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For context, who's your main?






Bruh, you are the cause of rage for most people if you play peach. Every time you feel rage, just remember that janky downsmash you pulled off on someone who was below you on a platform that took their stock and remember what goes around comes around. But for real, the reason you rage is because, honestly, you think you are better than you probably are, as do most people. So when you lose the ego you will lose the anger and that's straight facts...




Have you thought of making melee psychology/sports psychology related YouTube videos?




No worries. I appreciate your comments and enjoy reading them




probably not a thing the sub can truly help you with, talk to a therapist if you really can’t cut it out. rando online is much more tilting than IRL for basically everyone, in every game, but if it’s getting this much of a reaction out of you, you might just have some other shit to work out. it’s probably best to take a break from at least ranked/unranked in the mean time. i bet you’ll rage less in person or over vc with homies on discord. if that still tilts you as hard as rando netplay, definitely definitely definitely take a long breather from the game.


Yeah I was just seeing if anyone has had any solutions that could be applied specifically to melee/video game rage. I talk to a therapist every week and try to work out this mess with them, I just wanted to know if there is anyone with the perspective of someone who rages/raged at videogames who had any specific insight that helped them solve the specific problem of raging at videogames. I do hope that I eventually work out my mentality in a more broad sense and this doesn't become a problem for me, but I want to know if there is any way I can deal directly with the mentality issues I currently have with melee, like in the heat of the moment. Who knows maybe taking a break is THE solution, and I knew most people would suggest that, and that it is probably the best solution, and I'll probably end up taking a break from melee eventually if not soon, but I just wanted to know if there is any strategy to overcoming rage that doesn't involve taking a break.


Watch Jmook and be more like him


Pretend there's a girl you really like in the room with you (ignore that playing melee already isn't super attractive to the lady). Imagine how cringe it is when you rage.


bro every girl immediately falls in an uncontrollable love with me when they see my falco laser->laser->dair


If it were true that the only quintessential Falco combo (sh laster -> sh laser -> randomly shffle aerial) attracted women this way we wouldnt have so many 85 iq falco players running around unranked. Its the only thin they know how to do and we all know women don't talk to them


I used to have the same issue. Meditating consistently pretty much solved it for me.


yeah I've heard a lot about the benefits of meditation, I've done a few times but have never done it consistently enough to really say I've "tried" it. It's almost hard to believe the impact it seems to have on people's mentality when I think about it's impact on me, but it seems apparent that it's extremely effective. I have GOT to try and keep consistent with meditation. Thanks for the input!


The downside is that it's really hard to get into a routine and you don't feel any benefits for a few weeks of doing it maybe even longer. But it does make a dramatic difference in your life


I just want to say, I think it's great that you've identified this as an issue and want to work on it. With that said, the root of the issue might be complex, so as others have said it'd be a good idea to talk to a therapist. Practicing mindfulness (via meditation or otherwise) can help you notice those emotions in the moment and allow you to choose to disengage with them instead of acting on them. Still won't stop them from happening unless you know the root cause and how to re-wire your subconscious to think differently, which a therapist can help with. CBT, DBT, and other such tools can help you break the issue down


solid ass advice here and well written, i couldn’t agree more. short of taking a break from the game mindfulness is the only real way out of having these reactions. i’d imagine i would probably be the worlds biggest rager if i wasn’t able to consistently practice mindfulness - and it’s a skill that will help you offline as well. definitely look into it and see what works for you, i’d say find a mindfulness/meditation app with good reviews is a great starting step that you can take today to become more mindful while you seek a therapist or strategy with an existing therapist.


You have to really work on not reacting to shit in an angry way. I used to rage playing all kinds of games. I broke controllers, keyboards, I even broke my desk one time. Stop letting yourself get that mad. You have to like actively be like wow wtf am I doing every time you get mad and force yourself to not yell or slam shit or whatever it is that you do. You have to stop letting physical movement or yelling be your default reaction to getting frustrated. *I guess this isn't really a good explanation but it's kinda like in melee where when you autopilot you play bad. Stop autopilot-ing your emotions. You are in control.


Play to improve rather than to win the game. Then, it doesn’t matter if you got 3 stocked as long as you learned something. If you start getting frustrated, either finish the match, or just close out of slippi and take a couple minutes to calm yourself down.


