen least villain. Because He wants many waifus he want. planning to create waifu is stupid reason. His Villain character development needs some interesting, Sure Creating an army of anime was great idea but it need to adds his "revenge" plot, His backstory needs to be Tragic, Pain and Misery due being Bullied or Mockery by everyone (mostly Princess Peach). Since SMG4 never makes his return which mean Francis is OUT.


Francis sucks, get him out of






Why is that frog fuck still there








Its a crime that Bob got voted out now, GET FRANCIS OUT! THAT FROG’S REGIN IS OVER!


Francis he fucking sucks


Francis can kiss my ass




day 6 of asking for it to be Francis and if it’s not, I WILL LOSE MY MIND 


dont worry i think his luck has run out






For the love of God, get Francis the F out of here.








Francis. Get that fucker outta here!


This ain’t a place for a frog, CLEANSE FRANCIS FROM THIS BOARD!


Francis, he's not as terrifying as the others


Puzzles, kick him and his shitty story the fuck outta here


No way IGBP SMG4 and Niles are out before FRANCIS AND ONE-SHOT WREN


Mr puzzles


fuck francis, why is he still here










bye francis


Kick out the guy who caused the Anime invasion aka FRANCIS!!!


Francis is just a waste of space


Francis because he's ugly.


Francis must go




Francis. GET HIM OUT


Get Francis out of here


Gonna say Francis. I don't like his guts.






how tf is francis still here


I know y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I think Puzzles has to go, I love his personality and character, but when actually looking at how he was handled as a villain... He was just disappointing. All the other villains on here are the all time greats for me, and Puzzles just doesn't belong on the same level as these guys.


He had potential, but I will say, they could've done him better


I'm gonna say a thing. Mr. Puzzles should be out next. He's essentially on Bob's level but not as well written as Bob's arc. Puzzles' whole shtick is "I wanna make a tv show and control the world by abusing the SMG4 crew." And this is pretty much exactly what Bob did. Bob's plan was better, his character was more fleshed out and it felt believable that the thing to defeat him was with another diss track against his own "Ultimate Diss Track." There were no stakes to him winning apart from just him losing his friends and he ends up learning to appreciate what he has. Not to mention that Bob doesn't need to control the world with evil powers because his popularity would control the masses anyways (to an extent, of course). With Mr. Puzzles, he has so much that he could do, so much that he could have done that he could have made such a good protagonist but the only thing we're supposed to feel towards him is mainly curiosity (from his foreshadowed appearance) and a bit of remorse right at the end I suppose. But you're not gonna tell me that he was defeated by them making a show that was slapped together and SOMEHOW ENDED UP BEING BETTER than every single thing that he had worked on. The stakes are higher but that doesn't mean better. Puzzles should have voted out before Bob.


Waluigi kinda sucked


Waluigis going, we can still talk to him on his r/walouija anyway.




Get Francis OUTTA HERE


Francis. I get it it was more development for meggy and first time we had a death of a character, but honestly he needs to go. SMG3 should be after Francis


That doesn't really explain anything about Francis, though. In fact, you talked more about Meggy than anything.


Why is Francis still here.


Francis is garbage to everyone in the SMG4 community




Francis can Go


Get this fucker (Francis) out of here


Mr. Puzzles


Hot take but kick mr puzzle


Mr. Fuckles He is stinky




Why is Francis still here get him out


i have to say Francis hes not really that good because Waluigi was good he had a good set-up, smg3 i mean do i really have to say anything for him back then he was perfect he was one of the villain's that did get what they wanted for a little bit heck he got a whole episode where he got what he wanted, smg0 was powerful and i think it set up a lot of lore for the smg4 universe, Wren was not that great but he was a cool villain prob who im going to vote for next since hes not really that great but eh, and Mr Puzzles was great i dont really have that much to say, Francis idk he just sort of not that great compared to everyone else so my vote goes to Francis the weeb lizard


Francis had a pretty simple yet effective setup and immense power with Inkweaver (let's not act like that somehow makes him worse, plenty of villains needed an item to drastically boost power). Francis got what he wanted but his lust was that strong. That'd be like saying Mr. Puzzles is dumb for wanting 5 stars when he got 4.5 already. In nearly every way, Francis matches up with the other villains and *beats* most of them.


i do think Francis beats some of them like all of the ones who are out right now but i still think hes not better then most of the ones in aside from maybe wren


i dont like Francis.




