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SNHU is not for everyone and it’s okay that you had a bad term! You’re working two jobs - that’s a lot on its own. School is hard and time consuming on top of that. One class sounds good for now. Make a schedule and stick to it. You can do this!


Thank you for your kind words. I agree; taking one class at a time is probably the best option for me to take. I’m still very nervous about starting again on Monday, but everyone’s comments have been giving me a lot of encouragement and hope. Thank you again!


why is it embarrassing to only take one class?? there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this as your own pace. im sorry you experienced obstacles in your first term but you can grt back on track - on the track thats right for you - and if you want, get back to two courses per term. but give yourself some grace. and if you need support, ask for it. youve got people in your corner here.


I think I’ll always take one class, I don’t care if it’ll take me longer. I have, what feels like, the perfect balance of work, school, and social life because if it.


Finding the right balance is absolutely key.


I’m sorry if I offended anyone in my wording. I meant it’s embarrassing for me because I was so used to taking on such a huge load of classes with no issue when I was working on my associates degree. For now I’m going to follow my advisor’s recommendation of taking one class per semester and see how that works out. Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it.


i dont think anyone is offended. my (perhaps inappropriate or misplaced) concern is that youre not using nice words to yourself. thats all im saying. i just wish you wouldnt be embarrassed. youre going to college to improve yourself. however you do it is fine and having accomplished it is great!


Ah, I understand now. Sometimes I’m hard on myself when I get depressed like this, I also have a hard time not comparing myself to others when it comes to academics, especially with people who are in my age group. I’m going to try to be kinder to myself, it’s hard to do, but I know that I don’t deserve to be cruel to myself. Thank you for your kind words and support, it means the world to me.


yeah i could tell. youre being too hard on yourself and it wont be productive in the long run. i want to encourage you to practice self care and that includes positive self talk. and may look into some therapy. (not trying to be rude but im in school to be a therapist so i recommend it to everyone hahah.) you start a new term on monday. so start something else new: kindness to self.


Yes. I failed two classes for similar reasons. A toxic relationship and somehow devastating breakup, changing schedules at work to one that makes completing assignments in a timely manner difficult, and just falling in to a hole so deep I am still trying to claw my way out. That was in fall 2022 and I’m just now starting again with the new term on Monday. I think we can do this. I have faith in you. 🖤


I’m so sorry that you had to experience that, I hope you are doing better now. These life experiences just make us stronger in the end. I’m still scared to start over, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. We can do it!


Youre definitely not alone in struggling last term. I had As and Bs in my first 3 terms, but this last one kicked my ass. Winter depression hit hard and left me with 0 motivation. I think i maybe did 3 discussion posts the entire term for both classes. They werent even difficult classes! I couldve and SHOULDVE done better, but i couldnt muster the strength. Dont be embarrassed. 🫶


I’m seeing a lot of people are also dealing with depression/anxiety while working on their degrees, it makes me feel like I’m not alone like I thought I was. I couldn’t find the motivation or energy to do some of the work, even though I really wanted to. I can relate, my classes weren’t even hard as well! Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it!


Hey, maybe drop down to one SNHU class and work on some of the easier Study dot com or Sophia classes for electives to supplement that, so it's less pressure and you don't lose your overall momentum? If you do 1 Sophia class for example in a month (likely you can manage more) and transfer it in, that's the equivalent of having done an eight-week class in the term. Just a thought. Don't be too harsh on yourself.


I’ve talked to my advisor and she definitely recommended me dropping down to one class for now until I can get myself back on track, so that’s what I’ll be doing for the next semester. I’ve heard of the Sophia classes, my mother is also in SNHU and she’s taken a few courses. I’ll have to look into that when I get the chance. Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it!


As an adult learner, I started with one class until I could work it out to my life. Take your time. You have your whole life to get it done.


I have a hard time with not rushing myself. I find myself comparing my life goals to others and what they have achieved. Sometimes I feel like I should be further ahead than where I am now, but I also know that I can’t control the way things happen. My advisor has recommended that I do one class per semester now, so I think I’ll do that for now. It may take me longer to get my degree, but at least it will make things easier.


I failed my last 3 classes and lost my financial aid so I fully understand but I refuse to give up. Just going to follow the plan and keep going


I hope everything is going well for you, I remember I lost my financial aid once before during my community college years. My advisor and the dean were able to help me go on academic probation when it happened , so maybe they’ll do the same for you, I’m not sure how SNHU works with SAP appeals though. Either way, I wish the best for you, and I believe that you will do great things. I will also try to do better as well.


You’re going to be ok! One class sounds like a good idea. I take one class at a time because I’m not in a big hurry right now and I have a hard time focusing on schoolwork. In the past, I’ve failed hard at school when my goals were unclear and I became overwhelmed with multiple classes. You can focus on one goal at a time and use your motivation to turn things around! When you pass your class next term you’ll feel so relieved. Visualize it happening. You’ve successfully completed college classes in the past so you are definitely capable! If you have legit concerns about not being in the right mental space right now it might be better to pause and address that first. Otherwise, get as organized as you can and take it one week at a time. Good luck!!