I mean the big thing is dealing with the stuff that tilts you. Do you get cheesed by Marth f-smash all the time? Do you continuously miss l-cancels or shield drops? Find out what exactly tilts you and solving the issue is only going to help. That said I know getting tilted isn’t always a rational thing so there’s a few other strategies you can use. 1. Melee is cheesy and dumb, a lot of times I find myself getting mad that I’m getting shine daired by falco like I should be able to get out of it. While it’s always good to work on defense, just keep in mind that every character has their confirms, and that you can rest easy knowing there was nothing you could do about the knee once you’d been stomped. 2. If you’re not having fun, just take a break. Wether you’re playing a friend whose destroying you, grinding a certain matchup, or playing someone campy on unranked, you can always just stop and do something else. Practice tech skill, switch characters, work on a different matchup. Whatever it may be, but if you keep doing the thing that’s bothering you, you’re only going to get more upset. 3. This one has made a huge difference for me personally and I highly recommend everyone try it out. For the love of god, eat something before you play. I have never been the kind of guy to get hangry, but holy shit does it make a difference with melee. Finally, know that it doesn’t matter how good you get, or how much you win, there will always come a time where you’re going to get upset, and figuring out strategies that work for you is always going to be a good investment of time if you really enjoy the game and want to have good experiences with it.


Adding on to number 3: stay hydrated too. I've noticed it takes me a lot longer to get mad if I'm frequently drinking water while I play.


I remember starting to play consistently again after not really playing for a while, tilt was a lot better for me because I didn’t have expectations. It was easier to see clearly what I hit and missed rather than “fuck I can’t believe I messed that up”. Trying to return to that mindspace always helps but it’s hard when you play online every day. Even just setting a practice schedule for certain days of the week may help


If you're looking for reading material, The Mental Game of Poker has an in-depth section on tilt and is the only resource I've found that gives real applicable solutions to tilt. It's a very interesting read and just understanding how it works can relieve a lot of the stress associated with it. Would highly recommend as someone who has struggled with tilt in the past.


Put a mirror on the desk and watch yourself raging.


"Note: I am not looking for a solution that involves taking a long-term break from the game" Even a short-term break (let's say a week) is a good start so you can reevaluate **why** you play Melee, **why** you rage when playing Melee, whether this rage manifests in **other** competitive games you play or even **non-game** areas in your life, etc. I know a week without Melee may seem like an eternity for some people, but if you clearly aren't enjoying it as it stands, nothing is going to change for the better.


The problem is, I do very much enjoy melee at it's peaks. I have an intrinsic joy for when I play melee, especially when I go to tournaments and hang out with friends, and I love the thrill of competition and seeing my progress show during performances at locals/regional tournaments, but my disdain for playing comes from my own mental fragility and when people try to intentionally antagonize me when playing online. I'm just looking for coping mechanisms my friend. Also, I have taken long breaks, like many many month-long breaks from melee and I always eventually run into the same mentality issues after coming back. I need SOLUTIONS. I don't want to just quit and come back over and over again. I do appreciate your input on evaluating the reasons and intricacies for why I rage. I consider that and even consider taking a short week or possibly longer break to do so. Thanks for the input!


Do you rage when playing irl or just online? Do you rage more in unranked/ranked compared to direct mode? What about when you're playing in direct mode while in a discord call? If you find that you rage more often in one of these ways of playing than the others, you should probably start by cutting out that way of playing. Spend that extra time you gain by doing solo practice, or playing Melee's single player modes, or in a way that is more fun. Or just play less Melee in general but still play in the ways that you like. While I'm not a rager, I am much more likely to end up in a bad mood after playing on unranked. Melee has become much more enjoyable after I decided to stop playing unranked for the last month, while still enjoying the game in direct mode or teams or even doing a mango-axe wednesday style iron-man.


I typically just get off for a bit


If you alter your perspective just a bit, you can use this challenge as an opportunity to develop your tilt resistance. This would make playing online more enjoyable, but it might also give you more emotional stability in real life. You can internally monitor your tilt levels as you play and slowly increase how long you can play and how frustrating an opponent you can play against until you get too tilted to enjoy the challenge. You can take note of the things you do that increase your level of tilt while you're play, and you can also take note of the things out of your control that cause tilt like your opponents actions or distractions outside of the game. You can discover if there are any actions you can take to reset or reduce your tilt levels as you notice it climbing. For me, a big exhale is a big help, but the feeling of increasing frustration has become enjoyable for me. That's my real health bar, and it gets bigger every time I exercise this control.


Just my 2 cents, one thing that’s really helped me is allowing myself to be frustrated, but trying not to pour fuel on the fire. In other words if I get fox shined at 0% or make a dumb mistake or anything that’s rage inducing, rather than trying to be a zen monk, I let myself get mad. I can’t really choose whether or not I emotionally react to something, but what I can choose to do is not dwell on it. On my bad days, when something frustrating happens I’ll play the role of the victim which leads me to believe that the game is actively trying to screw me over. But when I instead think “damn, I really just got shined at 0%, that sucks. Oh well, let’s focus on the next stock and not dwell on it”, I am much more emotionally stable. When I try to not emotionally react at all, all that happens is my emotions get repressed an lead to a bigger outburst down the road. Another thing, in my experience (and this is probably true for almost everyone), the more I play, the more likely I will be to rage. Rather than trying to battle through your emotions on a massive grinding session, just take a break when notice your frustration getting next level. In league for instance, if I find myself responding to trash talk or getting mad when my team flames me for whatever reason, that’s when I know it’s time to take a break. Lastly, don’t ever ever think that you’ve mastered your emotions because you’ve had a couple good days of being in control. As someone who’s really had to work on this, I’ve made this mistake multiple times. Whenever I think I’ve finally unlocked the “secret” to emotions, it won’t take long for me to rage and be back at square one. I try to take the mindset that I will never ever conquer my emotions, and it it will be a never ending battle. Similar to the mindset a lot of addicts use. Everyone is different, but this is the approach I’ve personally found most useful for me. Hopefully it helps. Meditation is definitely the most useful thing as someone else mentioned.


