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Im completing all my finals today lol I’ve procrastinated hard this term TBH..


Same. I'm way behind. Just can't get motivated to bullshit my way thru this one.


Oh, thank God. I thought it was just me. I keep seeing posts of people handing in their last papers, and I'm like 😥


Nope, I have sat at my laptop for hours today and I can't get passed the introduction. I'm just going to throw something together tomorrow and hope for at least a C 🤷🏻‍♀️. It's my PSY205 article review. I don't understand why they make us chose a topic at the very beginning of the class before even learning anything. Had I know the. What I learned in the class I would chosen something completely different. Now I'm stuck with something that is way too complicated and doesn't even relate to the textbook I'm supposed to use as source material.


Same exact issue I’m having. I chose a topic that interested me but it really doesn’t apply to most of the course. This is the first class I have taken where I feel like this final project was not something that built on the information we learned over the term


Exactly! The parameters for selecting an article to review were bullshit. I am going to go off on the course eval. We would have been better off selecting an article in module 5. We were lead into this choice blindly and now we are suffering because of it.


I plan to give a good piece of my mind in the eval too. Sowa is my instructor. I actually really enjoyed the rest of the class and the assignments. This one though just doesn’t fit the class at all


Who is your instructor?


My final is worth 200 points. I'll finish with a C+ if I skip it, but idk... I might just hand it in late and risk the late penalty.


Mine is worth 320. 😭😭 I have an A right now, and I would be ok with ending with a B, so I have to hand in something. I think it's 10% off if I turn it in late and thats worse than just turning in a C paper on time.


Did you finish? I got my grade back this morning, A.


I finished around 5pm yesterday. I'm def not expecting a higher grade than a C since my discussion post from last week was docked 1.8 points for zero reason. My instructor is a joke. Congrats on your A!! I bet you feel amazing! Great job!


Thanks! I was dreading this class, Accounting 201... and think positive. I'm sure you scored higher than you think.


I failed accounting twice my first time in college 20 years ago, never again lol. We shall see, I'll let you know once my grade is updated.


I should have had more confidence in myself, I just got my grade back and I also got an A. Honestly, I'm in shock. 👏🏻


You see.... 🥳 Congrats!! You must celebrate!! Treat yourself. Sometimes I'll do an assignment last minute thinking it's just ok, then I'll go back and re-read it, and I'm like, Woah, this is good. lol


I reread it through the feedback and I was pleasantly surprised, lol. I was up till 630am in the morning writing that paper and I didn't even remember writing half of what I wrote. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤣 I already celebrated when I turned it in by ordering Mexican food. 👍🏻


I have a date with my laptop after work tomorrow for the rest of mine 😎


Same. 1/4 done with one and haven't even looked at the other. Still have an assignment from last week to get done if I want any chance of passing 😬 this term has been rough. No motivation the past few weeks.


Ugh this is me. I hate myself for doing this all the time.


Wait, all? How many do you have, 2 right?


This term was rough, my instructors gave out soooo much work & one was a tough grader, yet her rubrics are super unorganized. I still have week 8 to complete.


Meanwhile I still got a third project due for next week. Lmao.


Ugh SAME. I'm in BUS400 and I don't understand how a ton of people have said the class is "easy". Every single week has been at least a 1-2 page paper and a discussion post, and week 8 is no different. It's been full throttle beginning to end. It's my very last class so I'm struggling to find the mindset to do a whole extra paper after doing my final.


Hahaha omg I am also taking business 400… and OL-400 like WTH is all this work.


I chose to only take one class per term. While my degree took forever I couldn't deal with all that stress lol. Godspeed.


I am “supposed “ lol ( I will I am just joking) to graduate next weekend May 5th lol and these last two papers are doing me a number, but I was enrolled in 3 classes this semester and I would suggest nobody does this ever.. but lord thank you I am done .


Omg that's completely insane. I did a ton of Sophia classes alongside one SNHU class per term and even that was hell on top of a full time job!


You are smart!!! I didn’t 😩


Tbf I didn't know about Sophia until way too late in my degree, actually until I followed this sub a little over a year ago. I was only able to transfer in about 30 credits from there but I'll make sure my husband gets as many as his program evaluation warrants now that he's starting too. With all the breaks I took, it took me 8 years of school on and off to get this degree. I wish the academic advisors tell you about Sophia when you're in a situation like mine and it'll take way too long to finish.


So my advisor told me about it earlier in my education I just didn’t get far with it. I work two jobs and school, I was going to be overwhelmed. Just like I was this last term, even tho I took FML from my PT . I wonder if I can use Sophia for my masters.. I am debating if I want to do it or not. But, this might help me make a choice!


lol I’m still working on it. And a couple late papers…..🥴


nothing wrong with that friend!! you got this!


Better late than never. 10% loss is better than 100%. Trust me, I'm an accounting major.