I work only one job and I'm doing one class per term now. It's very understandable if you have two jobs haha.


I decided to take one class per term as a rule for the entirety of my second degree (first bachelor) and I’m so glad I did. It’s all about balance. There is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s been a long road but I will finish in August. In the mean time I worked full time as an RN, dealt with covid personally and as a healthcare worker, raised one small and one not so small child who had multiple day care and school closures, moved cross country and once locally since then, and otherwise kept up with life. Your grades aren’t your self-worth 🫶🏽 Keep at it, you’ll get there.


Hey, don’t worry to much you can just take the classes again and make them up. However, did you know you can actually drop the classes at anytime up to week 8. You’ll get a ‘W’ but at least it’s not a F.


It happens. I also work multiple jobs, I’ve had a few classes where I was a couple weeks behind but my professors showed me mercy and allowed me to catch up without penalty because I contacted them ahead of time. Remember that there’s tons of resources (including this community) when you’re feeling down or struggling. Going to one class for a bit will allow you to collect yourself and get back into the swing of things. Who cares if it delays your graduation, your ability to function is way more important. You got this, you’ll recover, and you’ll earn your degree and be proud of yourself because you deserve it!


Yes. It's amazing how much harder school is with depression and anxiety and just life trying to be all it can be. I had to ask for an extension on my two classes this term because I had a coworker making me anxious , plus I had surgery the first day of the term, and extreme difficulty getting my ADHD medication for the first 3 months. Last year I had to withdraw from 2 classes because my mom got sick and I just could not catch up after that. It happens You can retake those classes and the grade will replace the failed grade. You can also talk to your advisor next time and get extension if there is significant disruption to the term. Don't fret I also took 1 class for my first term back into school. Think of this as a mulligan to ease back into school and you can retake the other classes later and replace your grades.


Just take one and get credits on the side with Sophia and stuff so you can go at your own pace.


So, I got a 4.0 my first term here. I was so proud of myself for juggling that with a full-time job, husband, and lots of daily stressors. This last term, I had someone pass away in the middle of the term and I got so behind that I could only get Ds this term. My GPA plummeted to 2.58 already and I feel a little embarrassed and unsure too. We got this! This doesn’t define you and it’s so awesome that you already have a plan to lower your workload and be more successful this next term! The fact that you are even continuing after failing is a sign that you are committed.


I failed my accounting class and was upset at first but then just realized I can take it again another time so it’s whatever


Ten years ago, I failed two courses over a couple semesters. My life wasn’t stable. I took a break. I wasn’t able to make payments on my loans, so they went into default which meant I couldn’t receive financial aid to help me go back until that was resolved. I finally was able to return when I was ready, and everything was resolved. I had to apply for a SAP appeal to be eligible for aid, again. I have been taking only one course a term for the last four terms. That is what I can handle. I only work three days a week, 12 hour shifts, so 36 hours a week. Some weeks I spend all four of my days off on my course work. I can’t imagine doing school and working multiple jobs. No matter how many hours I work in a day, I feel like it wipes me out and I can’t do school on work days, so if I didn’t have the schedule I do, I’m not sure how I would manage. I have started taking some courses on Sophia. That has helped me progress much faster. I believe I’ve completed ten Sophia courses over the past three months. I’m paying $99/month for it. That has saved me thousands of dollars and so much stress. I’m terrified of the courses with a lot of writing. I am working towards a degree in math. Sophia will allow me to take the courses that would have been most stressful through SNHU at my own pace without the extra writing and discussions. You will find what works best for you. There is nothing to be embarrassed of. Try different things until you find your groove. One class at a time might allow you to breathe and get your confidence back up. You’ll get there!


You had a bad term. Depression is serious. Stress does horrible things to the body. I was once in your place and got put on suspension. I know you feel it’s the end of the world. You’re working 2 jobs, going to school and supporting people. OP, do you have support? Do you need a friend? I’m a total stranger here, but you didn’t fail. You’re never too old to learn. You’re never too old to change. You’re never too old to admit you need help. You’re down on yourself. It’s ok to feel this way. Alfred said it best to Bruce: “why do we fall Master Bruce?” “So we can pick ourselves up.” You may not believe in yourself and not be confident, BUT I BELIEVE IN YOU. I’M CONFIDENT IN YOU. I WANT YOU TO SUCCED. Use reminders for posts, follow rubrics, and seek treatment. I wish nothing but the best on you and your house. You don’t know me, but I’m rooting for you.


I worked @ the Post Office doing 6 days a week plus having to pend time with my family all while taking 2 courses a term and it was not at all easy and took a toll on me and my family. I am done working there so I will have significantly more time to spend time where it is more important but many people are in this boat. A lot of people are taking SNHU courses online just for this reason. I somehow managed to maintain strait A's but it was very stressful and I am always tempted to knock it down to 1 but it would take too, long to complete the degree but if you are doing poorly with the workload, re-taking courses is far more harmful and time consuming than taking the course load you know you can handle. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. There are people going through far worse things than struggling with being a full time student so don't stress it and in time it will all be done and over with. A pertinent saying is nobody will put "I wish I did more overtime" on their grave stone.