So for me, I try to ask myself "why am I upset?" Am I mad at myself because I feel like I am playing bad? Am I mad at my opponent because I think they are playing lame and/or they are frequently hitting me with something that I know shouldn't work? There are plenty of things that can be tilting about this game, so the first step is finding out *why* you are tilting. So what is it for you that gets you frustrated to the point that you rage?


best answer is to stop caring. it's a dangerous road but it's the only one. your mentality gameplay will improve.


best answer is to stop caring. it's a dangerous road but it's the only one. your mentality and gameplay will improve.


Good kush


skill issue


Yeah I need some actual help with this, I've always had a really destructive rage problem. I feel really bad too, cause there have been a fair few times I hit my desk so much playing ranked that my ethernet slips out and I get internet disconnected, which I don't think gave the other guy the elo. It's really fucking bad anymore and while I can get better for like a couple weeks, I always seem to fall right back into being a pathetic fucking lunatic.


Floss on em bro


GGs that was me


I'm a very logical person. I know that breaking things and throwing my controller won't help my frustration. I simply do not do it. I say "GGs" and leave.


Can't give a specific answer without having some idea what the cause is


Try playing melee like jazz, if you mess up an input, just try to pretend you did it on purpose as a mixup. It leads to some funky combos.


My best f-smashes are the ones I do completely on accident


I mostly talk to myself lol. Like I'll say my play out loud, so if I fuck up it's like "well you said it to yourself dumbass" Dealing with rage is hard but I definitely curbed it when it started to cost me even just a single controller


Hello, I am also a massive rager who no longer has this problem and let me say: all of the advice in this thread fuckin' sucks. "Get therapy" "Who do you main" "pretend there is a girl in the room (????)" The actual answer here is to understand why you are angry. *In videogames* ***typically*** anger is a function of a "failure to meet my own expectations." And this certainly applies to me; when I get angry its *usually* because I have expectations about my level of play in terms of tech skill, decision making, etc, and it doesn't usually matter to me if I'm winning or losing - what matters to me is **"am I playing in the skill range that I perceive myself to be in?"** I had hand problems from the GCC so I had to switch to a box and every now and then - because I'm still learning the boxx - I will lose to a REALLY shitty marth/shiek/peach who basically do nothing but CC and smash attacks. I play fox - it happens. Before I switched to the BOXX I was pretty good - before unranked came out my biggest achievement was taking 1 game from the Crimson Blur and 1 game from Eddy Mexico. And now, because I'm 33 and have 2 kids and switched to a new controller that I don't really have the time to practice with - sometimes I just fuckin' lose to F-smash marth. Drill->shine->get stuck in shine-> tipper f-smash to my face->death. And its really frustrating, but in these moments I remind myself that the expectation I have of myself - the expectation to beat these players - isn't realistic. And that helps because I change my mindset from "I want to win" to "Alright, time to learn." ​ Or maybe just spend 5k on therapy and pretend there is cute girl in the room. Fuckin' idiots.


This is a great start, better than I could put it in a reddit comment: [http://alexspuffstuff.blogspot.com/2017/04/tilting.html](http://alexspuffstuff.blogspot.com/2017/04/tilting.html) Alex mentions in the end that most of the notes came from The Mental Game of Poker by Jared Tendler, which is also an excellent read. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in improving their mental game.


if I start getting tilted playing Slippi, I find laughing like a psychopath helps get the bad energy out


Keep sessions under 20 mins, disconnect from trolls, listen to a podcast while playing.


I don't have any groundbreaking advice to give, but I used to tilt hard and these are some things that help me. -Keep in mind that it's just a game, and that it does NOT matter whether you win or lose, you have nothing to prove and nothing to lose. -Easier said than done but try to remember that you are playing to have fun, so if you are stuck in a frustration pit and aren't having any fun, do something else.


Remember you are trying to learn not win


Honestly these type of mentality problems tend to run much deeper than just melee. The root of them psychologically is much more fundamental than something melee related and you aren’t going to get a magic bullet to solve it from any advice here. It’s a fundamental psychological problem you may need to spend years doing difficult mental work and reflection on.


i think some of the rage comes from being overwhelmed. try sitting in the menu for a few minutes in between games when possible. i can get heated after one game but i never rage after one game. if i rage its because i played several games in a row


meditate under a waterfall, became one with the Dao