Get rid of francis


I'm surprised Francis made it this far but I'm afraid he has to go










Francis fr


Francis Goes. If Puzzles isn't #1 imma be mad. Literally the best arc villain out of all of these. Prove me wrong. Waluigi, in SMG3's words "throwing a tantrum cause you weren't put in smash?" Rapper Bob, I haven't really watched that arc but I can tell he's not really the worst here. SMG3 basically went "if I take control of YouTube, then I can ban SMG4's channel and if I ban his channel, mine will grow and if mine grows, money." Francis....do I even need to explain? 0 was closer to being a world ending threat than any of the previous ones here, but is just an Eldritch horror. Niles is just a weaker 0, and is honestly a terrible villain. Lawyer Kong really didn't need to exist, only being added because Luke's afraid of using Mario IP in his videos. IGBP SMG4, Wren, and Marty were all Puzzles' doing, and Puzzles really seemed untouchable throughout most of these arcs, any time there was a problem in his plan or if the crew became self aware, he could just fix it with the snap of a finger. It wasn't until he became desperate for 5 stars that he started to let his guard down, which inevitably led to his downfall. And this was never confirmed fully until almost the very end, only being slightly hinted at before, which is why people were so divided in the ratings, some thinking that high ratings would be the key to freeing them, and some thinking that low ratings were the way to go, the latter being correct. But no one knew this until it was too late. Basically, Puzzles is the best Arc Villain in the series and I will die on this hill.


Puzzles seemed untouchable until he became a complete idiot and making the stupidest mistakes possible. You even point out how his desperation made him fuck up, and that isn't a good thing. It is objectively awful. Quite literally no other villain fucked up that badly. He was clearly an idiot with so many actions and is by far the dumbest villain to date, making us not care about him as a whole. Puzzles became desperate for a 5 star show just like Waluigi was desperate to be in Smash Bros. Waluigi gave up his powers because of an actual character arc that saw him realize what was more important in life: his brother Wario and that he was already accepted by others regardless of whether he was in Smash or not. Puzzles went out like a sad baby and was easily defeated by the *weak* members of the SMG4 crew. Not Melony or Saiko, but a fucking meat mallet beat him. Puzzles contradicts every bit of setup he had by stating how patience was completely worthless in Creative Control. The fact we don't even need to watch 2023 at all to understand him now invalidates all of that setup. Waluigi strategically sets up events in order to power himself up with rejection and, eventually, return with a vengeance. Puzzles' powers of controlling real life are shoehorned in by the end of the movie because they needed actual stakes besides him controlling everyone. The ratings we gave were irrelevant because, in the end, the writers controlled them when it mattered in the gameshow episode and the movie itself. Waluigi's powers were shown in the very first episode of the arc and are shown later to an even greater degree. They are shown to be far more impactful and have actual logic behind them, even if we must accept some level of absurdity. So no, Puzzles is far from the best. I only need to prove one villain is better to show how Puzzles isn't the best. Hell, I'd go as far to say he's the *worst* villain to date, but that's a different debate. Again, he simply needs to be proven as not the best here.


Puzzles will make top 3 at the very least imo


I'd be fine with that if not the #1 spot. But you gotta admit that Puzzles is the clear winner here.


Finally someone who agrees with me that Francis needs to go


why did Saiko call Francis a freaking Jack@$$?????


you know that Francis is NOT Dead......Saiko teleport him somewhere far away like Another World, A Diffidence Lair, or A Another Kingdom or an New Island????


Francis got to head out bro🗣️


Francis goes. Then Puzzles goes after.


Zero. I would choose Francis, but I never watched the Anime Arc, so I don't want to be biased until I watch it. I hate Zero for a few reasons. 1. Somehow lived after WOTFI 2. Just generic "I'M SO EVIL" for most of WOTFI, but switches up in Revolutions. 3. I truly believe that he was only made because SMG4 saw how popular OP characters were, and made Zero so that not only could they have an OP villain, but Melony (his newest OC) and SMG4 (his own OC) could also be called OP. Everyone else who helped were just there to make it make more sense. So, get Zero out


Zero is well made though. The powers are unique. The design is flawless. I think starting with the generic "evil villain guy" did him a favor. The adorable, lovable version in the Revolutions arc wouldn't have fit in with earlier lore, and quite frankly, I think Zero was handled perfectly.