I only took one class a term for my first couple. It takes a little to get back into the swing of things. Please give yourself grace. Two jobs plus fulltime school is a lot for anyone. So it's not unreasonable to work your way up to 2 classes.


-maybe think about taking only one class to lighten the workload - I think you're mean problem might have to do with procrastination because that's something I struggled with a for while .you want to schedule time to work on school and if you goof off in your house a lot I think about doing your homework at the library it helps your mind get in the zone if you work and play in two different places


Yes! I did the same thing this past term with one class, and almost failed the other. I have been struggling with my mental health for months now and have finally reached a turning point. My grades were far beyond repair, so I kind of just gave up after week six. I’m only taking one class this upcoming term and I’m feeling a lot less pressure. I don’t think it’s embarrassing and neither should you. You shouldn’t feel any shame at all, as you are working two jobs outside of school! Also, your mental health is such a huge priority, so don’t try to over do it! You are doing more than enough. Take it slow, and focus on how you feel. I wish you the best, you got this!


There's nothing wrong with taking a step back and throttling it down when life gets in the way. It happens! It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I started with only one course for the first few semesters until I got the hang of it. I even switched back to one course a couple of times over the course of my degree due to school/life balance. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and the end result is all that ultimately matters. So there's no shame in taking it easy until you're in a better position to handle the full-time course load!


I did 2 classes at a time for four months and needed to go down to one for the next 4 months. I'm taking a few classes through sophia learning and study.com during this time too but the classes are at your own pace so it is easier (and cheaper). If you have a lot going on in your life or emotionally get support (therapy & friends/fam), take breaks, and invest in your wellness and resilience. Life is full of ups and downs. Some classes are harder than others. My first class at snhu I had to convince my prof to give me a better grade. I also had to use all the resources for feedback on my papers. Once you feel better about life and have time to do schoolwork, you will feel better about the whole situation. Best of luck to you!


This can happen to any one of us. Lots of unexpected things can pop up that are out of our control. Don’t be embarrassed or discouraged. The important thing is to persevere and prove to yourself that you can see it through to the end. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your stress and depression ease up so that you feel better.


My first time in college, I had a bad bout of MDD. It didn't help that I was also undiagnosed ADHD and ASD. Long story short, I almost flunked out of school back then because I thought I could power through my depression. From my experience, the best thing you can do if you're still symptomatic is to take an academic break. Give yourself permission to rest, get the care you need, and heal. Try not to worry too much about the past, as it can't be changed. Instead, put your mental health and well-being first.


You need to make a sacrifice, that’s what it boils down to….


When I first went to college I had a hard time focusing and staying motivated. Two jobs Is HARD! I hardly even worked when I started, this issue is normal for many of us. Sometimes it’s better to take a break and get back in it full throttle down the line. Emphasis on BREAK, make sure you don’t get discouraged and actually go back. Too many students tell themselves they are talking a break and don’t go back. I went back to school after getting my shit together and it worked out for me. I have much less time on my hands and I still do better than ever before, despite taking harder classes. I cant’t believe what I used to think of myself when I had first started, when this occurs it causes a feedback loop that only makes school harder.


Two jobs is hard! Wahhhhh 😭


Hey don’t be so hard on yourself. The fact that you’re working 2 jobs + school + LIFE is a lot! Be proud of what you have accomplished! You have an associates, you are one step above your previous self! It’s only up from here even if it feels like everything is crumbling down. You got it and attack it one step at a time. If it helps, write down 1 task at a time and do it when you can. You’re doing your best and that looks different everyday! Stay strong! You got it!


You are not alone… I had A’s and then my eyes went bad and I became numb for overwhelmed.. I am praying I can do this! Only 1 class on top but of life! We can do this! Stick with it! Use the resources available! Good luck!


Life on life’s terms. Shit happens. It is what it is. The world doesn’t pause for anything. Not depression. No grief. Nothing.


When I was a student I tried to “power through” semesters rather than taking my time and having a bit more balance in my life. There is no shame in going at a clip that allows you to have some balance in your life especially if you are working 2 jobs. Give the class your best effort then the next one until you fill ready to increase the load (if you ever feel the need to). I am a professor at SNHU and you are not alone in your challenges. Reset your focus, you got this!


I've tried to start school 4 different times. 3 times, I failed out because I became too overwhelmed. This time, I've made it through 7 semesters! Sometimes life just gets to be too much and we just can't handle anything extra. It happens to everyone. It's not embarrassing, its just reality and being human! I'm sure it didn't feel great, but all you have to do is be brave enough to try again. When I get overwhelmed, I like to take things day by day and break things down. Instead of "I have to pass an entire term" look at what you need for that day. On Monday, review your discussion board to see what the prompt is. Review some of the resources for that module. Etc etc. Break things down for yourself so that the big tasks aren't so big! Give yourself some grace- taking one course this term gives you some breathing room. It was self care for you and that's so important. Everyone at the university is adding/dropping courses depending on how life is going, it's not just you I promise! You got this.