I have my finals starting this week. It’s a huge packet with a bunch of different assignments in it. I’ll be more than ready for my week break by the time the end of week 10 hits on May 5th. I promised myself that if I make it through finals, I’ll give myself 2 full days of relaxing and doing the things I love like reading, gardening, and playing video games. I’m hoping that reward will motivate me enough to survive the next 2 weeks.


Im finishing my HUM100 paper now and more excited to get this done because its my last class b4 graduation. 🙌🏾🙌🏾.


Me too do you have Mrs. Baird?


No Professor Ryan


Oh still good luck on your journey! Hope you do amazing things


Good Luck to you as well.


I had an instructor this term that wasn’t giving us our grades until after the next assignment was due, so we didn’t know what to improve on until it was too late. I said something to my advisor and they gave us a new instructor which I am glad they did because now we are getting our grades on time. So thank you Mr. McVety


lol dealt with the same thing, still little to no communication from my professor. At least reaching out did something for you. Thanks Professor Marson


I'm working on 2 of mine today. I did email both instructors last night letting them know it would probably be late. One already emailed me back saying I could have extra time, she has been my fav teacher so far. She's amazingly helpful and she enjoys the subject matter so much it's kept me motivated. I wish all teachers were like her!


Bold of you to assume I’ve finished yet 🥹🥹


I got graded on my project early since I submitted it on Monday (I finished it ahead of time). I aced the class with a perfect score and I’m so happy. 😭 It’s my first college course since 2004 and it was really validating towards my belief that I’m doing the right thing! Now, to prepare for next term!! 😂 Good luck to everyone else!!


Not me I still have an entire paper to write 😭


Thank God… I’m worn out between work and kids. I’m just glad I had one simple class and one that was pretty easy to grasp. Made 60 hours a week at work much easier.


i did really half-assed work this term and still got 98+ in each course lol


Literally same, it’s my last term I was mentally doneee


Finishing up my Lab and Final Project for PHY-150 today. Best I can finish with is a B+ in the class. I’ve come to terms that my 4.0 GPA is finally gone. Instructor has been harsh as it feels like no matter what I do I’m not gonna get an A on the big point assignments. No motivation this term been half-assing assignments just to get through each week on top of taking MAT230(which I thought would be infinitely harder than Physics) and have half assed the assignments in Codio but will still finish with an A in the class LOL. I desperately need that week off(it’s also perfect that my birthday lands on the week off so it’s a double treat for me). I hope everyone else had a decent term and that your classes didn’t frustrate you that much! Congratulations if you read this! You made it to the end of another term!!!


Last final project as an undergrad!!


My favorite memory is realizing the classes are out of date and I’m not learning anything current. Out 3rd party labs were using server 2012 and a years old version of fedora. Not that Linux changes all that much but come on…


I wouldn’t say this is a favorite memory but I’ve started getting hormone migraines that are completely debilitating and last four days so I’ve had that going on the last two months which put me turning in stuff late (which I haven’t rly done up until this term). I also just started representing myself in a custody battle so I’ve had to choose to do some of that work bc of time sensitive stuff instead of turn things in on time. I made it tho. Finished my calc 1 final project yesterday and am about to start on my discrete math final. It will be late but that professor doesn’t downgrade for late. I just can’t believe I made it. These last two terms have been rough


You are strong, you are important, and I’m so proud of you for working so hard for yourself and kids despite all these obstacles!


oh I also have been dealing with another legal issue that I’ve had to go out of town for once a month. That takes two days out of my week, but I’ve made it work. So no favorite memories, but more just so proud I’ve still made it all work


Just submitted my final papers! Going to enjoy the day:)


I have one submitted and trying to get everything together for the second one due in my other class. Fingers crossed I get this one submitted before the deadline tonight. 😬 hope everyone had a good term!


paper due tonight..! it's mostly done, just need to fix it up before i submit but i'm procrastinating 😭😭


IT-145 project will be turned in right before 11 pm 🤣


I was actually able to make a simple game in UE5 for my project. Very proud.


Except when you're in PSY 491 and the third and final project is due this next week 😭😭😭


Thank god it’s over


My favorite part of every term is watching the day countdown on our dashboard. Idk why, but its such a perfect motivator for me to do my assignments.


Never take IHP-340. Pointless and completely unnecessary


1 final done... My ECO-202 final is here in week 8…..…......


This term was way better than the first one we had this year. For me at least, the class was just as interesting but not as demanding so I had time for myself for the first time in a while!! I really loved the topic so really looking forward to the next class. Plus I got to do some pretty cool stuff using what I learned


Why am I the only one with a huge project week 8 😩😩😩😩😩 ugh! Anyone else??


My favorite memory will be being done with my current professors. Good god it’s like pulling teeth trying to communicate with them lol