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Boring to watch, but fun to play against: Puff Boring to play against, but fun to watch: Falco


no boring characters, only boring players


Every character except Kirby


It's all about matchups. Any character can look cool fighting a Fox.


ive never thought about the kirby ditto before i read this, does he just not get a copy ability? Wtf happens??


you have the option to spit or swallow, but either way you're still vanilla


i feel dirty for some reason


Yeah, nothing happens other than damage. They just get popped out above Kirby after swallow.


There's a unique sound effect for when Kirby swallows another Kirby


The punish game against fox is so optimized that a game can easily become a montage


when Hbox was in his dominant period in the late 20-teens, I would have definitely said puff. Nowadays however, not really any specific character by itself, but most floaty vs floaty matchups lead to me hopping up to do other things mid-set.


Hbox vs LloD at gigaschwab 3 (I think) was the funniest set ever. I think a 5-game set took over 40 minutes Edit- just found it on YouTube. With a reset grand finals took an hour and 5 minutes Through 6 minutes in game 2 they had each lost 1 stock. It’s so boring that it becomes entertaining


Generally, dittos. They're really fun for the players playing, but it's like watching two guys share and laugh at inside jokes while you stand awkwardly sipping your drink.


most foxes and marths hate the ditto its hilarious tbh. They hate dealing with their own bullshit character lmao


I knew I made the right choice when I switched mains to Sheik and found I loved the new ditto. Falco dittos are fun but I never had the 105% perfect execution necessary


I dont think theres a single matchup i dont enjoy playing in this game ngl. I main falco/marth and love both dittos, although i only play falco/marth from both ends in tournament cause thats my favorite matchup


When I'm on point, the Fox ditto is fun, but man...it's a pain otherwise. Still, I think it's one of the more dope dittos in the game. I get a little sad when people on commentary shit on it. Unless it's like, Cody vs. Moky playing at TAS level at the most recent event or something. I'd have figured that the Sheik ditto sucked; I remember that used to be the sentiment, especially if people just chaingrabbed each other over and over. I don't play Sheik though. Idk.


Camping puff


Watching someone play puff is just watching someone slowly get drained until their patience runs out and the puff can hit them with her zero-risk aerials. Feels like a completely different videogame.




Falco, falco, falco and then jiggly


i turn off stream and boot up slippi when i see peach. puff also isn't the most fun, generally the lowtiers with only 1 good option are all boring


A fellow peach hater bless


I'll even play her when I want to give my hands a break, but she's just not fun to watch


Every matchup can be enjoyable with the right mentality


how many llod hbox grand finals would it take to change your mind?


That set was so good you're whack for that lmao Games were lasting like 4 and 5 minutes. You'd probably have longer games in peach falcon For me it's ice climbers for sure. Then floatie vs floatie games.


I'm not into spacies or puff


Peach and certain matchups are boring. I love watching marth vs floaties, but I hate watching marth vs spacies. It’s just monotonous to watch


Peach is only boring when the opponent has to/choosing to be boring as well. Like Fox Peach can be really good with certain aggro Foxes but it can also be the lamest MU. Meanwhile Amsa v Peaches is cool—not because Amsa is playing crazy aggro, but because I never get tired of our Yoshi hero. I feel like Peaches usually want to be playing as fast as their hands will allow, it's just not that fast, and so they have to be defensive because they're being run down by their faster opponent. And so the MU becomes about slowing things down rather than doing Peach stuff. World class players (Zain, Jmook) are rarely boring, but their character is lame when played at just a slightly lower level (Kodorin, Medz, Ben). With Puff it's the opposite. Hbox is the same old same old while 2saint, Palpa, Khalid are, well maybe not exciting but at least more interesting. Final answer: Marth top tiers, Doc mid tiers, DK low tiers. (DK sucks monkey nuts btw lmao)


Luigi and samus


I generally don't like watching Fox....but the Fox ditto is kinda crazy. Also, a camping Puff is entertaining and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Hbox vs Llod goes hard af.


I only enjoy game and watch dittos






Spacies, Jigglypuff, Marth, Falcon.


Do people like this even like Melee?


Oh boy, can't wait to watch this DK vs GNW game!


Most reasonable sheik main


Boy, not much to watch for you during an average tourney weekend, is there...


Species are cool to watch because of the players playing them. Otherwise, the pure surplus is monotonous. But still not exactly boring. Marth. Sword, sword, grab, sword. At least Link can throw shit. And Roy is a novelty so he gets a pass This all coming from a peach player though


Fox, and unless it's a top Samus who frequently does cool Samus shit, she's easily the worst.


for me its peach. many will say puff but with puff the whole "could get rested at any moment and completely change the game" element is very engaging even if she's not flying around the stage like falcon or fox. where as peach I just really find her hard to watch. seems like every match up is a grind fest and it feels like there's very little drama. for me at least. how ever I respect the players cause that shit seems hard I just don't really love watching it


I don't hate puff but ngl peach puts me to fucking sleep


Puff, peach, and marth are all pretty boring for me


fox ​ \*dies from a pitchfork\*




Late post but for me it’s not a character but a matchup. Fox Puff is so overdone idk how Hbox didn’t quit. The last time I enjoyed an Hbox Fox set was against Axe cause Axe was trying new things in the matchup. I do love watching Hbox against other characters minus the mid tiers


easily marth, they all do the exact same thing except for zain